we had let ourself become weak. Becoming slave towards woman so called loved and teenage love. Weak.
It’s overrated for me tbh, I always , always wanted to take foid live and make her my own. Like cannibalism or keeping the head as a souvenir. Why should I let woman pussy dictate me? I’m not a cuck, I’m not.
So insanity is doing the exact same thing and expect things to change. One day you will realise, that there is a bettER CHOice. We don’t have to pretend anymore, fuck changing anything for life or for a cause, the will of power, the usurpation of it is much more important. To each their own, but I had something for it in my mind. Something people will called evil.
But I said love and caring is evil, it’s selfish. Especially towards woman. A self servitude for a parasites that is weaker, less intelligent, stupid, soulless and shallow. A nihilistic creature that want everything for themself yet not knowing what truly entice them. This nihilistic persona should be destroyed, woman are nihilistic monster. It makes us weak.