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LDAR 97% of women have been sexually assaulted according to reddit roastie



المانلة المعذّب
Nov 28, 2022

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/s/bsUTXrHM4M

My male friend doesn't believe it's 97% (of women who have been SAd/harassed).

This statistic went viral apparently a while back. I feel extremely disappointed that he insists the 97% is "way too high" and harassment/assault against women is "not nearly as bad as people say" and "people will openly discourage men harassing women" as a cis man who has never lived a day in his life as a woman. He also showed a link say it's actually"8%" of women and "3%" of men who have been victims and complained that only my statistic counts. I explained my experienced and what I've heard from far too many women and he still doesn't believe it. He then rattled on about how men get harassed in the workplace too and the 97% is probably including cases of women misconstruing men as harassing them such as "being looked at".
Is he a misogynist, or worse, an incel? I find it pretty disgusting and disappointing that his female friend is insisting this is a thing women experience and proceeding to insist it's not real. I got first cat called at 10. And again in my 20s. I've had repeated incidences of inappropriate behaviour from men and SAd. I know that sadly I'm not the only one. What should I do in this situation? I've been friends with him for a long time, and knew he had conservative political beliefs but tried to respect a difference in opinion. This is too far. Why is he so eager to say "men have it bad too/women can be perpetuaters"??

Please tell me this isn't a common belief men have that it's made up. That is so sad in this day and age.
Hiroshima and nagasaki nuclear remains are not as harmful as reading r/twoxchromosome

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/s/bsUTXrHM4M

My male friend doesn't believe it's 97% (of women who have been SAd/harassed).

This statistic went viral apparently a while back. I feel extremely disappointed that he insists the 97% is "way too high" and harassment/assault against women is "not nearly as bad as people say" and "people will openly discourage men harassing women" as a cis man who has never lived a day in his life as a woman. He also showed a link say it's actually"8%" of women and "3%" of men who have been victims and complained that only my statistic counts. I explained my experienced and what I've heard from far too many women and he still doesn't believe it. He then rattled on about how men get harassed in the workplace too and the 97% is probably including cases of women misconstruing men as harassing them such as "being looked at".
Is he a misogynist, or worse, an incel? I find it pretty disgusting and disappointing that his female friend is insisting this is a thing women experience and proceeding to insist it's not real. I got first cat called at 10. And again in my 20s. I've had repeated incidences of inappropriate behaviour from men and SAd. I know that sadly I'm not the only one. What should I do in this situation? I've been friends with him for a long time, and knew he had conservative political beliefs but tried to respect a difference in opinion. This is too far. Why is he so eager to say "men have it bad too/women can be perpetuaters"??

Please tell me this isn't a common belief men have that it's made up. That is so sad in this day and age.

Never talk to women unless you are HTN +
Is he a misogynist,
Doesn't seem like it but maybe.
or worse, an incel?
If he is involuntarily celibate.

I think harassment is too broad of a term and shouldn't be put together with assault. These are two different things of varying degrees. I think almost everyone has been harassed at some point in their life. Alot of claims of harassment aren't really harassment either. To many women simply being "creepy" and trying to hit on them is seen as harassment.
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The inflation of the definition of sexual assault continues unabated. Every woman wants the zero-sum handouts due to victims rather than working hard to build value like a man. One has to admire their self-interest: merely existing as a woman is all the justification to drive ever-increasing resources to themselves.

