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It's Over All the men are turning gay and I still can't get laid



Rotting until I am actually dead
Feb 2, 2019
In my college I think about half of the men are homosexual, no joke, you would think that the rules of economics like supply and demand would apply to the Sexual Market, but it doesn't because of how easy girls can get Chads using their smartphones.

Obviously I look like shit but in places where 90% of the people are men the girls are treated even better than they normally are, even when they are ugly, still worshiped like godesses. Meanwhile being one of the few straight men doesn't mean jack shit.

If a plague got rid of 90% of men I would still me incel JFL
Degenerate society
All ugly guys are turning into faggots, not chads.

So it's not gonna change anything. Those men were already invisible to women.
All homosexuality does is give straight chad more pussy
signs of a collapsing society
it's amazing to me how world quickly changed in 50 years and how quickly moral decadency has risen
the years ahead of us will be even worse
All ugly guys are turning into faggots, not chads.

So it's not gonna change anything. Those men were already invisible to women.
Tbh. I’ve noticed this is definitely true.
This world cannot sustain itself for much longer. I can't wait until it all comes crumbling down.
Wish I could be gay tbh, but you can't force yourself either way, sadly I'm cursed being straight. Ngl if I could turn a switch and be gay or bi I would, it would solve so many problems.

top dom fags have legit Chad status among the gays, and gays are also just like us with realistic standards
The West is dead
In my college I think about half of the men are homosexual, no joke, you would think that the rules of economics like supply and demand would apply to the Sexual Market, but it doesn't because of how easy girls can get Chads using their smartphones.

Obviously I look like shit but in places where 90% of the people are men the girls are treated even better than they normally are, even when they are ugly, still worshiped like godesses. Meanwhile being one of the few straight men doesn't mean jack shit.

If a plague got rid of 90% of men I would still me incel JFL
20191208 185732

Me's Me
they are faggotmaxing to cope with their inceldom
Soon it will be mandatory by law to be a faggot if soyciety is "progressing" the way it is, clown world as usual
they are faggotmaxing to cope with their inceldom

I had an online friend,who was from cordoba,a state of here,and the guy,was literally an incel,framecel all,rejected and social outcast,and the last time we talked ,the guy told me that he turned gay,well the case is that,the guy in instagram is now making drawings of gay couples,and larping as lgtb,and getting THOUSANDS of likes,and followers,in real life he was a loser,but he wanted too much validation that he gaymaxxed,lgtb maxxed,and see as a martyr,and now he fits...but at what cost...being something that you dont really like,just to fit,its something I would never do...
Society doesn’t want you if you are ugly or conservative. Being ugly and conservative = suicide.
well women only find <10% of men attractive, so even half the guys going gay wouldn't effect women.
It don't work like that. Women only want Chads and will in the long run settle with normies. Incels are out of the picture. If the Chad supply is 1% of the male population then it means Chad sleeps with more women than when Chads make up 5% of the population (assuming the overall population levels are equal) because the greater amount of Chads will divide up the women. Women would rather stay single than be with an incel. In the West a lot of women are Bi/Lesbians and will screw other women. There is also the question of the dogpill especially with White foids. It is degeneracymaxxxxxxing in the West for foids and Chads. Incels get left out but atleast we avoid much of the degeneracy foids/Chads are involved in.
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Yes, and all women are turning lesbians as well
Faggotmaxxing is degeneracy.
The tier of men that women want remains fixed, regardless if the sex ratio is 50/50 or 99/1. If women outnumber men most will simply become volcel/"self-partnered"/lesbians/part of Chad's soft harem.

There was an NYTimes article about this almost 10 years ago. The female students at a university outnumbered males by a huge amount and still considered most of the males undateable.
In my college I think about half of the men are homosexual, no joke,
you would think that the rules of economics like supply and demand would apply to the Sexual Market,
but it doesn't because of how easy girls can get Chads using their smartphones.

You're using faulty logic friend. Supply and Demand DOES apply to the sexual market. It's just the effect isn't enough to compensate for other factors to create better odds as an end result.

For example: let's say it went from 0% gay to 50% gay. Rarity makes you 2x as likely to get laid in respect to girls who must have a boyfriend.

But: girls don't want boyfriends anymore (unless it's chad). They want Chad as a fuckbuddy over even Brad as a boyfriend.

The only reason a guy is "scarce" in the first place is that he is "off the market" when he gets a girlfriend. Once another girl "takes" him, he can no longer fulfill that role to another single girl.

Chad doesn't go off the market though. Chad doesn't need to commit to being a boyfriend.

The "demand" is for sex with Chad, not for a boyfriend who will commit to you.

Women pine like they like that, but they put fucking Chad as a higher priority.
In my college I think about half of the men are homosexual, no joke, you would think that the rules of economics like supply and demand would apply to the Sexual Market, but it doesn't because of how easy girls can get Chads using their smartphones.

Obviously I look like shit but in places where 90% of the people are men the girls are treated even better than they normally are, even when they are ugly, still worshiped like godesses. Meanwhile being one of the few straight men doesn't mean jack shit.

If a plague got rid of 90% of men I would still me incel JFL
Tinder ruined dating
atleast we avoid much of the degeneracy foids/Chads are involved in.
:feelsgah: :lul: that cope :feelsrope:
Id would pay child support to some crazy roastie I impregnate and live with HIV if I got to be Chad, better than being incel tbh :feelsmusic:
Tinder ruined dating
TBH look at statistics in 2008 only 10% men is incel. I bet more than 10% of men is incel even in based countries.
Fast forward 2018 28% of males is incel. Common denominator? Social media and dating apps. Crazy how the number of incels tripled in 10 fucking years!!!
:feelsgah: :lul: that cope :feelsrope:
Id would pay child support to some crazy roastie I impregnate and live with HIV if I got to be Chad, better than being incel tbh :feelsmusic:

TBH look at statistics in 2008 only 10% men is incel. I bet more than 10% of men is incel even in based countries.
Fast forward 2018 28% of males is incel. Common denominator? Social media and dating apps. Crazy how the number of incels tripled in 10 fucking years!!!
This is why incel communities will only grow, they can't ban us all

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