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Again why women shouldn´t be cops



Childhood was Paradise
May 2, 2018
Already in the start of the video you can see a female officer commanding screaming in her high pitched submissive voice commands to the suspect I myself are not macho at all and rather feminine but I can understand men who are very macho and conservative in their way of thinking that won´t respond well to a tiny little female trying to dominate a big man like himself it´s emasculating to him these are just my 2 cents and mostly conjecture from my point of view but I think it has a lot of truth to it.

We are animals and like other animals we men respond to threats and a little girl in a law-enforcement uniform isn´t seen as threat to many of us not even me despite I am very small too I just don´t feel threatened by small females and them (the police) screaming in a high pitched voice doesn´t help their case and it´s clearly to see when shit goes down that female officer can´t subdue the suspect and she even shoots the suspects mother by accident the only reason the suspect got subdued was because a male officer come to her rescue and you can clearly see on the suspect´s face and behavior how well he responds to a bigger male officer, buttom line females shouldn´t be cops they don´t have the physical strengths or mental capabilities as evidences in many of the other threads I made like these.

Women ruin everything
It is against their pathetic disgusting toxic feminine nature.
"I don't give a fuck what your right is."

Based AF.

Rights are an abstract concept. You can choose to respect them or not. This guy chose not to.
I rarely see female cops so I'm lucky I guess
"I don't give a fuck what your right is."

Based AF.

Rights are an abstract concept. You can choose to respect them or not. This guy chose not to.
Exactly, that females cop continues to use the "law" to justify their tyranny and the suspect resons perfectly why the hell should he do anything she says because "it is the law" fuck that, just because it´s legal doesn´t make it right it was also legal for nazi soldiers to barge into people homes to look for jews back in WW2 but people forget so quick what tyranny looks like and he had every right to defend his home and himself from government kidnapping i.e. being arrested.
jfl this is what happens when you were pampered and told sweet little lies trough whole life and now you think the world is captain marvel
Exactly, that females cop continues to use the "law" to justify their tyranny and the suspect resons perfectly why the hell should he do anything she says because "it is the law" fuck that, just because it´s legal doesn´t make it right it was also legal for nazi soldiers to barge into people homes to look for jews back in WW2 but people forget so quick what tyranny looks like and he had every right to defend his home and himself from government kidnapping i.e. being arrested.

Yeah, I mean this female officer sucks at her job big time. It's like she's surprised a guy can resist arrest. "But, the Law is on my side, you're supposed to comply". She's like a kid who gets mad in the courtyard when other kids refuse to play by the rules.

Guess what, ydb, criminals don't follow the rules, that's why they are criminals.

I mean seriously do they only teach how to arrest compliant people at the police academy or something ?

He's a big guy and she's a woman so she should have called for backup the second she understood he would not comply.
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Theres so many jobs females shouldn't be allowed to do
With,he's slightly intoxicated and waving his arms after I violently controlled grabbed him by his hands.
Let's fucking kill him.

honestly fuck this whore.

Yeah, I mean this female officer sucks at her job big time. It's like she's surprised a guy can resist arrest. "But, the Law is on my side, you're supposed to comply". She's like a kid who gets mad in the courtyard when other kids refuse to play by the rules.

Guess what, ydb, criminals don't follow the rules, that's why they are criminals.

I mean seriously do they only teach how to arrest compliant people at the police academy or something ?

He's a big guy and she's a woman so she should have called for backup the second she understood he would not comply.
I like the kid analogy when used about females also in this instance because they do behave like kids she yells at a big guy and expect him to comply not thinking for second what if that doesn´t work then she would have to use physical force or her tazer (which fails 60% of the time) that guy could literally beat her to death if he wanted to and this is not explusively to females I am small too so of course I couldn´t subdue a guy that big or any guy for that matter.

This is also why it´s so fucked up that females have easier courses when going through training at the academy as shown here because if we had eqaulity females wouldn´t be able to pass the physical REQUIREMENTS as males so they set the bar lower for females i.e. equity the picture below illustraes the point between equality and equity.

Clearly females want equity but in certain fields it will bite them in the ass like being a police officer I have made several threads showing how females fail at their job in law-enforcement simply because they aren´t build for it they are not physical strong enough to fight with a susepct and they evolutionary responses often take over so they will start screaming in their high pitched screams because it´s a natural way for females to get help from men who can protect them they aren´t good cops they are just playing cops until reality hits them in the face and they realize that life isn´t all sunshine and rainbows and there actually is a difference between men and women.

There is a reason why every time you hear about an active shooter being tackled it is ALWAYS men who does that because in the fight, flight or freeze responds women never choose to fight they think only of themselves that THEY are in danger and how THEY can get to safety Adam Lanza wrote about this in his journal chapter called Selfish and it sums it up perfectly, women just aren´t biologically suited for protectors they have half the upper body strenghts as males and their minds are wired to think about themselves and their offspring where as men will think about protection the women, children and the tribe.

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I wish she shot herself in the face with her terrible aim

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