It is impossible, impossible for a man to be raped or sexually assaulted. The mere concept is a frabricated lie by feminism and retarded foids who dont understand the differences between male and female. Which is exactly what feminism and retardarion is: lack of biological understanding.
In order to have sex, a man's cock must be fully erect. This can only happen from sexual stimulation and not under pressure or stress. Unlike foids, who's holes can (and should) be fucked any time one desires, nature created men to only have sex when aroused. Just like for reproduction, only a male orgasm is necessary and not that of a foid.
The new age thinking of "men can be assaulted and raped by a female" is retarded babble. Just as foids have the mind virus of having sex and then later faking regret for monetary gain, cucks and fags have adopted this same lie and foid mentality. Any "man" who whimpers like a pathetic faggot and lies how he was "raped" needs to be publicly shamed, humiliated and beaten for buying into foid lies. The primary objective of these beasts is to further demonize sex and shun male sexual experiences. Foids must be silenced over these topics.
You expect me to have sympathy for a "man" whom some Stacy found so attractive, she had to allegedly """rape""", he was aroused enough to have penetrative sex and now he's the """victim"""? Fuck off and die. Cucklords and foids get the axe.
edit: I'm speaking purely about foids on male incidents.