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Serious Am I A Real Incel If I Had Girls Attracted To Me In HS?



Dec 21, 2017
First of all, I'm not here to brag I'm just trying to know where I stand. I had at least 2 girls I know for a fact had a crush on me that went to my HS and also another one that I was talking to online. I did not pursue any of these girls but nonetheless I definitely could have dated at least one of them if I wanted to. This was around 8-9 years ago in a time before Tinder and Instagram. Since then I have had absolutely no interest from women and my looks have also declined. Are there any other incels here who could have dated at one point but now are living completely incel? Is there any hope for me or have I missed the boat completely?
How do you know they had a crush on you if you never pursued them?
The girl online invited me to her house but I didn't go
Well by all means, you could be an incel but you are not a truecel. You are either a failed normie or an average guy with severe autism.
I cannot believe that so many people on this site had at least some form of attention from girls
Well by all means, you could be an incel but you are not a truecel. You are either a failed normie or an average guy with severe autism.
I was never a normie nor do I have autism. It may have to do with a combination of me being better looking in HS and also it is easier to get girls in HS.
I cannot believe that so many people on this site had at least some form of attention from girls
It must be harder for guys in high school nowadays
I was never a normie nor do I have autism. It may have to do with a combination of me being better looking in HS and also it is easier to get girls in HS.

It must be harder for guys in high school nowadays

PM your pic.
I cannot believe that so many people on this site had at least some form of attention from girls
Do not worry man they avoid me in public JFL, negative attention is worse than zero attention.
I'm almost certain 2 girls liked me one in grade 7-11 and the other in grade 9.I was too much of an autist to know for sure.
Do not worry man they avoid me in public JFL, negative attention is worse than zero attention.

We might be the only truecels on this site, I mean I know I may not look the part but it doesn't matter, I am a literal phantom to girls irl. They never ever notice me or even look at me. Only men even notice my presence. this shit is rigged.
I've had nobody like me. FFS I'm starting to think 80% of the users here are just edgy trolls trying to mock ACTUAL lonely people and laugh in their chairs while clapping like fucking seals. Fuck off and die.
We might be the only truecels on this site, I mean I know I may not look the part but it doesn't matter, I am a literal phantom to girls irl. They never ever notice me or even look at me. Only men even notice my presence. this shit is rigged.
It sucks man. I do not know what is worse, being a truecel and getting avoided or being good looking yet getting nothing. Maybe it is the same thing but on another level. I am sure you would do great on Grindr, KEK.
It sucks man. I do not know what is worse, being a truecel and getting avoided or being good looking yet getting nothing. Maybe it is the same thing but on another level. I am sure you would do great on Grindr, KEK.

nah, being a truecel is much worse. no one actually treats me bad, yet you might be treated bad just because of your appearance. fuck this world.
I've had nobody like me. FFS I'm starting to think 80% of the users here are just edgy trolls trying to mock ACTUAL lonely people and laugh in their chairs while clapping like fucking seals. Fuck off and die.

Yeah, starting to think that as well. jfl at all these fakecels
We might be the only truecels on this site, I mean I know I may not look the part but it doesn't matter, I am a literal phantom to girls irl. They never ever notice me or even look at me. Only men even notice my presence. this shit is rigged.

That sounds like you’re not TOO ugly. Not to make this a pissing contest but myself and other guys have been subject to fauxflirting. Being toyed with means you’re notably ugly from what I’ve seen. Invisibility sucks but it honestly sounds like heaven to me compared to my daily ordeal.
nah, being a truecel is much worse. no one actually treats me bad, yet you might be treated bad just because of your appearance. fuck this world.
This world sucks. I wish Kim would just nuke this place. I have been treated badly by girls, I am sure you remember my ethnic cashier thread. If not, in short the ethnic female cashier was all chatty with two tall above-average white guys right in front of me in the queue while she pretty much treated me like shit when it was my turn. No eyecontact, not saying hi, just scanning the items, telling me the price and asked if I wanted a receipt. And yet I am still a cuck because I said No thanks.. JFL. Anyway are you sure you are actually invisible to women? Have you not caught them looking at you?
It sucks man. I do not know what is worse, being a truecel and getting avoided or being good looking yet getting nothing. Maybe it is the same thing but on another level. I am sure you would do great on Grindr, KEK.
That guy is not a truecel he posted his pic on ratings megathread he is a 5/10 white guy
That guy is not a truecel he posted his pic on ratings megathread he is a 5/10 white guy
Yeah I know he is far from being actually ugly, I have seen him, he is an Orb-lite.
This world sucks. I wish Kim would just nuke this place. I have been treated badly by girls, I am sure you remember my ethnic cashier thread. If not, in short the ethnic female cashier was all chatty with two tall above-average white guys right in front of me in the queue while she pretty much treated me like shit when it was my turn. No eyecontact, not saying hi, just scanning the items, telling me the price and asked if I wanted a receipt. And yet I am still a cuck because I said No thanks.. JFL. Anyway are you sure you are actually invisible to women? Have you not caught them looking at you?

