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RageFuel A letter to the females of my generation.

Dont have sex if you dont want to get pregnant.
It really is that simple, too. But women are allergic to responsibility. They want to do whatever the hell they want and have average men, who they wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole, foot the bill by paying taxes for their free abortions.
I'm not American, but I hope Europe will soon follow in the footsteps of US citizens and choose the route Trump wants to take
Foids play with two cards. Chad and Tyrone first for sex and excitement and then careermaxxed averagecels for marriage.
Dont have sex if you dont want to get pregnant. Sex is not a human right.
they are gonna run out of cards to play
your avg bluepilled soy normie is getting red/blackpilled daily.

stoopid fks like tate have only popularized it. betabuxxing/being a pusi has low return as seen by libtard cucks like destiny.
Sex is not a human right.
Yet normies treat it as if it is. Then complain about us when we say we are suffering because we don't get to have one of the "most important human experiences" as explained in maslows laws of needs
they are gonna run out of cards to play
your avg bluepilled soy normie is getting red/blackpilled daily.

stoopid fks like tate have only popularized it. betabuxxing/being a pusi has low return as seen by libtard cucks like destiny.
Are you sure his son is 100 percent his
His son will never pass on his genes except with an Asian probably
isn't he in cali???
cali is known as the world wmaf capital and its why ricecel hate it.
isn't he in cali???
cali is known as the world wmaf capital and its why ricecel hate it.
Duh don't you brainiacs ever think about the erenyeagers theory of brutalogy book??
Foids play with two cards. Chad and Tyrone first for sex and excitement and then careermaxxed averagecels for marriage.

Why it’s important not to marry a woman older than 24 that’s slept around
feel like with AI and all the onlyfans content out there, hoeflation is about to have some serious revaluation
Morgan Freeman Applause GIF by The Academy Awards
Well, the jig is up. You've had 20+ years to get your act together, and now everything you whores have been doing for the past 5-odd years have come back to bite you in the ass in the worst way possible.
Do I feel sorry for you? No, not at all. Did you feel sorry for my 15, 16, 17, and 18-year-old self whose only companion during those dark years was his PS4, while you sluts got to party it up and fuck young Chads? No, you didn't, so why should I feel any sympathy when you dumbshits get your pretty little princess powers taken away?
You've had your fun, your years of being the "cool people" while I had to rot in darkness.
I almost didn't want to vote this year, until I reflected on the suffering I've endured since 14.
Knowing that pain, the decision quickly became easy.
And also, when abortion is outlawed nationwide, (which, by the way, is gonna be sooner than you realize) those coat hangers are gonna make you suffer.
lmao thinking Trump will change anything. Nothing will happen and after Trump its back to the Democrats and the ball keeps rolling

Thread deserves this

Based & DarkStarpilled
Wish I could agree, but Trump is fucking useless. He's said many times he's not going to ban abortion nationwide and has a goal of "protecting women". sad, however I love seeing foids mald and cope on social media. That's a plus
Wish I could agree, but Trump is fucking useless. He's said many times he's not going to ban abortion nationwide and has a goal of "protecting women". sad, however I love seeing foids mald and cope on social media. That's a plus
Protect them from what?
Based speech but nothing ever happens
Well, the jig is up. You've had 20+ years to get your act together, and now everything you whores have been doing for the past 5-odd years have come back to bite you in the ass in the worst way possible.
Do I feel sorry for you? No, not at all. Did you feel sorry for my 15, 16, 17, and 18-year-old self whose only companion during those dark years was his PS4, while you sluts got to party it up and fuck young Chads? No, you didn't, so why should I feel any sympathy when you dumbshits get your pretty little princess powers taken away?
You've had your fun, your years of being the "cool people" while I had to rot in darkness.
I almost didn't want to vote this year, until I reflected on the suffering I've endured since 14.
Knowing that pain, the decision quickly became easy.
And also, when abortion is outlawed nationwide, (which, by the way, is gonna be sooner than you realize) those coat hangers are gonna make you suffer.
Happy I Love You GIF by Warner Bros. Deutschland
Well, the jig is up. You've had 20+ years to get your act together, and now everything you whores have been doing for the past 5-odd years have come back to bite you in the ass in the worst way possible.
Do I feel sorry for you? No, not at all. Did you feel sorry for my 15, 16, 17, and 18-year-old self whose only companion during those dark years was his PS4, while you sluts got to party it up and fuck young Chads? No, you didn't, so why should I feel any sympathy when you dumbshits get your pretty little princess powers taken away?
You've had your fun, your years of being the "cool people" while I had to rot in darkness.
I almost didn't want to vote this year, until I reflected on the suffering I've endured since 14.
Knowing that pain, the decision quickly became easy.
And also, when abortion is outlawed nationwide, (which, by the way, is gonna be sooner than you realize) those coat hangers are gonna make you suffer.
>bans abortion
>incels like you afraid to rape
>Jamal and chads get more offsprings
great fucking plan
Those dumb cunts tell incels to stop complaining about not getting any sex because “sex isn’t a human right, you’re not entitled to it”

