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RageFuel 9/10 Talks about rejection



I am become death
Mar 4, 2018

Then she backpedals (and goes down to being a 7)

But everything went well. What a shock.


Females like this talking about rejection, is like if a billionaire loses a hundred bucks and starts talking about feeling poor.
Holy fucking shit.

FUCKing bitch. She could go on Tinder and have 100000 guys lined up and she knows rejection and what its like feeling unwanted? What a cunt.

If she got rejected just half as much as I do she would have hung her self or ended up a drug addict
This makes me, so, so, so fucking angry. I'll come back to these videos next time I need to work up some rage.
Femoid genocide, inshallah
Females like this talking about rejection, is like if a billionaire loses a hundred bucks and starts talking about feeling poor.


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No, I couldn't do it. I couldn't make it beyond "Feeling unwanted or rejected has controlled most of my life" before I needed to pause. I'm fucking furious. I fucking hate this bullshit. Fuck her. I hope she dies. Going to vent a little here-

She's JUST turned fucking 18 in that video. She has literally no fucking comprehension of being alone or rejected. Guys would be booking flights across the world to sleep with her if she offered. She could land nearly any male she wanted (and no doubt has).

You also don't just "Get over" depression. You have it for your life, it NEVER ends. Real depression is a nightmare to have, a living nightmare. A fucking cold, dark, abyss that sucks everything out of you, leaving you an utter disaster in the process. You don't eat/sleep/cry/think/go out, you just exist in a state of numbing emptiness that consumes you. Fuck her for trivialising such a vile and life destroying problem to get some attention.

Her definition of 'Unwanted' is fucking flimsy as shit. Oh your FRIENDS Didn't invite you out? God how fucking unwanted must you feel. You didn't get the role you wanted for a play? OH HOW FUCKING SAD. Unwanted is not even having family members to back you up, unwanted is not having those friends in the first place. Unwanted is knowing you'd die tomorrow and literally no one would care. That is being alone, that is being unwanted. You stupid, vapid, whore.

Oh I'm looking at my own PERSONAL EXISTENCE and taking it "Too personally"?. FUCK YOU. This just shows she's only ever experienced ultra superficial levels of rejection. The problem isn't "Our thoughts", its life, its circumstances in life that put people on the brink of suicide, and I promise you honey, people aren't killing themselves or deciding to go on shooting sprees because their fucking teacher is treating them differently. How fucking subhuman of her. There are people sitting in their rooms right now contemplating, and I mean seriously contemplating ending their lives and this preachy brat is talking about how "OH ITS ALL JUST IN UR MIND BRO, BE HAPPY INSTEAD!" sorry but if your problems are so superficial that you can simply "Change the way you think" about them, then they aren't real problems.

How dare she, and I seriously do mean, How. Fucking. Dare. She. Act like she's suffering and has fought through depression.
Females like this talking about rejection, is like if a billionaire loses a hundred bucks and starts talking about feeling poor.
Every time a femoid gets rejected most likely by a 10/10 model looking chad, there are at least 10000 average looking guys ready to accept her
Every time a femoid gets rejected most likely by a 10/10 model looking chad, there are at least 10000 average looking guys ready to accept her

more like entire towns of average looking guys and entire neighborhoods of chadlites
Some huge ragefuel coming up. 10/10 Norwegian gigastacy claims to have been lonely and depressed(and now does a bunch of "law of attraction" scam videos)
Some huge ragefuel coming up. 10/10 Norwegian gigastacy claims to have been lonely and depressed(and now does a bunch of "law of attraction" scam videos)

idk those big jaws on nordic men look nice but they just look wierd on women.
I'm becoming increasingly convinced females don't have real emotions, only shallow facsimiles they show to others when they want others to perceive them a certain way. Manipulation, basically.
I swear some of you tardcels watch more cheap shitty youtube clips than 13 yr old girls. This type of clickbait content isnt even made for you so why the fuck are you watching it.
I'm becoming increasingly convinced females don't have real emotions, only shallow facsimiles they show to others when they want others to perceive them a certain way. Manipulation, basically.

