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Story Abu Jihad's Holiday



Chadfish is my jihad
Mar 8, 2023
Just before Christmas, I heard through my high school's facebook page that there was a reunion, so I decided I would go to it.
I packed my trusty Land Rover with my camping gear, and filled my fuel tanks and jerry cans and set off.
From Birdsville to Windorah, was fucking shit, as half the road was flooded. I can usually drive through, but I ended up stranded for 3 days waiting for water to recede.
I went through all the small towns on the following route: Windorah to Quilpie, to Charleville to Roma, to Toowoomba and to Brisbane. In each town, I'd stop and check out the historical centres, the cemetery and the local museums.
All camping was done in the back of my vehicle. My only expenses were fuel from the service station in Toowoomba and pies from local bakeries.
The trusty land rover resized

The towns in QLD are still recovering from the COVID border closures which cut tourism off. The agriculture in these areas is also fucked, as is resource development due to government obstruction. There were some old boomers I talked too, and shared a heap of stories with them in the bakeries.
Anyway, when I arrived on the coast, I headed to the Gold Coast to do some hiking.
There's a treetop walk in Lamington National Park that is worth doing. Good views from the top platform. I did a 18km hike along the border walk that day.
Heading back to the car park after I saw a gathering of Chink tourists. They were quacking in their language, and gawking at a red belly black snake on the road.
I also saw a large group of foids feeding the parrots with bird seed. Funny thing is the birds were literally shitting and dropping lice all over those femoids.
After that, I headed to Coolangatta and parked up near the beach. Slept in my vehicle that night, and had some pies from the bakery near the beach. Don't know the name but it's a good place.
I did the following things on the GC: GC airport tour and Currumbin Wilflife Sanctury. The latter is good as you can see tree kangaroos. The tour guide said that the male tree kangaroo lives in a separate enclosure, but he some how managed to escape it and get into the female enclsoure, and she is now pregnant - mogged by animals again.
On the final night, I pissed in the ocean near Southport because some jew faggot council charges you to use the toilets on the beach lol.
I drove to Brisbane, and checked into a hotel for a few night. I hadn't showered in like a week by this point, so it was nice. I spent the night jerking off to porn on the hotel wifi lol. Next day I visited a chink massage place, and got a $75 massage for 1 hr, with hot stones and everything. It was nice, until the femoid started asking did I want extras and I said no, and she tried ending the massage early. It ended with me arguing with the owner for my 20 minutes, so I was a massage for 20 minutes by another girl. At least the owner was honest, but the first femoid was a lying piece of shit trying to cut your time short.
By this time I got sick of living on 2 minute noodles, bread rolls with salami on it, and canned tuna mixed with pasta, so I decided to splurge beyond my budget - basically anything that could be cooked in a jetboil and eaten out of a British army crusader mug.
2 minute noodles on a gas stove resized

I georged on KFC and subway goyslop for 3 days. Other than eating, I checked out all the free shit in Brisbane:
Story bridge, captain cook bridge, old fortifications, fort lytton, some old naval base under the bridge, some old air raid shelters, a few cannons overlooking the river, the botanic gardens, and parliament house (inshallah, the black flag of Islam will fly over it one day and this farce of a democracy will crumble).
The QLD maritime museum is worth visiting as it's pretty cheap for a ticket, their star attraction is the Diamantina, a WW2 frigate.
The State Art Gallery, GOMA and Science are leftist dogshit. You'll have more fun watching a dog do a shit than you will looking at their art. Seeing families and kids run around really pissed me off. Those little fucks in their prams would always get in the way. Sex havers fuck off!
The State museum was ok, but the only good thing was the WW1 German tank that was captured by Australia zogbots and bought back to Australia at the end of the war. I think it was the last surviving tank of its kind.
I did the Museum of Brisbane, and the clocktower thing - Museum was shit, clocktower was ok, and saw some slut's ass as she climbed the stairs lol.
Kuffar christmas resized

I fucked off to my school reunion thing. I didn't attend their dinner, but I did the after dinner thing where everyone just talked in the sports hall. I honestly didn't see a single ex-student I knew, but I did talk to one former teacher.
The teacher had recently retired, and he was one of my favorites. He was really curious about what I had done post-school. Truth is I've done absolutely fuck all since I dropped out of uni years ago, I lied by saying I'm a farmer lol. Then he started talking about all the great shit my brother has done.
Of course, I'm mogged by my brother who was always the star student in every regards at the grammar school we went to. And that's all the fucking teacher could talk about - how great my brother was.
The old teacher dude sensed I had changed since school. Then he got the dean of students involved in the conversation, and within a few minutes the school's new careers officer is talking about how I should come in for a careers advice thing. "We can help you find an apprenticeship through the Old Boy's network" they said.
I was tired of this shit about how the school looks out for its past students, and being the black sheep of my family, I excused myself and left. I did get the phone number of an old school friend though. I'll go to the next one in 10 years time!
After that I went to Mt Cootha. botanic gardens. This is a nice place with a lake, and a lookout of the city. You can also do some walks to a small waterfall. I did the 8km circuit, and saw a few foids dressed like sluts in yoga pants. I got some creepshots too!
Mt coothja resized

I also visited the rememberence wall to Australian zogbots killed in foreign jew wars. It was depressing, reading the names of guys who died for the Jews. I guess the goyim never learn.
Infidel rememberance to jew wars resized

I messaged an old friend from prison, to see if he was willing to catch up and he said he had court that day. So I went to attend his court session haha! He unfortunately was found guilty, and was taken into custody for sentensing, so we didn't do anything after. Walking through the court building was a trip down memory lane. I've spent several weeks in that police watchouse years ago, and it's a fucking cold miserable shithole where the guards leave your air con jacked up so the cell is freezing. The security on the court house were suspicious as fuck - they were fine at first, but then asked for ID to gain admittance to the building, when they did something on the computer, they changed ther tone and made me remove my boots, my belt and my pocket contents then walk through the metal detector twice. Even when I was let through, 2 court house security zogbots were always near me when I was in the court building. They probs saw my FPO when they checked my ID on their computer maybe??
My future resized

By this time, I was running low on shekels, so decided to make a visit to the local welfare office to get some more neetbux. I walked in, told a few lies and got a crisis payment approved, and a national disaster payment application submitted.
While waiting for my neetbux appointment, I watched an entire family of niggers walk in. I counted 8 in total, 2 little niglets, and some adult niggers. I hope they are successful in maximising their welfare payments. I also hope they graduate to fucking white sluts and turning them into single mothers with a half caste child :feelskek:
Niggers in centrelink resized

That night, I checked out of my hotel, and took all the free shit in the hotel room with me: shampoo sachets, toothbrush, towels, toothpaste tube, every toilet roll, towels, sheets, 2 pillows, everthing in the fridge and wine bar. I cancelled my card after I left with my bank app claiming it was stolen. The hotel won't recover the cost as that account is empty and I already owe nearly 20k in credit card debt to that bank anyway, which I'll never repay.
Parking in the city is fucking expensive, so I had parked outside in the suburbs. But to get back to my parking area, I had to get the train.
I learnt that Brisbane has ticket gates blocking access to each station, so it's hard to illegally use the train. I went to the transport card recharge machine and fished a receipt out of the change/ticket dispenser thing, and walked up to the bored looking fat fuck at the ticket gate and he swiped me through. It wasn't even a ticket, it was a fucking receipt from some other customer. Half an hour later, I was back at my car parking spot,
I headed up to beerwah state forest for some 4wding, and during that my front tyre and central diff lock system got absolutely fucked. Ended up camping on the side of the track for 2 days while my dad drove up land rover parts for me from northern NSW.
First night a bunch of hoons on dirt bikes came roaring up the track late at night, and stopped near my vehicle. They were looking inside my vehicle, when I woke up and started yelling at the bogans and they fucked off. Fucking bogans scared the shit out of me. In the past I'd travel with my handgun or at least a rifle, but now I can't risk it because highway patrol pigs have been doing breathalysers and vehicle searches frequently over christmas period.
The next day some femoid 4wding club came along. These were city bitches in their brand new Akubra hats and country road jeans in their heavily modified 4wds. One butch lesbian bitch in a land cruiser stopped, rolled down her window and said what's wrong, need a hand mate?
Now I fucking hate women and I wasn't going to accept help from a femoid when my father was already coming up from NSW, so I replied back fuck off! She said what's your problem? Piss off I replied!
Then her short haired lesbian bitch partner in the passenger seat said oi oi theirs no need for that language. I told them to fuck off again and they finally drove off shaking them heads and staring at me as they drove pas.
As the next vehicle drove by, the femoid driver had her window down and was filming me on her phone. So there's probably a video of me telling these femoids to fuck off being shared across facebook groups as I type this kek.
I shit on those femoid 4wders, just as I shit on caravanners. My stock standard 30 year old land rover is far more capable off road than any of those 100k vehicles. I laugh at these city sluts who go 4wding in the bush on their weekends to get muddy when they're actually shit drivers, and they spend insane money on useless modifications. I always say that if you see someone in a landcruiser with 33 inch tyres, it's to compensate for a small cock. Well in this case, these lesbian femoids were compensating for not having a cock and were trying to prove their manliness in a "male dominated hobby." Beerwah was shit, the tracks were ok, but it was too overrun with sluts.
Anyway, when my dad arrived on day 3, we managed to change out the problem parts on the track and we went out separate ways - me going to the Sunshine Coast to visit a school friend.
School friend was an absolute dero like me. I honestly expected him to become a doctor or lawyer, but he ended up being a dole bludger who does cash jobs on the side. He still lives on his parent's farm near Kilcoy lol. I caught up on all the news about what everyone was doing. Saddest thing was someone was killed in a car crash in America, others had gotten divorce raped and one was a drug addict, while the most successful guys were working in the mines or as tradies.
new year I pulled a bon bon with him, and I wrote my new years resolution on it:
New year resolution resized

