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Blackpill Aldous Huxley's reality and humanity in early 21st century



May 4, 2018
I have recently (ok, maybe not, 3 months ago, had to read some more books though) read the well-known dystopian novel "Brave New World" by Huxley.

The presented reality of the novel is what Huxley thought mass hedonism would lead to. Frankly, one can see how the modern society comes closer and closer to what he described in the thirties.

The society is divided into castes - Alphas. Betas. Gammas. Deltas. Epsilons. Each caste is created by artificial breeding of humans in various ways. Alphas - chads - are tall, intelligent, successful, leaders, scientists. They have unlimited access to attractive alpha women who are promiscous to the point they are absolutely not ashamed of talking about sex with random alphas publicly. What more, they boast about the amount of men they have slept with. They are also mainly focused on dressing well and doing perfect makeup so as to attract the males. However, alpha women are fertile - so they mass take birth control pills.

The alpha woman (Stacy) just detests anybody who is not in the alpha caste. She is programmed to do so during the artificial breeding - and, due to societal pressure, it all seems perfectly acceptable. Even those who happen to be from the alpha caste yet are slightly deformed (i.e. a bit shorter) like one of the heroes, Bernard, are absolutely unattractive, deemed to be of lower value. Lower castes are responsible for some minor tasks, essentially their role is to work for the alphas so that they can maintain their power. It's also worth noticing lower castes (Gamma and lower) are infertile because they have some toxic substances added to the "bottles" in which they are artificially bred. Thus they are effectively deprived of their right to reproduce, though they don't really wish to reproduce as they have been repeatedly told that they shouldn't - in their childhood.

Lower castes, particularly epsilons, are despised and disregarded as half-retarded, short monkeys, they are thought of by higher class males as slaves and by higher class females as unworthy scum.

And that all accompanied by the fact everyone is taking drugs - soma - which help the government maintain its power as all citizens are able to cope instantly with any problem they have.

Although this is not reality yet, one can easily see how the society took the path Huxley envisioned, the path of mass hedonism, the path of pleasure over rationality.

Particularly the way that women are presented in the book is unsettling because it resembles what (un)surprisingly many girls today think. Thanks to the female sexual "liberation" women have gained so much power over men that the reality of mass rejection of those who don't seem to be perfectly attractive, aka chads, is here to stay. As time passes, they will realise that they can control men with sexual frustration, threats of false rape accusations and violence - and the mainstream media shall portray them as heroes fighting for womyn.

Needless to say, the West is absolutely cucked & f***ed.
If femoids want to be sluts but also to be able to choose to not have sex with incels, why should that be allowed?
High iq as fuck thread.
The savage's looks are emphasized in the book, he, despite being a savage and living on a whole other mode of existence that Leninna, gets her to instantly have a crush on him, he is muscular and blond, and she likes him as soon as she sees him, this attraction to him points out the importance that look have within humans, he may be a low status savage that is paraded around by bernard like a circus freak around town, but she still wants his dick because of the way he looks, note that he shows not much attraction to her either, in fact, he beats her up for trying to get him to fuck her but she still comes back to him in the ending part of the novel.

The book also shows how eugenicism and genetic engineering are phony should the technology and resources allow for it to happen as it will purposefuly breed genetic garbage in order for the higher genetic caste to feel better about themselves, with such technological advancements, the need for genetic refuse augments because should everyone be attractive, it will be impossible to feel the human-instinct-ingrained satisfactory sensation of mogging the lower, thus twisting eugenicism into including said genetic garbage as part of "making it better for all", of course it's inherently selfish and contradictory and also inpossible to achieve because we as humans are still just as bound by our instict as animals.
huxley is cope for conservatives
Extremely high IQ post, we don't get enough here.

The situation you describe is why Kurzweil's Singularity is the only thing that can save ugly men from utter slavery.
Great post. Brave New World was a prophecy, and it has become reality in the last decades. Not in form, but in spirit.
Albeit not related to our inceldom per se, Lord of the World is another dystopian piece of literature that intensely moved me, and may be of use to christian incels.
It's a mixture of 1984 and BNW.

We have the thought police attacking us for daring to speak ill of womyn and calling us "mentally ill".

We have really fucking bad times ahead.
The book also shows how eugenicism and genetic engineering are phony should the technology and resources allow for it to happen as it will purposefuly breed genetic garbage in order for the higher genetic caste to feel better about themselves, with such technological advancements, the need for genetic refuse augments because should everyone be attractive, it will be impossible to feel the human-instinct-ingrained satisfactory sensation of mogging the lower, thus twisting eugenicism into including said genetic garbage as part of "making it better for all", of course it's inherently selfish and contradictory and also inpossible to achieve because we as humans are still just as bound by our instict as animals.
Of course, it's just another example of how the features of our own biology won't let us experience happiness. Anybody ever wonder why they can't be content with one piece of media, one job, or the exact same set of meals everyday? Our bodies won't let us be satisfied, evolution has an interest in your continued striving, not your endless contentment. Putting make up on a flawed organism in a broken world won't fix the characteristic problems.
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Of course, it's just another example of how the features of our own biology won't let us be satisfied. Anybody ever wonder why they can't be content with one piece of media, one job, or the exact same set of meals everyday? Our bodies won't let us be satisfied, evolution has an interest in your continued striving, not your endless contentment. Putting make up on a flawed organism in a broken world won't fix the characteristic problems.
Hence why they create different castes, it's not about cleaning the gene pool anymore, it's about controlling it, the world controllers in the novel do, people are manufactured in factories in accordance to a hierarchial model of best genes to worst genes, so every caste has a pre-determined role in society, evolution had stopped in the technologically advanced world, only savage colonies mate as once was, the whole prospect of bearing children to civillization is seen as disgusting and abhorhent.
Hence why they create different castes, it's not about cleaning the gene pool anymore, it's about controlling it, the world controllers in the novel do, people are manufactured in factories in accordance to a hierarchial model of best genes to worst genes, so every caste has a pre-determined role in society, evolution had stopped in the technologically advanced world, only savage colonies mate as once was, the whole prospect of bearing children to civillization is seen as disgusting and abhorhent.
Yeah, humans need social hierarchy for collectives to properly function due to our own flaws. It's the same with every form of government ever conceived, the only difference between them are how honest and direct they're willing to be. Nature is a self serving game where if you accomplish the goals it set for you to achieve, you won't even realize that you "win". Dropping traditionalism in favor of hedonism is like shooting yourself in one foot, and then shooting yourself in the other for no reason, as clearly demonstrated. Regarding the rejection of procreation, I suppose my opposite will meet me somewhere in a twisted way, even if our underling goals are each other's antithesis.
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very high iq thread. It would only be more fucked up if the alphas were the ones who fucked the women of the lower castes too.

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