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Discussion Alcohol or Weed?

Which do you prefer, would rather have, or would choose?

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Nov 20, 2022
Which substance do you prefer, or at least imagine you would prefer if you are unable to acquire one or both of them?

While I do enjoy drinking alcohol, I would say I much prefer weed. I like the feeling of being high as opposed to being drunk much greater honestly- the only real bad experiences I have had with weed, is that I get the munchies bad and can devour a family sized bag of Doritos. With alcohol however, I sometimes have bad experiences when drunk(usually if I am in a very shitty mood) and I fucking hate hangovers or feeling dehydrated as shit the next day.
Which substance do you prefer, or at least imagine you would prefer if you are unable to acquire one or both of them?

While I do enjoy drinking alcohol, I would say I much prefer weed. I like the feeling of being high as opposed to being drunk much greater honestly- the only real bad experiences I have had with weed, is that I get the munchies bad and can devour a family sized bag of Doritos. With alcohol however, I sometimes have bad experiences when drunk(usually if I am in a very shitty mood) and I fucking hate hangovers or feeling dehydrated as shit the next day.
weed is illegal in my country so alcohol
@Murder Mario @Govid_Dorious @IceStorm @Puppeter @Luzifer @Adolf Hitler @30klhlvwizard @Pancakecel @TBIcel

@based_meme [USER=48308]@Mrugly420
@shii410 @IronsideCel @BataviaCel @Michael W. Ford @The Enforcer
never tried weed, i stopped drinking cuz im poorfag
weed is illegal in my country so alcohol
I live in the US where it is legal in some states & we can get some similar alternatives(HHC, Delta-8, THC-O, etc).

However, it is illegal in my cucked shitty state & likely will remain this way for quite some time. While I do want to leave my state for other factors(too many people, tons of Californians, shitty weather, bad paying jobs, etc.) I would like to relocate to a place with legal weed.

I get it illegally through dealers since it is still very common and not too hard to find dealers for, but man it is a pain in the ass getting it sometimes.
Boffem nigga
Based tbh, I want to drugmaxx more & try shrooms or LSD.

But if you had to pick which one you objectively prefer what would you chose?
Alcohol in fact I plan on making my own soon. But I haven’t tried weed so I don’t really know.
never tried weed,
I read online that Indonesia basically categorizes weed & its extracts in the same category as stuff such as Heroin: Governments do this in order to prevent people from using it medicinally or recreationally. Thereby forcing people to use SSRis or other methods to "cure" them which usually don't do anything or make it worse, or making people drink or use nicotine to cope which are way worse for your health and can cause medical issues which makes you go to big Pharma for "help." See the pattern?

Kinda surprised Indonesia is so strict on it & drugs in general, since in many third world countries & other SEA ones drugs are fairly common and I think even legal in Thailand. Also, the climate there is ideal for growing it & many other types of plants such as Kratom.
i stopped drinking cuz im poorfag
Damn sorry to hear that brocel, hope you can afford to get some drinks one day. Honestly, since Indonesia is a Muslim country & seems very strict on drugs I'm surprised alcohol is legal or not heavily restricted there(tourist/non-muslim only like in Iran).
Ill drink a beer then go to interview
Alcohol in fact I plan on making my own soon.
Based, but be careful with that mang I've heard of people messing it up and damaging their health badly through it. What you plan on making & how will you do it?
But I haven’t tried weed so I don’t really know.
I feel that some of the people who say they prefer alcohol would prefer weed they just haven't tried it, but some might not like the way weed makes them feel or just like being drunk better.
Didn't you say once you've never been drunk & have barely had any alcohol?
Based. Never tried it & don't know any dealers for it(they're much less common than weed or prescription dealers) though I have heard it's kinda a shitty high unless drunk. I think most users of it do it just to try and flex on others since it's kinda seen as a status symbol.

Ill drink a beer then go to interview
Based, does it relax you?
Didn't you say once you've never been drunk & have barely had any alcohol?
Correct. But i still find the idea of people making their own stuff cool.
Didn't you say once you've never been drunk & have barely had any alcohol?

Based. Never tried it & don't know any dealers for it(they're much less common than weed or prescription dealers) though I have heard it's kinda a shitty high unless drunk. I think most users of it do it just to try and flex on others since it's kinda seen as a status symbol.

Based, does it relax you?
Yes makes me confident as fuck
Correct. But i still find the idea of people making their own stuff cool.
Yeah I agree- I wish I could have my own homestead with a farm to grow fruits & veg & raise animals on.

Would it be based if I start growing weed & shrooms? You can actually order kits to grow Magic Mushrooms online, since only Psilocybin is illegal under Federal Law, and the seeds to grow these don't contain them. @30klhlvwizard
Weed hands down.
Based, thanks for being one of the few to agree with me:feelsYall:. Hope you can enjoy once again someday mang.
feds cant smoke weed


Kek, some of them probably do & do other drugs since they are big daddy governments lapdog & can get away with most things.
fentanyl + heroin perfect combo
Yes makes me confident as fuck
Nice man, being drunk helps with lowinhibmaxxing for sure.

