Rape is a horrible crime, which causes deep emotional and spiritual damage to the victim. I cannot even begin to imagine the horror of being overpowered, violated, and even betrayed.....as many rape victims are assaulted by people they know. I would be more than willing to help legitimate victims of rape. And please, no accusations of "white knight".
That said, we have a major problem (as men, especially WHITE MEN).....since we live in an absurd time of "rape culture", where men are guilty of "eye rape" and "fart rape" and "sexist jokes".....all of which are "oppressive to women". In this era, you can actually lose your job (or be de-platformed), if you openly say that you are not a feminist, or if you're incel, or post on the Red Pill, or are MGTOW, etc.
Meanwhile, women are told that they are NOT responsible for their sexual actions while drunk (but men are), so that means they cannot consent to sex while intoxicated, BUT MEN MAGICALLY CAN. However, women are also told that they ARE responsible for their actions while drunk.....if they kill a 6-year-old girl with their car. Makes sense, right? :skeptical:
We are also told to "listen and believe" in regards to women's experiences, and if men fail to do this.....then as men, we're labeled as "problematic misogynists who need to check our male privilege".
We live in a time where cultural Marxists, Communists, and "third wave feminists" (brainwashed by the globalist elites) have hijacked the concept of "women's rights". Practically speaking, that means that feminists go apeshit over white men telling off-color sexist jokes or "being creepy" (i.e. unattractive males), WHILE DELIBERATELY IGNORING ACTUAL RAPE.....which is largely committed either by blacks, or by MUSLIM MEN.
At best, feminists only care about rape committed by culturally Christian white men, while stubbornly ignoring the actual rape culture of Islam.
Here's a video where Lauren Southern (whom I'm sure most of you hate) asks feminists,
"Women's Rights or Islam"?
Virtually none of these Marxist feminist sluts will directly answer the question. What really surprised me though, was that the women who were interviewed were both startled and FRIGHTENED at the basic premise of the question.
The question actually scared them.
The women there were too stupid and dishonest to directly address the moral implications of her question, but they were also just smart enough to subconsciously understand what she was getting at. Feminists KNOW that black and Arabic Muslims from Africa and the Middle East commit drastically more violence, murder, sexual abuse, civil disorder, rape, and female oppression (than non-Muslim whites)....but they intentionally IGNORE IT, because addressing it ruins the foundation of their Marxist "rebellion" (sponsored by wealthy globalists) against white "cisgendered" heterosexual men.
Meanwhile, women put an alarming amount of energy into shaming men for being "incel", "creepy", "MGTOW", "red pill", "black pill", short, poor, ugly, or whatever. This tells me that so-called "feminists" don't care about justice, ethics, or morality....since feminism ignores Islamic rape culture, fosters sexual degeneracy, causes the breakdown of the black and white nuclear families, promotes "fat acceptance", creates divorce rape, damages emotional intimacy between men and women, and creates obscene female HYPERGAMY.
And if we live in a time when everything is rape, then nothing becomes rape.....and actual rape gets ignored. The best analogy for that would be the story of the Boy Who Cried Wolf (i.e. the Feminist Who Cried "Rape").