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It's Over All of your ancestors, without exception, managed to attract someone from the opposite sex and reproduce.

Reimu Hakurei

Reimu Hakurei

Shrine Maiden of Paradise
Feb 13, 2019
Think about it. A lineage of hundreds of years ends with you.
no i was adopted
my ancestors had it pretty easy compared to me, different times, different realities
And then there was me...
Just one of the thousands of things my family will be disappointed in me for
My Irish and German ancestors were probably Chads tbh.

My brother will likely prolong their genes though so nothing to worry about.
Think about it. A lineage of hundreds of years ends with you.

A lineage of millions of years actually. And also you dont know how many of them were cucks or got divorce raped or fucked ugly landwhales or had arranged marriages.
My parents grew in a small village.
I’m growing in a big city.

The forced proximity that most of my ancestor had were cards in their favor, but now that everything and everyone is interconnected, I have lost all my cards.
There always is a better option elsewhere in the mind of everyone.

It’s too late, I was just born in the wrong generation.
Imagine how the current world would look like if Tinder and phones had appeared since the beginning of times.Would humanity even exist anymore?
my ancestors had it pretty easy compared to me, different times, different realities
And it's only the beginning. It will get way worse.

My Irish and German ancestors were probably Chads tbh.

My brother will likely prolong their genes though so nothing to worry about.
I'm a only child, so my genes will end with me.
All of my ancestors I know were Chads,my grandpa had 12 children and great grandpa had 24 KIDS
but here I am,lost the genetic lottery. fuck my life.
Imagine how the current world would look like if Tinder had existed since the beginning of times.Would humanity even exist anymore?

the world would have been wiped out in a nuclear war between incel scientists and chad warriors
Only 40 percent of men that ever lived actually reproduced, so when you look at it that way it's not that big a deal.


while 80% of women have reproduced, only 40% of men have. Those men who couldn't compete, didn't get to have even a single wife, and thus didn't have children. So, what did those men do with their time? According to Henrich, Boyd and Richerson, it appears they got into lots of trouble.
Imagine how the current world would look like if Tinder and phones had appeared since the beginning of times.Would humanity even exist anymore?
Internet should be acessible only with an Ethernet cable.
i dont have ancestors nigga i aint the chosen one
a lot of male lineages will end in this century, even a lot of normies lineages
I already have one male cousin who has a kid, and the other two are Chad and normie so they will probably also have children
I'm a bastard child so I don't care.
more like millions of years

also, almost all of my ancestors without exception weren't deformed like me
Everything will end with me...
Only 40 percent of men that ever lived actually reproduced, so when you look at it that way it's not that big a deal.
Maybe they were killed in the war?

Scandinavian phenotype>German phenotype
Scandinavians look like gods tbh.

It’s a shame they are committing suicide by allowing foreigners into their nations.
in looking at the big picture and scope of things you truly realize how much of a loser you have become
thousands of years of fucking all wasted away because you are too ugly

on the flipside many of your ancestors had better opportunities to get a girl to fuck him
-able to go after younger girls. even preteen girls were acceptable. i cant do that in 2019
-many of your ancestors straight up just raped and took a wife. i cant do that in 2019
-men were men and worked. women housewife culture so as long as you were a man with a job you were guaranteed a wife. i can have multiple jobs in 2019 and still be single
-girls were expected to lose virginity on wedding night and heavily shamed otherwise. this created a better society. there is no more slut shaming for the greater good in 2019

and most important
-BIRTH CONTROL MEANS WOMEN CAN SLUT AROUND WITH NO CONSEQUENCES!!! in previous times a woman was very careful to be selective and only fuck one man due to having a baby so he could take care of them in 2019 a woman can fuck anybody and have no repercussions and if she does get pregnant she can either abort it or be taken care of by the government. there is no longer the need to start a family unit as she will receive financial assistance no matter what she does
hilarious to think that I would have never been born if my parents both grew up in the Tinder era, because my Mom would have never went for my dad, instead of the 10+ chads hitting her up on the app, ofc mom would just deny this "bogus" im stating but it's the 100% unfortunate dark truth.
Think about it. A lineage of hundreds of years ends with you.
I think you are forgetting something obvious, rape was not always a "crime" and was common place at some point in history.

