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Serious A lot of thoughts in my head.



My only goal is to ascend and fight back
May 26, 2024
One of the most common thing I think about is how am I still alive? My entire life is just bullying, isolation, toxic family life, hopes being crushed, unfair circumstances over and over again. And for some reason, I didn't kill myself.

One thing that's solidified in my mind is the confirmation of my goal in my head. It's not a larp anymore, it's not a thought. It's a fuck it, I don't care how stupid the risk is, I'm going to do it because I would rather die then not do it. If I hide or go down a normal traditional life, my life would be fucking shit because I would remember the millions of people making fun of me only to work a traditional 9 - 5 shitty job.

For the last 30 minutes I was crying in bed over how unfair the world is. I'm not going to pretend like I'm motivated or ambitious, I'm a fucking loser low t pussy who feels submissive, who can't focus or manage his time despite having google calendar, who has a shitty life. I can never have a reputation, because of a call I did 3 months ago because I was so stupid I listened to some people on discord. Even if today, I decided I would work 10 hours a day, no one would respect me and people would laugh in my fucking face, because 1, I'm ugly, 2, my reputation is gone.

My life is fucking shit and the world is unfair. So I refuse to conform, and I refuse to not get what I want.

One thing Sasuke said in the anime was he would accept everyone's hate to pursue his goal or some bullshit, and that's what I'm going to do. My own parents don't give a fuck about me, I have some civil conversations here, but if you're going to hate or dislike me because I want to revolt and fight back against this shitty society, I don't care because no one liked me in the first place.

This is getting too long so there'll be a part 2
One thing I thought about is the ugly people before me were fucking useless, because think of it.

The black people joined together and created a civil rights movement, the gay people joined together and made the fagrights movement.

But the incels and ugly people before me were so fucking useless, that lookism isn't even fucking recognized as something real. The fuck? Why didn't the ugly people before me make a movement already? Why didn't they demand reparations or free plastic surgery?

As of now, i'm the only one I know who actually has a genuine desire to fight back against this unfair society and make it so ugly people don't continue to be marginalized. But I'm a fucking 18 year old dumbass.

Ugly people should have grouped up before me, and created an ugly rights movement, and made it so ugly people have equal rights and aren't discriminated.
Because think of it. Imagine in 1970, ugly people realized they were being marginalized, they formed a large movement, made lookism as a concept mainstream, and there were aids and support groups for ugly individuals. There's fucking government loans given to trans people to cut their dick off but there's no reparations or aids for ugly people to give them free plastic surgery when ugly people are the only group of people who are marginalized, and have disadvantages in every realm of life.

Incels continue to live shitty lives, whilst chads and normies take everything. I look at the photo of the 6 year old me on the wall smiling, and I'm fucking pissed off on how much they took away from me.

My life was shit from childhood to now, and I'm supposed to do nothing because I'm ugly?

Ugly people are the only group of people in society who are truly marginalized. It's not the jews, it's not the blacks, it's not the fags, it's the fucking ugly people who are marginalized.

i refuse to accept this unfair world. I'll refuse to accept it until my last breath.
There's fucking government loans given to trans people to cut their dick off but there's no reparations or aids for ugly people to give them free plastic surgery when ugly people are the only group of people who are marginalized, and have disadvantages in every realm of life.
:fuk: :fuk:
I thought you quit .is?
I thought I was going to quit incels.is too. The brutality of the blackpill was I came back, because incels are the only few people who I can relate to. Also I want to spread awareness of the goal i'm trying to create.

If I was a normie, I would have left and never turned back, but fate made it so i'm a truecel. I'm not a normal person, I can never integrate with a normie. But the thing is I also can't integrate with incels either, because my mind operates differently to a normie's mind and an incel's mind, because I'm very nonNT which puts me in a position where both incels and normies dislike me.
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Because think of it. Imagine in 1970, ugly people realized they were being marginalized, they formed a large movement, made lookism as a concept mainstream,
It was a main stream the post below exolain the tragedy of being a sub 5
I thought I was going to quit incels.is too. The brutality of the blackpill was I came back, because incels are the only few people who I can relate to. Also I want to spread awareness of the goal i'm trying to create.

