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JFL 4chan normies strike again



mentally crippled by sleepoverless teen years
May 27, 2018
the normie takeover of 4chan is complete
the paranormal board should be the last place for people to spew bluepilled bullshit but here we are
>just work out bruh
>just worship muh Jesus and everything will be fine
Screenshot 2020 10 04 18 22 57

subtle dogpill :feelshaha:
Screenshot 2020 10 04 18 24 40

the classic "I'm a 18-year-old who's felt a little sad once and tried meditating for a week, so now I don't need this realm, I'm focused on higher things" answer

>just join a church bruh, I've never been to one but I bet it's filled with females hungry for some virgin cock
>just get a hobby (normalfags projecting their lack of interests)

one fag sperged out and wrote a fucking essay which boils down to "just get hobbies bruh and if that doesn't work, just travel the world while meditating, playing chess, working out and taking a shower"

what a mess, the absolute state of 4cucks :lul:
God I remember discovering 4chan as a kid and thinking it was the coolest shit in the world. Now you can't go into any board or thread and not be bombarded with tranny porn.

Those mentally ill freaks have nothing but free time and no life and they will try to infest any group.

Sorry a bit off topic but it's been on my mind
They are not wrong though. If you never have done all of this to get friends or get laid, how can you be sure that you are actually incel?
Now you can't go into any board or thread and not be bombarded with tranny porn.
Sad shit really. I left 4chan somewhere around 2014-2015
Nu X “just workout buh.”
Old X “how do I summon a succubus”
TFL no GF was about tallfag white dudes who use 4chan. While incels.co is mostly populated by manlets and/or ethnics
God I remember discovering 4chan as a kid and thinking it was the coolest shit in the world. Now you can't go into any board or thread and not be bombarded with tranny porn.

Those mentally ill freaks have nothing but free time and no life and they will try to infest any group.

Sorry a bit off topic but it's been on my mind
JFL its true. I think even those pseudo-motivational posts are just pathetic LARPs from people feeling motivated 5 minutes a year.
They are not wrong though. If you never have done all of this to get friends or get laid, how can you be sure that you are actually incel?
I think a 36 years old virgin probably already went over the advice you can get with a simple google search
advice like this may work for a depressed normie but I doubt a friendless 36-year-old has never tried to dress better or work out (he's even said that he did)
They are not wrong though. If you never have done all of this to get friends or get laid, how can you be sure that you are actually incel?

Because any effort at all means you're not sexually attractive enough in the first place and so will only intensify the illusion that is the bluepill.

Yes, you can get women with statusmaxxing endeavors, but they won't want to have sex with you

Chad puts in zero effort. None. And is drowning in pussy.
Because any effort at all means you're not attractive enough in the first place and so will only intensify the illusion that is the bluepill.

Chad puts in zero effort. None. And is drowning in pussy.
Yes, chads need zero effort. Brad needs a little, normies up to a lot of effort. But thats life. If you already look shitty you at least have to try.
I want some pussy and thats why I still fight despite the chance. Like the glorious warriors of the operation Barbarossa.
>just work out bruh
>just worship muh Jesus and everything will be fine
Fucking lol I see this shit on fucking POL for crying out loud. The clowns there even still think Islam is the main issue and not zionist war mongerers. you expect any other place on 4chan to not be bluepilled, just cause they say nigger here and there? As much as they want to deny it, many are incels in denial. everytime I see a thread on /pol/ talking about looks, most of the users mention being manelts
I left 4chan somewhere around 2014-2015
I just started going there beginnig of 2020
Yes, chads need zero effort. Brad needs a little, normies up to a lot of effort. But thats life. If you already look shitty you at least have to try.
I want some pussy and thats why I still fight despite the chance. Like the glorious warriors of the operation Barbarossa.

