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Advice on fighting bullying is retarded



Aug 21, 2018
  • Telling bullies to stop
  • Walking away from bullies
  • Asking teachers to intervene or punish
It's all retarded advice for children being bullied.

Conservatives are coping with opposite retarded advice:
  • Compliment your bully (like Jesus!)
  • Don't stand up for yourself
  • Don't react
The only advice that works is:
  • Learn to fight
  • Increase your SMV
  • Make friends who will back you up
I think physically hurting them is the only real widely applicable solution, they are bullying for a reason like being an outcast, hurting them will not stop you from being an outcast but they will no longer bully you since they will be worried they will be physically hurt and that will actually deter people
I were fighting first 3-4 years of school, but then I just got tired of it all because the ringleader bully sicced his bitches on me since the first days of school, i had to fight with around 5-7 guys. If i knew how my life would turn out, i would kill my main bully in most brutal way and get away with it.
Being a leadER could also work
Let's make the world a bettER place
There should nevER be suffERing
I fought back against mine and he sent like 20 of his friends to hunt me down with fucking knives the next day
I think physically hurting them is the only real widely applicable solution, they are bullying for a reason like being an outcast, hurting them will not stop you from being an outcast but they will no longer bully you since they will be worried they will be physically hurt and that will actually deter people
Based, "No Tolerance" policies are fucking cucked. I was watching an interview of a successful 80 year old WASP man, and he talked about how he brandished a shotgun at his boarding school to stop bullies from attacking him. That would put him in jail today. Kids who try that today are put in jails or asylums.

Teachers will always side with the higher SMV child. Rich parents, good looks, athletic ability, etc. They also choose the laziest option possible. The bully always lies or flips victim and offender. The flimsiest lie is enough to make teachers give up. Even though the SMV disparity always makes it obvious who bullied who.
My younger brother was bullied and when I talked to the teachers, they victim blamed him by saying "why is he putting his nose where he doesn't belong, why does he tell other kids to behave?" In Asia that would be considered model behaviour, but in the West it will literally be used to justify the actions of bullies.

The only solution is to teach the bullied to fight and/or insult back.
I fought back against mine and he sent like 20 of his friends to hunt me down with fucking knives the next day
Did they fuck you up
I fucking hated the advice "just ignore them". If somebody would tell me this nowadays, then i would tell that by that logic we should just ignore all raping, murdering and asssaults that happen and by ignoring them they will simply dissappear on its own
Based, "No Tolerance" policies are fucking cucked. I was watching an interview of a successful 80 year old WASP man, and he talked about how he brandished a shotgun at his boarding school to stop bullies from attacking him. That would put him in jail today. Kids who try that today are put in jails or asylums.

Teachers will always side with the higher SMV child. Rich parents, good looks, athletic ability, etc. They also choose the laziest option possible. The bully always lies or flips victim and offender. The flimsiest lie is enough to make teachers give up. Even though the SMV disparity always makes it obvious who bullied who.
My younger brother was bullied and when I talked to the teachers, they victim blamed him by saying "why is he putting his nose where he doesn't belong, why does he tell other kids to behave?" In Asia that would be considered model behaviour, but in the West it will literally be used to justify the actions of bullies.

The only solution is to teach the bullied to fight and/or insult back.
Yes well when I was in school I made kids that bullied me cry and sometimes even hurt them and it works, however I live in a rich pussy area so if a kid was being ganged up on by a bunch of niggers it is different, as a matter of fact this strategy worked so well for me they eventually started to be normal with me and I would consider them "friends" in the sense we would hang out at school together but we never really met out of school much.
I fucking hated the advice "just ignore them". If somebody would tell me this nowadays, then i would tell that by that logic we should just ignore all raping, murdering and asssaults that happen and by ignoring them they will simply dissappear on its own
I just loved fighting tbh
Probably at this point the problem is toxic masculinity and so therefore everyone should just become trans.
Putting them in hospital, they gotta know you'll fight back tooth & nail.

Bad luck if it's a hood nigger that'll get his mandem to jump you or resort to a knife bruv.
Ignoring is the worst tactic. Because they get no reaction they force bullying even more
I fucking hated the advice "just ignore them". If somebody would tell me this nowadays, then i would tell that by that logic we should just ignore all raping, murdering and asssaults that happen and by ignoring them they will simply dissappear on its own
Ignoring is the best option, though.

Why add more difficulty and bullshit in your life?

I do ignore all rape, murders, and crimes around me because why should I care. Nobody would help me in those situations, especially any woman.
  • Telling bullies to stop
  • Walking away from bullies
  • Asking teachers to intervene or punish
It's all retarded advice for children being bullied.

