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SuicideFuel 40 is the final chance to fuck



Jun 22, 2018
Turning 40 soon I realize that if I do not fuck within the next 2-3 years then it is over. Once I can only get 40-50 yo foids I could just as well die a virgin. So this is my final chance to fuck something that is more attractive than a sack of rice. Are there any other oldcels here that feel the same?
How do you last to 40 without roping yourself?
Just go see a escort man...
How do you last to 40 without roping yourself?

Man I seriously don't know how I did it. I was at the brink of going INSANE more than once as you can imagine. I am like that dude that you find on the middle of the ocean on a safe boat and has been there for 500 days and you wonder how the fuck did he survive?
OP it never began for you.

I'd try diemaxxing tbh.
"Turning 40 soon..." beyond over
How do you last to 40 without roping yourself?
You rope yourself CONSTRUCTIVELY.

If you use rope for destruction you're just letting them win more.
That incel dude on youtube turned 39 recently. In some ways though aging is good, you can focus on hobbies you like, and your sex drive goes down (or so I've heard).
It's clear that your society and state failed you
Start smooching in any way you can on your government,it owns you that
Just parasitemaxx
Man I seriously don't know how I did it. I was at the brink of going INSANE more than once as you can imagine. I am like that dude that you find on the middle of the ocean on a safe boat and has been there for 500 days and you wonder how the fuck did he survive?

I figure that if I ever manage to fuck even an escort it will be like a blind man seeing for the first time in his life. It would be so surrealistic and unreal I would be puzzled as if aliens had just landed next to me.
It's clear that your society and state failed you
Start smooching in any way you can on your government,it owns you that
Just parasitemaxx

That would just be a cope. Nothing else.
It's over for 41yearoldcels
Stop coping bro, your last chance ended 10 years ago.
Come on, 40 is beyong over, I'm 30 and I'm too old for any semi attractive foid, even if I was a low tier normie. Do you even still have libido?
I think it's healthy that op is still coping at 40. We will all be 40 one day. Some of us sooner than others. One minute, you're like: "Man, I will KMS if I reach 25 without a gf". The next minute, you're 27 yo and looking at the 30-milestone.
Turning 40 soon I realize that if I do not fuck within the next 2-3 years then it is over. Once I can only get 40-50 yo foids I could just as well die a virgin. So this is my final chance to fuck something that is more attractive than a sack of rice. Are there any other oldcels here that feel the same?
Do you look your age?

Younger or older than your actual age?
Turning 40 soon I realize that if I do not fuck within the next 2-3 years then it is over. Once I can only get 40-50 yo foids I could just as well die a virgin. So this is my final chance to fuck something that is more attractive than a sack of rice. Are there any other oldcels here that feel the same?
if you chadmaxx you can fuck 18 year old when 40
What do you look like? Sounds like lifefuel to me tbh being 40 looking like a 30yr old.

I am fat. I lost weight when I was 30 and thought 30 is my last chance. I was still rejected then despite ideal weight. I don't think I could have looksmaxxed much further (well could have gymcelmaxxed) but I could have tried harder approaching. Well I must have written to at least hundreds of foids on dating sites with little to no success but back then I was socially isolated. I knew nobody. I had no social circle at all.
I would have roped by then, I don't know how oldcels do it
You could escortmaxx or move to a different country.
I would have roped by then, I don't know how oldcels do it

Apathy comes with age. You simply care less every year.

If you're a 40s-cel then if you have your own home and a decent paying job then you're ripe for pickings for a beta bux single mom. That's basically you're only hope to ascend once you're in your late 30s. If you've LDAR- maxed or still live with your parents then you haven't even got that option.
You could escortmaxx or move to a different country.

What country man? The entire world is cucked except for Afghanistan and Iraq and those folks are ISISmaxxed and would cut my head of!
If you're a 40s-cel then if you have your own home and a decent paying job then you're ripe for pickings for a beta bux single mom. That's basically you're only hope to ascend once you're in your late 30s.

