Some other things I have noticed about related things to this:
First off, and there are probably obvious reasons as to why this happens, is it just me, or when the alpha chad jock ripped bro dude with all the money, think Scott Peterson, remember him?, and the other various examples of the "alpha male" killing their wife or ex, I know there have been a few of athletes doing this, one in was it Stanford or Yale years back, anyways, how come those stories get nowhere near as much attention and coverage as these? Well, it ties into in part the herd mentality of people, IE Oh he was just one of the good ones who fell and/or the girl even gets blamed for it, if only she hadn't left him or did this or that!!!!! Know what I mean? He had it all, the looks, the money, and well something just went wrong!!!!
I say that relates to the herd mentality cause I have been noticing alot about people lately. Specific things. Esp. in the area I am in regularly. I might be rambling on a bit. Anyways, there has been this sense of yeah, I got my money, my nice house and car, clothes, etc. Yeah. I am here in my might as well be gated community and like all is good and nothing bad can happen. I've noticed this increase amongst people lately. And hence, when the aforementioned alpha jock bro kills the girl, due to people's blinding naievety and arrogance, it's a shock to them!!!!! Make sense?
Another is, I have a feeling/theory that it's going to turn out this most recent shooting, the kid wasn't this "angry incel lone wolf" who became another ER or Minassian, no, I think it will be the opposite. He was the alpha chad fucking all the bitches left and right, and then when that one wouldn't give into him, well he just snapped!!!!! The guy was on the football team, like do you get any more peak high school than that?
This is from the same guy: