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Blackpill After 20 ITS OVER, your IQ and congnitive abilities rapidly decline after that age

Total Imbecile

Total Imbecile

Honorary ethnic
Dec 19, 2017
I was watching Jordan Peterson videos just now and I was absolutely shocked when in one of his videos he mentioned that your IQ starts to decline after 22 or 23

At first I oculdnt believe it, legit that cant be true right? So I set out to do my own research and boy the reality is so much worse

After 20 your brain literally starts to rot, its fucking over, you basically turn into a Downs

Theres so much information out there but here are the most important snippets:

Scientists have long known that our ability to think quickly and recall information, also known as fluid intelligence, peaks around age 20 and then begins a slow decline.

raw speed in processing information appears to peak around age 18 or 19, then immediately starts to decline


Now you do get better at some things, for example your short term memory peaks at 25, but LMAO who cares about short term memory? My attention span is sub 1 second already, it doesnt matter if Im able to memorize something for 2 or 3 seconds really.

I seriously dont know how to cope with the fact that Im past my physical AND NOW MENTAL prime. ITs as if being ugly is not enough so Im turning into a retard now, JFL at my existence I need to rope ASAp
LOL at watching JP. I bet Einstein, Stephen Hawking, Ellon musk and all other famous billionaires/scientists/authors/intellectuals are getting dumber and dumber as they age. that's what they did their best works before 20.

and double lol at thinking IQ and cognitive abilities matter with women. You just have to be not on the retarded level and attractive.
Yep, at 27 I definitely am feeling less sharp than when I was from 20-25. Those were my strongest years mentally.
I’m at my peak but not for long
LOL at watching JP. I bet Einstein, Stephen Hawking, Ellon musk and all other famous billionaires/scientists/authors/intellectuals are getting dumber and dumber as they age. that's what they did their best works before 20.

and double lol at thinking IQ and cognitive abilities matter with women. You just have to be not on the retarded level and attractive.

I never said your IQ mattered to women but its literally my last cope and now I cant cope by pretending to be high IQ either. Im out of copes.
I was never smart to begin with
I never said your IQ mattered to women but its literally my last cope and now I cant cope by pretending to be high IQ either. Im out of copes.

Okay but what about the rest of my post ?
Was this study conducted in the USA? Most people eat processed crap all day, don't eat the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables and they drink alcohol. Most people have plaque in their arteries and that includes brain arteries as well.

You can slow cognitive decline down if you treat your body right.
Okay but what about the rest of my post ?

I know that JP is a massive fraud, pretty much everyone hates him, see https://incels.is/threads/jordan-b-peterson.29437/#post-492682

As for the rest, the only reason why you dont see lots of scientists in their teens and 20s is because you spend that time in school catching up with what we know so far. If a 19 year old could somehow have the same background knowledge of some topic as Einstein for example you bet that hed end up mogging pretty much every famous published oldcel scientist out there dead or alive
A 25 year old 5/10 male is equal in SMV to a 55 year old woman

men past prime age are useless and should get a bullet in as head

it's over. time to suicide.
Why do you think education is forced on kids?
Most Math PHDs are done well before 30.
The best software ideas (facebook, microsoft, etc) done by guys under 22.
The best software ideas (facebook, microsoft, etc) done by guys under 22.

Thats simply one of the most brutal blackpills. If you dont get rich by your mid 20s you wont ever.
Yeah. Its become pretty noticeable the last few years of my 20's. I have a pretty bad cognitive deficit now compared to my teens.

You see it with briliant people. They always do their best work before 30.
There are many different things that factor into what people consider intelligence. I definitely feel sharper than I was at 20, but that is mainly because there isn't much anxiety and depression to interfere with my thought process.

Why do you think education is forced on kids?
Most Math PHDs are done well before 30.
The best software ideas (facebook, microsoft, etc) done by guys under 22.

Bruh, I am a literal scientist who is surrounded by people with PhDs daily. Based on what I've seen old fucks who had eons to learn shit are superior to some kid who got lucky with some random software idea. I also met a lot of really dumb PhD recipients. Devoting all your time to learn about a single subject doesn't necessarily require high intelligence.
Men are not designed to live beyond their 30s. This is a biological fact.

However, if you want to ameliorate the decline as far as possible, then you need to expose your brain to as much information as possible while you are still able to learn. Your crystalised intelligence (the knowledge bank) can stay with you until death if you don't get dementia. So, if you have a huge knowledge bank you can compensate for slower processing speed and lower processing power.
i guess my IQ is at its peak right now
You can mitigate it by doing exercise. Low IQ thread.
You can mitigate it by doing exercise.

Most people significantly overestimate the extent that you can slow down the aging process with diet and exercise. It's a coping mechanism...people badly want to believe that they have more control over what happens to their body rather can accept that they are largely at the mercy of aging and genetics.

You can eat a raw organic vegan diet and get 7 days of cardio a week....the hands of father time will still be taking it's toll on you.
Lol, your brain doesn't stop developing until the age of 25.
I've always been told that it's easier to learn, when you're younger.

But yes what you said sounds about right.
nofap and increase your IQ
If you really believe in nofap then your IQ is already so low that no amount of abstaining will get you in the normal range.
If you really believe in nofap then your IQ is already so low that no amount of abstaining will get you in the normal range.
yet it has been proven right again and again and AGAIN and its backed by fucking SCIENCE.
yet it has been proven right again and again and AGAIN and its backed by fucking SCIENCE.

Time to put up or shut up. You've stated that nofap increases IQ. Provide scientific evidence of this claim.
Where is the peer review study paper?


