Dedsrs I think this is one of the few times therapy can actually help
I've managed to control my anger and only really get slightly pissed at people who try to get on my nerves all day i.e. family when asking me for shit (even then it fades quickly), but everyone else I know can't control themselves no matter how hard they try on their own.
First recognize that you are angry (which you already did), then try to look for the root of your problem, anger rarely if ever comes out of nowhere. If you can address it then fine, if you don't then try to think as little about it as possible. Thinking that you are miserable 24/7 will only make you more miserable and nothing will come out of it, in short you have to essentially forget that your (((inceldom))) problems exist or not give them that much importance (ignoring people that u hate also helps), and find stuff that you enjoy so u can escapismmaxx.
Edit: forgot to say but trying to vent anger by breaking/punching things usually doesn't help and just adds fuel to the fire, so I wouldn't recommend buying dummies or something like that