Aka becoming a cuck. Might be better than dying a virgin but I really don't feel like it tbh.
Well I'll just have to wait a couple of years so that won't be something I'll have to put much effort in.

Just wait until you hit retirement home brah.
Change 40 to 21 and youre right. Final absolute last chance (not counting escortceling) to fuck/ascend is 21. After that, youre perma-truecel for life.
Apathy comes with age. You simply care less every year.

If you're a 40s-cel then if you have your own home and a decent paying job then you're ripe for pickings for a beta bux single mom. That's basically you're only hope to ascend once you're in your late 30s. If you've LDAR- maxed or still live with your parents then you haven't even got that option.
Single moms are a cancer to society.
More like 20...
At 18 its pretty much over, BUT, you still have a 1 in 1 billion chance at ascension. After around 20-21, its Completely over and nothing will be changed. Truecel for life.
38 yo

I have not really considered what will happen to my inceldom at 40. I currently shuffle rope or try some projectsmaxxing (to pursuit some kind of personal project), but my motivation for everything is zero.

In any case, I really hate single mothers. I prefer to die virgin. I don't accept being the last shit for a foid. I have already accepted too many things in my life.
but my motivation for everything is zero.

It is interesting how all oldcels are reporting this. After 38 years we are broken. We are like dogs that have been beaten all their lifes. We just sit in a corner quietly. We do not want to run around and play no more.

For many years I thought something was wrong with me because I wasn't motivated to do shit. Now I understand it is a normal reaction for motivation to die along with your soul.
I'm also in my late-30s. It seems like just yesterday that I was in my 20s. All of you youngcels can look forward to being our age before you know it!

So how do I cope as a hopeless oldcel? I pretty much live in my own world nowadays, with my own imaginary wife and children that I constantly think about. Cuddling with my imaginary wife and lovedolls keep me cozy during the long winter months. I have given up on ever having a real woman and children, and don't even consider myself as part of the same species as sexhavers anymore. I view most humans as vile trash and enjoy the relative cleanliness of my dolls. Technological advancements provide me with my only source of optimism as I don't ever see actual women getting any better in my lifetime. From a sexual standpoint, they're all but dead to me at this point.
legit the fact that that there are 40+ year old virgins makes me very...very sad. I feel like im reading a post from myself 20 years into the future, if for some reason i dont muster up the courage to rope before then. Why, just why... why was i even born? To suffer? Is there a god/gods? What does he gain from watching me and men like me suffer. Are our lives nothing more than a form of entertainment for him? Do you guys honestly know what having depression feels like. For me it has a very REAL physical feeling. It comes and goes to me throughout the day. Sometime it feels like someone wearing a boot is standing on my chest and periodically applies pressure. Other times it feels like there is a chunk of ice lodged in the middle of my ribcage, and then i can feel the coldness all over my chest for hours... Imagine having to feel this kind of pain at some point everyday, for the past 10+ years. Thats my life. Ive also lost the ability to cry from my emotions believe it or not. My cat that i've had since kindergarten died in my arms last year. I literally grew up beside her for 13 years of public schooling. Her face would be the first thing i'd see everyday coming back from school, as she would stand by my window. And yet for some reason, i couldnt even bring myself to shed a single tear, there as she laid in my lap, unmoving. I was totally devastated for that whole month, and yet for some reason i couldn't physically show it. Even though i wanted to as crying is the bodies way of relieving emotional stress. So now for the past few years since i haven't been able to cry for some reason, i still go through stressful bullshit daily. I have no other choice but to repress my feelings, somewhere deep down in my conscience. I really just wish i was never born... because my stupid sense of self preservation (cowardliness) prevents me from doing the only thing that will obviously fix my problem.
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agreed.After that its over
If you want to fuck an attractive foid then just escortmaxx.
As for a relationship, volcel if you deny foids your own age.

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