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JFL 8chan's /pol/ discusses incels, the potential of converting us to their cause, and creates a shill thread on our forum!

  • Thread starter Atavistic Autist
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Atavistic Autist

Atavistic Autist

Intersectional autistic supremacy
May 28, 2018
In light of the recent massacre in El Paso, Texas, it is highly relevant to examine the intersection between ourselves and White Nationalist tradcucks.

I saw this thread on 8chan's /pol/ a while ago, but now that they've perpetrated yet another terrorist shooting which has been linked to us by association, it is time to review it:

https://8ch.net/pol/res/13500423.html (http://archive.is/LR8TO)

The main argument of the OP is that incels are inherently feminist, and view the world through a feminist framework. This is fairly accurate insofar as it goes, except that feminism is a successful ideology which has achieved cultural hegemony, and so to not view the world through its framework is coping.

To view women as anything but what feminism has turned them into is an idealized cope which has no bearing on reality. Telling men to "conform to traditional gender roles," or conform to traditional-anything after said tradition has been eradicated, is not only meaningless but harmful to us.

White Nationalism offers nothing to incels except a race-based cope for those who are White. They can embrace it on this basis, but it will never replace their fundamental identity as incels. There is more potential in an incel conforming to feminist society, becoming a generic betabuxxer, and ascending with a roastie landwhale than "conforming to traditional gender roles," becoming a White Nationalist, and finding a tradthot unicorn.

Inspired by his false consciousness, the OP (@DerPreuße) decided to create a thread in which he could "help" us:

Besides calling us feminists, he calls us demoralizers who should try to self-improve. Of course, "self-improvement" means agreeing with his values, and not being "demoralizing" means agreeing with his perception of how society has drastically declined yet can still somehow be redeemed. What if his values are false and our society is irredeemable, though? :kys:
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So @DerPreuße is some kinda infiltrator?
Nahh, man. I'm not joining people who go around shooting others. There's a limit to everything.
Fuck racism and white supremacists
just kill some people because they are brown theory
Nahh, man. I'm not joining people who go around shooting others. There's a limit to everything.
Yes people call incels harmful but There have been only 2 incel killers who blamed it on that and They had no ties to the community. Incels.co is peaceful and people call incels terrorist. JFL
4chan & 8chan /pol/ forums are cucked, fuck them both
Jews are a common enemy of Incels and pol
Fuck racism and white supremacists
I wouldn't go that far. It is just a cope to be racist, and we have many advocates in the 8chan thread.

The important thing is that incels shouldn't be taken advantage of by White Nationalism; we should aspire to have more of an impact on the ideology than the ideology has on us (or on those of us who are White, anyway).
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I created this thread on their forum to give them some advice and the replies speak for themselves. I think I am pretty much done there and I am going to end my pet project there. They don't even want our help, but maybe there is hope for a select few of them.


Cant appeal to our emotions boyo, studies or GTFO, the blackpill is well documented and logical
Just join the cult of ugly White nationalists who worship Stacies and end up marrying a "kawaii" Gook.
Honestly I'm alone forever. Many incels are. Any ideological movement that uses us are doing so because we are easy prey. I like the Nazi movement and I believe we were told many lies about it. But at the same time I'm an internationalist in that I don't despise other races solely on race. I do despise invaders into my country. But in the end it's only a cope.

I will live alone, ascend alone, and die alone.
In light of the recent massacre in El Paso, Texas, it is highly relevant to examine the intersection between ourselves and White Nationalist tradcucks.

I saw this thread on 8chan's /pol/ a while ago, but now that they've perpetrated yet another terrorist shooting which has been linked to us by association, it is time to review it:

https://8ch.net/pol/res/13500423.html (http://archive.is/LR8TO)

The main premise of the OP is that incels are inherently feminist, and view the world through a feminist framework. This is fairly accurate insofar as it goes, except that feminism is a successful ideology which has achieved cultural hegemony, and so to not view the world through its framework is coping.

To view women as anything but what feminism has made them into is an idealized cope which has no bearing on reality. Telling men to "conform to traditional gender roles," or conform to traditional-anything after said tradition has been eradicated, is not only meaningless but harmful to us.