If I was a normie, I would have left and never turned back, but fate made it so i'm a truecel. I'm not a normal person, I can never integrate with a normie. But the thing is I also can't integrate with incels either, because my mind operates differently to a normie's mind and an incel's mind, because I'm very nonNT.
you think too much for a black guy you're expected to be low IQ and animalistic
because my mind operates differently to a normie's mind and an incel's mind, because I'm very nonNT.
Not sure if I can relate, but I can fit in both spaces but never fully in either of them, most of my friends are my immediate family and extended clan, I can make friends IRL but I can't maintain them due to me being sub 5 who will get ditched the miment he becomes useless.

On the other hand I see there are hierarchies within .is and the way I see it I'm in the bottom of said hierarchy.

Non of us are normal tbh some might have it easier than others but that isn't going to help them in the long run.
I thought I was going to quit incels.is too. The brutality of the blackpill was I came back, because incels are the only few people who I can relate to. Also I want to spread awareness of the goal i'm trying to create.

If I was a normie, I would have left and never turned back, but fate made it so i'm a truecel. I'm not a normal person, I can never integrate with a normie. But the thing is I also can't integrate with incels either, because my mind operates differently to a normie's mind and an incel's mind, because I'm very nonNT which puts me in a position where both incels and normies dislike me.
I found your YouTube channel.
Our lives could have been different if the ugly people and incels before us did something to revolt.

If Martin Luther King and the other black people didn't revolt, then it would be very likely that black people would still be segregated. If the fags never fought back, being gay would still be illegal in the USA.

Why didn't the ugly people revolt? Even if we were still marginalized, if the ugly people of the past did something, maybe in a different timeline, plastic story would be free for ugly people, or there would be at least resources available for ugly people at childhood. Accommodations, aids, resources, but we get none of that.

We get gaslighted for our own problems. Imagine racism still existed and the white person told the black person who was being spit on for being black "You're just making it up, you look white to me, you're not even black. Just have a better personality."

The future generations of incels will suffer, unless current incels do something to try to revolt.

I want to be a Martyr. I want to fight against society until I get killed or die. That's why I refuse to hide.
I found your YouTube channel.
I want you and other incels to find it, because the incel revolution is going to happen.

My videos currently are terrible, because I'm in a position where I have no idea what I'm doing.

But I simply refuse to accept the unfairness of society.

I know the reality is my classmates are eventually going to find the channel, people at my University, but the Fitxfearless video is already hyper-viral, and they're normies anyways. Bringing awareness to start an incel revolution is more important than normies at my school laughing at me.
I know the reality is my classmates are eventually going to find the channel, people at my University, but the Fitxfearless video is already hyper-viral, and they're normies anyways. Bringing awareness to start an incel revolution is more important than normies at my school laughing at me.
I won't bother to dissuade you. This is what you want.
I'm never going to kill myself.

My life purpose is to fight back against this unfair society until I die.

That's the meaning of my life. The marginalized, the ugly, the suicidal, the bullied, the depressed, the autistic, the short, they should fight back against this unfair society and demand what they deserve.

To be a Martyr, a freedom fighter, even if I'm hated by all.
If Martin Luther King and the other black people didn't revolt, then it would be very likely that black people would still be segregated. If the fags never fought back, being gay would still be illegal in the USA.
That was mostly the jews
Why didn't the ugly people revolt? Even if we were still marginalized, if the ugly people of the past did something, maybe in a different timeline, plastic story would be free for ugly people, or there would be at least resources available for ugly people at childhood. Accommodations, aids, resources, but we get none of that.
We didn’t have the support of jews, so it was more difficult
That was mostly the jews

We didn’t have the support of jews, so it was more difficult
That's something definitely true I overlooked. The jews like race mixing and LGBT, so they'll aid the blacks and gays in their forms of discrimination, but they don't care about ugly people.

There should have been at least a few historical protests even if they failed. It doesn't make logical sense in my head, if lookism is universal, and has been an issue since the dawn of human time, why did no one acknowledge it for years and years and years? Why didn't the ugly people ever say "Hey, it's unfair to be marginalized because I didn't choose my face." or at least try to ask for something in return.
I won't bother to dissuade you. This is what you want.
This is what I have to do, because if I hid for the rest of my life, that would be a terrible life.

