I'm not talking about either, i'm talking about their insane dogmatism, which is just like blue pilled society and the left.
I think The_Donald's beliefs are even more retarded than Blue Pill societies beliefs since they literally just repeat ANYTHING Trump says, whether it be contradictory, flat out incorrect factually, or retarded conceptually. They're not even cuckservatives, they're just brain dead idiots who you can't tell whether they're memeing or are just genuinely retarded half the time, this is what happens when you communicate with eachother exclusively using an ironic meme format.
Anyways, their beliefs are irrelevant here, the dogmatism is really what makes them just like blue pill society. Dissent is not allowed, you must conform to group think at all times, if you stray even a little from the group or question the group in anyways, you get attacked and shunned, and told you shut the fuck up. Doesn't that sound familiar?
That sounds exactly like blue pilled society as a whole, but it's also a lot like The_Donald. I don't mind The_Donald for having a retarded set of beliefs, I mind that their mentality is so rigid that even the smallest detail will get the dogs sic'd on you, not to dissimilar to questioning blue pill beliefs even a little.