White Nationalism offers nothing to incels except a race-based cope for those who are White. They can embrace it on this basis, but it will never replace their fundamental identity as incels. There is more potential in an incel conforming to society, becoming a generic betabuxxer, and ascending with a roastie landwhale than becoming a radical White Nationalist and finding a tradthot unicorn.

Inspired by his false consciousness, the OP (@DerPreuße) decided to create a thread in which he could "help" us:

Besides calling us feminists, he calls us demoralizers who should try to self-improve. Of course, "self-improvement" means agreeing with his values, and not being "demoralizing" means agreeing with his perception of how society has drastically declined yet can be redeemed. What if his values are false and our society is irredeemable, though? :kys:
The Internet is divided into different factions.
I find it amusing and entertaining to just watch all of this unveil, as i drink my Coffee.

The OP from this /pol/ thread, still has got a lot to learn tbh.
I prefer those few wise replys.

Such as this:

">Say they are all whores

But anon, modern Western society has raised the current crop of women into exactly that. Told them it's good, admirable behavior. Enabled it with things like Tinder. Shamed men for wanting traditional relationships. And told her that men who think her high 'count' is disgusting are worthless garbage.

>prefer niggers anyway

Most don't prefer niggers. Even the ones who date niggers would rather date a white man, deep down. The problem here is social signaling. They get good goy points for showing how not racist they are by fucking niggers. Again, rewards by the same system that tells them to be whores.

>They talk about how unfair it is that women can get sex easier than men

Women literally can get sex easier than men. For women, it is as simple as walking into a public place such as a bar and declaring in a loud, clear voice, "I am looking to get laid tonight. Men, please form a single file line if you're interested." and she will have her choice. If a man does this, he's a pervert, womanizer, etc while if a woman does it, she's a strong, sexually liberated, empowered, stunning and brave grrl.
And it is unfair.

>despite men and women being different, so they can't be compared

Men and women are different, but they aren't apples and oranges. They can be compared.

>They don't want to conform to traditional gender roles.

Jesus, what I wouldn't give for traditional gender roles and the support system behind them, where young women are raised early on to respect men and be dutiful, kind, loving wives to their husbands and provide them children, and in return men provide shelter, protection, and security.
But with the state acting as daddy and husband to women who fuck and pop out children outside of wedlock, that is impossible. They are no longer dependent on men for support.
With employers forced to hire women, and women's natural tendency to go with the flow or not rock the boat (and never, ever negotiate for higher pay or a raise), men are forced to compete against an entire gender of employees who will accept lower pay and are easier on the eyes."

The OP from that /pol/ thread, just doesn´t have the knowledge to sort this shit out yet.
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Hopefully the mods ban that cuck soon
So @DerPreuße is some kinda infiltrator?
He's not necessarily an infiltrator, since we're not a secret club, but he does have dual-loyalty so I'm forcing him to be transparent.
@DerPreuße do you mog the el paso shooter? Also how do you guys plan to help us get laid, I would gladly take your help but unless you want to offer up one of your aryan female friends or sisters I dont see how your help would work boyo

We dont need platitudes, I can go on reddit and get feels good commentary and lifting and PUA advice but none of that crap is actually helpful
Most men are incels and need to realize this sooner. Cuck-maxxing and fucking landwhales doesn't count.
The most funny thing is that those WN will get lumped with us whether they like or not. The shooter was visiting 8chan /pol/ board, he was ugly, hence now incels will get forever associated with that board and its users. Here's a catch for you tradcucks on 8chan: killing brown people won't make you less of a subhuman, that's cope, the real problem you have can be looked in a mirror.
Most men are incels and need to realize this sooner. Cuck-maxxing and fucking landwhales doesn't count.

But doesnt raising Chads white children make you feel like youre part of something larger than yourself? Think of the 14 words who cares that youre incel!!