I spent my last night camping on fraser island, in a spot next to some family. This surfer looking father faggot tried to tell me I couldn't camp there as it was reserved for their friends who were arriving soon. So I showed him my camping tag which showed that I had booked into this site he was trying to save for his friends. He kept hanging around asking me to move so his friends could camp there, in the spot which I had legally booked. I told him to fuck off and they packed up and drove off after that. I had the whole campsite to myself that night. Remember boyos - don't let norsmhits push you around, never help a normshit sex haver.
Fraser Island has an interesting history. In the simplest terms, some femoid survived a shipreck and aboriginals helped her to survive. When she was rescued by white settlers, she said the aboriginals raped her, and kept her as a captive and abused her, which was a lie. She wrote a book about her "ordeal" and retold her story at festivals and market fairs. Her story led to reprisal operations against the indigenous tribes, and the aboriginals were wiped out on fraser island, because of the word of a lying bitch. Anyway, Fraser island was renamed to the local Aboriginal name now and her name was dropped from it hahahaa.
When I was heading back to Inskip point but still on Fraser Island, I saw a family with a dog so I got photos and reported them to the park ranger! When I talked to him, I made sure to emphasise the fact that it was off the leash and that it was a hazard to drivers. He said he would go up to the spot and "take some enforcement action." Idk what happened after, but it's a criminal offense to have a domestic pet on the national park island so I think they might have gotten a fine or a move order at the worst case haha.
I was down to my last $1150 by this time, and it was time to head back to my shed in South Australia. When I went to stock up on fuel and salami and bread rolls for the trip back, I found that my disaster relief payment had been approved! So I had a whole fucking $1000 in my account in addition to my regular DSP payment. I ended my trip with a 4 day drive back to my place in SA.
In total, I travelled for 3 weeks, and spent a total of around $4000 including fuel, accommodation, food, site seeing shit and parts to repair my car. I travelled nearly 4600km in total.
During this time, I was doing minimal chadfish. I stood up dozens of faggots along the way, as well as a few roasties, which I'll post soon when I censor them!
I'd like to acknowledge the goyim wagecuck taxpayers who made this trip possible.
How did you subhumans spend your Christmas/New year?
Just before Christmas, I heard through my high school's facebook page that there was a reunion, so I decided I would go to it.
I packed my trusty Land Rover with my camping gear, and filled my fuel tanks and jerry cans and set off.
From Birdsville to Windorah, was fucking shit, as half the road was flooded. I can usually drive through, but I ended up stranded for 3 days waiting for water to recede.
I went through all the small towns on the following route: Windorah to Quilpie, to Charleville to Roma, to Toowoomba and to Brisbane. In each town, I'd stop and check out the historical centres, the cemetery and the local museums.
All camping was done in the back of my vehicle. My only expenses were fuel from the service station in Toowoomba and pies from local bakeries.
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The towns in QLD are still recovering from the COVID border closures which cut tourism off. The agriculture in these areas is also fucked, as is resource development due to government obstruction. There were some old boomers I talked too, and shared a heap of stories with them in the bakeries.
Anyway, when I arrived on the coast, I headed to the Gold Coast to do some hiking.
There's a treetop walk in Lamington National Park that is worth doing. Good views from the top platform. I did a 18km hike along the border walk that day.
Heading back to the car park after I saw a gathering of Chink tourists. They were quacking in their language, and gawking at a red belly black snake on the road.
I also saw a large group of foids feeding the parrots with bird seed. Funny thing is the birds were literally shitting and dropping lice all over those femoids.
After that, I headed to Coolangatta and parked up near the beach. Slept in my vehicle that night, and had some pies from the bakery near the beach. Don't know the name but it's a good place.
I did the following things on the GC: GC airport tour and Currumbin Wilflife Sanctury. The latter is good as you can see tree kangaroos. The tour guide said that the male tree kangaroo lives in a separate enclosure, but he some how managed to escape it and get into the female enclsoure, and she is now pregnant - mogged by animals again.
On the final night, I pissed in the ocean near Southport because some jew faggot council charges you to use the toilets on the beach lol.
I drove to Brisbane, and checked into a hotel for a few night. I hadn't showered in like a week by this point, so it was nice. I spent the night jerking off to porn on the hotel wifi lol. Next day I visited a chink massage place, and got a $75 massage for 1 hr, with hot stones and everything. It was nice, until the femoid started asking did I want extras and I said no, and she tried ending the massage early. It ended with me arguing with the owner for my 20 minutes, so I was a massage for 20 minutes by another girl. At least the owner was honest, but the first femoid was a lying piece of shit trying to cut your time short.
By this time I got sick of living on 2 minute noodles, bread rolls with salami on it, and canned tuna mixed with pasta, so I decided to splurge beyond my budget - basically anything that could be cooked in a jetboil and eaten out of a British army crusader mug.
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I georged on KFC and subway goyslop for 3 days. Other than eating, I checked out all the free shit in Brisbane:
Story bridge, captain cook bridge, old fortifications, fort lytton, some old naval base under the bridge, some old air raid shelters, a few cannons overlooking the river, the botanic gardens, and parliament house (inshallah, the black flag of Islam will fly over it one day and this farce of a democracy will crumble).
The QLD maritime museum is worth visiting as it's pretty cheap for a ticket, their star attraction is the Diamantina, a WW2 frigate.
The State Art Gallery, GOMA and Science are leftist dogshit. You'll have more fun watching a dog do a shit than you will looking at their art. Seeing families and kids run around really pissed me off. Those little fucks in their prams would always get in the way. Sex havers fuck off!
The State museum was ok, but the only good thing was the WW1 German tank that was captured by Australia zogbots and bought back to Australia at the end of the war. I think it was the last surviving tank of its kind.
I did the Museum of Brisbane, and the clocktower thing - Museum was shit, clocktower was ok, and saw some slut's ass as she climbed the stairs lol.
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I fucked off to my school reunion thing. I didn't attend their dinner, but I did the after dinner thing where everyone just talked in the sports hall. I honestly didn't see a single ex-student I knew, but I did talk to one former teacher.
The teacher had recently retired, and he was one of my favorites. He was really curious about what I had done post-school. Truth is I've done absolutely fuck all since I dropped out of uni years ago, I lied by saying I'm a farmer lol. Then he started talking about all the great shit my brother has done.
Of course, I'm mogged by my brother who was always the star student in every regards at the grammar school we went to. And that's all the fucking teacher could talk about - how great my brother was.
The old teacher dude sensed I had changed since school. Then he got the dean of students involved in the conversation, and within a few minutes the school's new careers officer is talking about how I should come in for a careers advice thing. "We can help you find an apprenticeship through the Old Boy's network" they said.
I was tired of this shit about how the school looks out for its past students, and being the black sheep of my family, I excused myself and left. I did get the phone number of an old school friend though. I'll go to the next one in 10 years time!
After that I went to Mt Cootha. botanic gardens. This is a nice place with a lake, and a lookout of the city. You can also do some walks to a small waterfall. I did the 8km circuit, and saw a few foids dressed like sluts in yoga pants. I got some creepshots too!
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I also visited the rememberence wall to Australian zogbots killed in foreign jew wars. It was depressing, reading the names of guys who died for the Jews. I guess the goyim never learn.
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I messaged an old friend from prison, to see if he was willing to catch up and he said he had court that day. So I went to attend his court session haha! He unfortunately was found guilty, and was taken into custody for sentensing, so we didn't do anything after. Walking through the court building was a trip down memory lane. I've spent several weeks in that police watchouse years ago, and it's a fucking cold miserable shithole where the guards leave your air con jacked up so the cell is freezing. The security on the court house were suspicious as fuck - they were fine at first, but then asked for ID to gain admittance to the building, when they did something on the computer, they changed ther tone and made me remove my boots, my belt and my pocket contents then walk through the metal detector twice. Even when I was let through, 2 court house security zogbots were always near me when I was in the court building. They probs saw my FPO when they checked my ID on their computer maybe??
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By this time, I was running low on shekels, so decided to make a visit to the local welfare office to get some more neetbux. I walked in, told a few lies and got a crisis payment approved, and a national disaster payment application submitted.
While waiting for my neetbux appointment, I watched an entire family of niggers walk in. I counted 8 in total, 2 little niglets, and some adult niggers. I hope they are successful in maximising their welfare payments. I also hope they graduate to fucking white sluts and turning them into single mothers with a half caste child :feelskek:
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That night, I checked out of my hotel, and took all the free shit in the hotel room with me: shampoo sachets, toothbrush, towels, toothpaste tube, every toilet roll, towels, sheets, 2 pillows, everthing in the fridge and wine bar. I cancelled my card after I left with my bank app claiming it was stolen. The hotel won't recover the cost as that account is empty and I already owe nearly 20k in credit card debt to that bank anyway, which I'll never repay.
Parking in the city is fucking expensive, so I had parked outside in the suburbs. But to get back to my parking area, I had to get the train.
I learnt that Brisbane has ticket gates blocking access to each station, so it's hard to illegally use the train. I went to the transport card recharge machine and fished a receipt out of the change/ticket dispenser thing, and walked up to the bored looking fat fuck at the ticket gate and he swiped me through. It wasn't even a ticket, it was a fucking receipt from some other customer. Half an hour later, I was back at my car parking spot,
I headed up to beerwah state forest for some 4wding, and during that my front tyre and central diff lock system got absolutely fucked. Ended up camping on the side of the track for 2 days while my dad drove up land rover parts for me from northern NSW.
First night a bunch of hoons on dirt bikes came roaring up the track late at night, and stopped near my vehicle. They were looking inside my vehicle, when I woke up and started yelling at the bogans and they fucked off. Fucking bogans scared the shit out of me. In the past I'd travel with my handgun or at least a rifle, but now I can't risk it because highway patrol pigs have been doing breathalysers and vehicle searches frequently over christmas period.
The next day some femoid 4wding club came along. These were city bitches in their brand new Akubra hats and country road jeans in their heavily modified 4wds. One butch lesbian bitch in a land cruiser stopped, rolled down her window and said what's wrong, need a hand mate?
Now I fucking hate women and I wasn't going to accept help from a femoid when my father was already coming up from NSW, so I replied back fuck off! She said what's your problem? Piss off I replied!
Then her short haired lesbian bitch partner in the passenger seat said oi oi theirs no need for that language. I told them to fuck off again and they finally drove off shaking them heads and staring at me as they drove pas.
As the next vehicle drove by, the femoid driver had her window down and was filming me on her phone. So there's probably a video of me telling these femoids to fuck off being shared across facebook groups as I type this kek.
I shit on those femoid 4wders, just as I shit on caravanners. My stock standard 30 year old land rover is far more capable off road than any of those 100k vehicles. I laugh at these city sluts who go 4wding in the bush on their weekends to get muddy when they're actually shit drivers, and they spend insane money on useless modifications. I always say that if you see someone in a landcruiser with 33 inch tyres, it's to compensate for a small cock. Well in this case, these lesbian femoids were compensating for not having a cock and were trying to prove their manliness in a "male dominated hobby." Beerwah was shit, the tracks were ok, but it was too overrun with sluts.
Anyway, when my dad arrived on day 3, we managed to change out the problem parts on the track and we went out separate ways - me going to the Sunshine Coast to visit a school friend.
School friend was an absolute dero like me. I honestly expected him to become a doctor or lawyer, but he ended up being a dole bludger who does cash jobs on the side. He still lives on his parent's farm near Kilcoy lol. I caught up on all the news about what everyone was doing. Saddest thing was someone was killed in a car crash in America, others had gotten divorce raped and one was a drug addict, while the most successful guys were working in the mines or as tradies.
new year I pulled a bon bon with him, and I wrote my new years resolution on it:
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I spent my last night camping on fraser island, in a spot next to some family. This surfer looking father faggot tried to tell me I couldn't camp there as it was reserved for their friends who were arriving soon. So I showed him my camping tag which showed that I had booked into this site he was trying to save for his friends. He kept hanging around asking me to move so his friends could camp there, in the spot which I had legally booked. I told him to fuck off and they packed up and drove off after that. I had the whole campsite to myself that night. Remember boyos - don't let norsmhits push you around, never help a normshit sex haver.
Fraser Island has an interesting history. In the simplest terms, some femoid survived a shipreck and aboriginals helped her to survive. When she was rescued by white settlers, she said the aboriginals raped her, and kept her as a captive and abused her, which was a lie. She wrote a book about her "ordeal" and retold her story at festivals and market fairs. Her story led to reprisal operations against the indigenous tribes, and the aboriginals were wiped out on fraser island, because of the word of a lying bitch. Anyway, Fraser island was renamed to the local Aboriginal name now and her name was dropped from it hahahaa.
When I was heading back to Inskip point but still on Fraser Island, I saw a family with a dog so I got photos and reported them to the park ranger! When I talked to him, I made sure to emphasise the fact that it was off the leash and that it was a hazard to drivers. He said he would go up to the spot and "take some enforcement action." Idk what happened after, but it's a criminal offense to have a domestic pet on the national park island so I think they might have gotten a fine or a move order at the worst case haha.
I was down to my last $1150 by this time, and it was time to head back to my shed in South Australia. When I went to stock up on fuel and salami and bread rolls for the trip back, I found that my disaster relief payment had been approved! So I had a whole fucking $1000 in my account in addition to my regular DSP payment. I ended my trip with a 4 day drive back to my place in SA.
In total, I travelled for 3 weeks, and spent a total of around $4000 including fuel, accommodation, food, site seeing shit and parts to repair my car. I travelled nearly 4600km in total.
During this time, I was doing minimal chadfish. I stood up dozens of faggots along the way, as well as a few roasties, which I'll post soon when I censor them!
I'd like to acknowledge the goyim wagecuck taxpayers who made this trip possible.
How did you subhumans spend your Christmas/New year?
I actually read all of that fun read. I am glad I live in Curryland since trains here are super fucking cheap and you can travel thousands of kilometers with peanuts. I just slept and rested on New Year.
In each town, I'd stop and check out the historical centres, the cemetery and the local museums.
Why cemeteries?
All camping was done in the back of my vehicle.
How does that work, I am a NEET LDARcel so I have never had to sleep in a vehicle, do you just hope you dont get raped, find a good spot?

