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Discussion A recap of what I know about leg lengthening so far (shortcels GTFIH)



Gray (he/him)
Nov 3, 2021
Some resources:

View: https://youtu.be/5sg59QEbtck

What I understand about leg lengthening surgery so far is...

The good:
  1. The cutting of the bone is the least problem; in fact, I've read many times that the properly healed bone is, counter-intuitively, even stronger than normal bone.
  2. Lifting (even deadlifting and squatting) after LLS is apparently easier to get back into than sprinting. And both are possible.
  3. If you're short only because your legs are too short, not because your whole body is small, then it makes a lot more sense for you to get LLS and the sooner you do it, the better, because you can avoid complications due to the shitty biomechanics you were born with. In that case it is said that the surgery is for the purpose of fixing a discrepancy (rather than for cosmetic purposes).
  4. The proportions can be messed up but it actually isn't too obvious, especially if you're fixing a discrepancy (overly short legs). You won't look like a clown on stilts. Also, I think slightly long legs are aesthetically pleasing.
The bad:
  1. As I mentioned above, the bones are the least problem. This is because there's a much bigger problem - the muscles, tendons, and especially nerves, need to catch up with the bones. If they don't, RIP.
  2. If you want a cheaper/safer deal, you can wait for new techniques to emerge. However, I know that older bodies heal much more slowly so the younger, the better. So, you're stuck in a dilemma.
  3. This is just speculation on my part but if our genes are already shitty enough to lead us here, then I won't be surprised if they can also play a part in sabotaging the recovery process.

And the ugly:
  1. You need to stick to the rehab very strictly, otherwise you'll regret it.
  2. Not only rehabilitation is important, but also nutrition! If you don't have a good surplus of nutrients, especially the kind of proteins used to build soft tissue, you're fucked.
  3. The pain sucks, but it's nothing compared to what will happen if you mess up at the physical rehabilitation. Particularly, your range of motion can be messed up due to the tendons not growing well enough. This makes me think that as a result, the tendons and muscles become more likely to get torn while putting them under stress as well.

And then there are soydit dumbasses claiming BS like this:

And even facecels have a lot less to worry about with plastic surgery. Your facial bones don't support your whole fucking body. The worst that can happen is that a shitty plastic surgeon makes you lose sensation in a part of your face, which - I agree - does suck a lot, but it's still not as bad as ending up in a wheelchair for the rest of your life. Also, in the case of LL, they might be able to claim that it happened because you didn't do the physical rehab correctly so that you have no right to sue them for ruining whatever was left of your life.
It isn’t worth it imo.
It isn’t worth it imo.
yeah im not gonna have my legs fucking stretched
Same here. I still have some hope in it but it's at around 10% - far from what I'd need in order to consider it as a solution. Maybe if they invent a revolutionary safe process for temporarily restoring the growth plates and HGHmaxxing, I'll consider it.

Also, I'm a facecel and framecel in addition to being a shortcel. It doesn't matter if it's 100% over for me or 1000% over for me.
You bring up a lot of good points, but from what I've read the risk of major complications is low, especially with internal extenders. Still it's definitely a dice roll. Even a 1% chance of becoming a cripple makes me second guess doing it and we have shitty luck.
that surgery is way too fucked tbh. though in some cases it can work (moneymaxxed, good doctor, proper recovery, short limbs but otherwise good frame and skull and like 5'5 - much below it's over above it doesn't matter enough to be worth)
You bring up a lot of good points, but from what I've read the risk of major complications is low, especially with internal extenders. Still it's definitely a dice roll. Even a 1% chance of becoming a cripple makes me second guess doing it and we have shitty luck.
some bitcoin nigga literally died from an internal extender jfl
that surgery is way too fucked tbh. though in some cases it can work (moneymaxxed, good doctor, proper recovery, short limbs but otherwise good frame and skull and like 5'5 - much below it's over above it doesn't matter enough to be worth)

some bitcoin nigga literally died from an internal extender jfl
Interesting, I just looked it up. Someone died from a pulmonary embolism (blood clot in the lungs). Poor bastard. It's rare but that can happen from almost anything like, ya know, the covid shot. You're right it probably isn't worth it under 5'5. You'd still be a manlet anyways
You bring up a lot of good points, but from what I've read the risk of major complications is low, especially with internal extenders. Still it's definitely a dice roll. Even a 1% chance of becoming a cripple makes me second guess doing it and we have shitty luck.
my luck is so fucking shit that I'll probably be a cripple if I did that even if it had a 0.01% chance :feelskek:
I have extremely short legs. Limb lengthening would be the ultimate surgery to fix both my height and my short legs. Too bad its expensive as shit and can fuck you up for life:feelsrope::blackpill:
I like to run so it's not worth it. I'd just go from being an ugly retarded short 5'7 incel to an ugly retarded short 5'8/5'9 incel.
If people are willing to do this to get laid, I don't know, kinds sucks
it costs 20k if u do it in india, wonder if the price tag makes a difference

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