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JFL 8chan's /pol/ discusses incels, the potential of converting us to their cause, and creates a shill thread on our forum!

  • Thread starter Atavistic Autist
  • Start date
is that Mike the kike Enoch in your profile pic?

also lol @ the lack of self awareness of /pol/acks. if you're posting on there or if you even know what that site is you are guaranteed to be an incel.
is that Mike the kike Enoch in your profile pic?

Yes, bro.

On a recent TDS he said that his audience is "mostly normal," and inferred this from those who show up to irl meetups. But of course irl meetups would skew normal.

White Nationalists need to stop worshiping normalfags and Chads, and embrace the incel underclass and its vanguard of autistic intelligentsia.
Yes, bro.

On a recent TDS he said that his audience is "mostly normal," and inferred this from those who show up to irl meetups. But of course irl meetups would skew normal.

White Nationalists need to stop worshiping normalfags and Chads, and embrace the incel underclass and its vanguard of autistic intelligentsia.
i do sympathise with /pol/

i am politically quite close to NS but i think the goal of 'getting rid of all muh brown people' is futile. It'd make sense to just curb all non-white immigration from now on and give incentives to decrease the gap between white and nonwhite birth rates so we dont get outnumbered. in the meantime get the police to do their freaking jobs and crack down on black crime rather than run away from them (gosh, the cops in the UK are such pansies).

tds is ok but Mike's jew side is showing in that he charges for his audience to listen. (i listen to what i can for free)
/pol/ on incels. I couldnt bring myself to read more of white supremacy bullshit. Obvious posts coming from women too. At least some incels tried to convince them that we are right about femrodents.

Its amazing that I can tell which of those posts are likely written by women.
>You're literally saying that Aryan white women are a more fundamental problem than the Jews
That's right. The reason why white women can't get married at 15 as a virgin, can't pop out 5+ white kids by 21, and live on their husbands salary + welfare is because of the jews. It totally isn't because of white women choosing to whore around instead.

>If women don't want them, why should we?
White women often chase after niggers. Are you going to let them into your natsoc group too? :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
Nahh, man. I'm not joining people who go around shooting others. There's a limit to everything.
/pol/ on incels. I couldnt bring myself to read more of white supremacy bullshit. Obvious posts coming from women too. At least some incels tried to convince them that we are right about femrodents.
White identitarian aren't supremacists
Holy shit
I'm honest, they are the only "big group" which actually COULD change something to the positive.
Their ideas aren't that wrong.
They are against degeneracy and pro traditional families.
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Incels are mostly feminists and women worshippers, cucks that project their weaknesses on others to feel better.

Incucks worship women and are feminists, they are unable to truly being misogynistic.
/pol/ on incels. I couldnt bring myself to read more of white supremacy bullshit. Obvious posts coming from women too. At least some incels tried to convince them that we are right about femrodents.
Th funniest thing about this is that it doesn't matter how much they despise us they will be always lumped with incels. They can larp as aryan chad as must as they want, everybody outside of their echo chamber still considers them losers.
I wouldn't join those cucks
Fuck racism and white supremacists
just kill some people because they are brown theory

Even though I'm a National Socialist Jew wise racialist myself I'm not of the kill niggers/muds variety that /pol/ people always LARP as being.

I just correctly understand that if I want to live in a peaceful and safe society that it must be ruled by whites and be overwhelmingly white.

So I'm more about racial separation than anything else really.

This world really is big enough for all of us and I'm all in favor of returning to Europe if that is what it would take for a peaceful separation where all other races returned to their home countries of racial origin as well.
Fascism synthesized modernity and traditionalism, but now with tradcucks you have a synthesis between post-modernity and modernity! It shouldn't even be possible tbh.
Very interesting point of view bro, have you read Dugin's works?
The point of white nationalism is just to exterminate jews so that you can make women property again so it's not a cucked thing. I guess you could call it a cope if you think the situation is helpless.
as someone who's largely left white nationalism behind me in pursuit of more realistic alternatives, the fact that it's nothing more than a shit tier cope to fill the void in people's otherwise empty lives has become increasingly apparent to me. What's worse is that a lot of stormcels don't even care about the female question, or at best make it a secondary issue, when in fact the erosion of the masculine and the feminine is precisely why we're in this postmodern mess to begin with. At best what you will find in alt right circles when it comes to the question of masculinity is something to the effect of "just lift bro. We have to be real men if we're gonna take the country back" tier advice to young often confused fatherless men looking to find their balls, but the issue with this is that it's using a modern conception of masculinity (as if your masculinity is determined by how large a log you can lift) in order to combat the thing they're supposedly against, namely modernity. That's just one example to illlustrate that the alt right "trad"cucks are spiritually lost and confused people, and that they would be even more confused should the thing they're supposedly fighting for come to fruition
In light of the recent massacre in El Paso, Texas, it is highly relevant to examine the intersection between ourselves and White Nationalist tradcucks.

I saw this thread on 8chan's /pol/ a while ago, but now that they've perpetrated yet another terrorist shooting which has been linked to us by association, it is time to review it:

https://8ch.net/pol/res/13500423.html (http://archive.is/LR8TO)

The main argument of the OP is that incels are inherently feminist, and view the world through a feminist framework. This is fairly accurate insofar as it goes, except that feminism is a successful ideology which has achieved cultural hegemony, and so to not view the world through its framework is coping.

To view women as anything but what feminism has turned them into is an idealized cope which has no bearing on reality. Telling men to "conform to traditional gender roles," or conform to traditional-anything after said tradition has been eradicated, is not only meaningless but harmful to us.

White Nationalism offers nothing to incels except a race-based cope for those who are White. They can embrace it on this basis, but it will never replace their fundamental identity as incels. There is more potential in an incel conforming to feminist society, becoming a generic betabuxxer, and ascending with a roastie landwhale than "conforming to traditional gender roles," becoming a White Nationalist, and finding a tradthot unicorn.

Inspired by his false consciousness, the OP (@DerPreuße) decided to create a thread in which he could "help" us:

Besides calling us feminists, he calls us demoralizers who should try to self-improve. Of course, "self-improvement" means agreeing with his values, and not being "demoralizing" means agreeing with his perception of how society has drastically declined yet can still somehow be redeemed. What if his values are false and our society is irredeemable, though? :kys:
"white nationalism" is a burger meme white isn't a nation. i hate when people say that or do it
Even though I'm a National Socialist Jew wise racialist myself I'm not of the kill niggers/muds variety that /pol/ people always LARP as being.

I just correctly understand that if I want to live in a peaceful and safe society that it must be ruled by whites and be overwhelmingly white.

So I'm more about racial separation than anything else really.

This world really is big enough for all of us and I'm all in favor of returning to Europe if that is what it would take for a peaceful separation where all other races returned to their home countries of racial origin as well.
"national socialist jew" do you even know what "national socialist" is ?
fucking hate these faggots so much I want to join Antifa just to smack them with bike locks

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