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Blackpill Almost all disney films are about Chad, Stacey and Sex



Jan 31, 2023

Aladdin is literally about 2 16 year olds discovering attraction and sex for the first time. You think the song "a whole new world" is about something as boring as exploring the world? That entire song is about fucking sex. A Chad and a Stacey realize that they are sexually mature now and an ocean of adventures lies in front of them.


Tarzan is about a stacey archeologist meeting a muscular Chad in the jungle and "taming" him


Beast is a 7 feet tall, scary looking Chad who owns a fucking castle. Of course he will get a beauty and not a beckie.


Ariele is a 16 year old girl who fantasizes about the human world and even undergoes a crazy spell to become a human and experience sex with a Chad. She literally has to go get a kiss for the spell to be permanent. This tells you everything.

It's all very very clear what all these movies are about if you look below the surface.

It's absolute suifuel if you see this pattern in almost all disney and other works. It is always a story about Chad and Stacey. Stacey and Chad. Everyone is fucking obsessed with them. The entire world revolves around them.
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What about hunchback of notre dame
The hunchback of Notredame is about a subhuman who falls in love with stacy only for her to fall in love with chad. But he still rescues her like a cuck.

Aladdin is literally about 2 16 year olds discovering attraction and sex for the first time. You think the song "a whole new world" is about something as boring as exploring the world? That entire song is about fucking sex. A Chad and a Stacey realize that they are sexually mature now and an ocean of adventures lies in front of them.


Tarzan is about a stacey archeologist meeting a muscular Chad in the jungle and "taming" him

View attachment 1402026
Beast is a 7 feet tall, scary looking Chad who owns a fucking castle. Of course he will get a beauty and not a beckie.


Ariele is a 16 year old girl who fantasizes about the human world and even undergoes a crazy spell to become a human and experience sex with a Chad. She literally has to go get a kiss for the spell to be permanent. This tells you everything.

It's all very very clear what all these movies are about if you look below the surface.

It's absolute suifuel if you see this pattern in almost all disney and other works. It is always a story about Chad and Stacey. Stacey and Chad. Everyone is fucking obsessed with them. The entire world revolves around them.
Disney movies used to be propaganda for sluts, but now it's propaganda for feminist girlbosses
Disney movies used to be propaganda for sluts, but now it's propaganda for feminist girlbosses
It went from "you deserve Chad"
To "you deserve Chad and can boss him around and insult him while being ethnic "

Ariele is a 16 year old girl who fantasizes about the human world and even undergoes a crazy spell to become a human and experience sex with a Chad. She literally has to go get a kiss for the spell to be permanent. This tells you everything.

It's all very very clear what all these movies are about if you look below the surface.

It's absolute suifuel if you see this pattern in almost all disney and other works. It is always a story about Chad and Stacey. Stacey and Chad. Everyone is fucking obsessed with them. The entire world revolves around them.
Ariel enables tranny mindsets-- IF I JUST HAD LEGS CHAD WOULD FUCK ME.

You know what ariel, Eric would probably love to fuck your mouth, even if you didn't have legs bitch
Wish disney chose me as a kid so i can grow up set up for life like these oxygen waste degenerates they made celebs.

Miley cyrus, zendaya, jaden smith, ect..
Wish disney chose me as a kid so i can grow up set up for life like these oxygen waste degenerates they made celebs.

Miley cyrus, zendaya, jaden smith, ect..
Wish disney chose me as a kid so i can grow up set up for life like these oxygen waste degenerates they made celebs.
So you want to become an MKUltra slave who gets shat upon by saudi billionaires to make money. Got it.

Aladdin is literally about 2 16 year olds discovering attraction and sex for the first time. You think the song "a whole new world" is about something as boring as exploring the world? That entire song is about fucking sex. A Chad and a Stacey realize that they are sexually mature now and an ocean of adventures lies in front of them.


