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Blackpill 58% of women's "likes" go to the top 10% of men. Online dating is as bad as Apartheid for men. Brutal blackpills from dating app creator.



Dec 15, 2017
Quotes from engineer on dating app Hinge:

"Half of all likes sent [by women] to men go to a much smaller segment – about 15 percent."
"That’s the biggest problem men face on dating apps – the Brad Pitts of the world take the lion’s share of the likes from an already like-deficient sex."
"Every nation in the world has a currency, but that currency is not equally distributed amongst the citizens of every country. These economic inequalities are described using what is called the Gini index. In our context, the closer the Gini index is to 0, the more equally likes are distributed across all of our users; a higher Gini index rating means more likes are being concentrated into fewer recipients."​
"It turns out that, as it pertains to incoming likes, straight females on Hinge show a Gini index of 0.376, and for straight males it’s 0.542. On a list of 149 countries’ Gini indices provided by the CIA World Factbook, this would place the female dating economy as 75th most unequal (average — think Western Europe) and the male dating economy as the 8th most unequal (kleptocracy, apartheid, perpetual civil war — think South Africa)."​

In that quote, he says 50% of the likes go to "about 15%" of the top men. From the actual Hinge stats published, this appears to be an underestimation. Exact stats from this same Hinge study are here:


Here we see the top 10% of men get 58% of the likes. The top 50% of men get 95.7% of the likes overall. The bottom half of men get only 4.3% of the likes to share.

ie. Half of all the men on these sites must share 4.3% of the likes.

Put another way, a top 1% man gets 190 times as many likes as a bottom 50% man.

This is what it looks like in a graphical form:


Therefore, in the app creator's words: Men are living in a state of inequity that mirrors kleptocracy, apartheid, and perpetual civil war. While women are living in Western Europe.

Here's a simple infographic I made as prompted by the thread. It's not fancy because I don't have access to my usual programs right now. But I think it gets the point across. Feel free to share as widely as you can. This is the cold, hard, distilled blackpill:


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Water is wet. What was the ratio of likes men give?
Fuck man brutal blackpoll backed up with facts and analogies. What more could you want? Very good post but could you post the source?
Quotes from engineer on dating app Hinge:

"Half of all likes sent [by women] to men go to a much smaller segment – about 15 percent."
"That’s the biggest problem men face on dating apps – the Brad Pitts of the world take the lion’s share of the likes from an already like-deficient sex."
"Every nation in the world has a currency, but that currency is not equally distributed amongst the citizens of every country. These economic inequalities are described using what is called the Gini index. In our context, the closer the Gini index is to 0, the more equally likes are distributed across all of our users; a higher Gini index rating means more likes are being concentrated into fewer recipients."​
"It turns out that, as it pertains to incoming likes, straight females on Hinge show a Gini index of 0.376, and for straight males it’s 0.542. On a list of 149 countries’ Gini indices provided by the CIA World Factbook, this would place the female dating economy as 75th most unequal (average — think Western Europe) and the male dating economy as the 8th most unequal (kleptocracy, apartheid, perpetual civil war — think South Africa)."​

ie. For every 2 likes given out by women, 1 like goes to the top 15% of men. Men are living in a state of inequity that mirrors kleptocracy, apartheid, and perpetual civil war. While women are living in Western Europe.


I've never read such a deeply misogynistic post, CLEARLY those women know that those 'Top 15%' of men just have the best personalities.:soy:
Fuck man brutal blackpoll backed up with facts and analogies. What more could you want? Very good post but could you post the source?


I honestly don't understand how anyone can claim we are imagining all this when the data we get each year just keeps looking worse or worse for men. Online dating is the absolute worst thing ever created for men and the #1 current driver of increasing male inceldom.

- Male celibacy is rising rapidly every year in direct correlation to uptake of online dating apps/sites. See here.
- Online dating represents a system of inequality for men so horrible it would match the 8th worst economy in the world.
- Men in online dating must function under a system equivalent to apartheid, kleptocracy, or perpetual war.
- Women in online dating by contrast live in a system as equal and fair as Western Europe.

