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It's Over 3rd worldcel

Yan Babayan

Yan Babayan

Apr 10, 2023
I fucking hate it here, inceldom is nothing compared to serfdom

I fucking hate owning nothing, median salary here is a little below 400 usd can you imageine it?
Not to mention a nigga can't even rotmaxx in 3rd world without working. I wish for a NEET lifestyle.
:feels: true,it's over for subtly socialist hellholes of 3rd world cuntries,
'specially India;
I fucking hate it here, inceldom is nothing compared to serfdom

I fucking hate owning nothing, median salary here is a little below 400 usd can you imageine it?

I earn less than 200 dollars a month
I earn less than 200 dollars a month
Holy ffuuk :dafuckfeels:

I see a lot of arabs and middle asian churkas here, we were talking with this tajik guy in uni the other day and he told me he came here because there's barely any work in his homeland and it pays 200 usd or less

It's funny but sad to see 4th world shitters migrate to 3rd world
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Holy ffuuk :dafuckfeels:

I see a lot of arabs and middle asian churkas here, we were talking with this tajik guy in uni the other day and he told me he came here because there's barely any work in his homeland and it pays 200 usd or less

It's funny but sad to see 4th world shitters migrate to 3rd world
Yeah it's beyond over.
Being an incel in a shitty country like Iran almost equals the hell that has been talked about in the abrahamic religions.
Holy ffuuk :dafuckfeels:

I see a lot of arabs and middle asian churkas here, we were talking with this tajik guy in uni the other day and he told me he came here because there's barely any work in his homeland and it pays 200 usd or less

It's funny but sad to see 4th world shitters migrate to 3rd world
Русский, не так ли?

Только русские используют слово "чурка", только русские

Как видишь, скучно с русскими, перешел на пендосов, а они оказались не такими уж и плохими.. пошло-поехало, и вот, 15к уже

Хотя я стал поменьше писать в последнее время - пендосы тоже скучные стали) да уж!!!!
Только русские используют слово "чурка", только русские

Как видишь, скучно с русскими, перешел на пендосов, а они оказались не такими уж и плохими.. пошло-поехало, и вот, 15к уже

Хотя я стал поменьше писать в последнее время - пендосы тоже скучные стали) да уж!!!!
Хотя, чурка - еще ладно, некоторые пендосы могут использовать тоже

Но соединение чурки с поломанным английским - опа, джекпот, смотри, это же русский!
:feels: true,it's over for subtly socialist hellholes of 3rd world cuntries,
'specially India;
India is not socialist. Third world countries are poor because they embraced neo liberalism, and accepted being slaves to the west.
I fucking hate it here, inceldom is nothing compared to serfdom

I fucking hate owning nothing, median salary here is a little below 400 usd can you imageine it?
I've heard Russia's Far East land giveaway was a failed PR stunt that had long waiting lists, is that true?
specially India
the lowest wage in JEWSA is 15000$ per year thats 12 lakh rupees the average pajeet chimps out after getting that much per year. Its over bhai
I will be forced to work.
India is not socialist.
for very long period of time it was; heck they even made it official in 1972 amendment in constitution

the original

the jewed one, with 'socialist', 'secular' added to it; only good part that was added here was 'sovereign'

also pajeet constitution actively encourages what is called "Positive Discrimination" towards muh low castes and muh minorities to "uplift" them hurr durr; (it was another giga level of Psyop by Ambedkar's teacher named "John Dewey" who conceptualised it there and taught it all to him) which is a form of socialism

and just before 1991 economic liberalisation we even had active form of 'Socialist-Democratic' form of system here with majority of industries being run by govt under various "Public Sector Units" things while bogging down mainstream industries with "permeat" based productions - effectively keeping them chained and limited so so called "Public" industries could thrive - and after burning trillions of rupees this way they finally gave up on it and allowed private industries to run things BECAUSE collapse of the daddy USSR resulted in international gibs and support drying up so they couldn't run this socialist experiment for much longer;

BUT even after this economic liberation and all, a huuuuge part of system is still socialistic in their operation; with taxes being levied on even basic food items like Milk and Parathas to cover up for their "lower caste upliftment schemes"...HECK THEY ARE CHARGING ABOUT 49 PERCENT OF TAX ON IMPORTED "LUXURY CARS" TO MILK RICHFAGS IN SPONSORING THEIR GIBS SCHEMES...TOYOTA RECENTLY COMMENTED THEY JUST GET 10 FUCKING THOUSANDS RUPEES WORTH OF PROFIT AFTER SELLING A CAR HERE...LITERALLY PEANUTS FOR THEM WHILE GOVT CHEWS UP AT LEAST 10 LAKH RUPEES IN TAXES FROM EACH CAR SALES :feelsseriously:

and due to such fucked up markets we don't see much proper western goods coming here except chinese maal and all; while local industries are still kept at bay using laws and harsh taxes things

and we all know how social norms are here due to all these money related matters;
India is de-facto soviet successor state that benefitted from having a loong coastline and good hardworking (outright slaved) population
it was Socialist before, it is Socialist now and who knows how future lies ahead for us
Хотя, чурка - еще ладно, некоторые пендосы могут использовать тоже