Conservatives are coping with opposite retarded advice:
  • Compliment your bully (like Jesus!)
  • Don't stand up for yourself
  • Don't react
The only advice that works is:
  • Learn to fight
  • Increase your SMV
  • Make friends who will back you up
THE ONLY ADVICE THAT WORKS IS TO GO ER and make sure you piss on the body
Probably at this point the problem is toxic masculinity and so therefore everyone should just become trans.
unironically the only solution the left has
Impossible for me as an unathletic turbomanlet curry subhuman
If my brother gets bullied, I'll give him a knife and tell him to stab a motherfucker
Make friends who will back you up
This is the most important one for real, you can go to the gym, get stronger, learn to fight, but it doesn't matter how much you train, how much you get bigger 5 against 1will always be impossible for most people, unless you have something in your pocket...
  • Telling bullies to stop
  • Walking away from bullies
  • Asking teachers to intervene or punish
It's all retarded advice for children being bullied.

Conservatives are coping with opposite retarded advice:
  • Compliment your bully (like Jesus!)
  • Don't stand up for yourself
  • Don't react
The only advice that works is:
  • Learn to fight
  • Increase your SMV
  • Make friends who will back you up
Framelet chads got pushed around and bullied at my school by Ogrecel incels including me I have a feeling Virginia is a place cels cant relate too except me. I look back at that and Feel good fuck good looking men they dont deserve that shit
Last edited:
  • Telling bullies to stop
  • Walking away from bullies
  • Asking teachers to intervene or punish
It's all retarded advice for children being bullied.

Conservatives are coping with opposite retarded advice:
  • Compliment your bully (like Jesus!)
  • Don't stand up for yourself
  • Don't react
The only advice that works is:
  • Learn to fight
  • Increase your SMV
  • Make friends who will back you up
Yeah. Physical Violence is the solution to Bullying. I would say physical violence is also the only way to fight against racism and oppression since no Tyrant will ever give up their power out of the niceness of their hearts. Parents tell you not to fight back since you since getting called to the principle's office would be an INCONVINIENCE FOR THEM. They also see as a provider, without thoughts and feeling of your own. The truth no one really cares about you or your well being. Only you do. That is why it is important to develope your own sense of self worth and pride early in life.

The Word is the word of the Sword.
Soyciety is guilty for not isolating bullies in the first place.
Instead they often promote bullies.
Yeah. Physical Violence is the solution to Bullying. I would say physical violence is also the only way to fight against racism and oppression since no Tyrant will ever give up their power out of the niceness of their hearts. Parents tell you not to fight back since you since getting called to the principle's office would be an INCONVINIENCE FOR THEM. They also see as a provider, without thoughts and feeling of your own. The truth no one really cares about you or your well being. Only you do. That is why it is important to develope your own sense of self worth and pride early in life.

The Word is the word of the Sword.
Based. Used to be that fathers expected you to punch back. Fathers would play fight with little children to toughen them up. Teachers don't want to help, they want to ignore.

When you grow up, police are the same way. They just want the quickest easiest solution that causes the least paperwork. And that often involves telling the victim to such dick and kick rocks.
Fight = get sent to the principal's office and get suspended or expelled (or recieve some sort disciplinary action IF you started the fight; if you didn't, you can you say you were acting in self-defense and be let off the hook)
Insult = just makes it worse; they realize that you are sensitive to their bullying and will only bully you more

Best option in my opinion is to ignore or talk to them 1-on-1 to resolve the issue (most fags bully to get attention and laughs from other people; this is a dominance-type of behavior common between boys to increase their social status). If those two don't work, tell the teacher or office (do this only if the bullying is persistent; people will think you're a pussy if they find out and the bullying might get worse). Last option is to find the dude by himself (without the presence of other people) and invite him to a fight (it's legal in my country to fight given that both parties give consent and you don't cause "bodily harm," which is defined as "any hurt or injury to a person that interferes with the health or comfort of the person and that is more than merely transient or trifling in nature").

Source: was bullied from 13-16

This is actually good advice, except that you should fight as a last resort.

What's your advice?

Are you a youngcel too?

But giving a reaction is worse.

@Sheogorath Thots?
Maybe it depends on region and culture, because clever comebacks are what worked for me. It didn't stop it a 100% but it slowed it and spaced it out.

