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LifeFuel A comprehensive guide to JBW-Maxxing (JustBeWhite)



May 2, 2018
Today, I will teach you the basics of JBW-Maxxing. This can be handy for ethnics who could pass as white in white-majority countries. Even if you are a Nigger, you can benefit from some of the tips.

Change your first name
Asians are smart, and in the West they name their children Jeffrey instead of Chang-Ming. Sandniggers are not so smart and stick with terrorist names such as Muhammed or Abdul-Waheeb. Change your name NOW!
Boys Names

If you have bad curly ethnic hair, you can get a buzz cut. If you have good hair already but it’s black, you can dye it white, blonde, or brown.
JkXAG43k 400x400

Eye color change (Laser Eye surgery or contacts)
One of the hallmarks of Whiteness is light eyes (blue or green). This can be achieved by wearing coloured contacts, or getting Laser Eye surgery.
Bright ocular 37123007 277185842833054 5206618102220980224 n
Blue eyed black guy

A big hooknose is very ugly. Rhino is easy and lasts a lifetime.

White people dress a certain way. The way you dress influences how people perceive you.
Mens hipster hairstyles
Iraqi hipsters from erbil are taking the fashion world by storm 980x457 1488199829 1100x513

Skin bleaching
There are products on the market that may give you fairer skin. There are also skin lighting surgeries. More info in this link.

Other cultural tips
  • Learn the language and integrate into the white society
  • A piercing can indicate that you are not a terrorist
  • stuffwhitepeoplelike.com has a full list
Tagging some ethnics
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very sane
I wish my parents gave me a nordic/western name
dumb cucks

Also a rhino to get that roman or nordic nose would be necessary if u are hooked nose sand nig-nog like me
Also a rhino to get that roman or nordic nose
How could I have forgotten rhino. I had it ready in my notes. I just edited the post.
The eye color halo is definitely a real thing, Brown = shit
Man I thought this thread was going to be for white guys to use the fact that they're white to their advantage.
How could I have forgotten rhino. I had it ready in my notes. I just edited the post.
the REASON why it's ugly is because it is ETHNIC nose.
look at this

Tumblr inline n3s1eiTzhu1ra32oq

look at noses at 1 - 2 - 3 (homo sapien noses)
and then look at 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 (ethnic noses), absolutely disgusting

Image 20160523 11000 1lplmmx

Smart person IQ post
Man I thought this thread was going to be for white guys to use the fact that they're white to their advantage.
If you’re white with ethnic features then the same can apply to you. If you’re white with white features and get nothing Where you live then there’s one option.
Change your first name
Asians are smart, and in the West they name their children Jeffrey instead of Chang-Ming. Sandniggers are not so smart and stick with terrorist names such as Muhammed or Abdul-Waheeb. Change your name NOW!
View attachment 32477
This is so true. Just like the blacks that name their sons daquan, tyrone or deshawn
Man I thought this thread was going to be for white guys to use the fact that they're white to their advantage.
I am not sure if I opened a thread but I remember I had written a full post about it:

>swipe in ethnic parts of your country
>Move to ethnic parts of your city
>start learning a white worshipper language, pretend to lear that is, just enroll a course or culture center
>try to build a social circle of ethnics where you are minority as a white
>learn how to put on a facade, LARP as SJW who can relate to ethnics
>ask ethnic women out
>if everything fails, move to SEA
very sane
I wish my parents gave me a nordic/western name
dumb cucks

Also a rhino to get that roman or nordic nose would be necessary if u are hooked nose sand nig-nog like me
Ah yes, when someone else says the exact same shit to you that I have said, it is "very sane".

I am not sure if I opened a thread but I remember I had written a full post about it:

>swipe in ethnic parts of your country
>Move to ethnic parts of your city
>start learning a white worshipper language, pretend to lear that is, just enroll a course or culture center
>try to build a social circle of ethnics where you are minority as a white
>learn how to put on a facade, LARP as SJW who can relate to ethnics
>ask ethnic women out
>if everything fails, move to SEA

This is actually legit fantastic advice.

Thanks @13k I'm going to spoof location to nearest chinatown and say I'm learning Chinese, and I'll do all these. If I ascend, I'm going to come back and help you out.
This is actually legit fantastic advice.

Thanks @13k I'm going to spoof location to nearest chinatown and say I'm learning Chinese, and I'll do all these. If I ascend, I'm going to come back and help you out.
i didnt mean put "im learning chinese" in ur bio when I said pretend to learn chinese
on tinder nobody reads ur bio

I said "try to learn a white worshipper lang" , as it could get you more ethnic social circle and love from ethnics
i dunno, like cultur centers, ethnic social events (i dont mean BLM rallies, dont get ur ass stabbed trying to JBW rofl)
there was a lotta shitskin ethnics in my spanish courses.

Ideally you should try to put yourself in situations where you get to be around shitskins. I know it wont be pleasant experience but there is a price to escaping inceldom.