Very very interesting post I read all of it.
Interesting story. I spent them doing nothing special, I don't celebrate pagan christmas holidays anyway. I kept my curtains and blinds closed so I didn't have to see a single firework from sexhavers.
Mogs me hard, he had more fun in three weeks than I did in my whole life.
Read every single word
I need a tl;dr
Abu Jihad how good is your light infantry, can it face a third world army without undergoing severe attrition?
Read every word and enjoyed it
Abu Jihad how good is your light infantry, can it face a third world army without undergoing severe attrition?
There are 5 battalions I think. All are understrength. Maybe 4000 infantry max including reserves. They're well equipped and well trained but so few in number to be effective in a major war. Australia will be relegated to police keeping some Pacific island or acting in a support role to America.
Why cemeteries?

How does that work, I am a NEET LDARcel so I have never had to sleep in a vehicle, do you just hope you dont get raped, find a good spot?

Very very interesting post I read all of it.
I roll down the canvas sides and sleep in a canvas matress in the rear tray. It's ok as I can lock the rear tailgate so people can't get inside. Never really had a problem until that Beerwah forest incident.
You can never be bored when you're secure in life and are content with your own company.

Nice to see you had a good way to enjoy your holiday.
Just before Christmas, I heard through my high school's facebook page that there was a reunion, so I decided I would go to it.
I packed my trusty Land Rover with my camping gear, and filled my fuel tanks and jerry cans and set off.
From Birdsville to Windorah, was fucking shit, as half the road was flooded. I can usually drive through, but I ended up stranded for 3 days waiting for water to recede.
I went through all the small towns on the following route: Windorah to Quilpie, to Charleville to Roma, to Toowoomba and to Brisbane. In each town, I'd stop and check out the historical centres, the cemetery and the local museums.
All camping was done in the back of my vehicle. My only expenses were fuel from the service station in Toowoomba and pies from local bakeries.
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The towns in QLD are still recovering from the COVID border closures which cut tourism off. The agriculture in these areas is also fucked, as is resource development due to government obstruction. There were some old boomers I talked too, and shared a heap of stories with them in the bakeries.
Anyway, when I arrived on the coast, I headed to the Gold Coast to do some hiking.
There's a treetop walk in Lamington National Park that is worth doing. Good views from the top platform. I did a 18km hike along the border walk that day.
Heading back to the car park after I saw a gathering of Chink tourists. They were quacking in their language, and gawking at a red belly black snake on the road.
I also saw a large group of foids feeding the parrots with bird seed. Funny thing is the birds were literally shitting and dropping lice all over those femoids.
After that, I headed to Coolangatta and parked up near the beach. Slept in my vehicle that night, and had some pies from the bakery near the beach. Don't know the name but it's a good place.
I did the following things on the GC: GC airport tour and Currumbin Wilflife Sanctury. The latter is good as you can see tree kangaroos. The tour guide said that the male tree kangaroo lives in a separate enclosure, but he some how managed to escape it and get into the female enclsoure, and she is now pregnant - mogged by animals again.
On the final night, I pissed in the ocean near Southport because some jew faggot council charges you to use the toilets on the beach lol.
I drove to Brisbane, and checked into a hotel for a few night. I hadn't showered in like a week by this point, so it was nice. I spent the night jerking off to porn on the hotel wifi lol. Next day I visited a chink massage place, and got a $75 massage for 1 hr, with hot stones and everything. It was nice, until the femoid started asking did I want extras and I said no, and she tried ending the massage early. It ended with me arguing with the owner for my 20 minutes, so I was a massage for 20 minutes by another girl. At least the owner was honest, but the first femoid was a lying piece of shit trying to cut your time short.
By this time I got sick of living on 2 minute noodles, bread rolls with salami on it, and canned tuna mixed with pasta, so I decided to splurge beyond my budget - basically anything that could be cooked in a jetboil and eaten out of a British army crusader mug.
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I georged on KFC and subway goyslop for 3 days. Other than eating, I checked out all the free shit in Brisbane:
Story bridge, captain cook bridge, old fortifications, fort lytton, some old naval base under the bridge, some old air raid shelters, a few cannons overlooking the river, the botanic gardens, and parliament house (inshallah, the black flag of Islam will fly over it one day and this farce of a democracy will crumble).
The QLD maritime museum is worth visiting as it's pretty cheap for a ticket, their star attraction is the Diamantina, a WW2 frigate.
The State Art Gallery, GOMA and Science are leftist dogshit. You'll have more fun watching a dog do a shit than you will looking at their art. Seeing families and kids run around really pissed me off. Those little fucks in their prams would always get in the way. Sex havers fuck off!
The State museum was ok, but the only good thing was the WW1 German tank that was captured by Australia zogbots and bought back to Australia at the end of the war. I think it was the last surviving tank of its kind.
I did the Museum of Brisbane, and the clocktower thing - Museum was shit, clocktower was ok, and saw some slut's ass as she climbed the stairs lol.
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I fucked off to my school reunion thing. I didn't attend their dinner, but I did the after dinner thing where everyone just talked in the sports hall. I honestly didn't see a single ex-student I knew, but I did talk to one former teacher.
The teacher had recently retired, and he was one of my favorites. He was really curious about what I had done post-school. Truth is I've done absolutely fuck all since I dropped out of uni years ago, I lied by saying I'm a farmer lol. Then he started talking about all the great shit my brother has done.
Of course, I'm mogged by my brother who was always the star student in every regards at the grammar school we went to. And that's all the fucking teacher could talk about - how great my brother was.
The old teacher dude sensed I had changed since school. Then he got the dean of students involved in the conversation, and within a few minutes the school's new careers officer is talking about how I should come in for a careers advice thing. "We can help you find an apprenticeship through the Old Boy's network" they said.
I was tired of this shit about how the school looks out for its past students, and being the black sheep of my family, I excused myself and left. I did get the phone number of an old school friend though. I'll go to the next one in 10 years time!
After that I went to Mt Cootha. botanic gardens. This is a nice place with a lake, and a lookout of the city. You can also do some walks to a small waterfall. I did the 8km circuit, and saw a few foids dressed like sluts in yoga pants. I got some creepshots too!
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I also visited the rememberence wall to Australian zogbots killed in foreign jew wars. It was depressing, reading the names of guys who died for the Jews. I guess the goyim never learn.
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I messaged an old friend from prison, to see if he was willing to catch up and he said he had court that day. So I went to attend his court session haha! He unfortunately was found guilty, and was taken into custody for sentensing, so we didn't do anything after. Walking through the court building was a trip down memory lane. I've spent several weeks in that police watchouse years ago, and it's a fucking cold miserable shithole where the guards leave your air con jacked up so the cell is freezing. The security on the court house were suspicious as fuck - they were fine at first, but then asked for ID to gain admittance to the building, when they did something on the computer, they changed ther tone and made me remove my boots, my belt and my pocket contents then walk through the metal detector twice. Even when I was let through, 2 court house security zogbots were always near me when I was in the court building. They probs saw my FPO when they checked my ID on their computer maybe??
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By this time, I was running low on shekels, so decided to make a visit to the local welfare office to get some more neetbux. I walked in, told a few lies and got a crisis payment approved, and a national disaster payment application submitted.
While waiting for my neetbux appointment, I watched an entire family of niggers walk in. I counted 8 in total, 2 little niglets, and some adult niggers. I hope they are successful in maximising their welfare payments. I also hope they graduate to fucking white sluts and turning them into single mothers with a half caste child :feelskek:
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That night, I checked out of my hotel, and took all the free shit in the hotel room with me: shampoo sachets, toothbrush, towels, toothpaste tube, every toilet roll, towels, sheets, 2 pillows, everthing in the fridge and wine bar. I cancelled my card after I left with my bank app claiming it was stolen. The hotel won't recover the cost as that account is empty and I already owe nearly 20k in credit card debt to that bank anyway, which I'll never repay.
Parking in the city is fucking expensive, so I had parked outside in the suburbs. But to get back to my parking area, I had to get the train.
I learnt that Brisbane has ticket gates blocking access to each station, so it's hard to illegally use the train. I went to the transport card recharge machine and fished a receipt out of the change/ticket dispenser thing, and walked up to the bored looking fat fuck at the ticket gate and he swiped me through. It wasn't even a ticket, it was a fucking receipt from some other customer. Half an hour later, I was back at my car parking spot,
I headed up to beerwah state forest for some 4wding, and during that my front tyre and central diff lock system got absolutely fucked. Ended up camping on the side of the track for 2 days while my dad drove up land rover parts for me from northern NSW.
First night a bunch of hoons on dirt bikes came roaring up the track late at night, and stopped near my vehicle. They were looking inside my vehicle, when I woke up and started yelling at the bogans and they fucked off. Fucking bogans scared the shit out of me. In the past I'd travel with my handgun or at least a rifle, but now I can't risk it because highway patrol pigs have been doing breathalysers and vehicle searches frequently over christmas period.
The next day some femoid 4wding club came along. These were city bitches in their brand new Akubra hats and country road jeans in their heavily modified 4wds. One butch lesbian bitch in a land cruiser stopped, rolled down her window and said what's wrong, need a hand mate?
Now I fucking hate women and I wasn't going to accept help from a femoid when my father was already coming up from NSW, so I replied back fuck off! She said what's your problem? Piss off I replied!
Then her short haired lesbian bitch partner in the passenger seat said oi oi theirs no need for that language. I told them to fuck off again and they finally drove off shaking them heads and staring at me as they drove pas.
As the next vehicle drove by, the femoid driver had her window down and was filming me on her phone. So there's probably a video of me telling these femoids to fuck off being shared across facebook groups as I type this kek.
