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RageFuel Almost punched my sister's face today

  • Thread starter Deleted member 7573
  • Start date
Look man, I understand you. I have a sister, and she's one of the few persons who does things for me without any benefit for her.
I also saw your thread. Please take the following as advice, since I have nothing against you, and understand how it feels to be betrayed:

1. You have 9000+ posts here. By now you should already now how NATURE works, and why women do what they do. This alone already tells me you are either low IQ, or very emotionally driven (which is pretty bad).
2. I don't know how old are you, but I assume you are young. I know it feels amazing to have someone you can tell your problems to, but you can't expect anything from anyone.
3. During the argument, you "said too much". So why are you surprised she responded in a bad manner?
4. What she said ISN'T EVEN BAD. I don't know what's your rating, but if you are a blackpilled incel SHE'S BEING HONEST WITH YOU. You can't blame her for being ugly. Blame nature.

My conclusion is that you are just going through a hard time, and getting emotional. But think about it twice before you stab someone to death. Just my 2 cents, wish you luck.
  1. Yeah I'm low IQ and emotional, thanks. I know how nature works but she always acted like she could relate and had conservative values.
  2. I'm not young.
  3. Because I talked about personal things in the past and never got a response like this. I said too much by basically admitting tfw no gf.
  4. Nature apologists like yourself are low IQ faggots, just kill yourself. She was not honest at all. She insisted looks and status don't matter and it's all about personality. She thinks I should focus on work and everything will fall into place, that I should look forward to providing for some 40 year old roastie single mother and live happily ever while she fucks Chad on the side. That shit is pure ragefuel
  5. Also I don't think I'm necessarily "ugly" based on my life experiences
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  1. Yeah I'm low IQ and emotional, thanks. I know how nature works but she always acted like she could relate and had conservative values.
  2. I'm not young.
  3. Because I talked about personal things in the past and never got a response like this. I said too much by basically admitting tfw no gf.
  4. Nature apologists like yourself are low IQ faggots, just kill yourself. She was not honest at all. She insisted looks and status don't matter and it's all about personality. She thinks I should focus on work and everything will fall into place, that I should look forward to providing for a some 40 year old roastie single mother and live happily ever while she fucks Chad on the side. That shit is pure ragefuel
  5. Also I don't think I'm necessarily "ugly" based on my life experiences

Ok man, I'm a nature apologist low IQ faggot. Wanted to keep exchanging experiences with you, but you just insulted for no reason. As I said, you are way to emotional to look at things from an objective angle. I wish you luck in life.
Ok man, I'm a nature apologist low IQ faggot. Wanted to keep exchanging experiences with you, but you just insulted for no reason. As I said, you are way to emotional to look at things from an objective angle. I wish you luck in life.
JFL, you called me low IQ and emotional in the first sentence, dumbass. You can fuck off and die.
JFL, you called me low IQ and emotional in the first sentence, dumbass. You can fuck off and die.

Those aren't insults. You are way too emotional. Let's leave it there, have a good day.
She thinks I should focus on work and everything will fall into place, that I should look forward to providing for some 40 year old roastie single mother and live happily ever while she fucks Chad on the side. That shit is pure ragefuel
:feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree: WHY THE FUCK FEMALES THINK THIS IS ACCEPTABLE???
Aye buddy don't take it too close to heart. My parents and my sisters make fun of me like that all the time. They just don't get how difficult it ia for men nowadays to actually manage to get a girl. Just pretend nothing happened and move on. Don't let this shit ruin your day. I can tell this whole community already has a huge burden on their shoulders as it is.
Those aren't insults. You are way too emotional. Let's leave it there, have a good day.
ok so I didn't insult you either then. Kill yourself and livestream it.
Aye buddy don't take it too close to heart. My parents and my sisters make fun of me like that all the time. They just don't get how difficult it ia for men nowadays to actually manage to get a girl. Just pretend nothing happened and move on. Don't let this shit ruin your day. I can tell this whole community already has a huge burden on their shoulders as it is.
In the old days I would let it pass, but it is getting more and more difficult, she knows the humiliations I passed when I was younger, she knows what females of my class have done to me, every day new humiliations happen, at university, at work, at streets, they do not stop, someday I will not be able to contain myself even if it's someone in my family.
ok so I didn't insult you either then. Kill yourself and livestream it.
I considered "faggot" and "kill yourself" insults, in your main response post. But I'm a dumbass and that's why I think "low IQ" and "emotional" are insults. Was actually trying to help in an objective manner, but if you feel butthurt over that I can't do much. However, I don't wish you death. Good luck.
In the old days I would let it pass, but it is getting more and more difficult, she knows the humiliations I passed when I was younger, she knows what females of my class have done to me, every day new humiliations happen, at university, at work, at streets, they do not stop, someday I will not be able to contain myself even if it's someone in my family.
Man, that must be so shitty. She knows what you've gone through and still puts you down like that. Hope you always contain yourself, for your own good, because if you hit a woman you know what society does to you. Good luck.
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I found out my sister dated multiple guys in high school and it's destroying me. I wish her all the misfortune in the world

