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Discussion About being a nice guy



Dec 13, 2018
Women always complain that a guy being nice only because they want sex/relationship is bad.

What if the guy is always nice, no matter how much pussy he got?
And his main reason for being nice was that he got pussy?
She doesn't need to know
I’m nice to people in the real world and I just get exploited and treated like shit. I get no pussy.
That's just some bullshit excuse so they can reject nice incels and fuck thug chads
I’m nice to people in the real world and I just get exploited and treated like shit.
I've noticed the same.
People used to walk over me because I was kind.
Now I'm rude because being nice has no benefits at all
Women did an entire operation for years to destroy the image of nice guys so they can justify mistreating them and taking advantage of them
I've noticed the same.
People used to walk over me because I was kind.
Now I'm rude because being nice has no benefits at all
I’m too high inhib to be rude and wroth.
Chad doesn't get minus points for being nice. He only gets plus points and that's for being darktriadmaxed.
Inkel on the other hand gets extreme minus points for both. You can't win as an inkel
Women always complain that a guy being nice only because they want sex/relationship is bad.

What if the guy is always nice, no matter how much pussy he got?
And his main reason for being nice was that he got pussy?
She doesn't need to know
20200601 170547
Women did an entire operation for years to destroy the image of nice guys so they can justify mistreating them and taking advantage of them
True. They also call guys that call them out on this nice guys jfl
Chad doesn't get minus points for being nice. He only gets plus points and that's for being darktriadmaxed.
Inkel on the other hand gets extreme minus points for both. You can't win as an inkel
Women just seem to not be able to be sexually attracted to 'nice guys'.

Ya a good looking enough Chad and women will still date him and show him off to her girlfriends, but she is still sad she doesn't get the drama and conflict of her girlfriends with assholes.
It's an excuse to filter out ugly and not attractive enough males.
Don't be a nice guy
It's simple
Being a nice guy = having a nice face
cum toilets needs to get fucked that is why they're here
Being nice is good, no matter the motivation. Foids are such deranged beasts they turn a good thing bad just because the guy isn't Chad.
Foids hate nice guys but if you're ugly it doesn't matter if you're nice of not, they'll still hate you.
These dumb whores think that a nice guy just being himself is now a toxic misogynist.
I've noticed the same.
People used to walk over me because I was kind.
Now I'm rude because being nice has no benefits at all
I used to be so naive. I thought people didn't have malicious intention and that people were not so twisted and demented to take advantage of people in vulnerable states of being. I thought if I was nice to everyone people would respect me. "Treat others how you want to be treated" :soy: jfl. You're 100% right, being nice gets you nowhere in life. Being "assertive" really means be a narcissistic asshole that exploits any and everyone when humanly possible

I’m too high inhib to be rude and wroth.
I still am too but it doesn't hurt to try little by little, there comes a point in time where you just don't care anymore. I used to be overly nice. Then I went through a passive phase for some time (not really complimenting people, not responding to people's fake compliments, not helping anyone unless absolutely required), and my frustration turned that passiveness turned into passive-aggression
I'm nice to men as well though.
Women always complain that a guy being nice only because they want sex/relationship is bad.

What if the guy is always nice, no matter how much pussy he got?
And his main reason for being nice was that he got pussy?
She doesn't need to know
I try to be nice to people because of how horrendously I have been treated in the past and how horrendously I've seen people "lower down" than me in the hierarchy being treated. It makes sense to me that people who mog almost everybody else around them in almost any setting imaginable, can state publicly that the world is a fair and just place, because they do not have to deal with the same level of injustice as people who get brutally mogged by almost everybody else around them in almost any setting imaginable, they literally cannot imagine what life is like for those people and the other way around.
In my life I've met a handful of people slightly "higher up" than me in the hierarchy who seemed to show some level of self-awareness and the potential to be nice people but they understood that all they had to do was hide this from their peers and they could fit in and convince people that they were high-value or high-status. I suspect that these particular kinds of self-aware people with the potential to be nice have probably faced some trauma or minor bullying in their lives but are still accepted by their peers because they are particularly statusmaxxed or looksmaxxed. They must have one day decided "if you can't beat them, join them".
why do you point a gun at me? Sorry bro I can do this too

Women always complain that a guy being nice only because they want sex/relationship is bad.

What if the guy is always nice, no matter how much pussy he got?
And his main reason for being nice was that he got pussy?
She doesn't need to know
If you are chad, being nice or rude doesn't matter.
If you are an incel, never be nice towards normals, only towards fellow cels. I always get treated like shit for being nice, but it's hard for me to not be nice. :feelsbadman::cryfeels:
I’m nice to people in the real world and I just get exploited and treated like shit. I get no pussy.
pussy don't want you to be nice. pussy want you to be Chad :feelsrope: :feelsrope:
She doesn't need to know. She can tell because the nice guy who is nice regardless of sex is the sexhaver we call Chad
That shit is just a nonsense bullshit excuse so they can ignore ugly guys. They also assume that only Chads can be nice because there's no "ulterior motive" and that every ugly guy is doing it to get sex.

FWIW, there's nothing wrong with wondering and keep taking issue with how attractive assholes get chosen over you constantly if you believe that "personality" matters. It's not "expecting" anything in return. It's merely noticing a fact.

Furthermore, even "expecting" sex because you're a nice person is fairly tame to what actually happens in the real-world. Many people get sex for doing bad things (for example maybe a drug dealer can get sex because there's some girls who's hooked on drugs and wants free drugs). So it makes zero sense for all the concern over incentivizing good behavior.

Of course, this only exist because it's a way to mock ugly men and tried to deflect from them turning down ugly guys with good personalities anyways.
Guess it’s a good thing I don’t bother being “nice” to foids

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