I shit on those femoid 4wders, just as I shit on caravanners. My stock standard 30 year old land rover is far more capable off road than any of those 100k vehicles. I laugh at these city sluts who go 4wding in the bush on their weekends to get muddy when they're actually shit drivers, and they spend insane money on useless modifications. I always say that if you see someone in a landcruiser with 33 inch tyres, it's to compensate for a small cock. Well in this case, these lesbian femoids were compensating for not having a cock and were trying to prove their manliness in a "male dominated hobby." Beerwah was shit, the tracks were ok, but it was too overrun with sluts.
Anyway, when my dad arrived on day 3, we managed to change out the problem parts on the track and we went out separate ways - me going to the Sunshine Coast to visit a school friend.
School friend was an absolute dero like me. I honestly expected him to become a doctor or lawyer, but he ended up being a dole bludger who does cash jobs on the side. He still lives on his parent's farm near Kilcoy lol. I caught up on all the news about what everyone was doing. Saddest thing was someone was killed in a car crash in America, others had gotten divorce raped and one was a drug addict, while the most successful guys were working in the mines or as tradies.
new year I pulled a bon bon with him, and I wrote my new years resolution on it:
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I spent my last night camping on fraser island, in a spot next to some family. This surfer looking father faggot tried to tell me I couldn't camp there as it was reserved for their friends who were arriving soon. So I showed him my camping tag which showed that I had booked into this site he was trying to save for his friends. He kept hanging around asking me to move so his friends could camp there, in the spot which I had legally booked. I told him to fuck off and they packed up and drove off after that. I had the whole campsite to myself that night. Remember boyos - don't let norsmhits push you around, never help a normshit sex haver.
Fraser Island has an interesting history. In the simplest terms, some femoid survived a shipreck and aboriginals helped her to survive. When she was rescued by white settlers, she said the aboriginals raped her, and kept her as a captive and abused her, which was a lie. She wrote a book about her "ordeal" and retold her story at festivals and market fairs. Her story led to reprisal operations against the indigenous tribes, and the aboriginals were wiped out on fraser island, because of the word of a lying bitch. Anyway, Fraser island was renamed to the local Aboriginal name now and her name was dropped from it hahahaa.
When I was heading back to Inskip point but still on Fraser Island, I saw a family with a dog so I got photos and reported them to the park ranger! When I talked to him, I made sure to emphasise the fact that it was off the leash and that it was a hazard to drivers. He said he would go up to the spot and "take some enforcement action." Idk what happened after, but it's a criminal offense to have a domestic pet on the national park island so I think they might have gotten a fine or a move order at the worst case haha.
I was down to my last $1150 by this time, and it was time to head back to my shed in South Australia. When I went to stock up on fuel and salami and bread rolls for the trip back, I found that my disaster relief payment had been approved! So I had a whole fucking $1000 in my account in addition to my regular DSP payment. I ended my trip with a 4 day drive back to my place in SA.
In total, I travelled for 3 weeks, and spent a total of around $4000 including fuel, accommodation, food, site seeing shit and parts to repair my car. I travelled nearly 4600km in total.
During this time, I was doing minimal chadfish. I stood up dozens of faggots along the way, as well as a few roasties, which I'll post soon when I censor them!
I'd like to acknowledge the goyim wagecuck taxpayers who made this trip possible.
How did you subhumans spend your Christmas/New year?
It’s truly over for us Brisbanecels
Just before Christmas, I heard through my high school's facebook page that there was a reunion, so I decided I would go to it.
I packed my trusty Land Rover with my camping gear, and filled my fuel tanks and jerry cans and set off.
From Birdsville to Windorah, was fucking shit, as half the road was flooded. I can usually drive through, but I ended up stranded for 3 days waiting for water to recede.
I went through all the small towns on the following route: Windorah to Quilpie, to Charleville to Roma, to Toowoomba and to Brisbane. In each town, I'd stop and check out the historical centres, the cemetery and the local museums.
All camping was done in the back of my vehicle. My only expenses were fuel from the service station in Toowoomba and pies from local bakeries.
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The towns in QLD are still recovering from the COVID border closures which cut tourism off. The agriculture in these areas is also fucked, as is resource development due to government obstruction. There were some old boomers I talked too, and shared a heap of stories with them in the bakeries.
Anyway, when I arrived on the coast, I headed to the Gold Coast to do some hiking.
There's a treetop walk in Lamington National Park that is worth doing. Good views from the top platform. I did a 18km hike along the border walk that day.
Heading back to the car park after I saw a gathering of Chink tourists. They were quacking in their language, and gawking at a red belly black snake on the road.
I also saw a large group of foids feeding the parrots with bird seed. Funny thing is the birds were literally shitting and dropping lice all over those femoids.
After that, I headed to Coolangatta and parked up near the beach. Slept in my vehicle that night, and had some pies from the bakery near the beach. Don't know the name but it's a good place.
I did the following things on the GC: GC airport tour and Currumbin Wilflife Sanctury. The latter is good as you can see tree kangaroos. The tour guide said that the male tree kangaroo lives in a separate enclosure, but he some how managed to escape it and get into the female enclsoure, and she is now pregnant - mogged by animals again.
On the final night, I pissed in the ocean near Southport because some jew faggot council charges you to use the toilets on the beach lol.
I drove to Brisbane, and checked into a hotel for a few night. I hadn't showered in like a week by this point, so it was nice. I spent the night jerking off to porn on the hotel wifi lol. Next day I visited a chink massage place, and got a $75 massage for 1 hr, with hot stones and everything. It was nice, until the femoid started asking did I want extras and I said no, and she tried ending the massage early. It ended with me arguing with the owner for my 20 minutes, so I was a massage for 20 minutes by another girl. At least the owner was honest, but the first femoid was a lying piece of shit trying to cut your time short.
By this time I got sick of living on 2 minute noodles, bread rolls with salami on it, and canned tuna mixed with pasta, so I decided to splurge beyond my budget - basically anything that could be cooked in a jetboil and eaten out of a British army crusader mug.
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I georged on KFC and subway goyslop for 3 days. Other than eating, I checked out all the free shit in Brisbane:
Story bridge, captain cook bridge, old fortifications, fort lytton, some old naval base under the bridge, some old air raid shelters, a few cannons overlooking the river, the botanic gardens, and parliament house (inshallah, the black flag of Islam will fly over it one day and this farce of a democracy will crumble).
The QLD maritime museum is worth visiting as it's pretty cheap for a ticket, their star attraction is the Diamantina, a WW2 frigate.
The State Art Gallery, GOMA and Science are leftist dogshit. You'll have more fun watching a dog do a shit than you will looking at their art. Seeing families and kids run around really pissed me off. Those little fucks in their prams would always get in the way. Sex havers fuck off!
The State museum was ok, but the only good thing was the WW1 German tank that was captured by Australia zogbots and bought back to Australia at the end of the war. I think it was the last surviving tank of its kind.
I did the Museum of Brisbane, and the clocktower thing - Museum was shit, clocktower was ok, and saw some slut's ass as she climbed the stairs lol.
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I fucked off to my school reunion thing. I didn't attend their dinner, but I did the after dinner thing where everyone just talked in the sports hall. I honestly didn't see a single ex-student I knew, but I did talk to one former teacher.
The teacher had recently retired, and he was one of my favorites. He was really curious about what I had done post-school. Truth is I've done absolutely fuck all since I dropped out of uni years ago, I lied by saying I'm a farmer lol. Then he started talking about all the great shit my brother has done.
Of course, I'm mogged by my brother who was always the star student in every regards at the grammar school we went to. And that's all the fucking teacher could talk about - how great my brother was.
The old teacher dude sensed I had changed since school. Then he got the dean of students involved in the conversation, and within a few minutes the school's new careers officer is talking about how I should come in for a careers advice thing. "We can help you find an apprenticeship through the Old Boy's network" they said.
I was tired of this shit about how the school looks out for its past students, and being the black sheep of my family, I excused myself and left. I did get the phone number of an old school friend though. I'll go to the next one in 10 years time!
After that I went to Mt Cootha. botanic gardens. This is a nice place with a lake, and a lookout of the city. You can also do some walks to a small waterfall. I did the 8km circuit, and saw a few foids dressed like sluts in yoga pants. I got some creepshots too!
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I also visited the rememberence wall to Australian zogbots killed in foreign jew wars. It was depressing, reading the names of guys who died for the Jews. I guess the goyim never learn.
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I messaged an old friend from prison, to see if he was willing to catch up and he said he had court that day. So I went to attend his court session haha! He unfortunately was found guilty, and was taken into custody for sentensing, so we didn't do anything after. Walking through the court building was a trip down memory lane. I've spent several weeks in that police watchouse years ago, and it's a fucking cold miserable shithole where the guards leave your air con jacked up so the cell is freezing. The security on the court house were suspicious as fuck - they were fine at first, but then asked for ID to gain admittance to the building, when they did something on the computer, they changed ther tone and made me remove my boots, my belt and my pocket contents then walk through the metal detector twice. Even when I was let through, 2 court house security zogbots were always near me when I was in the court building. They probs saw my FPO when they checked my ID on their computer maybe??
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By this time, I was running low on shekels, so decided to make a visit to the local welfare office to get some more neetbux. I walked in, told a few lies and got a crisis payment approved, and a national disaster payment application submitted.
While waiting for my neetbux appointment, I watched an entire family of niggers walk in. I counted 8 in total, 2 little niglets, and some adult niggers. I hope they are successful in maximising their welfare payments. I also hope they graduate to fucking white sluts and turning them into single mothers with a half caste child :feelskek:
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That night, I checked out of my hotel, and took all the free shit in the hotel room with me: shampoo sachets, toothbrush, towels, toothpaste tube, every toilet roll, towels, sheets, 2 pillows, everthing in the fridge and wine bar. I cancelled my card after I left with my bank app claiming it was stolen. The hotel won't recover the cost as that account is empty and I already owe nearly 20k in credit card debt to that bank anyway, which I'll never repay.