Tarzan is about a stacey archeologist meeting a muscular Chad in the jungle and "taming" him

View attachment 1402026
Beast is a 7 feet tall, scary looking Chad who owns a fucking castle. Of course he will get a beauty and not a beckie.


Ariele is a 16 year old girl who fantasizes about the human world and even undergoes a crazy spell to become a human and experience sex with a Chad. She literally has to go get a kiss for the spell to be permanent. This tells you everything.

It's all very very clear what all these movies are about if you look below the surface.

It's absolute suifuel if you see this pattern in almost all disney and other works. It is always a story about Chad and Stacey. Stacey and Chad. Everyone is fucking obsessed with them. The entire world revolves around them.
The last 3 are also basically allegories for interracial sex. Only Alladin and Jasmine are truly the same race
The hunchback of Notredame is about a subhuman who falls in love with stacy only for her to fall in love with chad. But he still rescues her like a cuck.
so fucking broooooooooootal. Don't forget Esmeralda is a brown gypsy pajeeta while Phoebus is a blonde aryan racist Frenchman who's a whole head taller than her. and he even hates gypsies in general lmao!

Wish disney chose me as a kid so i can grow up set up for life like these oxygen waste degenerates they made celebs.

Miley cyrus, zendaya, jaden smith, ect..
all those poor fucks get molested by kikes and crackers
They're all about jailbait, because Disney is full of paedophiles.
so fucking broooooooooootal. Don't forget Esmeralda is a brown gypsy pajeeta while Phoebus is a blonde aryan racist Frenchman who's a whole head taller than her. and he even hates gypsies in general lmao!

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fucking brutal
Fairytale for girls = hypergamy

It's always either a Chad with good genes with a fantastic status (rich, prince etc) or a poor Chad (tarzan) but with 10/10 Chad genes. These are the only scenarios that women fantasize about. They don't give a shit about 90% of men.

You are supposed to tell me Tarzan looks like a roided bodybuilder just by jungle diet alone? Fucking bullshit. Savages are thinner in comparison. They don't fucking look like that.
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The last 3 are also basically allegories for interracial sex. Only Alladin and Jasmine are truly the same race
If aliens existed, women would fuck them as well. They also fuck dogs. It's not just about race, there is something twisted with their heads.

Aladdin is literally about 2 16 year olds discovering attraction and sex for the first time. You think the song "a whole new world" is about something as boring as exploring the world? That entire song is about fucking sex. A Chad and a Stacey realize that they are sexually mature now and an ocean of adventures lies in front of them.

We never got to experience such "adventures". And we never will in the future. :cryfeels: :blackpill:
Funniest part is that one of the latest threads on r/self mentioning the blackpill always have bluepilled morons referencing movies as a way on how romance in the real world works:lul:

Same faggots who’d post on r/justneckbeardthings thinking they aren’t one of them

Normies genuinely view and understand the world through media and still try to act like they have any firm grasp on the world. Absolute comedy
This is why the Hunchback of the Notre Dame is the best Disney movie by far. Quasimodo is a bluepilled, delusionmaxxed truecel who gets cucked by chad.
so fucking broooooooooootal. Don't forget Esmeralda is a brown gypsy pajeeta while Phoebus is a blonde aryan racist Frenchman who's a whole head taller than her. and he even hates gypsies in general lmao!

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they couldn't make her a full on nigger with nigger eyes bcoz then nobody would've watched the shitty movie :feelshaha:
they couldn't make her a full on nigger with nigger eyes bcoz then nobody would've watched the shitty movie :feelshaha:
She's not meant to be black, gypsies are euro-indian mutts. And there are some gypsies that do look kinda like her

also, American superheroes are jewish creations.
Yep it's brutal when you realise the disney movies you watched as a child were only made to program you into being a nice guy who gets the girl. Not to mention be brave or die trying otherwise you aren't a REAL man lmao. No wander there are so many mentally ill trannies thesedays. But if you're here you made it the other side and saw the truth for what it is and went against your programming, well done, bravo, good job.

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