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SuicideFuel 6' is actually manlet height



May 2, 2018
I'm currently in northern Germany because of a class trip. In my hometown I never go out, so I don't get mogged that much. But here I have to walk around in the city all day long. The amount of 6'4-6'6 men I see is ridiculous. A 6' man looks like a kid next to a 6'5 man, no matter how muscular he is.
I even saw two asians leave the subway and they were easily 6'5.
Moreover, I also realized how pretty people actually are. I can count the ugly people I've seen in one week on one hand.
I sat in a bar and at the table next to me there were two girls. One of the girls, a 9/10 Instagram model looking girl, talked to her friend about her date. She said that this guy's car was perfect, and that this guy was handsome as fuck, but that he was only as tall as her and that she doesn't like that.
I feel like I need to experience the blackpill in real life to truly accept them.

All women I saw were walking alone or with girls. All men I saw were either alone or in groups. The only fathers I saw were like 6'4-6'5.

I'm so happy to return home, to stay inside my basement and play video games.
I feel too inadequate in real life.
The only cope we have is to somehow amass money and power and leverage it for sexual favors... but we will never feel true love and intimacy.
The only cope we have is to somehow amass money and power and leverage it for sexual favors... but we will never feel true love and intimacy.
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Oh, and by the way, all the businessmen in suits I saw also were in the 6'3-6'6 range. Good luck at competing with these guys. Just four days of getting mogged to oblivion were enough to give up on life. Moneymaxing seemed like a good cope in the future for me, but now it doesn't seem like it's worth it.
I need to spend 2 weeks inside my basement without having human contact to regain motivation to be honest.
What? You think height isn't the most important factor? It's not about female validation ( although they'd prefer a 6'6 guy over 6'), it's about feeling physically superior. The two basic reasons to live is procreation and survival. A good height ensures both of that, but especially the second aspect.
Kill yourself plz troll
I just told you about my experiences. What's your problem?
Try being 5'6. You're massively coping. 6 foot is FAR from manlet
Statistically speaking you're massively wrong
Try being 5'6. You're massively coping. 6 foot is FAR from manlet
Statistically speaking you're massively wrong
Being 5'6 in Hamburg would definitely be hard. Statistically speaking I might be wrong, but that doesn't change the fact that a 6' gets mogged extremely hard by every fifth man he walks past.
Yesterday I was standing in the subway and I was the shortest guy there, at 6'. It was humiliating and I didn't care about statistics at that moment. It's all about whether you mog the people in your proximity or not. World wide I'm above average, but HERE I am not.
Being 5'6 in Hamburg would definitely be hard. Statistically speaking I might be wrong, but that doesn't change the fact that a 6' gets mogged extremely hard by every fifth man he walks past.
Yesterday I was standing in the subway and I was the shortest guy there, at 6'. It was humiliating and I didn't care about statistics at that moment. It's all about whether you mog the people in your proximity or not. World wide I'm above average, but HERE I am not.
Here your a massive fakecel tbh
5’6” isn’t short you aren’t even human at that level. 6’ is midget level
At my height I'm lower than an aborogional
I'm done with this forum, to much fakecels here. FUCK YOU

I'm 5'7 and you'll never know how it feels, everyone above 5'9 should be instant banned. FAKECELS!!!!
I'm done with this forum, to much fakecels here. FUCK YOU

I'm 5'7 and you'll never know how it feels, everyone above 5'9 should be instant banned. FAKECELS!!!!
5'7 is mega manlet. 6' is manlet.
I didn't even say that 6' guys don't get girls.
I would if I had a pretty face. However, I'd still feel like shit getting heightmogged everywhere I go.
I am a tall 23 yo kv
So what? Physically you dominate other guys. That alone feels amazing. If you were 5'7 and would slay girls, you'd still feel like shit when you get mogged by a 6'5 guy.
For the general quality of life height is super important.
For dating height is important, but not everything.
100% true. Western Europeans mog the Shit outta me. At 6' I'll always be the shortest one around them. They also have big attractive heads, blonde hair and times more money than me:feelsbadman:
5’6” isn’t short you aren’t even human at that level. 6’ is midget level
I'm currently in northern Germany because of a class trip. In my hometown I never go out, so I don't get mogged that much. But here I have to walk around in the city all day long. The amount of 6'4-6'6 men I see is ridiculous. A 6' man looks like a kid next to a 6'5 man, no matter how muscular he is.
I even saw two asians leave the subway and they were easily 6'5.
Moreover, I also realized how pretty people actually are. I can count the ugly people I've seen in one week on one hand.
I sat in a bar and at the table next to me there were two girls. One of the girls, a 9/10 Instagram model looking girl, talked to her friend about her date. She said that this guy's car was perfect, and that this guy was handsome as fuck, but that he was only as tall as her and that she doesn't like that.
I feel like I need to experience the blackpill in real life to truly accept them.