Parking in the city is fucking expensive, so I had parked outside in the suburbs. But to get back to my parking area, I had to get the train.
I learnt that Brisbane has ticket gates blocking access to each station, so it's hard to illegally use the train. I went to the transport card recharge machine and fished a receipt out of the change/ticket dispenser thing, and walked up to the bored looking fat fuck at the ticket gate and he swiped me through. It wasn't even a ticket, it was a fucking receipt from some other customer. Half an hour later, I was back at my car parking spot,
I headed up to beerwah state forest for some 4wding, and during that my front tyre and central diff lock system got absolutely fucked. Ended up camping on the side of the track for 2 days while my dad drove up land rover parts for me from northern NSW.
First night a bunch of hoons on dirt bikes came roaring up the track late at night, and stopped near my vehicle. They were looking inside my vehicle, when I woke up and started yelling at the bogans and they fucked off. Fucking bogans scared the shit out of me. In the past I'd travel with my handgun or at least a rifle, but now I can't risk it because highway patrol pigs have been doing breathalysers and vehicle searches frequently over christmas period.
The next day some femoid 4wding club came along. These were city bitches in their brand new Akubra hats and country road jeans in their heavily modified 4wds. One butch lesbian bitch in a land cruiser stopped, rolled down her window and said what's wrong, need a hand mate?
Now I fucking hate women and I wasn't going to accept help from a femoid when my father was already coming up from NSW, so I replied back fuck off! She said what's your problem? Piss off I replied!
Then her short haired lesbian bitch partner in the passenger seat said oi oi theirs no need for that language. I told them to fuck off again and they finally drove off shaking them heads and staring at me as they drove pas.
As the next vehicle drove by, the femoid driver had her window down and was filming me on her phone. So there's probably a video of me telling these femoids to fuck off being shared across facebook groups as I type this kek.
I shit on those femoid 4wders, just as I shit on caravanners. My stock standard 30 year old land rover is far more capable off road than any of those 100k vehicles. I laugh at these city sluts who go 4wding in the bush on their weekends to get muddy when they're actually shit drivers, and they spend insane money on useless modifications. I always say that if you see someone in a landcruiser with 33 inch tyres, it's to compensate for a small cock. Well in this case, these lesbian femoids were compensating for not having a cock and were trying to prove their manliness in a "male dominated hobby." Beerwah was shit, the tracks were ok, but it was too overrun with sluts.
Anyway, when my dad arrived on day 3, we managed to change out the problem parts on the track and we went out separate ways - me going to the Sunshine Coast to visit a school friend.
School friend was an absolute dero like me. I honestly expected him to become a doctor or lawyer, but he ended up being a dole bludger who does cash jobs on the side. He still lives on his parent's farm near Kilcoy lol. I caught up on all the news about what everyone was doing. Saddest thing was someone was killed in a car crash in America, others had gotten divorce raped and one was a drug addict, while the most successful guys were working in the mines or as tradies.
new year I pulled a bon bon with him, and I wrote my new years resolution on it:
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I spent my last night camping on fraser island, in a spot next to some family. This surfer looking father faggot tried to tell me I couldn't camp there as it was reserved for their friends who were arriving soon. So I showed him my camping tag which showed that I had booked into this site he was trying to save for his friends. He kept hanging around asking me to move so his friends could camp there, in the spot which I had legally booked. I told him to fuck off and they packed up and drove off after that. I had the whole campsite to myself that night. Remember boyos - don't let norsmhits push you around, never help a normshit sex haver.
Fraser Island has an interesting history. In the simplest terms, some femoid survived a shipreck and aboriginals helped her to survive. When she was rescued by white settlers, she said the aboriginals raped her, and kept her as a captive and abused her, which was a lie. She wrote a book about her "ordeal" and retold her story at festivals and market fairs. Her story led to reprisal operations against the indigenous tribes, and the aboriginals were wiped out on fraser island, because of the word of a lying bitch. Anyway, Fraser island was renamed to the local Aboriginal name now and her name was dropped from it hahahaa.
When I was heading back to Inskip point but still on Fraser Island, I saw a family with a dog so I got photos and reported them to the park ranger! When I talked to him, I made sure to emphasise the fact that it was off the leash and that it was a hazard to drivers. He said he would go up to the spot and "take some enforcement action." Idk what happened after, but it's a criminal offense to have a domestic pet on the national park island so I think they might have gotten a fine or a move order at the worst case haha.
I was down to my last $1150 by this time, and it was time to head back to my shed in South Australia. When I went to stock up on fuel and salami and bread rolls for the trip back, I found that my disaster relief payment had been approved! So I had a whole fucking $1000 in my account in addition to my regular DSP payment. I ended my trip with a 4 day drive back to my place in SA.
In total, I travelled for 3 weeks, and spent a total of around $4000 including fuel, accommodation, food, site seeing shit and parts to repair my car. I travelled nearly 4600km in total.
During this time, I was doing minimal chadfish. I stood up dozens of faggots along the way, as well as a few roasties, which I'll post soon when I censor them!
I'd like to acknowledge the goyim wagecuck taxpayers who made this trip possible.
How did you subhumans spend your Christmas/New year?
Great read, thank you taxpayers for funding it. Could become a series Chadfish Man Adventures like that old Bush Tucker Man show
How's Stretchy?
Just before Christmas, I heard through my high school's facebook page that there was a reunion, so I decided I would go to it.
I packed my trusty Land Rover with my camping gear, and filled my fuel tanks and jerry cans and set off.
From Birdsville to Windorah, was fucking shit, as half the road was flooded. I can usually drive through, but I ended up stranded for 3 days waiting for water to recede.
I went through all the small towns on the following route: Windorah to Quilpie, to Charleville to Roma, to Toowoomba and to Brisbane. In each town, I'd stop and check out the historical centres, the cemetery and the local museums.
All camping was done in the back of my vehicle. My only expenses were fuel from the service station in Toowoomba and pies from local bakeries.
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The towns in QLD are still recovering from the COVID border closures which cut tourism off. The agriculture in these areas is also fucked, as is resource development due to government obstruction. There were some old boomers I talked too, and shared a heap of stories with them in the bakeries.
Anyway, when I arrived on the coast, I headed to the Gold Coast to do some hiking.
There's a treetop walk in Lamington National Park that is worth doing. Good views from the top platform. I did a 18km hike along the border walk that day.
Heading back to the car park after I saw a gathering of Chink tourists. They were quacking in their language, and gawking at a red belly black snake on the road.
I also saw a large group of foids feeding the parrots with bird seed. Funny thing is the birds were literally shitting and dropping lice all over those femoids.
After that, I headed to Coolangatta and parked up near the beach. Slept in my vehicle that night, and had some pies from the bakery near the beach. Don't know the name but it's a good place.
I did the following things on the GC: GC airport tour and Currumbin Wilflife Sanctury. The latter is good as you can see tree kangaroos. The tour guide said that the male tree kangaroo lives in a separate enclosure, but he some how managed to escape it and get into the female enclsoure, and she is now pregnant - mogged by animals again.
On the final night, I pissed in the ocean near Southport because some jew faggot council charges you to use the toilets on the beach lol.
I drove to Brisbane, and checked into a hotel for a few night. I hadn't showered in like a week by this point, so it was nice. I spent the night jerking off to porn on the hotel wifi lol. Next day I visited a chink massage place, and got a $75 massage for 1 hr, with hot stones and everything. It was nice, until the femoid started asking did I want extras and I said no, and she tried ending the massage early. It ended with me arguing with the owner for my 20 minutes, so I was a massage for 20 minutes by another girl. At least the owner was honest, but the first femoid was a lying piece of shit trying to cut your time short.
By this time I got sick of living on 2 minute noodles, bread rolls with salami on it, and canned tuna mixed with pasta, so I decided to splurge beyond my budget - basically anything that could be cooked in a jetboil and eaten out of a British army crusader mug.
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I georged on KFC and subway goyslop for 3 days. Other than eating, I checked out all the free shit in Brisbane:
Story bridge, captain cook bridge, old fortifications, fort lytton, some old naval base under the bridge, some old air raid shelters, a few cannons overlooking the river, the botanic gardens, and parliament house (inshallah, the black flag of Islam will fly over it one day and this farce of a democracy will crumble).
The QLD maritime museum is worth visiting as it's pretty cheap for a ticket, their star attraction is the Diamantina, a WW2 frigate.
The State Art Gallery, GOMA and Science are leftist dogshit. You'll have more fun watching a dog do a shit than you will looking at their art. Seeing families and kids run around really pissed me off. Those little fucks in their prams would always get in the way. Sex havers fuck off!
The State museum was ok, but the only good thing was the WW1 German tank that was captured by Australia zogbots and bought back to Australia at the end of the war. I think it was the last surviving tank of its kind.
I did the Museum of Brisbane, and the clocktower thing - Museum was shit, clocktower was ok, and saw some slut's ass as she climbed the stairs lol.
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I fucked off to my school reunion thing. I didn't attend their dinner, but I did the after dinner thing where everyone just talked in the sports hall. I honestly didn't see a single ex-student I knew, but I did talk to one former teacher.
The teacher had recently retired, and he was one of my favorites. He was really curious about what I had done post-school. Truth is I've done absolutely fuck all since I dropped out of uni years ago, I lied by saying I'm a farmer lol. Then he started talking about all the great shit my brother has done.
Of course, I'm mogged by my brother who was always the star student in every regards at the grammar school we went to. And that's all the fucking teacher could talk about - how great my brother was.
The old teacher dude sensed I had changed since school. Then he got the dean of students involved in the conversation, and within a few minutes the school's new careers officer is talking about how I should come in for a careers advice thing. "We can help you find an apprenticeship through the Old Boy's network" they said.
I was tired of this shit about how the school looks out for its past students, and being the black sheep of my family, I excused myself and left. I did get the phone number of an old school friend though. I'll go to the next one in 10 years time!
