There's a lot of well recognized and serious actors who aren't much to look at. Not many of them were among the biggest box office drawers though. The masses just prefer good looking people to talented ones, even back in the day (think Errol Flynn), but it used to be the good looking people weren't necessarily pretty boys like they are now. John Wayne was massively popular, even after he got old and fat, and it was mostly because people liked his attitude. Clint Eastwood was good looking but he was also liked because of his masculine behavior etc. Hell, in the 80s the biggest star of all was Arnold Schwarzenegger. But i mean, Humphrey Bogart, Charlton Heston, Cary Grant, Robert Mitchum etc. All Chads but also all tough guys.
Things are different now. Pretty boys everywhere, probably an effect of Hollywood being dominated by women and homosexuals. Worst yet, pretty boys are now being shoved into "serious" roles as well. Recently watched a movie called Black Mass, starring Johnny Depp in the most miscast role possible. His poor acting skills and the stupid make up they gave him just ruined the whole thing.