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RageFuel All ethnic females are white supremacists

Sand whores are reserved for white men too.

And nigger foids too.
Holy fuck are you low-IQ. Do you actually think there isn't something else going on behind that photo with that old guy and it's just JBW?
I think I'm starting to understand third worlder's crazy love of Islam.It's not about God,it's because it is the only way to make sure that ethnic foids don't go on to a degenerate rampage of hypergamy and Chad fucking,they might not be so bad after all,but good luck though with the menacing hand of globalism and western influence.
Sharia is great because they stone cheating foids.
And you're a stupid arrogant cunt who likes to talk shit. Whites have an advantage over everyone in dating whether its in real life or on dating sites. Obviously if you're ugly as fuck or you have serious mentalcel traits you're still not gonna get laid.
Your mom eats my shit
Holy fuck are you low-IQ. Do you actually think there isn't something else going on behind that photo with that old guy and it's just JBW?
They had an eightsome afterwards.

Prove me wrong.

Hilarious because I actually believed an Asian foid would have said that and I spent a few seconds trying to figure out why her head looked so weird on her body. :feelstastyman:
Hilarious because I actually believed an Asian foid would have said that and I spent a few seconds trying to figure out why her head looked so weird on her body. :feelstastyman:
This is what it's originally from, these guys are so pathetic.
Don't feel personally attacked when someone mentions JBW. It doesn't mean you're a volcel. The statistics speak for themselves but there's still enough space for all races in the 80/20 hell.
This is what it's originally from, these guys are so pathetic.

Egyptian master race :lul::lul:

Haha I think the video is really funny. These guys are an Arabic version of these Stormfront fags that are active here on this Forum.
What are then faggot? Are you claiming to be white? IRL you probably look like a curry you coping deathnik fag
He's a giga-coping gook who thinks noodlewhores aren't the most degenerate, self-hating race traitors on the planet.
Egyptian master race :lul::lul:

Haha I think the video is really funny. These guys are an Arabic version of these Stormfront fags that are active here on this Forum.
They're pathetic because Egyptians are actually the most inferior people on the planet.
You mean all girls OP?
Literally every single time you or any other shitskin copers try to prove this point you use noodlewhores and curryshits as proof. Like we dont already know they're self hating and worship whites.

As an aside Noodlewhores are not ethnics either
>Noodlewhores are not ethnic
>Only noodlewhores and curryashits worship white

Jfl every Mexican and niggerwhore also die for having a white dick in their guts. You know you have those all ethnic chicks kneeling at you but as they are shitskinned they aren't worth of your dick, I can't think of a worst volcel definition.
You mean all girls OP?
For white foids it should go without saying that they'd never fuck us, but ethnic foids are all straight up white supremacists.
White halo definitely exists, but it only works if you're upper normie tier or better.
I think I'm starting to understand third worlder's crazy love of Islam.It's not about God,it's because it is the only way to make sure that ethnic foids don't go on to a degenerate rampage of hypergamy and Chad fucking,they might not be so bad after all,but good luck though with the menacing hand of globalism and western influence.
All women are inherently eugenicists.. no exceptions.. if they suddenly stopped being eugeneicists, the human species would die in like 2 generations. But “muhhh eugenics bad Hitler bad white man bad I love the 50 year old manlet Mexican immigrants, violence bad, we’re all equal teehee”

Like I’ve said before, calling them the meme gender is an insult to memes.
Liberalism is just another form of social allowance fake virtue signalling like christianity in the middle ages.
It's just a due you gotta do.
They hate virtue, and love being regal refined oligarchs. Everything they do is an attempt to weasel their way up towards that status.
>Noodlewhores are not ethnic
>Only noodlewhores and curryashits worship white

Jfl every Mexican and niggerwhore also die for having a white dick in their guts. You know you have those all ethnic chicks kneeling at you but as they are shitskinned they aren't worth of your dick, I can't think of a worst volcel definition.
I agree

OP is right

I was coping hard. Fuck ethnic whores. Burn them all alive
All women are inherently eugenicists.. no exceptions.. if they suddenly stopped being eugeneicists, the human species would die in like 2 generations. But “muhhh eugenics bad Hitler bad white man bad I love the 50 year old manlet Mexican immigrants, violence bad, we’re all equal teehee”

Like I’ve said before, calling them the meme gender is an insult to memes.
Eugenecists only for males, while 90% of foids reproduce and pass of every detrimental mutation and that's is being happening since million of years ago.

Imagine letting the most dumb person in your country to make the decisions, well you got the same in the human species, the most dumb individuals with the worst mutations are deciding what is our future as species, instead of matting with productive people they may fuck drug addict chad/niggers etc.

In most cases they are having children from an useless male who only have looks.
Eugenecists only for males, while 90% of foids reproduce and pass of every detrimental mutation and that's is being happening since million of years ago.

Imagine letting the most dumb person in your country to make the decisions, well you got the same in the human species, the most dumb individuals with the worst mutations are deciding what is our future as species, instead of matting with productive people they may fuck drug addict chad/niggers etc.

In most cases they are having children from an useless male who only have looks.

This. Also remember that ugly and stupid women have much lower standards, have more random unprotected sex and in the end have a lot more children. While Stacies and career women froze their eggs waiting for Gigachad to commit.

The future will belong to stupid ugly single mothers shitting out autistic criminals.
Fuark, all the cumskins keep on denying this. JBW is very lgeit ,especialyl when white guy goes to ethnic ocuntry
water is wet. ethnic foids are the scum of the earth. Your father is a fuckin ethnic you dumb self hating bitch
eek ook

gibs me dat victimhood sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Noodlewhores are more white nationalist than every single white man on the earth

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