And yet anyone honestly believes women have any right to tell us how we should feel about this? Or that they have any idea what our suffering is like? Or that SJWs care about anything except the right to fuck Chads?

If women/SJWs had the slightest shred of intellectual honesty they would see the terrible problems this is creating for men, because these are the exact types of inequalities they claim to oppose in every other area of life.

Equality and fairness for everyone. Except men. Men can rot in the 3rd world shithole that women and hypergamy have created for them. But don't worry. It's all good. Women are having a blast. So that's what matters right?
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Interesting article. Apparently as you get older (55+), men initiate likes or messages 800 PERCENT MORE.
I dont think apartheid was a bad thing but agree with your point
That's just the likes sent. In the end only top 15% Chads have sex with foids
Sexual Apartheid is an apt term term to describe the current state of the dating scene.
That's just the likes sent. In the end only top 15% Chads have sex with foids

Yes, and foids will keep changing panties like they change there partners until they reach the top 1% of Chad’s
Majority of men exist just to serve women and top men.
Majority of men aren't even considered human
TLDR: Men are living in Venezuela and women are living in Sweden/Norway.
if this trend continues (which it will) there'll be an increase in violence, too, IMO. men with nothing to live for in a society like ours is a recipe for disaster.
I am just
if this trend continues (which it will) there'll be an increase in violence, too, IMO. men with nothing to live for in a society like ours is a recipe for disaster.
waiting for a revolution. We will be at the forefront of the war zone
- Male celibacy is rising rapidly every year in direct correlation to uptake of online dating apps/sites. See here.
- Online dating represents a system of inequality for men so horrible it would match the 8th worst economy in the world.
- Men in online dating must function under a system equivalent to apartheid, kleptocracy, or perpetual war.
- Women in online dating by contrast live in a system as equal and fair as Western Europe.
Very high IQ post, i'm bookmarking this shit
it's almost certainly over for this generation's males

by the time a correction comes and someone gives a shit, it will be far too late. maybe future generations will be grateful for us hanging in there and propping up the tax base.

so long, and thanks for all the fish.
if this trend continues (which it will) there'll be an increase in violence, too, IMO. men with nothing to live for in a society like ours is a recipe for disaster.

Indeed, it's gonna be interesting. There's gonna be increase in both violence and men just simply 'checking-out' which is already happening. Less and less men go for higher education, sometimes because they know they fail, sometimes because they realize that higher education is primarly a scam(at least in US, in Europe it's a little bit better in that regard). Less men work, and those who works takes less hours. I worked really hard last 2 years, but my plan for 2020 is cutting hours in my job, and living in minimalistic lifestyle. I see all those middle aged guys slaving away in work, because they have wife, two kids, big house/apartment they don't really need, and a lot of things they don't want, but wife makes them to buy it. I'm on the other hand incel, so after gathering some money(so I can slowly build my capital and after some years live on passive income) I'm just gonna work less and less. With more people thinking like me, there's gonna be less taxmoney, not to mention women in reality usually have jobs that are not completely necessary. Like some bullshit office job, or secretary or shit. Almost all the plumbers, electricians, tech specialist are men, and those guys are usually not chads.
So the other 50% go for the other 85%? That's not bad. You fakecels can ascend. Also, a Hinge study doesn't say much. There aren't as many women in the online dating world who use that app.
The most damning this about this is that it's ALL GENETICS.
Sure, you can looksmax and bump yourself from average to a bit above average. But no amount of looksmaxxing will ever get you into the top 15%. That is purely in the domain of "born attractive, built confidence and social ability over massive positive reinforcement throughout childhood."
So the other 50% go for the other 85%? That's not bad. .

I didnt read the article but did they state that explicitly. obvsly if the other 50% of feaeamayles go for the next 15% to even 35% of men.....where does that leave the bottom 50%?
I didnt read the article but did they state that explicitly. obvsly if the other 50% of feaeamayles go for the next 15% to even 35% of men.....where does that leave the bottom 50%?
They haven't, no.
They haven't, no.