I have to revolt against this unfair society to take what I deserve.

I admit it's risky and irrational, but if my life was going to be terrible anyways (because I'm a truecel, I'll never live a normal life), regardless of the decision I was going to make, might as well try to revolt and fight back until I die, become homeless or get killed.
That's something definitely true I overlooked. The jews like race mixing and LGBT, so they'll aid the blacks and gays in their forms of discrimination, but they don't care about ugly people.

There should have been at least a few historical protests even if they failed. It doesn't make logical sense in my head, if lookism is universal, and has been an issue since the dawn of human time, why did no one acknowledge it for years and years and years? Why didn't the ugly people ever say "Hey, it's unfair to be marginalized because I didn't choose my face." or at least try to ask for something in return.
It’s hard to get people riled up and encourage them to throw their lives away for something they can’t win. Humans strongly value self-preservation, so they won’t risk themselves if they don’t have an assurance that they’ll win.

No one has acknowledged these issues because it’s usually safer to just keep your head down and pass by instead of revolting. Humans don’t fight unless they think they can win.

When (((rich, powerful, influential groups))) pump so much money and support into a movement, it’s very easy to encourage people into action, especially when there’s an easy “villain” that can be labelled.

Humans need a “villain” they can hate without remorse. With civil rights it’s easy, the villain is white people. With feminism it’s men. With gays it’s straights.

Who would ugly people’s villain be? Chads? Foids? Normie sexhavers? There isn’t a clear target and so it’s harder to encourage people to pour all of their hate into rebelling against one group.
i refuse to accept this unfair world. I'll refuse to accept it until my last breath.
You will do fooking nothing. You are too weak and whiny for that. Just accept the blackpill: no one care, there will be no revolution, society doesn't give a damn, foids will keep fucking Chad and ignoring you. Only then will you find true peace.
It’s hard to get people riled up and encourage them to throw their lives away for something they can’t win. Humans strongly value self-preservation, so they won’t risk themselves if they don’t have an assurance that they’ll win.

No one has acknowledged these issues because it’s usually safer to just keep your head down and pass by instead of revolting. Humans don’t fight unless they think they can win.

When (((rich, powerful, influential groups))) pump so much money and support into a movement, it’s very easy to encourage people into action, especially when there’s an easy “villain” that can be labelled.

Humans need a “villain” they can hate without remorse. With civil rights it’s easy, the villain is white people. With feminism it’s men. With gays it’s straights.

Who would ugly people’s villain be? Chads? Foids? Normie sexhavers? There isn’t a clear target and so it’s harder to encourage people to pour all of their hate into rebelling against one group.

The villian consciously (the moral answer) would be people who discriminate ugly people. The subconscious villian (real answer) would be attractive people. Because I know that if I was attractive (and NT), it's very likely I would have been supported and succeeded, but because I'm ugly, my life is shit. It's at a point now where if I hear of a story where an attractive person dies, it sounds edgy to say, but my mind gets emotion of happiness and relief. I don't care if an attractive person struggles, I don't care if an attractive person has been killed. I don't care if a hot girl gets jumped from choosing an abusive partner, it's her fault. I don't care if Chad drinks out and gets in a drunk car crash, it's his fault.

I feel no sympathy for attractive people because they had it easy. If they were smart, they could easily succeed or get whatever they want if they worked for it, because hard work does undeniably work for attractive people.

It's not even unlikely, it's certain that no one will care about the struggles of ugly people. Humans can't inherently hate attractive people unless they're the ones on the short end of the stick because we're naturally supposed to like attractive people more, but that biology is circumvented by the fact that I harbor hate for the attractive people who have the things I want simply due to the unfair nature of genetics.

There's no support of the Jews, no government cares, it doesn't benefit anyone but ugly people making it so normies won't care. Foids would never want to stop being selfish and settle for their looksmatch.
You will do fooking nothing. You are too weak and whiny for that. Just accept the blackpill: no one care, there will be no revolution, society doesn't give a damn, foids will keep fucking Chad and ignoring you. Only then will you find true peace.

