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JFL Afghan men VS Afghan women

Made in Heaven

Made in Heaven

Apr 7, 2020
While afghan men are getting blown to pieces defending their homeland from jewmericans, Afghan women who flee their responsibilites and leave the Afghan men behind to die are all turning into old spinsters constantly rejecting marriage proposals and wasting their youth. JFL at these women, look at how 90% of their profile pictures are filled with fakeup and no hijab, while the men of the Taliban are fighting tooth and nail to defend Islam.

Whether you are muslim or not, this shows why women are androids who follow the crowd and rarely have true convictions.

View: https://twitter.com/cxkenobxkerry/status/1290102045060427777
While afghan men are getting blown to pieces defending their homeland from jewmericans, Afghan women who flee their responsibilites and leave the Afghan men behind to die are all turning into old spinsters constantly rejecting marriage proposals and wasting their youth. JFL at these women, look at how 90% of their profile pictures are filled with fakeup and no hijab, while the men of the Taliban are fighting tooth and nail to defend Islam.

Whether you are muslim or not, this shows why women are androids who follow the crowd and rarely have true convictions.

View: https://twitter.com/cxkenobxkerry/status/1290102045060427777

Proof that islam is Cope
The Taliban is based.
I have never seen an Afghan woman live. But I see Afghan men almost every day if I go outside or look out of my window. Afghan MEN are fleeing to Europe, many as unaccompanied minors (many fake their ages, because as a 17 year old one gets better treatment). Finland just took 100 Afghans from Greek "refugee" camps, ALL YOUNG MALES!

You are a muslim invader in Europe or North America that should be shot ASAP?

Actually many don't know that in Afghanistan, Iraq etc. it's a VERY small share of men that are fighting. Unlike in Europe, where the whole male population is mobilised in a war. Taliban only has (had) a few thousand soldiers in a country of 38,999,842 people as of Monday, August 3, 2020.

Imagine only one thousand (1000) soldiers capturing a city the size of Berlin (Mosul in early 2010's). THAT WOULD NEVER HAPPEN IN EUROPE. OR IMAGINE ONLY 800–1,500 THUGS CONQUERING BUDAPEST. LOL

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Afghans are a degenerate people anyway. They even have a tradition to kidnap little boys, chain them to a bed, rape them till they are like 16 and then kick them out. Called "Bacha bazi", it's on wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bacha_bazi
I have never seen an Afghan woman live. But I see Afghan men almost every day if I go outside or look out of my window. Afghan MEN are fleeing to Europe, many as unaccompanied minors (many fake their ages, because as a 17 year old one gets better treatment). Finland just took 100 Afghans from Greek "refugee" camps, ALL YOUNG MALES!

You are a muslim invader in Europe or North America that should be shot ASAP?

Actually many don't know that in Afghanistan, Iraq etc. it's a VERY small share of men that are fighting. Unlike in Europe, where the whole male population is mobilised in a war. Taliban only has (had) a few thousand soldiers in a country of 38,999,842 people as of Monday, August 3, 2020.

Imagine only one thousand (1000) soldiers capturing a city the size of Berlin (Mosul in early 2010's). THAT WOULD NEVER HAPPEN IN EUROPE. OR IMAGINE ONLY 800–1,500 THUGS CONQUERING BUDAPEST. LOL

they are busy fucking little boys in their filthy sand huts
Afghans are a degenerate people anyway. They even have a tradition to kidnap little boys, rape them till they are like 16 and then kick them out. Called "Bacha bazi", it's on wikipedia.
The Taliban is incredibly based. May the Almighty God keep blessing them. Ameen!
I have never seen an Afghan woman live. But I see Afghan men almost every day if I go outside or look out of my window. Afghan MEN are fleeing to Europe, many as unaccompanied minors (many fake their ages, because as a 17 year old one gets better treatment). Finland just took 100 Afghans from Greek "refugee" camps, ALL YOUNG MALES!

You are a muslim invader in Europe or North America that should be shot ASAP?

Actually many don't know that in Afghanistan, Iraq etc. it's a VERY small share of men that are fighting. Unlike in Europe, where the whole male population is mobilised in a war. Taliban only has (had) a few thousand soldiers in a country of 38,999,842 people as of Monday, August 3, 2020.