After that I went to Mt Cootha. botanic gardens. This is a nice place with a lake, and a lookout of the city. You can also do some walks to a small waterfall. I did the 8km circuit, and saw a few foids dressed like sluts in yoga pants. I got some creepshots too!
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I also visited the rememberence wall to Australian zogbots killed in foreign jew wars. It was depressing, reading the names of guys who died for the Jews. I guess the goyim never learn.
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I messaged an old friend from prison, to see if he was willing to catch up and he said he had court that day. So I went to attend his court session haha! He unfortunately was found guilty, and was taken into custody for sentensing, so we didn't do anything after. Walking through the court building was a trip down memory lane. I've spent several weeks in that police watchouse years ago, and it's a fucking cold miserable shithole where the guards leave your air con jacked up so the cell is freezing. The security on the court house were suspicious as fuck - they were fine at first, but then asked for ID to gain admittance to the building, when they did something on the computer, they changed ther tone and made me remove my boots, my belt and my pocket contents then walk through the metal detector twice. Even when I was let through, 2 court house security zogbots were always near me when I was in the court building. They probs saw my FPO when they checked my ID on their computer maybe??
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By this time, I was running low on shekels, so decided to make a visit to the local welfare office to get some more neetbux. I walked in, told a few lies and got a crisis payment approved, and a national disaster payment application submitted.
While waiting for my neetbux appointment, I watched an entire family of niggers walk in. I counted 8 in total, 2 little niglets, and some adult niggers. I hope they are successful in maximising their welfare payments. I also hope they graduate to fucking white sluts and turning them into single mothers with a half caste child :feelskek:
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That night, I checked out of my hotel, and took all the free shit in the hotel room with me: shampoo sachets, toothbrush, towels, toothpaste tube, every toilet roll, towels, sheets, 2 pillows, everthing in the fridge and wine bar. I cancelled my card after I left with my bank app claiming it was stolen. The hotel won't recover the cost as that account is empty and I already owe nearly 20k in credit card debt to that bank anyway, which I'll never repay.
Parking in the city is fucking expensive, so I had parked outside in the suburbs. But to get back to my parking area, I had to get the train.
I learnt that Brisbane has ticket gates blocking access to each station, so it's hard to illegally use the train. I went to the transport card recharge machine and fished a receipt out of the change/ticket dispenser thing, and walked up to the bored looking fat fuck at the ticket gate and he swiped me through. It wasn't even a ticket, it was a fucking receipt from some other customer. Half an hour later, I was back at my car parking spot,
I headed up to beerwah state forest for some 4wding, and during that my front tyre and central diff lock system got absolutely fucked. Ended up camping on the side of the track for 2 days while my dad drove up land rover parts for me from northern NSW.
First night a bunch of hoons on dirt bikes came roaring up the track late at night, and stopped near my vehicle. They were looking inside my vehicle, when I woke up and started yelling at the bogans and they fucked off. Fucking bogans scared the shit out of me. In the past I'd travel with my handgun or at least a rifle, but now I can't risk it because highway patrol pigs have been doing breathalysers and vehicle searches frequently over christmas period.
The next day some femoid 4wding club came along. These were city bitches in their brand new Akubra hats and country road jeans in their heavily modified 4wds. One butch lesbian bitch in a land cruiser stopped, rolled down her window and said what's wrong, need a hand mate?
Now I fucking hate women and I wasn't going to accept help from a femoid when my father was already coming up from NSW, so I replied back fuck off! She said what's your problem? Piss off I replied!
Then her short haired lesbian bitch partner in the passenger seat said oi oi theirs no need for that language. I told them to fuck off again and they finally drove off shaking them heads and staring at me as they drove pas.
As the next vehicle drove by, the femoid driver had her window down and was filming me on her phone. So there's probably a video of me telling these femoids to fuck off being shared across facebook groups as I type this kek.
I shit on those femoid 4wders, just as I shit on caravanners. My stock standard 30 year old land rover is far more capable off road than any of those 100k vehicles. I laugh at these city sluts who go 4wding in the bush on their weekends to get muddy when they're actually shit drivers, and they spend insane money on useless modifications. I always say that if you see someone in a landcruiser with 33 inch tyres, it's to compensate for a small cock. Well in this case, these lesbian femoids were compensating for not having a cock and were trying to prove their manliness in a "male dominated hobby." Beerwah was shit, the tracks were ok, but it was too overrun with sluts.
Anyway, when my dad arrived on day 3, we managed to change out the problem parts on the track and we went out separate ways - me going to the Sunshine Coast to visit a school friend.
School friend was an absolute dero like me. I honestly expected him to become a doctor or lawyer, but he ended up being a dole bludger who does cash jobs on the side. He still lives on his parent's farm near Kilcoy lol. I caught up on all the news about what everyone was doing. Saddest thing was someone was killed in a car crash in America, others had gotten divorce raped and one was a drug addict, while the most successful guys were working in the mines or as tradies.
new year I pulled a bon bon with him, and I wrote my new years resolution on it:
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I spent my last night camping on fraser island, in a spot next to some family. This surfer looking father faggot tried to tell me I couldn't camp there as it was reserved for their friends who were arriving soon. So I showed him my camping tag which showed that I had booked into this site he was trying to save for his friends. He kept hanging around asking me to move so his friends could camp there, in the spot which I had legally booked. I told him to fuck off and they packed up and drove off after that. I had the whole campsite to myself that night. Remember boyos - don't let norsmhits push you around, never help a normshit sex haver.
Fraser Island has an interesting history. In the simplest terms, some femoid survived a shipreck and aboriginals helped her to survive. When she was rescued by white settlers, she said the aboriginals raped her, and kept her as a captive and abused her, which was a lie. She wrote a book about her "ordeal" and retold her story at festivals and market fairs. Her story led to reprisal operations against the indigenous tribes, and the aboriginals were wiped out on fraser island, because of the word of a lying bitch. Anyway, Fraser island was renamed to the local Aboriginal name now and her name was dropped from it hahahaa.
When I was heading back to Inskip point but still on Fraser Island, I saw a family with a dog so I got photos and reported them to the park ranger! When I talked to him, I made sure to emphasise the fact that it was off the leash and that it was a hazard to drivers. He said he would go up to the spot and "take some enforcement action." Idk what happened after, but it's a criminal offense to have a domestic pet on the national park island so I think they might have gotten a fine or a move order at the worst case haha.
I was down to my last $1150 by this time, and it was time to head back to my shed in South Australia. When I went to stock up on fuel and salami and bread rolls for the trip back, I found that my disaster relief payment had been approved! So I had a whole fucking $1000 in my account in addition to my regular DSP payment. I ended my trip with a 4 day drive back to my place in SA.
In total, I travelled for 3 weeks, and spent a total of around $4000 including fuel, accommodation, food, site seeing shit and parts to repair my car. I travelled nearly 4600km in total.
During this time, I was doing minimal chadfish. I stood up dozens of faggots along the way, as well as a few roasties, which I'll post soon when I censor them!
I'd like to acknowledge the goyim wagecuck taxpayers who made this trip possible.
How did you subhumans spend your Christmas/New year?
How did you get disaster relief approved?
Dnr bomb the jews or piss off
The tour guide said that the male tree kangaroo lives in a separate enclosure, but he some how managed to escape it and get into the female enclsoure, and she is now pregnant - mogged by animals again.
Just before Christmas, I heard through my high school's facebook page that there was a reunion, so I decided I would go to it.
I packed my trusty Land Rover with my camping gear, and filled my fuel tanks and jerry cans and set off.
From Birdsville to Windorah, was fucking shit, as half the road was flooded. I can usually drive through, but I ended up stranded for 3 days waiting for water to recede.
I went through all the small towns on the following route: Windorah to Quilpie, to Charleville to Roma, to Toowoomba and to Brisbane. In each town, I'd stop and check out the historical centres, the cemetery and the local museums.
All camping was done in the back of my vehicle. My only expenses were fuel from the service station in Toowoomba and pies from local bakeries.
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The towns in QLD are still recovering from the COVID border closures which cut tourism off. The agriculture in these areas is also fucked, as is resource development due to government obstruction. There were some old boomers I talked too, and shared a heap of stories with them in the bakeries.
Anyway, when I arrived on the coast, I headed to the Gold Coast to do some hiking.
There's a treetop walk in Lamington National Park that is worth doing. Good views from the top platform. I did a 18km hike along the border walk that day.
Heading back to the car park after I saw a gathering of Chink tourists. They were quacking in their language, and gawking at a red belly black snake on the road.
I also saw a large group of foids feeding the parrots with bird seed. Funny thing is the birds were literally shitting and dropping lice all over those femoids.
After that, I headed to Coolangatta and parked up near the beach. Slept in my vehicle that night, and had some pies from the bakery near the beach. Don't know the name but it's a good place.
I did the following things on the GC: GC airport tour and Currumbin Wilflife Sanctury. The latter is good as you can see tree kangaroos. The tour guide said that the male tree kangaroo lives in a separate enclosure, but he some how managed to escape it and get into the female enclsoure, and she is now pregnant - mogged by animals again.
On the final night, I pissed in the ocean near Southport because some jew faggot council charges you to use the toilets on the beach lol.
I drove to Brisbane, and checked into a hotel for a few night. I hadn't showered in like a week by this point, so it was nice. I spent the night jerking off to porn on the hotel wifi lol. Next day I visited a chink massage place, and got a $75 massage for 1 hr, with hot stones and everything. It was nice, until the femoid started asking did I want extras and I said no, and she tried ending the massage early. It ended with me arguing with the owner for my 20 minutes, so I was a massage for 20 minutes by another girl. At least the owner was honest, but the first femoid was a lying piece of shit trying to cut your time short.
By this time I got sick of living on 2 minute noodles, bread rolls with salami on it, and canned tuna mixed with pasta, so I decided to splurge beyond my budget - basically anything that could be cooked in a jetboil and eaten out of a British army crusader mug.