Yeah I have to make sure not to add too much yeast or too much sugar so I don’t create a drink with to much alcohol

A basic alcohol through this method

View: https://youtu.be/BvV16VYNDsc?si=r-CmTb5MDCkmvG7q

Sounds good, I wonder how it will taste? Might try this myself to see if I can save cash through it and just to try out a new cope; I've actually been cookmaxxing recently and can cook some decent meals I enjoy.
I don't drink often but weed seems to make you into a retard so I would rather have alcohol as long as I can choose what I'm drinking to prevent being made to drink disgusting stuff.
I've never tried weed but I presume that since there are no hangovers that I can get as "drunk" as I want without much consequence.
Alcohol is great but it punishes you badly with sickness, it genuinely feels like the minecraft poison effect
I just get high on watching videos of shootings tbh
I've never tried weed
Since you're a collegecel, it would be very easy to find. But ik the kikes won't let you, so fuck them for that.
but I presume that since there are no hangovers
Technically, there are "high hangovers" but it is nothing compared to alcohol and basically you just feel kinda hazy at worst.
that I can get as "drunk" as I want without much consequence.
Basically yeah.
Alcohol is great but it punishes you badly with sickness, it genuinely feels like the minecraft poison effect
Relatable- I got drunk last night, and I wasn't hungover today but I was dehydrated as fuck & vomitted a bit for some reason.
Alcohol in fact I plan on making my own soon. But I haven’t tried weed so I don’t really know.
Wines me. Meads me. Sugar washes me...

@Alcohol @Weed thoughts?
I think weed vastly mogs overall

Easier to ingest, hangovers/puking/etc are greatly mitigated, no alcohol poisoning, the experience is also just better and more euphoric compared to alcohol which induces more of a feeling of numbness
I think weed vastly mogs overall
Easier to ingest, hangovers/puking/etc are greatly mitigated, no alcohol poisoning, the experience is also just better and more euphoric compared to alcohol which induces more of a feeling of numbness
Agreed, it’s so much better than alcohol in many ways. I do however like the numbness which alcohol produces which is based & helps me cope, plus it’s nice to have a few beers with a nice meal.
I like both but if I had to choose I'd choose weed.
No hangovers, no nausea when taking too much, being able to eat (without weed I barely eat anything all day), calmer headspace (with alcohol my anger issues arise much quicker) and weed gets me in a chiller more creative mood overall.
Alcohol is great for NTmaxxing

Agreed, it’s so much better than alcohol in many ways. I do however like the numbness which alcohol produces which is based & helps me cope, plus it’s nice to have a few beers with a nice meal.
Yeah I like beer as well but I have to be in a certain mood for it. A few times I brought 2 litres of beer into my room with the intention of drinking em and then just left em there for weeks without bothering to drink them
Yeah I like beer as well but I have to be in a certain mood for it.
Sorta the same here. It’s not so much I have to be in a mood to drink it’s more like I need to be not in a bad mood if that makes sense.
A few times I brought 2 litres of beer into my room with the intention of drinking em and then just left em there for weeks without bothering to drink them
Yeah somewhat relatable- I have a handle of whiskey i’ve barely drank that i’ve had for months. But to be fair, I was out of the country for awhile so I couldn’t drink it anyways.

Man I wish I had a GF to smoke weed with & Seig Heil me after a long day.
even though weed is legal here it makes me violently ill and I green out super easy plus I really hate the smell so prefer booze.
Which substance do you prefer, or at least imagine you would prefer if you are unable to acquire one or both of them?

While I do enjoy drinking alcohol, I would say I much prefer weed. I like the feeling of being high as opposed to being drunk much greater honestly- the only real bad experiences I have had with weed, is that I get the munchies bad and can devour a family sized bag of Doritos. With alcohol however, I sometimes have bad experiences when drunk(usually if I am in a very shitty mood) and I fucking hate hangovers or feeling dehydrated as shit the next day.
Never tried weed so alcohol
Weed is great, and better for most people but I have to choose alcohol. Mogs too hard
Alcohol is literally poison.
Booze is more easily accessible where I live.
that's a tough one

probably alcohol
Both are garbage, so neither
Its so fucking ridiculous that marijuana is illegal but alcohol and tobacco arent despite killing hundreds of thousands of people and leading to crippling addiction.

Marijuana doesn’t even cause any withdrawal other than maybe nausea for a few days. I smoked all day everyday for 10 years and never had any problems like an alcohol addict would. I used to smoke a gram of wax a day yet still had no problem quitting. Marijuana doesn’t cause physical disease like alcohol and it doesn’t make people violent like alcohol.