Ah yes, when someone else says the exact same shit to you that I have said, it is "very sane".

he gives REASONABLE advices like change your name + dress like whites + get a rhino

you just troll me
i didnt mean put "im learning chinese" in ur bio when I said pretend to learn chinese
on tinder nobody reads ur bio

I said "try to learn a white worshipper lang" , as it could get you more ethnic social circle and love from ethnics
i dunno, like cultur centers, ethnic social events (i dont mean BLM rallies, dont get ur ass stabbed trying to JBW rofl)
there was a lotta shitskin ethnics in my spanish courses.

Yeah no sorry I know what you meant. I should have been clearer.

I'm going to spoof location on Tinder for Chinatown and there's a city near me that's really multicultural.
Also going to get Chinese (or whatever lessons) lessons and try and find girls who'll "help me learn."

There are a decent amount of Eastern Euro immigrants where I live too so I might try and do the same there. Say I'm learning Polish or whatever and see if I can get Eastern Euro girls who want a passport (lol.)

Not quite JBW but still trying to game foreigners into wanting me.

In fact, if I do both, I can write up whether it's easier to get interest from EE people or Asian people, though I'm 99% sure it'll be the Chinese etc. girls that give me attention if any.
Yeah no sorry I know what you meant. I should have been clearer.

I'm going to spoof location on Tinder for Chinatown and there's a city near me that's really multicultural.
Also going to get Chinese (or whatever lessons) lessons and try and find girls who'll "help me learn."

There are a decent amount of Eastern Euro immigrants where I live too so I might try and do the same there. Say I'm learning Polish or whatever and see if I can get Eastern Euro girls who want a passport (lol.)

Not quite JBW but still trying to game foreigners into wanting me.

In fact, if I do both, I can write up whether it's easier to get interest from EE people or Asian people, though I'm 99% sure it'll be the Chinese etc. girls that give me attention if any.
best of luck friend, hope you escape from this soul crushing place of my nativity.

dont get your hopes up for EE foids tho, their SMV is very high as they are considered more attactive than brit foids.
he gives REASONABLE advices like change your name + dress like whites + get a rhino

you just troll me
So half of Limerencel's post is just trolling?
I have told you to do the same shit with your hair.
I have told you to do the same shit with your skin.
I have told you to do the same shit with your eyes.
I have told you to do the same shit with your nose.

The only things in this post I did not tell you to do is to change your name and dress like a white person because I do not know your name and whites do not have a uniform dress code.
Asians are smart, and in the West they name their children Jeffrey instead of Chang-Ming. Sandniggers are not so smart and stick with terrorist names such as Muhammed or Abdul-Waheeb.
Top fucking kek.

I appreciate your efforts, but its so fucking over for ethnics in the West its not even funny anymore.

Even if you whitemaxxed...you will still be seen as a nonwhite who is to be tolerated. Whites will never accept nonwhites as their own. Thats the only truth...any effort removing your ethnic stamp is cope.
I'd rather not become a white worshipping cunt. Honestly, my dignity is worth more than a gf
Good post
Top fucking kek.

I appreciate your efforts, but its so fucking over for ethnics in the West its not even funny anymore.

Even if you whitemaxxed...you will still be seen as a nonwhite who is to be tolerated. Whites will never accept nonwhites as their own. Thats the only truth...any effort removing your ethnic stamp is cope.
I think whitemaxxing if done on the right person can actually be quite beneficial. There are others on which it simply won't work
very sane
I wish my parents gave me a nordic/western name
dumb cucks

Also a rhino to get that roman or nordic nose would be necessary if u are hooked nose sand nig-nog like me

I thought you're black not middle eastern.
Or I could just give up on 3D women and cope with anime
Nature = adapt or die
I guess we've established which one will be your destination.
lol brutal, well on the bright side, his ethnic genes will die out with him, there wont be more innocent children infected with inceldom if that guy doesnt reproduce
I thought you're black not middle eastern.
I get that
im shitskin arab in europe, ppl assume im black cos of old kent avatar I guess

Having dignity as a incel deathnic

My dignity comes from my values and my integrity.
I do not hold loyalty to some tribe, simply because my ancestors felt they were part of that tribe.
My loyalty is towards the truth and rationality.
In today's age, it is largely people from the West (North Americans and Western Europeans) who go by that.
I don't feel ashamed at all to adapt to something that is objectively better.
Nature = adapt or die
I guess we've established which one will be your destination.
Death with dignity is better than living as self hating scum
LOL i can't wait to whitemax tbh
This makes me desperate to get a job
Just be white is a myth. Any westerner can do well in SEA.

For fucks sake, why are people still repeating the meme that he bleached his skin?




I have this skin condition and I always hear retards claiming I bleach my skin.
Already got a "white" name (it's actually a Hebrew name but it's on your list), shaving my head won't make me look whiter, eye surgery seems too risky, rhinoplasty isn't an option for wide noses, I can't dress nicely because I'm poor, and my skin is already pale.
This is so true. Just like the blacks that name their sons daquan, tyrone or deshawn
>implying a black guy named "Chad" is going to do any better.
rhinoplasty isn't an option for wide noses
wtf? Why would they not thin wide noses? Thats probably half the requested operations, besides wanting to fix a jew type nose.
i dislike having an ethnic name, but i cringe at being called anything else. also don't know what name to choose

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