He should stay at 8ch ngl
tradcucks died in wars to protect women and spend their whole lifes providing for them,
while progressive cucks think they are goddesses.
I don't have political alliances because both sides equally worship women.
I'm honest, they are the only "big group" which actually COULD change something to the positive.
Their ideas aren't that wrong.
They are against degeneracy and pro traditional families.
Thought that thread he made was weird

You should investigate his application, either

a) he lied about being incel to get in which means he needs to be purged


b) he admits that hes incel like us and we all get to laugh @ his stormfront copes
But doesnt raising Chads white children make you feel like youre part of something larger than yourself? Think of the 14 words who cares that youre incel!!

Someone on TRS radio unironically advocated for their White Nationalist audience to marry single mothers, because "at least you might be able to impregnate them yourself."

But 8chan's /pol/ and TRS are two hostile sub-factions of the movement, in fairness.
Racism is the ultimate form of degeneracy.
Nahh, man. I'm not joining people who go around shooting others. There's a limit to everything.
Not to mention how we would get shit from every side since we're ugly and we don't fit 100% into any racial stereotype.
No race war for your face.
I'm honest, they are the only "big group" which actually COULD change something to the positive.
Their ideas aren't that wrong.
They are against degeneracy and pro traditional families.
They are not entirely worthless, and it is not my intention to drive a permanent wedge in between our communities, but to 'separate the cope from the chaff.'

Anything less than viewing women for what they are is romantic nonsense. The fact is that women are defined by feminism and we live in a feminist society. This has to be acknowledged by the alt-right, and the alt-right has to propose solutions.

I am reminded of how fascists criticize Marxism for being "materialist, just like capitalism," even though materialism is just a reality of existence due to economic progress and has to be addressed within its own framework. Propose solutions, not romantic nonsense about the past, symbolized by women in wheat fields...
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JFL at them caling themselves "trad" when literally all of their ideas are rooted in modernity eg. from 19th century on.

Racism is the ultimate anti-traditionalist sentiment.
But doesnt raising Chads white children make you feel like youre part of something larger than yourself? Think of the 14 words who cares that youre incel!!

at least the number of white people increases if you take care of single mother tradthot children br0
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If they get me cute virgin wife/gf and create society where it won't be socially acceptable to be promiscuous, then I am in.
JFL at them caling themselves "trad" when literally all of their ideas are rooted in modernity eg. from 19th century on.

Racism is the ultimate anti-traditionalist sentiment.
Fascism synthesized modernity and traditionalism, but now with tradcucks you have a synthesis between post-modernity and modernity! It shouldn't even be possible tbh.