All women I saw were walking alone or with girls. All men I saw were either alone or in groups. The only fathers I saw were like 6'4-6'5.

I'm so happy to return home, to stay inside my basement and play video games.
I feel too inadequate in real life.
and people here tell me I´m trolling when I say most guys here mog me in height and I´m 6ft2.
This is why I say it's over for any man sub 7 and below 6ft in the west. The competition is hardcore, lesser men wont make it and the future will be even worse.
Definitely. Sub 6'2 males will never be perceived as men, only as boys.
cope, face is your issue. fuck sakes, this forum is done for. copemaxxed
5'11" and 6' are basically identical and depending on shoes 5'11" and 6' could look the same, so they're both manlet heights. 6'1" is the manlet cutoff because 6'1" is significantly taller than 5'11", but it's still regular normie height. 6'3"+ is tall.
I'm currently in northern Germany

I know that problem, people are really fucking tall here.

@Curious0 from which country are you?
Yeah I don’t believe this 5’10 is average bullshit for a second.
Guys, bad news, 6'7" is fucking average and therefore MANLET
"le 9ft is average xDD" cope by manlets
5'11" here, I wasn't intended to be a manlet, but with Girls having high heels and lifts then fuck me right?
Same here in Scandinavia, fuck this place why did everyone get so tall and not us?
I'm 6'3" and its obvious that younger generations are getting taller than us. I've been heightmogged countless times now.
Oh my god you are so dumb, average male height is under 6 in most of europe, yes there are a lots of 6'2 dudes, so what? There are 400pounds landwhales they don't make 300 pound skinny.
I'm 6 and i'm taller than most of the guyes i konw, so what, they get pussy at 5,6 and i'm the virgin.
average male height is under 6 in most of europe
Go back to reddit with your faggy tired old arguments.
6' is average young male height in Europe.
I'm 6 and i'm taller than most of the guyes i konw
If you're Italian, Romanian or something I'd believe you, but 6' is barely man status nowadays.
they get pussy at 5,6 and i'm the virgin.
"I know a 5'3" garbage man who slays every night bro"
Again with this reddit tier bullshit lie. Fuck off, you faggot.
sounds like ropefuel central dude, be grateful you're 6 foot and not 5 foot 6

it wouldn't even be fair to say I'd stick out like a sore thumb there because the thumb isn't the shortest finger on the hand
6'0 or 6'1 is prolly optimal height
Whatchu talking bout willies
6 is just number.
You need to be far larger than the average.
Healthy young white women in NW Europe are easily around 5'9'' themselves, so 6'0'' isn't tall enough. You must be at least a head taller than the foid - so at least 6'4''
6ft is average height. I get heightmogged regularly, but I also heightmog most males at my uni.
Guys, bad news, 6'7" is fucking average and therefore MANLET
No this is reddit BS, 6'7 is subhuman, 7'2 is avarage, and you can get pussy only if you are 8+.
Go back to reddit with your faggy tired old arguments.
6' is average young male height in Europe.

If you're Italian, Romanian or something I'd believe you, but 6' is barely man status nowadays.

"I know a 5'3" garbage man who slays every night bro"
Again with this reddit tier bullshit lie. Fuck off, you faggot.

