Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

JFL A Christian pastor called incels a threat to America.

Aka threat to his wealth since they won't give money to him and won't attend his Church of Satan.
God wil punish him. Attacking Incels is defending degeneracy. We are the only ones who openly condemn sexual sins.
God wil punish him. Attacking Incels is defending degeneracy. We are the only ones who openly condemn sexual sins.
He is a classic christcuck and tradcuck and never blames foid for anything.
God wil punish him. Attacking Incels is defending degeneracy. We are the only ones who openly condemn sexual sins.
Just another patronizing condescending cuck that believes it’s our attitude rather than our looks that has doomed us.
Just another patronizing condescending cuck that believes it’s our attitude rather than our looks that has doomed us.
He is a stupid boomer and does not understand the current relationship market.
I watched the video and yes he talked about some of violent incidents associated with incels but also she showed some empathy too.And remember he is just a man and not God.

I would ask all of you who are hurting and suffering and do not see a light at the end of the tunnel and feel despair.Give your life to Jesus he truly can heal all your pain.
Think about it seriously ,don't suffer another day ,ask Jesus for forgiveness and get to know him today and end suffering forever.Remember God truly cares !!

John 3:16

New International Version

16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
They always want to cure the symptoms but never the illness itself
I watched the video and yes he talked about some of violent incidents associated with incels but also she showed some empathy too.And remember he is just a man and not God.

I would ask all of you who are hurting and suffering and do not see a light at the end of the tunnel and feel despair.Give your life to Jesus he truly can heal all your pain.
Think about it seriously ,don't suffer another day ,ask Jesus for forgiveness and get to know him today and end suffering forever.Remember God truly cares !!

John 3:16​

New International Version​

16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
I sincerely want to believe that you are joking now or that this is some of irony.
"Incels are a threat" :foidSoy: :soy:
Christcuck moment #727272

View: https://www.youtube.com/live/2x8dsS76tb8?si=HgNB9YdpVGwit5KQ

He says that after the sermons, a lot of young guys over 20 come up to him, who tell him that they have never had a girlfriend or that they cannot be liked by the foids. He calls incelibacy a subculture, and he's also a fan of Israel.

shames the men but not the harlots who enter into the house of the Lord who will continue to have premarital sex with Chad before the sermon and after the service
I watched the video and yes he talked about some of violent incidents associated with incels but also she showed some empathy too.And remember he is just a man and not God.

I would ask all of you who are hurting and suffering and do not see a light at the end of the tunnel and feel despair.Give your life to Jesus he truly can heal all your pain.
Think about it seriously ,don't suffer another day ,ask Jesus for forgiveness and get to know him today and end suffering forever.Remember God truly cares !!

John 3:16​

New International Version​

16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Amen brother
But bring back slutshaming
Amen brother
But bring back slutshaming
God will deal with witches but don't go down with the ship because others are sinful ,God has in heaven a crown with your name on it ,so don't let someone else steal it!
2 Tim. 4:8 in the future there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day; and not only to me, but also to all who have loved His appearing.
The AIslop thumbnail is unintentionally hilarious.
there is nobody that will defend subhumans
He's not Christian enough to know that Christ was basically an incel and most of the prophets
Saying someone is Christian means nothing, it's an oversimplification. Anyway, why is everyone pointing out our fault and calling us threat but rarely if ever points foids fault and their increasing hypergamy.
So, I've listened to what this cuckold had to say (for the most part). Now I ask myself: OK, but where do women fit in here? What are they doing? Don't they suffer from porn addiction? Don't they need to go outside more? Don't they need to stop playing video games etc? Why do men specifically suffer? If men are lonely, doesn't it imply that women are lonely too? Doesn't all of this shit affect them to a degree? Because SOMETHING tells me they are doing great for the most part. Why? Because they don't need most men. Yes, they are only capable of being a "second rate" man, but that's more than enough for them. For anything else there's an excess of sexless male drones who work at dangerous/difficult/dead end jobs and keep the economy afloat. And if they actually need a "first rate" man they can always call chad. Where am I wrong?
Modern day christianity has been corrupted, I am not a christian but I am pretty sure God is clear in no uncertain terms that sodomy is a sin. But somehow every modern sect in america is cool with faggots running around. I wouldn't take any current age pastor that seriously unless they have a rep
Good text, brocel. But when I was flipping through YouTube and found this video in the offer, I almost died of laughter. Imagine that you are the only US superpower in the world (the strongest army, the strongest economy, the most allies) and a bunch of guys who can't get love from a woman are a threat to you. It's fucking ridiculous.
So, I've listened to what this cuckold had to say (for the most part). Now I ask myself: OK, but where do women fit in here? What are they doing? Don't they suffer from porn addiction? Don't they need to go outside more? Don't they need to stop playing video games etc? Why do men specifically suffer? If men are lonely, doesn't it imply that women are lonely too? Doesn't all of this shit affect them to a degree? Because SOMETHING tells me they are doing great for the most part. Why? Because they don't need most men. Yes, they are only capable of being a "second rate" man, but that's more than enough for them. For anything else there's an excess of sexless male drones who work at dangerous/difficult/dead end jobs and keep the economy afloat. And if they actually need a "first rate" man they can always call chad. Where am I wrong?

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