Imagine only one thousand (1000) soldiers capturing a city the size of Berlin (Mosul in early 2010's). THAT WOULD NEVER HAPPEN IN EUROPE. OR IMAGINE ONLY 800–1,500 THUGS CONQUERING BUDAPEST. LOL

U mad brah?
they are busy fucking little boys in their filthy sand huts
A hindu dindu pajeet supporting a white supremacist loser, classic. :lul:
Well those "refugees" thought they would get a house a wife and everything here in Europe. Now they are aggressive incels on welfare who don't know anything than war and praying for Allah all day.

So now they just hang around all day, do gang wars with Chechens and other immigrant nations in parks and occassionally group-rape white foids.
Taliban banned that but jewmericans with their globohomo agenda brought it back

Whatever, Taliban, IS, "moderate Islamists"... Just all the same goat banging carpet kneeling sandnegroes.
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I have never seen an Afghan woman live. But I see Afghan men almost every day if I go outside or look out of my window. Afghan MEN are fleeing to Europe, many as unaccompanied minors (many fake their ages, because as a 17 year old one gets better treatment). Finland just took 100 Afghans from Greek "refugee" camps, ALL YOUNG MALES!

You are a muslim invader in Europe or North America that should be shot ASAP?

Actually many don't know that in Afghanistan, Iraq etc. it's a VERY small share of men that are fighting. Unlike in Europe, where the whole male population is mobilised in a war. Taliban only has (had) a few thousand soldiers in a country of 38,999,842 people as of Monday, August 3, 2020.

Imagine only one thousand (1000) soldiers capturing a city the size of Berlin (Mosul in early 2010's). THAT WOULD NEVER HAPPEN IN EUROPE. OR IMAGINE ONLY 800–1,500 THUGS CONQUERING BUDAPEST. LOL

Saying "I have never seen and Afghan woman live" in a thread about Afghan women. What a retard

Your fault for considering 17 year olds children, eurofag.

Nope, refugees are not invaders. That's what Americans do. And a muslim can't be an invader to europe when muslims have been in the contintent for nearly 1200 years.

Obviously there are a small amount of men fighting. Because they are miliatias and not armies. What a clown.
Whatever, liberals, conservatives, "alt-right"... Just all the same degenerate pedophile cumskins.
FTFY! :)
Saying "I have never seen and Afghan woman live" in a thread about Afghan women. What a retard

Your fault for considering 17 year olds children, eurofag.

Nope, refugees are not invaders. That's what Americans do. And a muslim can't be an invader to europe when muslims have been in the contintent for nearly 1200 years.

Obviously there are a small amount of men fighting. Because they are miliatias and not armies. What a clown.
Nothing more pathetic than a white supremacist cuck on an incel forum. :feelskek:
Saying "I have never seen and Afghan woman live" in a thread about Afghan women. What a retard

Your fault for considering 17 year olds children, eurofag.

Nope, refugees are not invaders. That's what Americans do. And a muslim can't be an invader to europe when muslims have been in the contintent for nearly 1200 years.

Obviously there are a small amount of men fighting. Because they are miliatias and not armies. What a clown.

Okay, just another angry muslimcel. I don't care what Burgerland does down in sandland. Or what anyone does down there. Just stay away from civilization.
Well those "refugees" thought they would get a house a wife and everything here in Europe. Now they are aggressive incels on welfare who don't know anything than war and praying for Allah all day.

So now they just hang around all day, do gang wars with Chechens and other immigrant nations in parks and occassionally group-rape white foids.

Whatever, Taliban, IS, "moderate Islamists"... Just all the same goat banging carpet kneeling sandnegroes.

Incel calling others incel, you can't make this shit up :forcedsmile:

They're not raping white foids, those white lolis simply are horny for them.

Westerners are the ones fucking animals, fag. Do I need to mention the Dogpill? Or how atheists en masse justify bestiality?

Muslims kill zoophiles.
Okay, just another angry muslimcel. I don't care what Burgerland does down in sandland. Or what anyone does down there. Just stay away from civilization.
You don't have civilization without sandland. Feminism, divorce, atheism, consoomerism, LGBT, wow, such a great civilization! lmao :feelshaha:
Okay, just another angry muslimcel. I don't care what Burgerland does down in sandland. Or what anyone does down there. Just stay away from civilization.
Jfl at this stormfrontcuck. U mad we enjoying free buxx from the govt while you slave away for us? :feelskek:
Afghan men are usually high T af, and psychopaths.
Incel calling others incel, you can't make this shit up :forcedsmile:

They're not raping white foids, those white lolis simply are horny for them.

Westerners are the ones fucking animals, fag. Do I need to mention the Dogpill? Or how atheists en masse justify bestiality?

Muslims kill zoophiles.