Might as well just rope and get it over with, instead of having to swallow the fact that you are responsible for your family’s end every day.
in looking at the big picture and scope of things you truly realize how much of a loser you have become
thousands of years of fucking all wasted away because you are too ugly

on the flipside many of your ancestors had better opportunities to get a girl to fuck him
-able to go after younger girls. even preteen girls were acceptable. i cant do that in 2019
-many of your ancestors straight up just raped and took a wife. i cant do that in 2019
-men were men and worked. women housewife culture so as long as you were a man with a job you were guaranteed a wife. i can have multiple jobs in 2019 and still be single
-girls were expected to lose virginity on wedding night and heavily shamed otherwise. this created a better society. there is no more slut shaming for the greater good in 2019

and most important
-BIRTH CONTROL MEANS WOMEN CAN SLUT AROUND WITH NO CONSEQUENCES!!! in previous times a woman was very careful to be selective and only fuck one man due to having a baby so he could take care of them in 2019 a woman can fuck anybody and have no repercussions and if she does get pregnant she can either abort it or be taken care of by the government. there is no longer the need to start a family unit as she will receive financial assistance no matter what she does
The Patriarchy ^
Let's bring it back.
My ancestors were berber sandnigger peasants in the aures mountainrange and they got arranged marriages, not relying on looks or other gay shit.

Might as well just rope and get it over with, instead of having to swallow the fact that you are responsible for your family’s end every day.
Thinking out-loud, are we now?
Not true I consider my great uncles/aunts my ancestors and they never married/or had children. So if they didn't do it what's the problem? I have siblings who spread their genes the line isn't ending I have cousins who spread the same genes I have in my body. My line ends however my families genetics live on unless of course I can betabux and ascend. Also my ancestors were the type of people who would have 5-10 kids in one family. It's still this way today I have a cousin who's only 35 and she already has 4 kids+counting.
Cope and low IQ.

Our ancestors came from time where feminism, sexual revolution and online dating were absent. Marriage, forced monogamy and early marriage were the norm, providing every man out there, ugly or not with a woman.
in looking at the big picture and scope of things you truly realize how much of a loser you have become
thousands of years of fucking all wasted away because you are too ugly

on the flipside many of your ancestors had better opportunities to get a girl to fuck him
-able to go after younger girls. even preteen girls were acceptable. i cant do that in 2019
-many of your ancestors straight up just raped and took a wife. i cant do that in 2019
-men were men and worked. women housewife culture so as long as you were a man with a job you were guaranteed a wife. i can have multiple jobs in 2019 and still be single
-girls were expected to lose virginity on wedding night and heavily shamed otherwise. this created a better society. there is no more slut shaming for the greater good in 2019

and most important
-BIRTH CONTROL MEANS WOMEN CAN SLUT AROUND WITH NO CONSEQUENCES!!! in previous times a woman was very careful to be selective and only fuck one man due to having a baby so he could take care of them in 2019 a woman can fuck anybody and have no repercussions and if she does get pregnant she can either abort it or be taken care of by the government. there is no longer the need to start a family unit as she will receive financial assistance no matter what she does
Yeah shit's unfair, i wish for the paradigm to shift completely in the future, that alone should give anyone here contemplating suicide hope for the future so that they may clear mind of suicidal ideation, for even if they are frail, weak old men in 2040 or 50 or 60, they may look upon how the world has changed and say "it's a much better place now that dating apps have been banned, now that monogamy is enforced, now that female reproductive rights have been forfeited(no more abortions or contraceptives of pills; no more sleeping around like a whore), oh, how i wish this all happened in my youth."
If you were willing to betabuxx, like average and ugly men have done for centuries, you could "find someone" too.
Maybe they were killed in the war?
Infant mortality has always been higher for males too. The vast majority of men we're serfs, slaves, or hunter gatherers. Being a primitive was preferable to being a either of the first 2 options. Chads fucked the bitches and Billy betas did the gruntwork
I can definitively say that my parents line ends with me and my brothers. They had 4 kids (all boys) , 4 chances to get it right and not strike out and it was a fail every single time. This branch of the family tree is dead.

Just imagine all the shit your ancestors went through, probly war, famine, displacement, grinding poverty, disease, misery etc. Their genetics endured all that and survived to carry on into the future but what those genes couldn't survive is feminism and this modern era of hypergamy, nothing was as lethal to the lineage as those.

Which is why I say we are living in one of the worst time periods in human history if you're a man. Only the top men of the species will be passing on their genes going forward all other men will be weeded out by foids.
It's fine though I don't want kids. I don't want biological reproduction.
Social media, birth control and foid empowerment doomed us to oblivion.

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