Yet they show outrage when abortion is banned or not available because the only way to guarantee they DON’T get pregnant is to “NOT have sex”, which they argue is unfair because now all of a sudden “sex IS a human right and women ARE entitled to it”

They apply rules selectively and preferentially, ensuring that they are always in a position of privilege, yet have the gall and audacity to tell incels to STFU and stop complaining because we live in a society of “equality” (and fairness, justice).

They have absolutely no logic to their thinking, they are like a child in a candy shop who wants all the candy without realizing that it ain’t free (but rathER, comes at a cost). Foids want everything to be handed to them on a silvER plattER, whethER it be sex/genes from Chad or money/material resources from Beta-males, wanting to reduce men to uttER subsERvience to the female collective while still having the gall/audacity to play “victim” and act as if they are still being “oppressed” via “muhhhhh patriarchy”, when it’s the othER way around (foods are the true oppressors, via their support of a system which is built upon INequality, UNfairness and INjustice).
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Those dumb cunts tell incels to stop complaining about not getting any sex because “sex isn’t a human right, you’re not entitled to it”

Yet they show outrage when abortion is banned or not available because the only way to get pregnant is to “NOT have sex”, which they argue is unfair because now all of a sudden “sex IS a human right and women ARE entitled to it”

They apply rules selectively and preferentially, ensuring that they are always in a position of privilege, yet have the gall and audacity to tell incels to STFU and stop complaining because we live in a society of “equality” (and fairness, justice).

They have absolutely no logic to their thinking, they are like a child in a candy shop who wants all the candy without realizing that it ain’t free (but rathER, comes at a cost). Foids want everything to be handed to them on a silvER plattER, whethER it be sex/genes from Chad or money/material resources from Beta-males, wanting to reduce men to uttER subsERvience to the female collective while still having the gall/audacity to play “victim” and act as if they are still being “oppressed” via “muhhhhh patriarchy”, when it’s the othER way around (foods are the true oppressors, via their support of a system which is built upon INequality, UNfairness and INjustice).
You and I, incels, we exist because in the past foids couldn't abort us due to unavailability of an abortion in itself as a medical procedure or lack of condoms.

Today foids can abort us or future us and only give birth from Chads, rendering future incellism solved.

We, Incels, better to have always been. We have existential dread before the idea that foids can decide on whether our comrade in sexual frustration won't exist in the future.

We ban abortion and force foids to reproduce us because no man in the future must be Chad. If majority will be Chads, this will be unfair for us in the present.
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You and I, incels, we exist because in the past foids couldn't abort us due to unavailability of an abortion in itself as a medical procedure or lack of condoms.

Today foids can abort us or future us and only give birth from Chads, rendering future incellism solved.

We, Incels, better to have always been. We have existential dread before the idea that foids can decide on whether our comrade in sexual frustration won't exist in the future.

