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Cope A coping guide



Feb 22, 2024
This is my first big post and i want to share with you my knowledge of coping.
In my experience there are ways of coping that make life even enjoyable.
This might be not for everyone but since it worked for me at times i will share what i know.

In short the 3 big copes that worked for me are the following:
1) Videogames
2) Art
3) Drugs

And now hear me out.
If you break down the problem for many brocels its not just the sexless life that hurts it is the non existend social validation.
Normies get this validation not just from foids but from friends, coworkers, family, people from sportsclub etc. , other people in general.
If you have people to interact with, which gives you a certain purpose in life that goes a long way.
You can get this through certain video games and art.
If you play multiplayer online videogames you automatically meet people and you instantly have a common ground.
The game that worked best for me (and this wasnt even my intention when starting to play it just happend) is to this day World of Warcraft.
Generally MMOs should do best here. Of course you need to first get to a certain level so that you have peoples respect ingame but then you will automatically play with and interact with people and then you will maybe get invited to a guild. I am now a max level tank and i do good at my role and people always need a good tank.
So this is my first advice. Try online videogames to have something to do and eventually find friends/ people to interact with.

Lets get to the second point.
This really might not be for everyone but for me this worked insanely well since it is something with which you can express yourself.
I personally make music ( which is easy to start with if you just search for cracks for programms and samples you get nearly everything for free) but you can also draw, paint or do whatever. It gives you a way to express and then let go of your negative feelings and when you get good at it you might even get compliments from other people for it ( you can share stuff on deviantart, Youtube, soundcloud etc.) which also gives you again something to talk to about with other people which is necessary for making friends so it all goes hand in hand with each other.
For me personally music is the best thing i ve ever started. And the best music i make when i feel the worst which then makes me feel good.
Art lets you transform the shit you feel into gold if you give it enough time to learn your tools.
Of course at start it will look or sound like shit but that goes for everyone so just give it time.

Third point and this can never be the ONLY solution it has to always be combined with something other.
I ve tried nearly everything there is and found drugs that can help you to overome really hard times or just make it even more enjoyable to play videogames or make music.
First of all of course Weed is nice for gaming and every form of art and it just makes you not care to a certain degree.
You can relax eat chips watch a movie play games or do something productive without caring for the downside of your life.
Of course you have to be carefull to not do too much and keep times where you do nothing that goes for every drug but for the next one especially.
The drug i found to be the best for coping, to totally erase your longing and sexual desires are opioids. The stronger the better.
With those you really dont care anymore and thats why they are so dangerous. You ll be instantly addicted and thats expensive and makes everything worse when detoxing. But for the really hard moments and like twice or 3 times a month it works fine and you will experience how it feels to be "normal" or in heaven or whatever you might call it.
I personally can recommend Oxycodone the most since it is an "official" product so no dirt inside and its really strong and you use it by orally consumption which is the easiest. Also working are tramadol, tillidin, codein and all that stuff. Just dont do fentanyl since the chance of an OD is too high.
What also works but in a totally different way are psychedelics.
They are a whole sience so never take them without all information you can get.
Basically they give you the chance to get a different perspective on your life for a short time and with that insight you can reevaluate what it is you want to and you can do.
I cant explain this here completely but i recommend mushrooms (2-3 ) or LSD (100-15 uq) on a sunny day outside in nature with some music you like and just see what happens.

None of these things work on their own but if you combine them in a good way you will find your life to be much more enjoyable than you thought.
Also (and i hope you dont get me wrong) dont visit this forum to often.
I know for many of us its the only group we feel accepted in but coming here besides having people that understand you doesnt do any good for you i would even say it makes everything harder.
Before i came here i didnt even thing everything was that bad it is just the way it is. The time i visited this forum most often was also the time where i thought there is no chance i would ever enjoy life again and everything is over. And maybe it is over.
Water is wet and we know it but that doesnt have to mean we cave our own heads in for something we know we cant control.
For me these 3 things did really well and of course there are still times i am really sad and depressed but i now nearly always get out of it quickly.
I hope at least one person can improve his life with my story and i hope you all stay safe with drugs.
They can be a gift from heaven but also a temptation from hell so only bite of what you can chew please.
Good luck
at least you tried, gray
I will not touch the video goy. Drugs are for niggers. And im not artistic.
If you have people to interact with, which gives you a certain purpose in life that goes a long way.
If you play multiplayer online videogames you automatically meet people and you instantly have a common ground.
The game that worked best for me (and this wasnt even my intention when starting to play it just happend) is to this day World of Warcraft.
Generally MMOs should do best here. Of course you need to first get to a certain level so that you have peoples respect ingame but then you will automatically play with and interact with people and then you will maybe get invited to a guild. I am now a max level tank and i do good at my role and people always need a good tank.
So this is my first advice. Try online videogames to have something to do and eventually find friends/ people to interact with.
i can't make "friends" with normies even online, so i only play single player games
I would be willing to read this but unfortunately you are a GrAY faggot
In short the 3 big copes that worked for me are the following:
1) Videogames
2) Art
3) Drugs
And there's a huuuge list of possible copes that we can use.- It's all about finding the ones that float one's particular boat.- My copes don't include any of your 3, but I've found the copes for me, and that's a positive thing that we should all try to do.
This is my first big post and i want to share with you my knowledge of coping.
In my experience there are ways of coping that make life even enjoyable.
This might be not for everyone but since it worked for me at times i will share what i know.

In short the 3 big copes that worked for me are the following:
1) Videogames

The game that worked best for me (and this wasnt even my intention when starting to play it just happend) is to this day World of Warcraft.
Generally MMOs should do best here. Of course you need to first get to a certain level so that you have peoples respect ingame but then you will

I played Final Fantasy 14 for a few years with an almost religious zeal. I would log in and do all possible daily duties and then an hour or two or main story quest. I kept this up for about 2 years or so.

It was definitely an enjoyable experience and burned through thousands of hours for an all in cost of about 250-300 bucks.
I did burn out and take a break after endwalker expansion, but it was probably one of the longest lived coping mechanisms I personally ever engaged in. Much more fulfilling than league of legends, which was more addictive and cheaper, but probably much less healthy.
Nostalgia is the best cope. I'm serious.

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