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Discussion Am I a volcel if...



autismcel, deafcel. Can you top that?
Oct 4, 2019
I don't want to change my complete hermet Lifestyle and "improve" myself just to have the chance to get a foid after a couple 100 tries? Which wouldn't be virgin nor above 5/10?

...If I don't force myself out of my comfort zone and become a people ( though I hate most people as they are apes) person just to have a chance to get a used foid someday?

Am I volcel then?
Pretty much.
In all of history it is expected for the male to chase the female and ultimately woo her.
We dont need a laundry list to know who is and isnt volcel. All we need to know is how good their bones are (face + height), race, and NT. After that, we can know who is and isnt volcel
yes you volcel
I don't know. Yes. No. Who cares?. You are still in the same place as we are.
no I am the same way

Why even try to get a foid when you know that you will never get looksmatch or better while Chad can pull in a harem of foids
Not in my eyes. I’ve been rejected countless times, and I’m not shaping myself any further to “enhance” my non-existent chad genes, plus with perpetual rejection, it cripples your confidence to a great extent (well It did for me)
no I am the same way

Why even try to get a foid when you know that you will never get looksmatch or better while Chad can pull in a harem of foids
We cant even get several points below our looksmatch. They are all banging chad. Even literal 0/10 deformed (facially and physically) foids would reject us.
We cant even get several points below our looksmatch. They are all banging chad. Even literal 0/10 deformed (facially and physically) foids would reject us.

There is literally no point in trying

JFL at this point the only volcels there are possibly Chadlites, Chads, or foids

All incels(sub7 if ethnic, sub6 if white) are not volcels at all if they choose not to participate in the rigged dating market anyways
Yes , But I get your point

There is literally no point in trying

JFL at this point the only volcels there are possibly Chadlites, Chads, or foids

All incels(sub7 if ethnic, sub6 if white) are not volcels at all if they choose not to participate in the rigged dating market anyways
FINALLY someone else gets it. I'm sick of people saying "if you dont put in an absurd amount of effort and wont fuck obese whales youre volcel bro" "If you arent deformed youre volcel bro!!!"
Yes, but you are still incel in my opinion. It's not your fault that you can't just go and get cute foids
We cant even get several points below our looksmatch. They are all banging chad. Even literal 0/10 deformed (facially and physically) foids would reject us.
Based ngl
Is honor to be volcel
You have to everythingmaxx before you can teuly say its over. So yes you are volcel by definition.
If you're actually a deaf autist you're probably not volcel, but that is a volcel attitude.
If you're actually a deaf autist you're probably not volcel, but that is a volcel attitude.
I know. But most incels have a volcel attitude if you look at it this way. No incel tries to speak to every woman he meets. Many speak to literally 0 because of bitterness and rejection.
Pretty much.
In all of history it is expected for the male to chase the female and ultimately woo her.
It fucking sucks i hate toxic femininity, it makes me feel sick.
You are Volcel if you don't try
Same. I'm fairly convinced I could ascend if I were desperate enough.
Depends on your looks and age. If young and gl, yes.
If you think like that then we all are volcels except the truest trucels, because ANYONE can get laid if they try hard enough and aim for extremely ugly foids. It's on you to decide if it's worth putting that much effort into pussy, that will eventually cheat on you. I for myself say no, it's not worth at all. Does that make me a volcel? Probably. But we are still in the same boat and it doesn't change the blackpill or foids.
I can try 100000000000000000000000x times more than the average normie and I wont even be able to hold hands with the deformed girl from school
Yes by definition if you choose not to try you're voluntarily celibate.
We dont need a laundry list to know who is and isnt volcel. All we need to know is how good their bones are (face + height), race, and NT. After that, we can know who is and isnt volcel
This is accurate. If you have to put in superhuman amounts of effort just to get a date, you're probably genetic shit in the first place. There is absolutely no shortage of fat, poor, dirty, stupid, boring men who have no problem getting dates or sex because they have the right bones. If you lack the genes, the return you get on your investment will never measure up.

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