For example, Hitler's Germany was so averse to feminism that it preferred to import immigrants/slave-labor during WWII than allow women into the workforce. Modern day tradcucks could not conceive of such priorities, though.
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Why waste time on failures?
Welcome aboard, read the SIG thread and get to work. May we all have white wives and many children.
fair enough and I dont disagree with your sentiment, I share it in fact. trad virgin cuties are a rare commodity in ZOG, your gonna have to "make it" to score this likely if you didnt luck out and grab her in high school/college. Saving from the abyss =/= turning into housewife, individuals will have to account for behavior, and be judged accordingly, but tossing white women who are still fertile into the dumpster is not a rational policy if your concerned about our people.
Incel communities are filled with non-whites, I wouldn't waste too much time on them as in poos, chinks, hapas,beaners fill most of their ranks. You are more likely to convert normie White bible thumper kids because you have at least a commonality on what normal generally is.
there is no true incel
Knowingly adopting another guy's kid (even a nigger's) doesn't make you a cuck
The fight is now in controlling borders, expelling mud's in mass and creating common volk with strong and like minded men.
Know the one that's really annoying? The "Nazis and Fascists are Feminists" spammer. Because traditional roles are apparently too good for women
Anon, this problem will address itself once the 4th Reich is implemented across the west
the incel thing is literally just an excuse for broken men to continue being useless fucks.
I am a chad and also an incel. Fucks me lads, too Natsoc for my own good.
They will make excellent drones.
Incels are cowards and losers, you don't want to be associated with that.
But they are not National Socialists, they are broken men who did not have the quality to resist ZOG internally. They need to be done away with, ostracised, and one day purged, as they hold values opposite to what National Socialists, or Good Men in general, should have. They are the worst scum. Similar to O9A and Satanists, who come to this ideology for similar reasons. Truly, there is no way forward until we purge these creatures from within our own ranks.
The current state of affairs is not the result of women having power for the last 100 years. Plain and simple, get that shit out of your judeafied mind.
Hitler thought nothing of the sort regarding women, he had a high ideal of women and the feminine archetype. They were not "feeble, emotional and passive", that's what they have become under this Jewish system, that is not how Hitler viewed them, and that is not what the archetype of Aryan women inherently is. You can't change history to make it fit your rape fantasies or whatever else your repressed mind has shat out, Hitler never had this fucking dystopian attitude towards women, and none of the NS back then did either.
You're literally saying that Aryan white women are a more fundamental problem than the Jews. This is exactly the kind of subversive and resentful shit that needs to be confronted by whatever decent men are left on our side.
imo better not to associate with this trash. Just think about it, if you don't get any females, there has to be something wrong with you. If women don't want them, why should we?
What the inferior think is ultimately irrelevant. Even you yourself sound like you didn't lurk. Wolves don't lose sleep over the opinions of sheep
Point is white girls are treated like shit. We need to fix it. This is just one of thousand of our sisters who died for nothing.
Enjoy yourself. Forever. Alone. Faggot.
Ackshually, hating our ladies makes you a faggot, faggot. I know ladies that are more redpilled than you that I would entrust with more than you
/pol/ on incels. I couldnt bring myself to read more of white supremacy bullshit. Obvious posts coming from women too. At least some incels tried to convince them that we are right about femrodents.
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/pol/ on incels. I couldnt bring myself to read more of white supremacy bullshit. Obvious posts coming from women too. At least some incels tried to convince them that we are right about femrodents.
These guys are feminists, look at how they idolize women and worship them. They are just different kind of feminists and they aren't even worth to protect their own countries, all they do is complain online or shoot random brown people. They try to give this impression that they are alpha males married with aryan women, but i don't think anyone is brainless enough to believe in that.
pol is not even the real WN, all of the true WNs left pol like five years ago. Idk what these fags are but they're not relevant to anything
These guys are feminists, look at how they idolize women and worship them. They are just different kind of feminists and they aren't even worth to protect their own countries, all they do is complain online or shoot random brown people. They try to give this impression that they are alpha males married with aryan women, but i don't think anyone is brainless enough to believe in that.
I feel bad for Whitesupremacycels. They are being shat on relentlessly by 'their' own 'people'. Not even a drop of sympathy.
pol is not even the real WN, all of the true WNs left pol like five years ago. Idk what these fags are but they're not relevant to anything
Well, some time ago a guy that killed people in NZ posted his manifesto on 8ch, they are relevent.
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>disappointed (former) Feminists, who think the world would be better, if there was perfect gender quality

Just @ me next time /pol/

You know Esther Vilar also believed this and she is cited a lot by righties
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These guys are feminists, look at how they idolize women and worship them. They are just different kind of feminists and they aren't even worth to protect their own countries, all they do is complain online or shoot random brown people. They try to give this impression that they are alpha males married with aryan women, but i don't think anyone is brainless enough to believe in that.

The fact of the matter is that many of these people are simply not man enough to admit that white women, like all women, are whores. They want to believe differently. I said this in another thread and I routinely say this on /pol/. Many of them either can't or don't want to control their women. See all the tradthots as examples. Many of these whores should have 5 or 6 white children by the time they are 21, but none of them do. They get educated, go to college like every other foid, ride the CC like every other foid, and then adopt the tradthot stance to attract a beta around their late 20s or 30s.

How many /pol/ anons with sisters or daughters are actively and effectively managing their dating and mating lives, as was done 150 years ago by most men? NONE OF THEM. They continue to let them fuck around endlessly and then complain when white women don't produce children. Its infuriating. A large part of it is that there are many thots and cucks that post on /pol/, and the idea of women's sexuality being restrained like this is too much for them. Old /pol/ was much better because it was filled with incels and mgtows who understood the nature of women.

The fact of the matter is that they are too cucked mentally to properly control women as needed. Shooting random people only has effect when its used in conjunction with a strong community backing you up, and you can't have that with women whoring around.
>They are also not very right-wing. They don't want to conform to traditional gender roles.

Also just @ me again. Guilty.

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