There's just one little contradiction women have left themselves open to: if 97% of women have been sexually assaulted in a perfectly-functioning first-world society, then such a mundane thing needs little attention. "When everyone's sexually assaulted...no one will be."
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Being stared at by us for more than a fraction of second qualifies as sexual harassment to them
I thought this whole 97%:foidSoy: bullshit had already been debunked ages ago
It's true I raped the 97%.
These beings count unwanted male breathing near them as harrassment
Kek I like how even merely questioning what is a REALLY big claim to make, and stating that it may be more nuanced than she claims is enough for her to tie all friendships with him. He didn't even deny that woman can get sexually harassed, all he is doing is just questioning the statement that FUCKING 97% OF WOMEN HAVE BEEN SEXUALLY ASSAULTED. She really needs good evidence to back such a big claim up. Even if she knew like 100 women with stories, that isn't a good enough sample size for accounting for such a huge population. I'm not even going to look at the comments. There is actually no critical thknking involved with these types, they replace logic with emotions and social agendas
I like how in a society that has a 97% sa on women, it would have to be some indian-tier shithole with literally no prominent moral restrictions or enforced justice system, and yet women actually believe that is the actual rate of sa in the fucking west. Think about it again, women actually think the west has sexual assault rates that of africa
people looked at them funny
For sub-5 males, merely existing in the same planet as foids already constitutes a grievous form of sexual assault.
I am currently being raped by a chair plz help
"Harrasment" is a Sub 5 male being within 100 feet of them
I thought this whole 97%:foidSoy: bullshit had already been debunked ages ago
Must've been, this is the first time I see something like that mentioned in years, and I've seen a lot of gender war discussions on the internet.
Source: "muh feelings"
According to these retards all accusations are automatically true even when proven false.
Women consider everything sexual assault
I got first cat called at 10. And again in my 20s. I've had repeated incidences of inappropriate behaviour from men
She's literally proving his point. An isolated incident of catcalling =/= harassment or assault. "inappropriate behavior" isn't necessarily harassment or assault either.
To them, being talked to by any non Chad male constitutes SA.
Foids find at least 80% of men unattractive so it's not surprising interacting with men they find ugly constitutes harassement in their eyes
I got first cat called at 10. And again in my 20s.
why are they even whining about this btw

I've been catcalled by guys before bc long hair, and like nothing happened?

why do foids claim that these things are traumatic 'SA' events wtf

tell you what's worse than being catcalled, having to listen to foids' loud, annoying voices

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/s/bsUTXrHM4M

My male friend doesn't believe it's 97% (of women who have been SAd/harassed).

This statistic went viral apparently a while back. I feel extremely disappointed that he insists the 97% is "way too high" and harassment/assault against women is "not nearly as bad as people say" and "people will openly discourage men harassing women" as a cis man who has never lived a day in his life as a woman. He also showed a link say it's actually"8%" of women and "3%" of men who have been victims and complained that only my statistic counts. I explained my experienced and what I've heard from far too many women and he still doesn't believe it. He then rattled on about how men get harassed in the workplace too and the 97% is probably including cases of women misconstruing men as harassing them such as "being looked at".
Is he a misogynist, or worse, an incel? I find it pretty disgusting and disappointing that his female friend is insisting this is a thing women experience and proceeding to insist it's not real. I got first cat called at 10. And again in my 20s. I've had repeated incidences of inappropriate behaviour from men and SAd. I know that sadly I'm not the only one. What should I do in this situation? I've been friends with him for a long time, and knew he had conservative political beliefs but tried to respect a difference in opinion. This is too far. Why is he so eager to say "men have it bad too/women can be perpetuaters"??

Please tell me this isn't a common belief men have that it's made up. That is so sad in this day and age.

102% of women have been raped (within a 2% margin of error)
if this was true it goes to show that women think the vast majority of men are unattractive
Wasn't this an old Tiktok meme?
I thought this whole 97%:foidSoy: bullshit had already been debunked ages ago
They don’t care, they’ll continue to throw that number around even if it makes no sense, think about it how many Men actually have committed sexual crimes? Not many.
why are they even whining about this btw

I've been catcalled by guys before bc long hair, and like nothing happened?

why do foids claim that these things are traumatic 'SA' events wtf

tell you what's worse than being catcalled, having to listen to foids' loud, annoying voices
Because they are spoiled and pampered their whole lives so any minor inconvenience is a huge problem to them.

Ive been catcalled by gays too and nothing happened. I look back at it and laugh instead of discussing it like im a holocaust survivor.
She's literally proving his point. An isolated incident of catcalling =/= harassment or assault. "inappropriate behavior" isn't necessarily harassment or assault either.
I really wish simps didnt exist and we could just ignore women all together
Would only show again that femcels don't exist

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