You don't have civilization without sandland. Feminism, divorce, atheism, consoomerism, LGBT, wow, such a great civilization! lmao :feelshaha:

Well you are right with Feminism etc., it sucks. But Islam ain't better anyway. After all it's all just cope.
Incel calling others incel, you can't make this shit up :forcedsmile:

They're not raping white foids, those white lolis simply are horny for them.

Westerners are the ones fucking animals, fag. Do I need to mention the Dogpill? Or how atheists en masse justify bestiality?

Muslims kill zoophiles.

You don't have civilization without sandland. Feminism, divorce, atheism, consoomerism, LGBT, wow, such a great civilization! lmao :feelshaha:
just b curry
Well you are right with Feminism etc., it sucks. But Islam ain't better anyway. After all it's all just cope.
Islam literallty is better. Muslims are shown to having lower rates of depression, divorce, suicide, drugs, and are shown to have the highest life satisfaction and family stability. Even Saudi arabia has a lower crime rate than America, France, Britain, and Canada.

You stormfrontcels just love to point to ravaged muslim countries like Afghanistan and Iraq as """proof""" that Islam sucks, while conventily ignoring the part the west has played in causing that destruction, whereas when we look at Muslim countries that aren't sabotaged by Jewmericans, like the Gulf countries, Turkey, Bosnia, Indonesia, or Malaysia, they do great.

Even prior to the BS wars for israel and oil, Iraq was a thriving country, so much so that my grandad was raising 10 kids on the wage of a teacher, all the while having his own land.
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Islam literallty is better. Muslims are shown to having lower rates of depression, divorce, suicide, drugs, and are shown to have the highest life satisfaction and family stability. Even Saudi arabia has a lower crime rate than America, France, Britain, and Canada.

You stormfrontcels just love to point to ravaged muslim countries like Afghanistan and Iraq as """proof""" that Islam sucks, while conventily ignoring the part the west has played in causing that destruction, whereas when we look at Muslim countries that aren't sabotaged by Jewmericans, like the Gulf countries, Turkey, Bosnia, Indonesia, or Malaysia, they do great.

I don't think that anyone who could choose would voluntarly go to Afghanistan, Somalia or Yemen instead of Canada, Germany or France. And I saw a lot of videos and pictures of how they live in sandland. 20 People in one filthy hut. No electric, no clear water, they shit in the sand, no hygiene just nothing but dirt and sand.

It's totally fine if you prefer that kind of life, but there is not a single thing where these countries objectively do better than civilized countries (with all their flaws). Our society sucks too and incel life is shit either - no matter where you live. Still you can not compare the standard of life between a shithole and a developed country.
Whatever, Taliban, IS, "moderate Islamists"... Just all the same goat banging carpet kneeling sandnegroes.
It's true you know? This "tradition" is happening pretty much exclusively on the side of the coalition, aka the side the west is supporting. Funny how wherever the west is involved, degeneracy soon follows.
It's true you know? This "tradition" is happening pretty much exclusively on the side of the coalition, aka the side the west is supporting. Funny how wherever the west is involved, degeneracy soon follows.

It's all just antiwest- and antisemiticpill. You are not an islamist hero, you are just an angry ethnicel in the west. Just like we all on this forum are angry incels. There's no place for people like us in this world, no matter if GoatBangLand, Burgerland, Feminazi-Europe, Monkeyland, Riceland or Curryland. It's all the same shit. Just with a different standard of living, because the normies in the West do better in wars and economics than the normies in Monkeyland or wherever. And yea, some of us who are white could at least have a chance with noodlewhores if they have enough buxx.
I don't think that anyone who could choose would voluntarly go to Afghanistan
I would, it's one of the hotter countries that i like. Unfortunately i don't think it will see peace in my lifetime. If life is this hollow and meaningless in "civilized" countries, then i would gladly spend the rest of my life in a "barbaric" country with a "stone age mentality".

whereas when we look at Muslim countries
I have to stop you there. There are pretty much 0 muslim countries today, muslims countries are nowadays ruled by people who may aswell not be muslims. Nobody cares for eachother and they engage in hypocritical, destructive, stupid, heretical behaviour so....pretty much unislamic.
There's no place for people like us in this world
This may be true, but how the goverment is matters a hell of alot more then you think. After all i would rather live in a developing country with an honest leader that cares alot about the religion then in some morally corrupt western shithole, whose leaders lie, cheat and steal every chance they get.
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I don't think that anyone who could choose would voluntarly go to Afghanistan, Somalia or Yemen instead of Canada, Germany or France.And I saw a lot of videos and pictures of how they live in sandland. 20 People in one filthy hut. No electric, no clear water, they shit in the sand, no hygiene just nothing but dirt and sand.