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I georged on KFC and subway goyslop for 3 days. Other than eating, I checked out all the free shit in Brisbane:
Story bridge, captain cook bridge, old fortifications, fort lytton, some old naval base under the bridge, some old air raid shelters, a few cannons overlooking the river, the botanic gardens, and parliament house (inshallah, the black flag of Islam will fly over it one day and this farce of a democracy will crumble).
The QLD maritime museum is worth visiting as it's pretty cheap for a ticket, their star attraction is the Diamantina, a WW2 frigate.
The State Art Gallery, GOMA and Science are leftist dogshit. You'll have more fun watching a dog do a shit than you will looking at their art. Seeing families and kids run around really pissed me off. Those little fucks in their prams would always get in the way. Sex havers fuck off!
The State museum was ok, but the only good thing was the WW1 German tank that was captured by Australia zogbots and bought back to Australia at the end of the war. I think it was the last surviving tank of its kind.
I did the Museum of Brisbane, and the clocktower thing - Museum was shit, clocktower was ok, and saw some slut's ass as she climbed the stairs lol.
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I fucked off to my school reunion thing. I didn't attend their dinner, but I did the after dinner thing where everyone just talked in the sports hall. I honestly didn't see a single ex-student I knew, but I did talk to one former teacher.
The teacher had recently retired, and he was one of my favorites. He was really curious about what I had done post-school. Truth is I've done absolutely fuck all since I dropped out of uni years ago, I lied by saying I'm a farmer lol. Then he started talking about all the great shit my brother has done.
Of course, I'm mogged by my brother who was always the star student in every regards at the grammar school we went to. And that's all the fucking teacher could talk about - how great my brother was.
The old teacher dude sensed I had changed since school. Then he got the dean of students involved in the conversation, and within a few minutes the school's new careers officer is talking about how I should come in for a careers advice thing. "We can help you find an apprenticeship through the Old Boy's network" they said.
I was tired of this shit about how the school looks out for its past students, and being the black sheep of my family, I excused myself and left. I did get the phone number of an old school friend though. I'll go to the next one in 10 years time!
After that I went to Mt Cootha. botanic gardens. This is a nice place with a lake, and a lookout of the city. You can also do some walks to a small waterfall. I did the 8km circuit, and saw a few foids dressed like sluts in yoga pants. I got some creepshots too!
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I also visited the rememberence wall to Australian zogbots killed in foreign jew wars. It was depressing, reading the names of guys who died for the Jews. I guess the goyim never learn.
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I messaged an old friend from prison, to see if he was willing to catch up and he said he had court that day. So I went to attend his court session haha! He unfortunately was found guilty, and was taken into custody for sentensing, so we didn't do anything after. Walking through the court building was a trip down memory lane. I've spent several weeks in that police watchouse years ago, and it's a fucking cold miserable shithole where the guards leave your air con jacked up so the cell is freezing. The security on the court house were suspicious as fuck - they were fine at first, but then asked for ID to gain admittance to the building, when they did something on the computer, they changed ther tone and made me remove my boots, my belt and my pocket contents then walk through the metal detector twice. Even when I was let through, 2 court house security zogbots were always near me when I was in the court building. They probs saw my FPO when they checked my ID on their computer maybe??
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By this time, I was running low on shekels, so decided to make a visit to the local welfare office to get some more neetbux. I walked in, told a few lies and got a crisis payment approved, and a national disaster payment application submitted.
While waiting for my neetbux appointment, I watched an entire family of niggers walk in. I counted 8 in total, 2 little niglets, and some adult niggers. I hope they are successful in maximising their welfare payments. I also hope they graduate to fucking white sluts and turning them into single mothers with a half caste child :feelskek:
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That night, I checked out of my hotel, and took all the free shit in the hotel room with me: shampoo sachets, toothbrush, towels, toothpaste tube, every toilet roll, towels, sheets, 2 pillows, everthing in the fridge and wine bar. I cancelled my card after I left with my bank app claiming it was stolen. The hotel won't recover the cost as that account is empty and I already owe nearly 20k in credit card debt to that bank anyway, which I'll never repay.
Parking in the city is fucking expensive, so I had parked outside in the suburbs. But to get back to my parking area, I had to get the train.
I learnt that Brisbane has ticket gates blocking access to each station, so it's hard to illegally use the train. I went to the transport card recharge machine and fished a receipt out of the change/ticket dispenser thing, and walked up to the bored looking fat fuck at the ticket gate and he swiped me through. It wasn't even a ticket, it was a fucking receipt from some other customer. Half an hour later, I was back at my car parking spot,
I headed up to beerwah state forest for some 4wding, and during that my front tyre and central diff lock system got absolutely fucked. Ended up camping on the side of the track for 2 days while my dad drove up land rover parts for me from northern NSW.
First night a bunch of hoons on dirt bikes came roaring up the track late at night, and stopped near my vehicle. They were looking inside my vehicle, when I woke up and started yelling at the bogans and they fucked off. Fucking bogans scared the shit out of me. In the past I'd travel with my handgun or at least a rifle, but now I can't risk it because highway patrol pigs have been doing breathalysers and vehicle searches frequently over christmas period.
The next day some femoid 4wding club came along. These were city bitches in their brand new Akubra hats and country road jeans in their heavily modified 4wds. One butch lesbian bitch in a land cruiser stopped, rolled down her window and said what's wrong, need a hand mate?
Now I fucking hate women and I wasn't going to accept help from a femoid when my father was already coming up from NSW, so I replied back fuck off! She said what's your problem? Piss off I replied!
Then her short haired lesbian bitch partner in the passenger seat said oi oi theirs no need for that language. I told them to fuck off again and they finally drove off shaking them heads and staring at me as they drove pas.
As the next vehicle drove by, the femoid driver had her window down and was filming me on her phone. So there's probably a video of me telling these femoids to fuck off being shared across facebook groups as I type this kek.
I shit on those femoid 4wders, just as I shit on caravanners. My stock standard 30 year old land rover is far more capable off road than any of those 100k vehicles. I laugh at these city sluts who go 4wding in the bush on their weekends to get muddy when they're actually shit drivers, and they spend insane money on useless modifications. I always say that if you see someone in a landcruiser with 33 inch tyres, it's to compensate for a small cock. Well in this case, these lesbian femoids were compensating for not having a cock and were trying to prove their manliness in a "male dominated hobby." Beerwah was shit, the tracks were ok, but it was too overrun with sluts.
Anyway, when my dad arrived on day 3, we managed to change out the problem parts on the track and we went out separate ways - me going to the Sunshine Coast to visit a school friend.
School friend was an absolute dero like me. I honestly expected him to become a doctor or lawyer, but he ended up being a dole bludger who does cash jobs on the side. He still lives on his parent's farm near Kilcoy lol. I caught up on all the news about what everyone was doing. Saddest thing was someone was killed in a car crash in America, others had gotten divorce raped and one was a drug addict, while the most successful guys were working in the mines or as tradies.
new year I pulled a bon bon with him, and I wrote my new years resolution on it:
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I spent my last night camping on fraser island, in a spot next to some family. This surfer looking father faggot tried to tell me I couldn't camp there as it was reserved for their friends who were arriving soon. So I showed him my camping tag which showed that I had booked into this site he was trying to save for his friends. He kept hanging around asking me to move so his friends could camp there, in the spot which I had legally booked. I told him to fuck off and they packed up and drove off after that. I had the whole campsite to myself that night. Remember boyos - don't let norsmhits push you around, never help a normshit sex haver.
Fraser Island has an interesting history. In the simplest terms, some femoid survived a shipreck and aboriginals helped her to survive. When she was rescued by white settlers, she said the aboriginals raped her, and kept her as a captive and abused her, which was a lie. She wrote a book about her "ordeal" and retold her story at festivals and market fairs. Her story led to reprisal operations against the indigenous tribes, and the aboriginals were wiped out on fraser island, because of the word of a lying bitch. Anyway, Fraser island was renamed to the local Aboriginal name now and her name was dropped from it hahahaa.
When I was heading back to Inskip point but still on Fraser Island, I saw a family with a dog so I got photos and reported them to the park ranger! When I talked to him, I made sure to emphasise the fact that it was off the leash and that it was a hazard to drivers. He said he would go up to the spot and "take some enforcement action." Idk what happened after, but it's a criminal offense to have a domestic pet on the national park island so I think they might have gotten a fine or a move order at the worst case haha.
I was down to my last $1150 by this time, and it was time to head back to my shed in South Australia. When I went to stock up on fuel and salami and bread rolls for the trip back, I found that my disaster relief payment had been approved! So I had a whole fucking $1000 in my account in addition to my regular DSP payment. I ended my trip with a 4 day drive back to my place in SA.
In total, I travelled for 3 weeks, and spent a total of around $4000 including fuel, accommodation, food, site seeing shit and parts to repair my car. I travelled nearly 4600km in total.
During this time, I was doing minimal chadfish. I stood up dozens of faggots along the way, as well as a few roasties, which I'll post soon when I censor them!
I'd like to acknowledge the goyim wagecuck taxpayers who made this trip possible.
How did you subhumans spend your Christmas/New year?
u live in a shed? Lmao , thats volcel living because even if a foid was willing to smash ,no foid will agree to fuck a guy living in a shed except abo foids lmao
u live in a shed? Lmao , thats volcel living because even if a foid was willing to smash ,no foid will agree to fuck a guy living in a shed except abo foids lmao
foids will fuck you in front of their mother and father if youre hot enough
foids will fuck you in front of their mother and father if youre hot enough
yeah Chads will be slay even if he is homeless. Anything less than 7/10 does not have Chad privileges and anything less than 5/10 needs to moneymaxx.
quite the adventure you had!