Can you even read? I wrote 5,6 not 5,3 and not one man but most of the man i know are shorter than me and can get laid. Do you think a short guy with a girlfriend is a rare case? Have you ever been outside? And yes i am romanian.
But what does it matter that much? Your definition of short and tall will not change a thing in the world. You can call sub 7'3 short but does it help you getting pussy? No, than why do it?
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6’0” means nothing these days and it’s a common height among young males. A lot of girls are 6’0” in their heels, too. JFL at men who take pride in being only 6’0”, the king of manlets height. Pathetic.
No this is reddit BS, 6'7 is subhuman, 7'2 is avarage, and you can get pussy only if you are 8+.
it's really over if you aren't fucking 9'
6’0” means nothing these days and it’s a common height among young males. A lot of girls are 6’0” in their heels, too. JFL at men who take pride in being only 6’0”, the king of manlets height. Pathetic.
6’0” means nothing these days and it’s a common height among young males. A lot of girls are 6’0” in their heels, too. JFL at men who take pride in being only 6’0”, the king of manlets height. Pathetic.
I take pride in being 6 and you can!t stop me mate.
This is absolutely insane, pretending to know what it's like to be short when you're over 6'0 tall.. no different than a 5 or a 6 out of ten normie coming in here and being like "I know what it's like to be ugly bro! ugh my life sucks!!" Fuck off with this shit.
You need to be far larger than the average.
This. Foids don't want average anything. They don't want a 5.5" dick, they don't want a 5'10" guy, they don't want a 5/10 face guy etc.
"At least I'm average so I should do well with women" is cope. Average = inevitable cucking.
Do you think a short guy with a girlfriend is a rare case?
Yes, you little faggot.
Have you ever been outside?
You sound like an inceltears fag and you probably are, also joined 3 days ago.
And yes i am romanian.
Makes sense then since Romanians are the shortest Europeans, you're still full of shit. Go back to cuckqueers.
It's over for sub8ftcels.
This. Foids don't want average anything. They don't want a 5.5" dick, they don't want a 5'10" guy, they don't want a 5/10 face guy etc.
"At least I'm average so I should do well with women" is cope. Average = inevitable cucking.

Yes, you little faggot.

You sound like an inceltears fag and you probably are, also joined 3 days ago.

Makes sense then since Romanians are the shortest Europeans, you're still full of shit. Go back to cuckqueers.

You do you mate, you do you ;)
So much hate.. wtf.

No one is saying that 6ft suffer the same prejudices as manlets.
I'm 6'0 and from all the usual suspects (recessed chin, wrists, baldness, etc) height is THE attribute that is most brutal.

We can't even pretend that its not.

IMO what this thread proves is how brutal it actually is.
When you're 6ft you're not used to be height mogged. But when you encounter a real life giant you feel... inadequate. You feel like a kid next to a man. And that's how manlets feel ALL THE TIME... it's rope inducing.

So all you incels whp are actually tall (and manlets, remember that the game is so fucked up that being tall doesn't make you a volcel) take this as a reminder of the plight of our manlet brethren.
and people here tell me I´m trolling when I say most guys here mog me in height and I´m 6ft2.
Do you live in Hamburg?
I know that problem, people are really fucking tall here.

@Curious0 from which country are you?
I'm from Germany, I'm just from another federal state. Do you live in Hamburg? This city is beautiful but at the same time it seems so dead. I have been going through the city at all times and I don't see a lot of couples. I do not see a lot of kids. Only single women and ultra tall businessmen.
I'm 6'3" and its obvious that younger generations are getting taller than us. I've been heightmogged countless times now.
So true. We are in a hostel and I have five male classmates. There are some 10th graders, so they are 2-3 years younger than us, but they all heightmog us to oblivion. Me and my classmates are in the 5'7-6' range.
We even get heightmogged by some girls.
I wish I was your height. Just knowing that I am 6'3 would make me be more confident.
Oh my god you are so dumb, average male height is under 6 in most of europe, yes there are a lots of 6'2 dudes, so what? There are 400pounds landwhales they don't make 300 pound skinny.
I'm 6 and i'm taller than most of the guyes i konw, so what, they get pussy at 5,6 and i'm the virgin.
I'd rather be a 6'5 virgin than a 5'6 guy who slays to be honest.
6 is just number.
You need to be far larger than the average.
Healthy young white women in NW Europe are easily around 5'9'' themselves, so 6'0'' isn't tall enough. You must be at least a head taller than the foid - so at least 6'4''
It doesn't matter how tall the woman is. A 4'11 woman wants a tall guy just like a 6' woman does. You need to be taller than most men in your proximity, not just taller than the girl.
Let's assume all girls were 5' and men would range from 6' to 6'7. Most 5' women would try to get with the 6'7 guys even though the 6' guys are already more than a head taller.
They would do so because it makes sense from an evolutionary perspective. The 6'7 men would be better at protecting the family and ensuring the survival of their children.

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