>selectively picking countries that have been destablized by the west
>selectively picking countries that are the best in the west

lmao Turkey, Saudi, Kuwait, Dubai, Bahrain, UAE, Indonesia, Malaysia are all far better than most European countries, especially Eastern. And like I said, many muslim countries, like Iraq, were doing fine before west destablized them, just as what they are doing to Syria.

And most Afghan, Somali, and Arab diaspora would gladly go back home if it wasn't for the destablization of their home countries at the hands of western influence. You clowns plunge foreign lands into third world status, then complain when people flee your oppression into safer countries.

It's totally fine if you prefer that kind of life, but there is not a single thing where these countries objectively do better than civilized countries (with all their flaws).

Our society sucks too and incel life is shit either - no matter where you live. Still you can not compare the standard of life between a shithole and a developed country.

Except westerners suicide, drugs, divorce, robbery, and depression rates are far higher. And Saudi Arabia has a lower rate of crime over Germany, Canada, and France.

Anyone would sooner live in humble village with family over a city where everyone is hedonistic.

What better standard? Consooming more doesn't mean you have a better standard of life or happier life. Japanese people kill themselves and are isolated, souless drones, but according to you, they live better lives because muh sky crappers
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I would, it's one of the hotter countries that i like. Unfortunately i don't think it will see peace in my lifetime. If life is this hollow and meaningless in "civilized" countries, then i would gladly spend the rest of my life in a "barbaric" country with a "stone age mentality".

I have to stop you there. There are pretty much 0 muslim countries today, muslims countries are nowadays ruled by people who may aswell not be muslims. Nobody cares for eachother and they engage in hypocritical, destructive, stupid, heretical behaviour so....pretty much unislamic.

This may be true, but how the goverment is matters a hell of alot more then you think. After all i would rather live in a developing country with an honest leader that cares alot about the religion then in some morally corrupt western shithole, whose leaders lie, cheat and steal every chance they get.

So you actually think leaders in development countries do not cheat, lie, steal and be corrupt? Dude, you are idealizing far away lands. Politics are shit anywhere. Everyone who has the power lies and betrays people for his own fortune. No matter if he is Atheist, Muslim, Jew, Buddhist, Christ or someone who believes in The Flying Spaghetti Monster. That's how this world works.

Sorry for breaking your dreams, Bro.
Ya and beware of tradthots
So you actually think leaders in development countries do not cheat, lie, steal and be corrupt?
What? No, look at the reply above that one, i know that currently the middle east is a rathole.
>selectively picking countries that have been destablized by the west
>selectively picking countries that are the best in the west

lmao Turkey, Saudi, Kuwait, Dubai, Bahrain, UAE, Indonesia, Malaysia are all far better than most European countries, especially Eastern. And like I said, many muslim countries, like Iraq, were doing fine before west destablized them, just as what they are doing to Syria.

And most Afghan, Somali, and Arab diaspora would gladly go back home if it wasn't for the destablization of their home countries at the hands of western influence. You clowns plunge foreign lands into third world status, then complain when people flee your oppression into safer countries.

Except westerners suicide, drugs, divorce, robbery, and depression rates are far higher. And Saudi Arabia has a lower rate of crime over Germany, Canada, and France.

Anyone would sooner live in humble village with family over a city where everyone is hedonistic.

What better standard? Consooming more doesn't mean you have a better standard of life or happier life. Japanese people kill themselves and are isolated, souless drones, but according to you, they live better lives because muh sky crappers

Well, I am the last one who has any interest in wars in the third world. It's just a waste of men and money imo. I wish for all of you that they stop those wars. The NATO is losing anyway all the time and there is nothing interesting for me down there.

Then we can drink our beer and take our drugs and you can kneel on carpets and wear fancy dresses and everyone lives in peace in this shitty broken world.,
This may be true, but how the goverment is matters a hell of alot more then you think. After all i would rather live in a developing country with an honest leader that cares alot about the religion then in some morally corrupt western shithole, whose leaders lie, cheat and steal every chance they get.