Lulz, that's nothing. When my parents extended the house my sister got their old bedroom which had a double bed in it because "she would get more use out of it". She was only 18 and I was 20 at the time...
Aye buddy don't take it too close to heart. My parents and my sisters make fun of me like that all the time. They just don't get how difficult it ia for men nowadays to actually manage to get a girl. Just pretend nothing happened and move on. Don't let this shit ruin your day. I can tell this whole community already has a huge burden on their shoulders as it is.
In the old days I would let it pass, but it is getting more and more difficult, she knows the humiliations I passed when I was younger, she knows what females of my class have done to me, every day new humiliations happen, at university, at work, at streets, they do not stop, someday I will not be able to contain myself even if it's someone in my family.

Fuck man. That's just bad. I am exact same age as you (21). My sisters are 7 years younger but they do show me how many guys slide into their DMs on IG just to piss me off. I totally feel you. If you wanna talk I am down to do it on PM.
Cuck, you should have done it. There would have been no legal repercussion
You're 21, and you've locked yourself in your room because your sister was picking on you? Wow.
You're 21, and you've locked yourself in your room because your sister was picking on you? Wow.

it's not like somebody cared, I came to my room browse the forum, I did some college work, I watched some videos on youtube and now I'm going to masturbate, nobody gave a shit, my sisters were all with their high tier normie boyfriends while saying this kind of shit, I was not going to give it a chance to be their entertainment freak again.
I wouldn't mind being a virgin if people didn't give me shit about it.
Lol a while back my sister and I had a huge fight where I ended up punching her and had to leave the house for about a week.

I haven't spoken to her since. Been almost 8 months now but tbh I'm kind of glad I don't have to speak to her.
don't take it to heart
Cuck, you should have done it. There would have been no legal repercussion
high iq, op should kill that dumb whore, family or not
She sounds like a thot
older. She was one of the few women I respected, I can't describe how much this hurts. This is a blackpill overdose
I know the feeling, when the one girl you thought had morals is just depraved scum like everyone else. Realizing ALL girls are the same with NO exception has truly extinguished my will to live.
Ok man, I'm a nature apologist low IQ faggot. Wanted to keep exchanging experiences with you, but you just insulted for no reason. As I said, you are way to emotional to look at things from an objective angle. I wish you luck in life.
Nauture is nature and foids happen to have a nature where they are shallow and evil beings who will never love a sub 7 man, no one can apologize for that they can olny accept the truth and if they want then they can decide to betabux if they want to get a wife so bad they are willing to be cucks.
Holy fuck dude
I also hate my sister. I wish she would die.
  1. Yeah I'm low IQ and emotional, thanks. I know how nature works but she always acted like she could relate and had conservative values.
  2. I'm not young.
  3. Because I talked about personal things in the past and never got a response like this. I said too much by basically admitting tfw no gf.
  4. Nature apologists like yourself are low IQ faggots, just kill yourself. She was not honest at all. She insisted looks and status don't matter and it's all about personality. She thinks I should focus on work and everything will fall into place, that I should look forward to providing for some 40 year old roastie single mother and live happily ever while she fucks Chad on the side. That shit is pure ragefuel
  5. Also I don't think I'm necessarily "ugly" based on my life experiences
You just added validity to my theory that if incels go the choice, they would happily be cucks.
Like you said, you thought she was different, you thought she wasn’t like all the other women.
Same with a women if she gave you a bit of attention, you would think she is different than the rest, that she is unique and actually wants something serious.
It’s not going to happen, no point being here with 9k posts and thinking your sister is an exception, because she isn’t, stop being Low IQ and stop being in denial.
if you didnt believe AWALT you were never blackpilled
Fuck her shit up
My mom asked her to pick up the dishes to put on the table so people could get served, she got 8 dishes and my other sister said but we are in 7, so she said "Well if Jeff could have a girlfriend it would be right", I just looked at her with a seriously face and she was staring with that TeeHee face, I almost punch her, if that happens again I do not know if I can control myself, fucking bitch why she said this out of nowhere, my day is ruined and I'm locked in my room now.

What type of beta are you? You punched her without destroying her nose or breaking her chin?
jizz in her skin creams and steal her panties.

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