.maybe i just don't notice it? it's EXTREMELY weird because i get complimented all the time on how i look but it doesn't actually translate to anything ever.

idk man, this is making my brain hurt lol. but in any case you have it much worse than me. i could never wrap around my head just how much looks determine your life, it's scary. you're a fucking cool guy with a nice, NT personality yet get treated like that. JFL.
.maybe i just don't notice it? it's EXTREMELY weird because i get complimented all the time on how i look but it doesn't actually translate to anything ever.

idk man, this is making my brain hurt lol. but in any case you have it much worse than me. i could never wrap around my head just how much looks determine your life, it's scary. you're a fucking cool guy with a nice, NT personality yet get treated like that. JFL.
Who compliments you? Are you talking about women? Or men who say you look good but your experiences with women do not reflect those compliments? I never get any compliments for Obvious reasons, JFL. Thank you so much for the nice words brother, I appreciate it. KEK, it is exactly the reason why I hold myself back IRL nowadays and just show the real me to people who deserve it. I am not gonna entertain people even though I could win them over easily if I wanted to, but people who are not worth it, are not seeing that side of me, kek.
I've had nobody like me. FFS I'm starting to think 80% of the users here are just edgy trolls trying to mock ACTUAL lonely people and laugh in their chairs while clapping like fucking seals. Fuck off and die.

We need @TheVman back to out these fakecels.

OP reported for humblebragging
Too many fakecels on this forum
3/10 is not truecel status, kek. Just incel. (Referring to your user title).

3/10 is not truecel status, kek. Just incel. (Referring to your user title).


Helemaal niet, jij kan niet raten gozert, jij bent te lief.
Andere mensen hebben mij een 3 gegeven.
Also jij bent bluepilled af in regards to race and height.
Only if you look singificantly worse now or if you have autism
Who compliments you? Are you talking about women? Or men who say you look good but your experiences with women do not reflect those compliments? I never get any compliments for Obvious reasons, JFL. Thank you so much for the nice words brother, I appreciate it. KEK, it is exactly the reason why I hold myself back IRL nowadays and just show the real me to people who deserve it. I am not gonna entertain people even though I could win them over easily if I wanted to, but people who are not worth it, are not seeing that side of me, kek.

all the time by normie males and females, especially female friends of my family members. yet, nothing happens.

i think i don't belong here, i'm just a volcel faggot. like i said, i have never approached or done anything. i feel sorry even intruding upon the presence of truecels who have it much harder than me. there's guys here who have like 100+ approaches and nothing, they deserve a girl much more than me. and no problem, bro. if anything, you fucking deserve a girl if the "personality" meme were to be true
Helemaal niet, jij kan niet raten gozert, jij bent te lief.
Andere mensen hebben mij een 3 gegeven.
Also jij bent bluepilled af in regards to race and height.
Je laat je raten door mensen die niet-blanken expres een lager cijfer geven, ik ben echt niet te lief, kek. Ik ben niet bluepilled als het om race gaat, heb de racepil al geslikt, maar de heightpil bestaat niet voor mij, heb het zien vernietigd worden 7 jaar terug.
all the time by normie males and females, especially female friends of my family members. yet, nothing happens.

i think i don't belong here, i'm just a volcel faggot. like i said, i have never approached or done anything. i feel sorry even intruding upon the presence of truecels who have it much harder than me. there's guys here who have like 100+ approaches and nothing, they deserve a girl much more than me. and no problem, bro. if anything, you fucking deserve a girl if the "personality" meme were to be true

I think nothing happens in your case because you expect the girls to come to you. In a way you confirm this by saying you never approached or done anything, but keep in mind that most normies get a relationship through their social circle, they do not really cold approach people. I absolutely welcome you here considering you do not claim to be ugly when you are not, unlike 99% of people here. AWW thank you brother, JFL I have been asked frequently by online female friends why I do not have a girlfriend, giga kek if they only saw my truecel nose, they would know.
Je laat je raten door mensen die niet-blanken expres een lager cijfer geven, ik ben echt niet te lief, kek. Ik ben niet bluepilled als het om race gaat, heb de racepil al geslikt, maar de heightpil bestaat niet voor mij, heb het zien vernietigd worden 7 jaar terug.