Like the way a dog can look guilty while in reality it doesn't even understand the concept of guilt. It just knows its owner will be less upset at it if it presents a certain way.
Can i get your number girl;)
Fuck her. She's full of shit. Oh yeah she found someone and is loved meanwhile I'm alone every goddamned night.
I swear some of you tardcels watch more cheap shitty youtube clips than 13 yr old girls. This type of clickbait content isnt even made for you so why the fuck are you watching it.

This. WTF is wrong with people spending half their life on YouTube, Tinder, Instagram etc looking for stuff to be depressed by? The world is full of beautiful people who are never going to want anything to do with you. Such is life, move on.
how can any man take females seriously
This. WTF is wrong with people spending half their life on YouTube, Tinder, Instagram etc looking for stuff to be depressed by? The world is full of beautiful people who are never going to want anything to do with you. Such is life, move on.

Agreed! Why purposefully try to make yourself unhappy?

It's like you relish in being that edgy, angry kid.

Play some videogames, workout (at night when all the thotties are gone), study to become more proficient at your job, etc.

Science is working on a solution. TBH these sexbots look like they have more personality than Tinder THOTS. Literally, every tinder thot says some bullshit "love wine / tequila it's my fave!" they have 0 personality. And that's a boner shrinker for me.
No need to mention the fact that shes a 9/10, the fact that shes a woman and talking about rejection is outrageous enough
What disgusts me the most is this notion normies peddle that depression is just this 'thing' that happens every now and again and you can just 'get over it' by being positive.
Like, the answer to depression for them is to just not be depressed.

Shows how they've never experienced real depression.
There is no pain in rejection when there are unlimited other options
And isn't every taylor swift song about breaking up with her boyfriend? I think that females enjoy this type of stuff on some level.
I wish I could punch this vapid cunt in the nose
Agreed! Why purposefully try to make yourself unhappy?

It's like you relish in being that edgy, angry kid.

Play some videogames, workout (at night when all the thotties are gone), study to become more proficient at your job, etc.

Science is working on a solution. TBH these sexbots look like they have more personality than Tinder THOTS. Literally, every tinder thot says some bullshit "love wine / tequila it's my fave!" they have 0 personality. And that's a boner shrinker for me.
You sound like a normie or a mgtow. Many of us already play video games and lift. If that works as a perpetual cope for you, then you ain't blackpilled enough.

Maybe you should all take your own advice by not clicking on threads tagged as "ragefuel." In fact, why are you on this forum at all? Put some flowers into a sex doll's asscrack then shove your nose in it.
You sound like a normie or a mgtow. Many of us already play video games and lift. If that works as a perpetual cope for you, then you ain't blackpilled enough.

Maybe you should all take your own advice by not clicking on threads tagged as "ragefuel." In fact, why are you on this forum at all? Put some flowers into a sex doll's asscrack then shove your nose in it.
Seriously bro, instead of trying to cuck up our site, these fuckers should go hold hands with jackbud and play Ring Around the Rosie at a feminist picnic.
Lmao being depressed as a beautiful woman.
You sound like a normie or a mgtow. Many of us already play video games and lift. If that works as a perpetual cope for you, then you ain't blackpilled enough.

Maybe you should all take your own advice by not clicking on threads tagged as "ragefuel." In fact, why are you on this forum at all? Put some flowers into a sex doll's asscrack then shove your nose in it.

I can still be on this forum bc

A) I don't want to settle for landwhales

B) I agree with all the issues that women care about looks WAYYY TOO much, and treat the rest of men like garbage even though women are the real pieces of garbage

And by the way before you go and say "OMG VOLCEL!!!!1111"

ER wanted blonde sluts and he is our lord and savior, he's accomplished more in his short life than you ever will.

Then she backpedals (and goes down to being a 7)

But everything went well. What a shock.

It doesn't matter what she looks like. If she were a 400 lb schizophrenic smelling like cat piss she'd still want Superman.
She's like a 6.
Some huge ragefuel coming up. 10/10 Norwegian gigastacy claims to have been lonely and depressed(and now does a bunch of "law of attraction" scam videos)

Holy shit lmao. I unironically watch all her videos... It's pure sui fuel though.

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