I was referring to this. Like, I respect your hopes and ideals, but we have had so many different ideologies already, from Nazis, Capitalists, Religious Regimes to Commies, and corruption was everywhere. Politicians lie and betray their people. That's their job.
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I was referring to this. Like, I respect your hopes and ideals, but we have had so many different ideologies already, from Nazis, Capitalists, Religious Regimes to Commies, and corruption was everywhere. Politicians lie and betray their people. That's their job.
And as you can see by my reply to Made in Heaven, i acknowledge that the current situation in "muslim" countries are in is arguably even worse then western countries, since you have no pros of them but you do have many cons.
But if by some miracle by tomorrow the leaders got replaced by someone with good intentions and honest character and society was reset to a developing one instead of the current proto anarchies? I would move in an instant, no question about it.
And as you can see by my reply to Made in Heaven, i acknowledge that the current situation in "muslim" countries are in is arguably even worse then western countries, since you have no pros of them but you do have many cons.
But if by some miracle by tomorrow the leaders got replaced by someone with good intentions and honest character and society was reset to a developing one instead of the current proto anarchies? I would move in an instant, no question about it.

Well I hope so for you and your people. But I doubt it.

After all religion is just a cope. Same with Socialism and every other ideology.
While afghan men are getting blown to pieces defending their homeland from jewmericans, Afghan women who flee their responsibilites and leave the Afghan men behind to die are all turning into old spinsters constantly rejecting marriage proposals and wasting their youth. JFL at these women, look at how 90% of their profile pictures are filled with fakeup and no hijab, while the men of the Taliban are fighting tooth and nail to defend Islam.

Whether you are muslim or not, this shows why women are androids who follow the crowd and rarely have true convictions.

View: https://twitter.com/cxkenobxkerry/status/1290102045060427777

brootal, its over for sandcels
Saying "I have never seen and Afghan woman live" in a thread about Afghan women. What a retard

Your fault for considering 17 year olds children, eurofag.

Nope, refugees are not invaders. That's what Americans do. And a muslim can't be an invader to europe when muslims have been in the contintent for nearly 1200 years.

Obviously there are a small amount of men fighting. Because they are miliatias and not armies. What a clown.

You wrote: "While afghan men are getting blown to pieces defending their homeland from jewmericans" even though you now admit that only a tiny minority is fighting, and most are fighting for their homeland, but not against "jewmericans", but against groups like Taliban. Afghan Armed Forces has 174,300 active personnel, much, much more than Taliban. You know, Taliban fights the Afghan government and kills Afghans. US and UK ended fighting against Taliban in 2014 and transferred all responsibility and bases to the government.

There was a study that clearly showed that an overwhelming majority of those claiming to be under 18 lied. Yes, I agree on this, we should treat all unaccompanied minors as adults (except if it's obvious that they are small children, but they all are at least 14 if they truly travelled alone). I am not at fault here, I would never allow even a single Afghan to cross the border if I was in power. They are not asylum seekers, almost all get a negative and those that get a positive just managed to lie well. They aren't refugees either.

"a muslim can't be an invader to europe when muslims have been in the contintent for nearly 1200 years."

I'm not from Iberia or from The Balkans. And even there they were invaders that were fought back. For example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reconquista
Islam does not have history in most of Europe, it's only a recent newcomer because of European weakness brought by women's suffrage.

It is a very relevant to your opening message that there are practically no Afghan women visible on the streets, while Afghan men are visible and present in quite significant numbers. You implied that men stay to fight in Afghanistan (though you now admit that actually a very small share of men of fighting age participate in the fighting unlike what would be the case in Europe) while Afghan women "leave the Afghan men behind".

I do agree with you and Taliban that women should not be treated the same as men. Women are not men, there are substantial sex differences and men and women have their own strengths and weaknesses and places in society.
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Those muzzies who do not Jihadmaxx and run from their sandlands are CUCKS. Its a joke that these guys claim to be some sort of warriors, fucking ill trained child fucking degenerates. Where are their brigades, divisions, Corps, Field Armies. Cowards, 200 - 1500 men at best fighting and sneaking IEDs, can't face shit, coward gangbangers.
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Proof that islam is Cope
I remember reading a 4chan post saying islam is exactly similar to a feminists wet dream or something that pushes a polygamous behaviour within the confinements of the religion. Tbf all religions are nothing but communist doctrines but predated to be called religion.
Just wait when the Taliban comes to power, these whores will get their punishment.

Do you know that Afghans killed 30000+ English soldiers and curry slaves? We only let one person live.

The reason is actually interesting. White british troops in Kabul used to JBW maxx and have sex with Afghan women, which enraged Afghan men and they started a holy war. Pretty based. :feelzez:

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so is ISIS

Why don't you wannabe jihadists here go join them?

Did you know that they have been fighting each other?

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