Die mensen die niet-blanken lower raten zijn probably blank. Dus dan weet ik waar ik sta in de Nederlandse samenleving.
Dat is de true rating die geldt.
Die mensen die niet-blanken lower raten zijn probably blank. Dus dan weet ik waar ik sta in de Nederlandse samenleving.
Dat is de true rating die geldt.
Nee dat zijn Amerikaanse racisten haha, er is wel een verschil hoor, de Nederlanders zouden je een 5/6 geven ofzo. Geloof me die ratings die jij krijgt, kloppen niet. Wie hebben jou allemaal gerated?
Nee dat zijn Amerikaanse racisten haha, er is wel een verschil hoor, de Nederlanders zouden je een 5/6 geven ofzo. Geloof me die ratings die jij krijgt, kloppen niet. Wie hebben jou allemaal gerated?


Now just FaceAndLMS and i truecel mog most of you kek.
Super fakecel, have never had a girl be my friend because they were all disgusted by me.

go away chad

Now just FaceAndLMS and i truecel mog most of you kek.
Heb je Incel_dikshit gezien? Wat voor cijfer geef je hem?

I think I truecel mog everyone here with my nose.
Heb je Incel_dikshit gezien? Wat voor cijfer geef je hem?

I think I truecel mog everyone here with my nose.

Die fker heeft mij zn pic nog niet gestuurd.
Net als jij kek.

Super fakecel, have never had a girl be my friend because they were all disgusted by me.

go away chad

Report him for humblebragging.
Lol it doesnt mean shit. Had it to many times and still incel
Die fker heeft mij zn pic nog niet gestuurd.
Net als jij kek.

Report him for humblebragging.

Kdoe maby maar ik durf eig niet eerlikk gezegd. Zal miss straks sturen. Maar jij mogged my kk hard mann en stel jij ziet my op straat ofzo zou kk awkward zijn. Ik laat alleen mensen my raten waarvan ik 100% zkr weet dat ze uit amerika of engeland komen. Zoals faceandlms. Maarr iedergeval ethnics worden over het algemeen wel lager gerate.
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Stuur in die convo, dan kan ik kijken of ik je meet volgende keer als je in zuid bent, kek.

Kek je krijgt mijn nosso foto nog.

Okeee ik stuur mijn picca als jik ook stuurt... gwn private. Dan stuur ik zowel cynistic als naar jou deal? Hahaha tfoee jullie gaan my kk hard uitlachten kk zooi
Okeee ik stuur mijn picca als jik ook stuurt... gwn private. Dan stuur ik zowel cynistic als naar jou deal? Hahaha tfoee jullie gaan my kk hard uitlachten kk zooi
Ohjaaaa en rule number one geen dox
Okeee ik stuur mijn picca als jik ook stuurt... gwn private. Dan stuur ik zowel cynistic als naar jou deal? Hahaha tfoee jullie gaan my kk hard uitlachten kk zooi
Ik ben niet bereid om mijn hele gezicht te sturen, wel m'n gare neus. Dat durf ik niet en je gaat mij kk hard moggen net als @Cynistic giga kek. Met @Cynistic zou ik sowieso niet meeten 1 op 1.
Ik ben niet bereid om mijn hele gezicht te sturen, wel m'n gare neus. Dat durf ik niet en je gaat mij kk hard moggen net als @Cynistic giga kek. Met @Cynistic zou ik sowieso niet meeten 1 op 1.

Zie ik er zo gevaarlijk uit dan?
Ben geen terrorist hoor kek.
JFL zelfs curries haten op arabieren GEGE.
Zie ik er zo gevaarlijk uit dan?
Ben geen terrorist hoor kek.
JFL zelfs curries haten op arabieren GEGE.
Nee, omdat je knapper dan mij bent haha ik word kk hard gemogt door je.

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