Normies hate incels and will mock incels regardless of what they say or do. If I became a liberal, dyed my hair blue, said abortion was good, black people are subjected, and looks are subjective, the normies would laugh at my face anyways.

So what I'm going to do, is I'm going to publically tell the fucking truth. Hoping more people will get the message. I don't care if the normie classmate from high school looks up my Instagram and sees me talking about the blackpill or my true experiences, I'm going to say the truth on tiktok, instagram, youtube, youtube shorts, and rumble because I consider myself a revolter. Because I'm revolting, I won't sit around and hide, I'll face the world head on by telling the truth about what's happening. Maybe it only gets 10 likes, 1000 views, at least the 200 normies who watched it know that the reason they made fun of that ugly person was because of a genetic face he couldn't control and becomes aware that lookism exists. Even if I get only 1000 views, then a few normies will at least be aware of the truth even if they deny it.

"Ugly people are at risk of being jumped/attacked." "Lookism is real. Looks are objective." "Ugly people get discriminated and are marginalized everyday." "Incels aren't bad people." "I did self improvement and joined Hamza's cult when I was 16, it didn't mean shit because I'm ugly and autistic." "The redpill doesn't work for ugly men." "Your face makes it impossible to succeed in most areas. An ugly person could never become a famous actor or singer. Less than 0.01% possibility." "Lookism is more prevalent than both racism and homophobia." "Women are hypergamous and the dating market is fucked because it's women's fault." "Short men are marginalized and treated like shit." "People who are bullied shouldn't ignore the bully, they should learn martial arts and fight the bully." Those are all things that are true. If I learn how to make good shorts, I could spread reels of that across instagram and tiktok.

Ugly people and ugly men hide away from society, which is logical because society hates them, but I'm an ugly person who refuses to hide away from society.
You will do fooking nothing. You are too weak and whiny for that. Just accept the blackpill: no one care, there will be no revolution, society doesn't give a damn, foids will keep fucking Chad and ignoring you. Only then will you find true peace.
I don't deny that you're mostly right.

I won't do nothing because I refuse to not fight back.

I am weak and whiny, because I'm autistic and have been mocked, bullied and isolated for my whole life. I also have poor genetics. I did calisthenics and I went to the gym a couple times, but I'm 5'6 and my arms are sticks. I'm a framecel despite being black. I have no fucking "BBC" halo because I'm the nonNT guy who used to journal and care about getting good grades in high school.

I'll never accept the unfair world, and I want to fight like a Martyr until someone gets sick of it and tries to kill me, because at least then, I died with purpose.

There might not be a revolution, but I'll fight until it happens or until my death.

It's true society doesn't give a fuck about ugly people/incels. Not only that, but they hate and despise incels.

Foids will always be hypergamous, but I'll force the government to give me what I deserve. I deserve a relationship, and I can't get one because I'm ugly and autistic. "That's fucking bullshit because that's fucking unfair." I refuse to accept unfairness.

Even if I gave up on my ideals and desires, I would never have peace because I'm a truecel, my life will always be hell. It can be hell with no purpose or hell with purpose. The hell could be worth it if I'm the one who's fighting back against an unfair society. There's no peace. I would still get mocked and humilated. I still do. The recent comments of the Fitxfearless video which was made 3 months ago, there's still people laughing at me, mocking me. I still hate the reflection of my ugly face in the mirror. I still have all of the unfair memories, so there'll never be peace, only pain. That pain is used to fight unfairness.

Instead of an ugly person commiting suicide which does fucking nothing because they'll get another wage slave replaced immediately, an ugly person should be a Martyr and fight to the death for a good cause.
You will do fooking nothing. You are too weak and whiny for that. Just accept the blackpill: no one care, there will be no revolution, society doesn't give a damn, foids will keep fucking Chad and ignoring you. Only then will you find true peace.
Normies hate incels and will mock incels regardless of what they say or do. If I became a liberal, dyed my hair blue, said abortion was good, black people are subjected, and looks are subjective, the normies would laugh at my face anyways.