"“Cognitive decline may begin after midlife, but most often occurs at higher ages (70 or higher).” (Aartsen, et al., 2002)
“…relatively little decline in performance occurs until people are about 50 years old.” (Albert & Heaton, 1988).
“…cognitive abilities generally remain stable throughout adult life until around age sixty.” (Plassman, et al., 1995)
“…no or little drop in performance before age 55…” (Ronnlund, et al., 2005)
“…most abilities tend to peak in early midlife, plateau until the late fifties or sixties, and then show decline, initially at a slow pace, but accelerating as the late seventies are reached.” (Schaie, 1989)."

The thing is it has a lot of variables, you can easily keep the neuroplasticity with living healthy and mentally stimulating yourself.
For example if you fear cognitive decline avoid sugar; it decrease BDNF which is a brain nootropic which increase spatial, cognitive performance. Exercise, we are evolved to exercise and it will greatly increase your cognitive abilities.
Where is the peer review study paper?


"“Cognitive decline may begin after midlife, but most often occurs at higher ages (70 or higher).” (Aartsen, et al., 2002)
“…relatively little decline in performance occurs until people are about 50 years old.” (Albert & Heaton, 1988).
“…cognitive abilities generally remain stable throughout adult life until around age sixty.” (Plassman, et al., 1995)
“…no or little drop in performance before age 55…” (Ronnlund, et al., 2005)
“…most abilities tend to peak in early midlife, plateau until the late fifties or sixties, and then show decline, initially at a slow pace, but accelerating as the late seventies are reached.” (Schaie, 1989)."

The thing is it has a lot of variables, you can easily keep the neuroplasticity with living healthy and mentally stimulating yourself.
For example if you fear cognitive decline avoid sugar; it decrease BDNF which is a brain nootropic which increase spatial, cognitive performance. Exercise, we are evolved to exercise and it will greatly increase your cognitive abilities.
Time to put up or shut up. You've stated that nofap increases IQ. Provide scientific evidence of this claim.



"Retention of semen is so essential in progressive human life that it is simply astounding how the whole endeavor of modern civilization is based on discharging it as much as possible. Semen retained in the body goes upwards to nourish the brain, rendering the body robust and the memory and intellect sharp. Determination, optimism, confidence, will-power, fixed intelligence, noble character, photographic memory, and shining good health are all fruits of conserved semen. It is said that the four Kumaras were unwilling to adopt materialistic activities because they were highly elevated due to their semens’ flowing upwards (urdhva-retasah). (SB 3.12.4)"

guardyoureyes.com is not a scientific source. It's a website with a blatant religious (in this case, specifically Jewish) bias. This article does list "smarter" as one of the benefits of nofap, but does not give any scientific evidence of this claim. It lists pretty much every benefit you can imagine (again, without scientific evidence) but one that's a blatant contradiction is this claim:

  • Increased hair growth (Facial, body and hair)
Note the "facial body and hair" part. Since "body" and "facial" are specifically specified, the "and hair" part is obviously referring to the hair on your head. Here's the issue with this....the thing that causes you to LOSE hair on your scalp (DHT) is what causes an INCREASE your facial and body hair. Ergo why women generally don't go bald, have thicker hair on their head, but have far less facial and body hair compared to men. Given the inverse relationship relationship between the two....doesn't it seem odd that it could magically increase both? Almost like it's total bullshit.... and since it provides no scientific evidence of this claim, it's safe to assume it is.

Another thing to consider:


GuardYourEyes (GYE) is a vibrant network and fellowship of Jews of all affiliations, struggling to purify themselves and break free of lust related behaviors.

Sound like a scientifically valid source to you?
guardyoureyes.com is not a scientific source. It's a website with a blatant religious (in this case, specifically Jewish) bias. This article does list "smarter" as one of the benefits of nofap, but does not give any scientific evidence of this claim. It lists pretty much every benefit you can imagine (again, without scientific evidence) but one that's a blatant contradiction is this claim:

  • Increased hair growth (Facial, body and hair)
Note the "facial body and hair" part. Since "body" and "facial" are specifically specified, the "and hair" part is obviously referring to the hair on your head. Here's the issue with this....the thing that causes you to LOSE hair on your scalp (DHT) is what causes an INCREASE your facial and body hair. Ergo why women generally don't go bald, have thicker hair on their head, but have far less facial and body hair compared to men. Given the inverse relationship relationship between the two....doesn't it seem odd that it could magically increase both? Almost like it's total bullshit.... and since it provides no scientific evidence of this claim, it's safe to assume it is.


Sound like a scientifically valid source to you?

did you read the bottom one tho?
did you read the bottom one tho?


This thread uses the book "Brahmacharya in Krishna Consciousness" by Bhakti Vikas Swami as it's source. Brahmacharya in Krishna Consciousness is largely about ISKCON or "the International Society for Krishna Consciousness".

Doing a little bit of research on ISKCON, of which this book is about and the author is a leader of...it's apparently a religious cult, loosely based on Hinduism, founded in New York City in the late 1960s.

Basically, this book and it's author are as scientifically credible as L. Ron Hubbard.
At 33 I still feel like I'm a different IQ species to the average people I encounter. The decline, while real, isn't that rapid at all. We all feel shit about losing our youth but I don't think this on top is worth worrying about. You make up for it with experience so you have to think less anyway.
I was definitely smarter and faster thinking at 20 than I am at 27. Maybe my mental health is what has declined and is clouding my thinking these days.
if you havent been having regular sex since you were 11 years old its over

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