We ban abortion and force foids to reproduce us because no man in the future must be Chad. If majority will be Chads, this will be unfair for us.

“My body, my choice” is their slogan. They argue that they should have the right to have full sovereignty and control of whatever happens to their body, to justify having the right to abortions

They conveniently don’t care about applying the same philosophy of “my body my choice” when it comes to the majority slave male undERclass who are being physically and mentally exploited by the elites for CREATION via productivity during times of peace and for DESTRUCTION via systematic violence in the form of warfare, conquests, invasions etc. during times of chaos, WITHOUT having ANY SAY (CONTROL) in the mattER,

Once again, another example of women advocating for prefERential treatment, while claiming that we live in a society of equality or even claiming that THEY r the oppressed ones, in the fact that “my body my choice” only applies to women, but nothing wrong with men having no control of what happens to their bodies (and minds) which exist simply as “tools” for the elites to eithER create or destroy, as long as women are gaining something
“My body, my choice” is their slogan. They argue that they should have the right to have full sovereignty and control of whatever happens to their body, to justify having the right to abortions

They conveniently don’t care about applying the same philosophy of “my body my choice” when it comes to the majority slave male undERclass who are being physically and mentally exploited by the elites for CREATION via productivity during times of peace and for DESTRUCTION via systematic violence in the form of warfare, conquests, invasions etc. during times of chaos, WITHOUT having ANY SAY (CONTROL) in the mattER,

Once again, another example of women advocating for prefERential treatment, while claiming that we live in a society of equality or even claiming that THEY r the oppressed ones, in the fact that “my body my choice” only applies to women, but nothing wrong with men having no control of what happens to their bodies (and minds) which exist simply as “tools” for the elites to eithER create or destroy, as long as women are gaining something
Females are inferior gender. We have the capacity for conquest, art, philosophy, religion, capitalism, communism, ideas, everything.
Our male bodies belong to the society that we build. We're the driving force behind the very history of the world.

DESTRUCTION via systematic violence in the form of warfare, conquests, invasions etc. during times of chaos, WITHOUT having ANY SAY (CONTROL) in the mattER,
Men wage wars, conquer and have women as trophies, what are you talking about? We, men, are the acting force here.
Men wage wars, conquer and have women as trophies, what are you talking about? We, men, are the acting force here.

I’m talking about the slave under-class of males, which is comprised of majority males.

Majority males are slaves in the form of being workER drones and foot-soldiERs who exist as “cannon foddER” (they have no control of what they do, they follow ordERs given to them by their supERiors).

Only a Minority of males belong to the elite class, comprising business ownERs/entrepreneurs/innovators and commandERs/genERals, who ISSUE ordERs to othERs (those beneath them).

Only the elites are free from being controlled, because they are the ones who control the system itself

Majority of males (the slave class) have little to no control of how their bodies (and minds) are utilized, because it’s the elites who detERmine that as they are the ones in a position of true systematic powER, yet I nevER see women advocating for “my body, my choice” slogan to be applied to the slave majority underclass of males who ALSO lack choice with regards to what is done to their bodies (and minds) and how/for what purpose their bodies (and minds) are used.
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I’m talking about the slave under-class of males, which is comprised of majority males.

Majority males are slaves in the form of being workER drones and foot-soldiERs who exist as “cannon foddER” (they have no control of what they do, they follow ordERs given to them by their supERiors).

Only a Minority of males belong to the elite class, comprising business ownERs/entrepreneurs/innovators and commandERs/genERals, who ISSUE ordERs to othERs (those beneath them).

Only the elites are free from being controlled, because they are the ones who control the system itself

Majority of males (the slave class) have little to no control of how their bodies (and minds) are utilized, because it’s the elites who detERmine that as they are the ones in a position of true systematic powER, yet I nevER see women advocating for “my body, my choice” slogan to be applied to the slave majority underclass of males who ALSO lack choice with regards to what is done to their bodies (and minds) and how/for what purpose their bodies (and minds) are used.
SEems like your Issue is with CApitalism, ComraDE.

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