So what I'm going to do, is I'm going to publically tell the fucking truth. Hoping more people will get the message. I don't care if the normie classmate from high school looks up my Instagram and sees me talking about the blackpill or my true experiences, I'm going to say the truth on tiktok, instagram, youtube, youtube shorts, and rumble because I consider myself a revolter. Because I'm revolting, I won't sit around and hide, I'll face the world head on by telling the truth about what's happening. Maybe it only gets 10 likes, 1000 views, at least the 200 normies who watched it know that the reason they made fun of that ugly person was because of a genetic face he couldn't control and becomes aware that lookism exists. Even if I get only 1000 views, then a few normies will at least be aware of the truth even if they deny it.

"Ugly people are at risk of being jumped/attacked." "Lookism is real. Looks are objective." "Ugly people get discriminated and are marginalized everyday." "Incels aren't bad people." "I did self improvement and joined Hamza's cult when I was 16, it didn't mean shit because I'm ugly and autistic." "The redpill doesn't work for ugly men." "Your face makes it impossible to succeed in most areas. An ugly person could never become a famous actor or singer. Less than 0.01% possibility." "Lookism is more prevalent than both racism and homophobia." "Women are hypergamous and the dating market is fucked because it's women's fault." "Short men are marginalized and treated like shit." "People who are bullied shouldn't ignore the bully, they should learn martial arts and fight the bully." Those are all things that are true. If I learn how to make good shorts, I could spread reels of that across instagram and tiktok.

Ugly people and ugly men hide away from society, which is logical because society hates them, but I'm an ugly person who refuses to hide away from society.

With my plan of spreading awareness of the actual truth, that's risky and stupid because of online footprint and a financial future.

My online footprint was already fucked anyways from the Fitxfearless call, I'm just leveraging something I never had.

I was always going to be made fun of and mocked, even if I hid, I would be mocked. The fitxfearless videos are still up. Even if I turned liberal or politically correct, I would still get made fun of. At 16, I made self improvement posts that were nonNT and the people on reddit laughed at me. Even when I said, "No, I'm not an incel. I'm not a misogynist. I work hard, I respect women." I was an incel in denial, I denied I was autistic, I still got fucking made fun of.

So I'm leveraging that. "Cool, fuck you, I'll say whatever I want now. I'll talk about inceldom and the blackpill and unfairness and I'll do it on instagram, where my old normie classmates could search up my name whenever they want. I'll basically post on tiktok, instagram, rumble, youtube, where all the normies lie to expose the truth, because if I'm going to say anything and be mocked, might as well say the truth."

What about financial future? A simple background check, an employer would find. "Here's why being an incel is ruining your life." I have no financial future now. And I realize I can't revolt if I rely on an employer. Even if I made 200k a year as a Neurosurgeon, i wouldn't be able to revolt, because I would have to rely on the employer to not fire me when I want to talk about the truth, which is controversial.

Even 40k a year from some online side hustle is better if I can have free speech. When I was on self improvement and fully redpilled at 16, my financial plan would be "I would get a software development job then transition to some form of entrepreneurship to escape the matrix." That's why I'm in CS at my University.

I thick that plan is still slightly applicable to my situation but ugliness is a huge disadvantage I didn't consider. Tech and AI are good fields to learn about because the world is becoming more digitized and you can be ugly in tech and it's remote, and it's probably a useful skill so I'll learn about it. Most of it is a scam but ecom, hts, infoproduct, agency, I don't know what the fuck I'm doing, but I just know that all I have to do is succeed in some kind of online business because it's too risky to rely on a job that will fire me immediately. I'll stay in University, I'll work jobs, I won't be a lazy neet, but the end goal is to make every penny outside of a traditional job so I can continue to have free speech and say what's the truth. I can't say the truth if I'm employed by someone else and rely on an employer to get my income.

As long as one online business succeeds and I can diversify it into different income streams like investing in crypto, then I'll be able to say whatever the fuck I want, because I'll be self employed atp. The end goal for me is making income outside of a job because I want to revolt and tell the truth. I'm not expecting to make money from the reels and clips I make, I plan on making money by making an online business and then having different income streams all outside of a traditional job.
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It's fucking cucked to not do this, as in be a person who exposes the truth and chases his goals not giving a fuck about what normies think.

Because I was humilated for millions to see, I'm just going to be laughed out of society?

