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Discussion A bit ago I wrote an essay about my worldview pertaining to foids. Have I gone full jocker if this is how I see this?



Jun 26, 2022
This essay is working to answer 4 questions

  1. What Are Women?
  2. Where Did Women Come From?
  3. What Are the Goals Of Women?
  4. What is to be done?

  1. What ARE Women.

The fool says that women are human. They are not. Cunts are subhuman creatures. But what sort of creature? The first instinct many cunthanters have is to call them a sort of inferior species of the homo genus. A sort of monkey. They believe that cunts are a type of semi intelligent animal. I believe this is wrong.

If any of this is true you would expect to be able to have a good conversation with one. But this can not be so. Have you ever tried to talk to a cunt? They seem empty. This is not what one would expect with a near relative.

My theory is that cunts ARE their cunts.

Look at this worm.


This alien looking thing is commonly called the female reproductive system. I put forward that this is not their reproductive system. It IS them. What we see as their body is merely a shell. It is like a mech suit that the alien worm pilots. The brain-like matter in their skull is not a real central nervous system and thus the worms are not sentient in the way humans are but they are capable of evil.

Have you ever listened to a gaggle of cunts talk to each other? It's nothing. Nothing. The talk they have MUST be a front. That can’t be it. I think their real talk is chemical. They queef and secrete vaginal fluids and the pheromones are the cominition. This, I believe, is why cunts always go to the bathroom together. Its how they talk and plot against us humans.

A human rapes a cunt and the worm cries out to its sisters.

Pictured: Cunt Speech.
A human fucks a cunt and the cuntworm cries out to its sisters.

So what are cunts? Cunts are a worm that controls a human shaped flesh suit. They communicate to each other via chemicals and pheromones But where did they come from? Where did these worms come from?

  1. Lilith and her daughters.

The first female gendered creature in all of creation was a spirit called Lilith. She rebelled against God and was thrown down onto the earth. In punishment for going against God she was warped into a cuntworm without a body. Then she saw Adam. Adam was the first human and perfect. He was without fault. He was God’s true plan for Humanity.

Lilith hated this. She saw that Adam had been given a doll by God. This doll could move, walk, talk, and fuck. She was a true companion to Adam. She was a reproductive and masterbation aid. Lilith wanted to ruin this.

In her worm form she crawled up to Eve and climbed up into her. The first Cunt was born.

She tricked Adam into giving her cunilingus. When Eve orgasmed God was outraged. By allowing a cunt to orgasm Adam allowed evil into the world.


Modern cunts are descended from Lilith. They are demonic beings. When a cunt orgasms she allows demonic female spirits into the world. This is where cunts come from. Lilith the cuntworm demon.

  1. The Goals of Women.

The goals of women might seem hard to read. After all, they are brainless and without personality. How could something like that plan?

The same way ants plan. Ants do not plan. They do not have thoughts. But the central node (The Queen) controls the nest. The same is true with cunts. The individual cunt is totally empty headed. Only Lilith and her top cunts have any ability to think. They send out pheromonal messages to other cunts and those brainless cunts thoughtlessly carry out their orders. Part of these orders is to take from and hurt men. Lilith and her topcunts delight in catfishing men, or golddigging or issuing false rape reports. Anything to hurt men.

Pictured: A stuck up cunt attempting to scam a human.

But there is a deeper goal in mind. When a female orgasms a demon is let loose into the world. Lilith wants to use this to bring as many demons into the world as possible. She wants to enslave humanity and bring hell into the world. This is the end goal of cunt.

  1. What is to be done?

We humans have an invasive demonic species in our world. It has latched on to our reproduction and sexuality. How could we ever be free of these monsters?

Technology might find the way. Artificial wombs are already being developed. Sex dolls are becoming more and more sexual atractive. Many sex dolls are more attractive than biocunts.


Pictured: An attractive doll and an ugly biocunt.

Soon we will have the technology to make sexdoll that can move. With that being done what man will want to have sex with a biocunt?

Artificial wombs will unshackle humanity from needing their wombs. With those two chains pulled free, what will we need with cunts?

It is not even that they will have no use. It is that they have no use AND are still demonic. Once we have the ability to go without them we will need to exterminate them. The female species will be gone forever.
include me in the screenshot IT :feelsokman::feelsokman:
you have gone full jocker
Okay read it, could be true, who knows at this point
Based dollmaxxing
The same way ants plan. Ants do not plan. They do not have thoughts. But the central node (The Queen) controls the nest.
Are you implying that the queen ants (attractive females) are brainwashing women through social media into being whores? What could we do about this? Why do sluts want others to live their lifestyle?
Based dollmaxxing

Are you implying that the queen ants (attractive females) are brainwashing women through social media into being whores? What could we do about this? Why do sluts want others to live their lifestyle?
This is why having a daughter is so cucked. If I had one I wouldn't let her have anything like tiktok or instagram. Even if you teach her good values she'll just resent you and slut out in college
This is why having a daughter is so cucked. If I had one I wouldn't let her have anything like tiktok or instagram. Even if you teach her good values she'll just resent you and slut out in college

PLENTY of Fathers find use for their daughter. :feelsthink:
stopped reading when you posted the cuntworm thing. :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha: what the fuck is this theory
If only more research would be put into sexbots development and make it more affordable, make it mainstream and stop shaming it, female power over men would fall drastically and sexbots mog foids into oblivion already.
This unironically makes sense tbh

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