I refuse to try

If chad doesn't have to, im not going to

Foids can withhold sex from me all they want, idgaf
I mean it's good advice to cope but not good advice on getting women which I hope they're not implying.
I mean it's good advice to cope but not good advice on getting women which I hope they're not implying.
That’s the thing though, they genuinely bite that stuff thinking it would help others get laid.
the normie takeover of 4chan is complete
the paranormal board should be the last place for people to spew bluepilled bullshit but here we are
>just work out bruh
>just worship muh Jesus and everything will be fine
View attachment 350355
subtle dogpill :feelshaha:
View attachment 350356
the classic "I'm a 18-year-old who's felt a little sad once and tried meditating for a week, so now I don't need this realm, I'm focused on higher things" answer

>just join a church bruh, I've never been to one but I bet it's filled with females hungry for some virgin cock
>just get a hobby (normalfags projecting their lack of interests)

one fag sperged out and wrote a fucking essay which boils down to "just get hobbies bruh and if that doesn't work, just travel the world while meditating, playing chess, working out and taking a shower"

what a mess, the absolute state of 4cucks :lul:
i remember when I started using 4chan.
Instead of "advice" they would tell you to an hero and fuck yourself.
It was basically like this forum to a degree.

Basically raised me to a degree, first time I had actual meaningful social interaction with people outside my family.
Just getting shat on constantely, fighting and throwing insults at each other.
Really did me good, I was kind of high on my own supply before that.

Meditation is a joke. If you look into it, shit like meditation and yoga is actually based on demon worship.
The goal is to prepare your body and mind to be overtaken by a fucking demon by emptying them.
I am not joking, thats the goal of this shit.
"Do not pray to Demons" my ass.

I would rather pray. They have found that praying has the same mental benefits as meditation minus the demon snakes crawling up your asshole.

the classic "I'm a 18-year-old who's felt a little sad once and tried meditating for a week, so now I don't need this realm, I'm focused on higher things" answer

back in the day someone wouldve called him out on this just like you did and probably added a few nigger slurs on top.

almost everything these guys write is wrong because they are not ugly and misinterpret their own experiences for other peoples reality.
Women are actually put off by tryhard guys that work out and "self-improve".

What I suspect happens is that these guys have a little depressive phase (only 43 people messaged them this morning instead of 58) and then they go out to a social setting (gym brah) and because they are normalfags, people start talking to them etc... and then they conflate that with "self improvement".

I am telling you right now, if you are actutally ugly, people flat out ignore you. You can walk up to a person and start a conversation and they will literally ignore you like you are air. Again, LOOKS = LIFE. If you are uglier than 80% of people, 80% dont want to be seen interacting with you to protect their social status.
Its that simple.

And if you tryhard and social-game max by talking to a lot of people, you will get hurt, seriously.
Because the only socially acceptable way for people to interact with you, is to shit on you.
They dont want to be seen interacting with you like you are on their level, so the only way they can communicate without facing social scrutiny, is by putting you down. This age is all about power and status. Might is right. This is the social paradigm we live in now.

They even might feel bad for doing it in secret. But peer pressure and the need to keep up overrule their feelings.

You can not escape.
IDK why this is so hard to comprehend for normalfags.
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They are not wrong though. If you never have done all of this to get friends or get laid, how can you be sure that you are actually incel?
Because, for the average person, these sort of things just happened to them as a normal part of their daily lives. They essentially get these connections for free early on as kids, due to upbringing, genetics and other factors. One turns to two, two to four, etc. and they eventually get a full circle going. I'd argue that taking an aggressive approach like this (Gym Ratting out of nowhere, approaching randoms in public spaces, etc) is actually not normal at all, and is a huge sign of potential inceldom, or at the very least low Social Value.
Because, for the average person, these sort of things just happened to them as a normal part of their daily lives. They essentially get these connections for free early on as kids, due to upbringing, genetics and other factors. One turns to two, two to four, etc. and they eventually get a full circle going. I'd argue that taking an aggressive approach like this (Gym Ratting out of nowhere, approaching randoms in public spaces, etc) is actually not normal at all, and is a huge sign of potential inceldom, or at the very least low Social Value.
High iq

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