I don't understand how a 1-on-1 conversation without threats would solve the situation.
Fight = get sent to the principal's office and get suspended or expelled (or recieve some sort disciplinary action IF you started the fight; if you didn't, you can you say you were acting in self-defense and be let off the hook)
Insult = just makes it worse; they realize that you are sensitive to their bullying and will only bully you more

Best option in my opinion is to ignore or talk to them 1-on-1 to resolve the issue (most fags bully to get attention and laughs from other people; this is a dominance-type of behavior common between boys to increase their social status). If those two don't work, tell the teacher or office (do this only if the bullying is persistent; people will think you're a pussy if they find out and the bullying might get worse). Last option is to find the dude by himself (without the presence of other people) and invite him to a fight (it's legal in my country to fight given that both parties give consent and you don't cause "bodily harm," which is defined as "any hurt or injury to a person that interferes with the health or comfort of the person and that is more than merely transient or trifling in nature").

Source: was bullied from 13-16

This is actually good advice, except that you should fight as a last resort.

What's your advice?

Are you a youngcel too?

But giving a reaction is worse.

@Sheogorath Thots?
I'd be glad to hear your stories
Soyciety is guilty for not isolating bullies in the first place.
Instead they often promote bullies.
Putting them in detention room for half a day does nothing. The answer is for the teacher to humiliate them so they stop to avoid embarrassment.
Ignoring is the best option, though.

Why add more difficulty and bullshit in your life?

I do ignore all rape, murders, and crimes around me because why should I care. Nobody would help me in those situations, especially any woman.
I'm just using normies and foids own retarded logic against them
1. Fight back (doesnt work if you are manlet or framelet) 2. Go ER 3. Change schools. 4. Give bullies harder and serious punishment
Pranks are good too. Sunscreen or yoghurt in schoolbags
Putting them in detention room for half a day does nothing. The answer is for the teacher to humiliate them so they stop to avoid embarrassment.
I mean, there should be unwritten rule to not let obvious bullies study or work together with common people.
I know that this will never happen of course.
While everyone can turn into bully at some point in their life, majority of people aren't natural bullies.
But there is a group of people who are natural, pure bullies.
Identifying them isn't that difficult. Just no one cares.
Those with money and influence want to exploit people and bullies can be useful to them.
I mean, there should be unwritten rule to not let obvious bullies study or work together with common people.
I know that this will never happen of course.
While everyone can turn into bully at some point in their life, majority of people aren't natural bullies.
But there is a group of people who are natural, pure bullies.
Identifying them isn't that difficult. Just no one cares.
Those with money and influence want to exploit people and bullies can be useful to them.
send dark triad people to prison
he needs to become a bettER pERson
What is this supposed to even do? Hey, bully, stop, please. Bully: Ok, I guess I will stop now. Bye.

Yeah, and they kick you down the stairs the second you turn your back on them. Funny advice.

Good, It's like asking a correctional officer in prison for help. By doing this, you lose even more respect, and the worst thing is that it does not even work since the bully has a halo effect on himself, which allows him to bully in the first place. In an ideal world, the bully would be restrained and removed from society. The same goes for criminals. It is a waste of time to try to fix a criminal. In today's society, being a criminal is viewed as cool, though.



Just don´t exist right?

Yep, these are the only ones that will do something for you. If you are bullied though, this is a good sign, that you will have a terrible life.
Check out this Christcuck advice:
nah incels cant make friends. just quit school incels that finish school are gonna fail life anyway.
I think physically hurting them is the only real widely applicable solution, they are bullying for a reason like being an outcast, hurting them will not stop you from being an outcast but they will no longer bully you since they will be worried they will be physically hurt and that will actually deter people
i used to get bullied till i became the bully.
one thing i noticed is that people floked to me
however my mom got sick so for the last few years of her life i had to be a "good boy" that shit made me fucking mentally ill and targeted
never be nice to anyone unless they earn it
without a doubt fighting is the only thing that works
when i was getting bullied in school, getting called names in public, the only thing that stopped is when i walked up to that nigger and started punching him in the face
i sucked at talking shit and i was shy, so i didnt even say anything. i literally just walked up to him silently and starting hitting him in the face until he started hitting back
we were both kind of chubby, so we tired out easily, but we hit eachother in the face a whole bunch of times, and after that, he stopped bothering me

violence, especially in schools, often times is the only thing that garners respect, unfortunately.
even the threat of violence is enough to deter people. tall stronger kids are MUCH less likely to get bullied, for example
violence is the only thing nt's understand and respect. they truly are subhuman apes, honestly. school is a prison in that sense. its sink or swim; defend your honor or get abused your entire existence by predatory nt's
i was lucky that i didnt get expelled or suspended or whatever
its the only way to earn respect from people. people really are disgusting piece of shit. they will smugly bully and pick on the weak autistic kid

they need to do so, to feel good. picking on the weak is a important part of their mental development
its also noted that autists tend to be more mature and less inclined to bullying in general, even when they can get away with it

its hard not to hate people
People need deviants

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