Fuck that. Fuck my normie classmates, fuck my Uncle, if I'm going to get made fun of regardless of what I do, why the fuck would I not do exactly what I want to do? Society isn't for incels. Society isn't for ugly people. so why the fuck would I be a good slave and conform to a society that discriminated me from the start? Why would I not fight back?

Society doesn't give a fuck about me. If I died, no one would give a fuck. So why don't I do what I want to do?

I keep listening to my Mom, my Uncle, society, they don't give a fuck about me.

I was basically a bullied autistic teenager who got publicly humilated for millions to see on social media. I should zip my mouth and accept that? Be a good boy, go to University, get a 9 - 5. The script doesn't work if you're an ugly male. I'm full of rage as a complacent person. I was going to call myself a complacent loser, but I would only be a loser because I'm ugly, autistic, so society deemed it so.

"These fucking losers", "asshole", "future school shooter", "autist", "loser", "pathetic", "ugly", "weird", "ugly ass nigga", "cringe", "you need help."

My whole fucking life was just mockery. I reject to be a "good boy." I want to do what I want to do.

Fuck my Mom. Fuck my Uncle. Fuck normies. Fuck society. Fuck God for giving me this face. I need to revolt. I need to fight against bullshit but I don't know how to get around to it.
I'm a freedom fighter. I will demand the things I deserve despite being an ugly male and I'm going to become an influencer. I refuse to not create a movement that will fight back against this unfair society.
I'm going to work 20 hours a day to make every desire I have a reality.

The reason you know I'm not bullshitting about building a movement, is because I'm doxxed.

My life is completely fucked. I have no choice but to make all of this happen. There's no way I'm getting a job under traditional employment, with the FItxfearless video, my association with inceldom, publically liking Nick Fuentes and Andrew Tate.

This is all pipe dreamish. Start a movement, make money outside of a traditional job, ascend despite being a fucking truecel. I made a post on Instagram and TIktok. I refuse to not fight back. I refuse to listen to the path my mother wants for me. I'm going to fight against reality until I destroy reality. I'll become masculine. The blue pill is bs. You should hate foids, you should hold rage, and you should utilize that rage to be a martyr. Even if I'm autistic and short, I'll be full of rage.

The trying to wake up early thing doesn't work, because it wastes too much time. I want to work 15 - 20 hours a day to make my goals happen. I refuse to not fight back as an ugly male against this lookist society. And I refuse to hide at all. I'm going to grind until either every goal I have gets achieved, or until I die. And dying fighting against an unfair society, martyrdom, is dying with purpose.
My life genuinely gets worse by the second.

I genuinely hate my family. I hate my mother. I hate my uncle. They don't love me, they mock me, treat me like shit, etc.

I have no financial future. My digital footprint is fucked. My life can never be normal. And I'm still experiencing all of the ramifications of being an incel, ugly, autistic, etc.

For my family situation, go low contact and focus on the goals I have. They don't give a fuck about me, pretending they do and feeling emotional attachment will only fuck up my life more. So I should just go low contact for now, then move out when I can. My life will never be normal, I accept that, so I spend all of my free time doing abnormal things, because abnormal results can only justify abnormal pain. I'm not being a submissive 32 year old with a 9 - 5 job who doesn't speak my mind because all of the pain I've experienced just for that shitty result will result in suicide. I'm at a point now where I have to have everything I want, now that I've gone through all of the pain, for the pain to have meaning. I'm going to be famous and escape the matrix because I'll spend all of my free time differently compared to the normal person.

My digital footprint is fucked, but it won't matter if I escape the matrix and get famous. If I mass post content on different channels and platforms for 5 years, eventually one will pop off and I'll get famous. The only way I can craft a reputation I want is if I become a famous person.

My Mom is this, my Uncle is that, my family is x and y, if you're such a tough guy, just move out, pussy. I need to keep applying to jobs and keep working towards learning online skills until I get to the point where I have enough to rent an apartment and move out.

Low contact with family + abnormal life path. Everyone else is slaving away in Uni to get a 9 - 5 job, going to parties, watching netflix, I'll still stay in University, I'm not going to go to parties, I'm not going to watch netflix, and I'm going to spend my time on online business models and skills, and try to escape the matrix until it happens. Depend on my family less and interact with my family less to focus more on making my goals happen.

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