Well then you made a grand presumption. Muh guess is that for arguments sake the top 50% of men receive 90%+ of the likes. I don't imagine that guys like this gets any likes even acccidentally....

Well then you made a grand presumption. Muh guess is that for arguments sake the top 50% of men receive 90%+ of the likes. I don't imagine that guys like this gets any likes even acccidentally....

It says 50% go for top 15%. Naturally, the other 50% go for the bottom 85%.
50% of foids go for the top 15%. THAT MEANS WE HAVE A CHANCE WITH THE OTHER 50%!! unless the other 50% goes for the top 30% - 15% :feelsthink:
Yup, we are just bottom tier genetic rejects in this era of hypergamy cope or rope or ER
It says 50% go for top 15%. Naturally, the other 50% go for the bottom 85%.

Sort of. But the implication you're making that the other 85% share the other 50% of likes evenly is false.

Here's the full breakdown of where the likes go to men according to another site discussing his interview and Hinge statistics:

Hinge likes

So the top 50% get 95.7% of the likes, and the bottom half get only 4.3% of the likes to share among all those men.

ie. Half of all men on these sites must share 4.3% of the likes.

These numbers are actually even worse than the ones the engineer quoted in his interview, so I'm not sure which is truly correct and which isn't. Given the precision of the numbers above, I presume those are the most accurate ones but I do not know.

Either way, if you're below average in any way - short, ugly, ethnic - it's not looking good.


"Muh guess is that for arguments sake the top 50% of men receive 90%+ of the likes."

So the top 50% get 95.7% of the likes, and the bottom half get only 4.3% of the likes to share among all those men.
ie. Half of all men on these sites must share 4.3% of the likes.

Yawn...I'm right as usual and didn't even need to read it.
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females should be exterminated as soon as men find a way to reproduce without them
Trickle down theory, boys.

If we just sit quietly some of the cunt juice squirting out of the thousands of staceys currently being plowed by the 100 chads will trickle down into our mouths. Just sit and wait.
Send females to gulag
JFL at normies having the audacity to play down our problems when studies support us
As a bottom 10%er this makes me happy. Lots of guys better looking than me share my misery..women are awful nasty creatures
This is why women should be controlled and men should be able to have sex with literally whoever they want without being controlled by women's say. This type of shit going on right now is eventually going to cause society to collapse.
The society used to be about looksmatching and everything was fine.
Then the society gave women sexual freedom and now we have school shooting, vehicular manslaughter, etc.

And the society is doing nothing!
It means that according to the society - people getting killed is less important than woman's right to chad
After 2,000 swipes on women on Tinder, I can proudly say that I'm in the 1% bottom.
Indeed, I received exactly 0 like

"Muh guess is that for arguments sake the top 50% of men receive 90%+ of the likes."

So the top 50% get 95.7% of the likes, and the bottom half get only 4.3% of the likes to share among all those men.
ie. Half of all men on these sites must share 4.3% of the likes.

Yawn...I'm right as usual and didn't even need to read it.
>calls me a retard, is pro-degeneracy

The most powerful blackpills are the ones proved with data, I'm feeling that punch on my stomach again with this, just like when I had my first blackpills
Remember when @NekoStance captured that obese femoid rejecting countless men on Tinder?

The cucks screencapped the first version of my post before I updated it with the raw stats which are only even worse than the engineer's quote.

I still have zero likes on Tinder. I have maxed out everything I can as described here:

I have tried POF, Bumble, OKC, Match with zero dates. There is literally nothing else I can do besides what I talked about there.

The cucks are dead silent on Reddit. They can't even muster a single soy face. And my last bit of hope I had with my most recent surgery and the looks boost it gave me is now dead.

Seriously starting to consider leaving the country. What's the point in living in a country where 50% of the population (women) automatically see you as worthless because of your race and height? I have another 50 years ahead of me. This is no way to spend it.

My parents came to this country to try to give me a better life. Maybe it's time for me to move so I can try to do it for myself.

It would be a pain to learn a new language but not as bad as the pain women inflict daily, year after year here. Either Eastern Europe or India I think.
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