Whats the problem if someone wants to smoke and relax on their time off? Fuck this country.
it's because of the jews
even though weed is legal here it makes me violently ill and I green out super easy plus I really hate the smell so prefer booze.
Why exactly is that? And yeah, I kinda hate the smell as well tbh which is why I light candles or use some sort of air freshener scent right afterwards.
Never tried weed so alcohol
I feel that the case for some who may prefer alcohol to weed is that they have never gotten to try weed, and they would maybe like it as much or even prefer it. However, some people who have certain mental conditions should not use weed, or should at least moderate it very greatly: Also, some people may just not like the feeling of weed and prefer the effects of alcohol and its taste or just not like either.
Weed is great, and better for most people but I have to choose alcohol. Mogs too hard
Objectively speaking, weed is much more safer for you and healthier for you than alcohol. Also, most people who try weed say they prefer it to alcohol. But yeah, I do enjoy the taste of some alcohol and also the effects of it; my only issues are possibly being hungover & dehydrated.
Alcohol is literally poison.
Yes, it literally is, but I still do enjoy drinking it: Whilst many other substances -such as weed, shrooms, and caffeine- are objectively much healthier than alcohol, they still have negative effects. Whilst these usually apply to specific conditions or only serve to worsen the symptoms someone is experiencing due to a certain mental state, they are still substances and should not be abused.

Obviously, there is a reason as to why the government is completely fine with alcohol but not weed or psychedelics, & society completely normalizes having a few drinks every night & every weekend. Certain users can get addicted to it -be they actual alcoholics or just people who follow the aforementioned norm- and this can damage their mental & physical health in various ways. Alcohol also can make individuals violent or have episodes of feeling very sad or depressed while drunk. Cigarettes & nicotine are normalized since they are addictive & very bad for your health, since it causes cancer or other life threatening issues. Both of these consequences of alcoholism or cigarette addiction lead to people falling victim to Big Pharma & corrupt health industries promising them "cures" which only just mask the symptoms, do nothing, or even sometimes make it worse. In a sense, you become addicted to the "cure" they offer you.

I still support alcohol & am fine with it, but I also support legalization of marijuana, shrooms, and other psychedelics that are subjected to certain safety standards & tax the state can use to fight against harsher drugs, focus on more serious issues, and fund other programs.

@TBIcel @The Enforcer @based_meme
Objectively speaking, weed is much more safer for you and healthier for you than alcohol. Also, most people who try weed say they prefer it to alcohol. But yeah, I do enjoy the taste of some alcohol and also the effects of it; my only issues are possibly being hungover & dehydrated.
The fact that weed is illegal in many places where alcohol is legal... Is straight up criminal on the part of the lawmakers. Objectively, weed should be allowed for any society that allows alcohol. I prefer weed to stay illegal though. It's a good revenue stream should I need it.
Weed only if my life is good at the time, if not I’m an anxious overthinking trucel, alcohol if I want to have a decent time everytime and don’t over do it, they both are good copes in moderation + proper time
Yes, it literally is, but I still do enjoy drinking it: Whilst many other substances -such as weed, shrooms, and caffeine- are objectively much healthier than alcohol, they still have negative effects. Whilst these usually apply to specific conditions or only serve to worsen the symptoms someone is experiencing due to a certain mental state, they are still substances and should not be abused.

Obviously, there is a reason as to why the government is completely fine with alcohol but not weed or psychedelics, & society completely normalizes having a few drinks every night & every weekend. Certain users can get addicted to it -be they actual alcoholics or just people who follow the aforementioned norm- and this can damage their mental & physical health in various ways. Alcohol also can make individuals violent or have episodes of feeling very sad or depressed while drunk. Cigarettes & nicotine are normalized since they are addictive & very bad for your health, since it causes cancer or other life threatening issues. Both of these consequences of alcoholism or cigarette addiction lead to people falling victim to Big Pharma & corrupt health industries promising them "cures" which only just mask the symptoms, do nothing, or even sometimes make it worse. In a sense, you become addicted to the "cure" they offer you.

I still support alcohol & am fine with it, but I also support legalization of marijuana, shrooms, and other psychedelics that are subjected to certain safety standards & tax the state can use to fight against harsher drugs, focus on more serious issues, and fund other programs.

@TBIcel @The Enforcer @based_meme
Life is a poison. Anything that makes it tolerable is better. Agreed. If I wasnt about to sleep, i'd probably write a bit more but for certain. The bs excuse of "alcohol bad". It's pointless. We know it's bad, we choose it because it works.
Tough call....

Both have their place.
I enjoy the feeling of being high even though it is weak sauce compared to alcohol.
But then I love the whole experience of a good drink.

I feel like I would miss booze more than I would miss weed.
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