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Blackpill 5 Stages of Inceldom



Nov 8, 2017
1 Denial
"I'm not incel! I'm just not great with ladies. Few more weeks at the gym and another self help book and I'll be drowning in poon!"

2 Anger
"These whores need to pay for rejecting me. Chad shouldn't get every woman damn it."

3 Bargaining
"Cmon girls, what if I pay for your dinners and movies, then will you look at me at least?"

4 Depression
Where most of the people in this forum seem to be, contemplating suicide, laying down and rotting, etc

5 Acceptance
The ultimate form of an incel. The final destination. This is when you get Wizard Powers. This is the only way we can end our misery outside of suicide and getting a woman.
2 and 3 need to be switched around
I'm continuously on the anger phase.
Very appropriate, being incel is grief.
In depression, can't wait to get out
Stage 4, I thought I was on stage 5 but I figured out another flaw on my appearance which put me back to the stage 4
stage 5 incel is the final boss in life
Do you get infant wizard powers at 20?
Incels who are not depressed or angry aren't any fun, they seem like cucks without those things.
im on stage 4 from beginning. gonna end it soon.
I couldn't get poon, told myself I just wasn't trying, decided to try and attempted to act as the chad acts, doesn't work, accepted that it's just the way it is, now stage 4. I do find comfort knowing I can end it any time I want though. It gives me at least some control over my life.
isnt ldar basically stage 5?
i go through 2 4 5 multilple times a day
in stage 4 right now
2 and 4, how do we go to 5 permanently? jfl
I've gone through all of that and reached acceptance. Not acceptance that I'll be alone forever but acceptance that I'll never pleasure a women more than she's been pleasured before, I'll never be her first choice, I'll never feel a young tight pussy in it's prime, never be loved purely for who I am. If I do ever find someone we will both be settling for less than we want.
The acceptance doesn't happen until at least 40. Good luck coping until then.
Just finished denial. Now going back to my old ways of doing nothing vidya JO. At least i can be comforted in the fact that theres a 7 story parking garage st my work that i can just walk right out of my life using
1 Denial
"I'm not incel! I'm just not great with ladies. Few more weeks at the gym and another self help book and I'll be drowning in poon!"

2 Anger
"These whores need to pay for rejecting me. Chad shouldn't get every woman damn it."

3 Bargaining
"Cmon girls, what if I pay for your dinners and movies, then will you look at me at least?"

4 Depression
Where most of the people in this forum seem to be, contemplating suicide, laying down and rotting, etc

5 Acceptance
The ultimate form of an incel. The final destination. This is when you get Wizard Powers. This is the only way we can end our misery outside of suicide and getting a woman.
I think its
Paths can diverge at 1 (to cucktears) 3 (to betabux) 2 (ER) 4 (sui)
I immediately hit stage 5 whenever I see myself on a photo,then gradually go down until I see it again.
stage 4, i need to level up to stage 5 vERy soon....
For many years i couldn't figure out why and those were the most painful. Since finally figuring out what i am and coming to terms with it I'm ok. It seems everyone else is uncomfortable when i tell them what i am.
stage 4 now, next stage is rope.
I feed off anger and let it numb me.
I'm in between 4 & 5. It really all depends on the type of day I'm already having. Sometimes I can shut off women in my mind and not care in the world, other times I get triggered somehow and continue to be pissed for remainder of the day or week, etc. In the long run though, assuming I'm still alive in the next couple of years, I hope to be completely empty emotionally and not give a fuck. Then blow my brains out.
stage 4, i need to level up to stage 5 vERy soon....
My stage 4 inceldom is only 5exp points away from advancing to stage 5. I've long given up, and am looking to becoming a celibate monk/wizard. It's finally over.
Images 3
1 Denial
"I'm not incel! I'm just not great with ladies. Few more weeks at the gym and another self help book and I'll be drowning in poon!"

2 Anger
"These whores need to pay for rejecting me. Chad shouldn't get every woman damn it."

3 Bargaining
"Cmon girls, what if I pay for your dinners and movies, then will you look at me at least?"

4 Depression
Where most of the people in this forum seem to be, contemplating suicide, laying down and rotting, etc

5 Acceptance
The ultimate form of an incel. The final destination. This is when you get Wizard Powers. This is the only way we can end our misery outside of suicide and getting a woman.
At stage 5, where are my powers?
Stage 4 can drag on forever, most incel's don't make it to stage 5.
i bounce between 2 and 4
Stuck on stage 4 sometimes on stage 2
I think 2 and 3 should be switched. Other than that, perfect.

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