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Serious 5'11 next to 6'2, where's the heightpill on this one??



Mar 17, 2018

Which one is Nick Bateman?

And uh, who's that there on the left? here I was thinking nick Bateman was unrivaled...

I preferthe other guy tbh. Looks a little more beefy and not so fiber-y. Hace an upvote anyway

I'm hot for the guy on the left. Mmmmm

You can keep the guy on the right, the guy on the left is delicious.

Fuck that, who is the one on the left? WOOF!

You take Nick. I'll take Joseph.

I don't know who they are and I can't decide which one I like better.
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Face > Height
cherry picked, the guy on the right mogs the guy on the left
Unless you're under 5,7, face matters waaay more than height.

Anyone who tells you the opposite is just coping.
No. They look identical face wise.

He's getting away with heightmog because of skull size and body
Maybe it's because the left guy has bigger pecs?
This is like a reverse mog here, they both look faggotier for being beside each other tbh.
Guy on the left looks more naturally masculine in his body, guy on right looks like he tries hard at the gym.
Guy on the left looks more naturally masculine in his body, guy on right looks like he tries hard at the gym.

Not gonna lie, in clothes where people can't see his defined body he will lose points and get mogged hard

Just fucking lol at evolution.

If it were in primitive times where you would go naked with just something covering your genitals, he would outslay the right guy

guy on left has more masculine face

guy on right has cuck eyes
Are you GamblER?
Are you GamblER?
no I'm new user, I was lurking since I was 16 on sluthate/lookism and was like 5'6-7 which held me back and made me insecure which is how I found the place by searching for is "x" short for a guy and so on?

I grew to 5'11.5 night height, I'm in my 20s now but I just can't erase blackpills knowing that genetics determine life from birth and people are nice to me only because I look good

I don't like reddit and rtp, it's too bullshit
no I'm new user, I was lurking since I was 16 on sluthate/lookism and was like 5'6-7 which held me back and made me insecure which is how I found the place by searching for is "x" short for a guy and so on?

I grew to 5'11.5 night height, I'm in my 20s now but I just can't erase blackpills knowing that genetics determine life from birth and people are nice to me only because I look good

This is not lookism. This is for incels who DO NOT look good. GTFO.
isnt nick bateman 6'4"? That guy's probably 6 feet even
isnt nick bateman 6'4"? That guy's probably 6 feet even
That guy is listed at 5'11 by his modeling agency, modeling agency never put below height, so he's probably even 5'10 in reality.

Bateman is listed at 6'4 but he's 6.2 range
All these girls commenting would easily bend over backwards for either of them. Which one they prefer is irrelevant.
All these girls commenting would easily bend over backwards for either of them. Which one they prefer is irrelevant.
Yes but that's not the point, if you go by stats 5'11 vs 6'2 you'd assume the guy is fucked and every girl would pick 6'2.

The guy on the left got plenty of observations and he just looks more dominant imo, if I were a girl I'd think that the guy on the left would manhandle me because he looks more imposing but in a natural way not gymfreak
This makes no sense. Bateman has the better face and is taller.

Yes but that's not the point, if you go by stats 5'11 vs 6'2 you'd assume the guy is fucked and every girl would pick 6'2.

The guy on the left got plenty of observations and he just looks more dominant imo, if I were a girl I'd think that the guy on the left would manhandle me because he looks more imposing but in a natural way not gymfreak
Yes, most people on this site would assume that, especially the copers who believe gymcelling is a waste of a time.
Yes, most people on this site would assume that, especially the copers who believe gymcelling is a waste of a time.
It is, gymcel is niche game if you don't have the face.

The guy on the left is an 7.5-8 in real life standards, huge skull, good hair, standard good looking dude
It is, gymcel is niche game if you don't have the face.

The guy on the left is an 7.5-8 in real life standards, huge skull, good hair, standard good looking dude

Yep, two Chads next to each pretty much.
This makes no sense. Bateman has the better face and is taller.

attraction is not numbers
something hardcore autists that just post ratios will never get.

Overall harmony: body, face, etc makes the guy on the left a decent deal compared to the guy on right
FACEman not HEIGHTman.
Height insoles can fix that
guy on the left has better smile, better eyes and better muscles. Bateman still mogs 99% of the population
The guy on the left is not 5'11. He's 5'10...if not 5'9 and a half at best. Nick Bateman is 6'1.5 and he mogs him by more than three inches
Low IQ post. Height matters, but not when you are comparing 5'11 to 6'2, when both guys have chad faces and high tier bodies.

There is a gif of a manlet 5'7 taking his top off next to a 6'2 for a girl, and you can see how bad the mogging is. I wish I could find it.

YES thats the one! Amazing, thank you.

Its the ultimate mogging - they aren't too far apart on looks, but the short guy looks like a little boy standing next to his dad. His eyes are literally nipple level with the other guy. Tall guy has nice V taper, small waist, big shoulders and arms. Nice defined pecs. Short guy has weird rectangular frame with wide hips, and terrible moob pecs probably from fucking up his gear cycling. Looks like he has legit gyno.

Mogged to oblivion, and back again.
The girls preferred the left guy. Life fuel for gl heightcels
YES thats the one! Amazing, thank you.

Its the ultimate mogging - they aren't too far apart on looks, but the short guy looks like a little boy standing next to his dad. His eyes are literally nipple level with the other guy. Tall guy has nice V taper, small waist, big shoulders and arms. Nice defined pecs. Short guy has weird rectangular frame with wide hips, and terrible moob pecs probably from fucking up his gear cycling. Looks like he has legit gyno.

Mogged to oblivion, and back again.
What's the small guys height in that gif? i can't tell
What's the small guys height in that gif? i can't tell

His agency list him as 5'11 so he must be 5'10 otherwise they would have put 6'0.

Bateman is 6'2 range give or take but frauds to 6'4
nick objectively mogs him. only saved by body halo and poor posture on nicks part. if nick cared to gymcel this matchup would be over before it started.. thats the final verdict
Unless you're under 5,7, face matters waaay more than height.

Anyone who tells you the opposite is just coping.

I'd say 5'9" but yeah face is way more important.
nick objectively mogs him. only saved by body halo and poor posture on nicks part. if nick cared to gymcel this matchup would be over before it started.. thats the final verdict
nick is only saved by height halo, he looks like a hamster next to the guy on left
Screenshot 2018 03 21 15 17 29
Height is everything. In real life the guy on the right would get all the pussy.

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