Would you mind disclosing how on earth you managed to get a hold of firearms in Australia of all places? I have heard it’s virtually impossible to illegally own firearms in the aus unlike the states where you can buy an automatic from Walmart :feelskek:.

Ofc, we can talk in pm if you don’t want to discuss in public
TLDR (too long did read) :feelsokman:
quite the adventure you had!

Would you mind disclosing how on earth you managed to get a hold of firearms in Australia of all places? I have heard it’s virtually impossible to illegally own firearms in the aus unlike the states where you can buy an automatic from Walmart :feelskek:.

Ofc, we can talk in pm if you don’t want to discuss in public
Legal pathway:
Firearm safety certificate, learn to shoot course at a gun range > then choose what type of gun you want
Types of license are cat a to e usually
To own a gun you must have a reason: pistol target shooting, shotgun clay comps, military collector license, pest control on a rural property, or for primary producer reasons.
Once got a reason, do your application, pay the fee, wait around 6 months then get your license
Go to a gun shop, show your license, select and pay for your gun you want, complete the form for permit to acquire, and then collect your gun when you have the permit to acquire approved.
To maintain your license you need to complete several requirements like prove you participated in X number of pistol shoots per year etc.
To store your legal guns, you need to install a safe that is bolted to the ground or has like 150kg of weight attached to it. Ammunition is stored separately in another locked metal box. Police will do a safe inspection once a year.
If anyone takes a dislike to you, if you get any mental health treatment, if your are charged with anything including traffic violations or your wife says u bashed her, you automatically lose your guns.
The illegal way is the easiest way. There are more unregistered guns in Australia than there are registered guns. Get to know a farmer, show an interest in agriculture/animals/shooting and I guarantee he will likely be able to hookup you up or let you shoot his.
As for ammunition, it's harder to acquire. You'll need a legal gun owner to buy it for you. If he just shows his license and adds a few hundred rounds to his regular order for you, nobody will notice. Keep the purchases small as large orders are actually flagged and supposedly self-reported by gunshops.
Australian unregistered guns are pretty shitty - think old crappy 22lrs, crappy revolvers and turkroach shotguns.
Legal pathway:
Firearm safety certificate, learn to shoot course at a gun range > then choose what type of gun you want
Types of license are cat a to e usually
To own a gun you must have a reason: pistol target shooting, shotgun clay comps, military collector license, pest control on a rural property, or for primary producer reasons.
Once got a reason, do your application, pay the fee, wait around 6 months then get your license
Go to a gun shop, show your license, select and pay for your gun you want, complete the form for permit to acquire, and then collect your gun when you have the permit to acquire approved.
To maintain your license you need to complete several requirements like prove you participated in X number of pistol shoots per year etc.
To store your legal guns, you need to install a safe that is bolted to the ground or has like 150kg of weight attached to it. Ammunition is stored separately in another locked metal box. Police will do a safe inspection once a year.
If anyone takes a dislike to you, if you get any mental health treatment, if your are charged with anything including traffic violations or your wife says u bashed her, you automatically lose your guns.
The illegal way is the easiest way. There are more unregistered guns in Australia than there are registered guns. Get to know a farmer, show an interest in agriculture/animals/shooting and I guarantee he will likely be able to hookup you up or let you shoot his.
As for ammunition, it's harder to acquire. You'll need a legal gun owner to buy it for you. If he just shows his license and adds a few hundred rounds to his regular order for you, nobody will notice. Keep the purchases small as large orders are actually flagged and supposedly self-reported by gunshops.
Australian unregistered guns are pretty shitty - think old crappy 22lrs, crappy revolvers and turkroach shotguns.
I really appreciate such a detailed response brother, would upvote x 10 if I could

Such stringent gun laws are cucked AF. If I wanted to off myself, I can’t even do that properly. At least in countries like Netherlands where there are similar laws regarding firearms, They at the very least have the option of assisted suicides, giving you a relatively peaceful and dignified way to go, and in countries like USA, you have firearms, giving you the option taking your own life on your own terms. And here in aus, like wtf am I suppose to do? We don’t have assisted suicide nor do we have access to firearms, am I just suppose to hang myself from a ceiling like a chandelier? So that my corpse can be found swing side to side like a piñata? Can there be a more undignified way to go?

Rant aside, I have a few questions regarding cennoif you are willing to accept pm, I need some tutelage on effective ways to game the system, wageslave have utterly broken me

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