Но соединение чурки с поломанным английским - опа, джекпот, смотри, это же русский!
Где он поломанный то ) нормальный... просто нехарактерный слог для носителя языка
for very long period of time it was; heck they even made it official in 1972 amendment in constitution

the original

the jewed one, with 'socialist', 'secular' added to it; only good part that was added here was 'sovereign'

also pajeet constitution actively encourages what is called "Positive Discrimination" towards muh low castes and muh minorities to "uplift" them hurr durr; (it was another giga level of Psyop by Ambedkar's teacher named "John Dewey" who conceptualised it there and taught it all to him) which is a form of socialism

and just before 1991 economic liberalisation we even had active form of 'Socialist-Democratic' form of system here with majority of industries being run by govt under various "Public Sector Units" things while bogging down mainstream industries with "permeat" based productions - effectively keeping them chained and limited so so called "Public" industries could thrive - and after burning trillions of rupees this way they finally gave up on it and allowed private industries to run things BECAUSE collapse of the daddy USSR resulted in international gibs and support drying up so they couldn't run this socialist experiment for much longer;

BUT even after this economic liberation and all, a huuuuge part of system is still socialistic in their operation; with taxes being levied on even basic food items like Milk and Parathas to cover up for their "lower caste upliftment schemes"...HECK THEY ARE CHARGING ABOUT 49 PERCENT OF TAX ON IMPORTED "LUXURY CARS" TO MILK RICHFAGS IN SPONSORING THEIR GIBS SCHEMES...TOYOTA RECENTLY COMMENTED THEY JUST GET 10 FUCKING THOUSANDS RUPEES WORTH OF PROFIT AFTER SELLING A CAR HERE...LITERALLY PEANUTS FOR THEM WHILE GOVT CHEWS UP AT LEAST 10 LAKH RUPEES IN TAXES FROM EACH CAR SALES :feelsseriously:

and due to such fucked up markets we don't see much proper western goods coming here except chinese maal and all; while local industries are still kept at bay using laws and harsh taxes things

and we all know how social norms are here due to all these money related matters;
India is de-facto soviet successor state that benefitted from having a loong coastline and good hardworking (outright slaved) population
it was Socialist before, it is Socialist now and who knows how future lies ahead for us
Again socialism is an intermediate stage between capitalism and communism, india was never socialist, unless you believe government 'doing stuff' is socialism,then by that metric every single government on the earth is socialist because all of them own public sectors and industries. Indra inserted word socialist into preamble to appease the USSR and to justify taking away privy purses from indian royals, india is at best an ambedkarite republic. Levying taxes on foodstuff is a policy implemented by the 'right wing' economically liberal BJP under GST.
Profit means robing the working class of the surplus value they created, i hope government taxes these private companies out of existence.
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Где он поломанный то ) нормальный... просто нехарактерный слог для носителя языка
Ну хорошо, убедил

Рад видеть русского тут! Жаль, только - не задерживается тут брат наш, языковой барьер, наверное.. Я тут сижу только от того, что общаться надо, а негде и не с кем

Английский со временем придет.. еще - таджик - пендосы вообще не различают, кто у нас там в средней азии живет, поэтому еще

Сколько лет, где живешь?
Again socialism is an intermediate stage between capitalism and communism, india was never socialist, unless you believe government 'doing stuff' socialism,then by that metric every single government on the earth is socialist because all of them own public sectors and industries. Indra inserted word socialist into preamble to appease the USSR and to justify taking away privy purses from indian royals, india is at best a ambedkarite republic. Levying taxes on foodstuff is a policy implemented by the 'right wing' economically liberal BJP under GST.

Profit means robing the working class of the surplus value they created, i hope government taxes these private companies out of existence.
And so 529th indian war on inzelz.iz has began. Same old shit - fighting for nothing
Where are you from?
Английский со временем придет
со временем придет
ты угораешь... я с 1 класса английский учу, а где-то с 7 уже общаюсь с пендосами во всю
Сколько лет, где живешь?
Среднеазиатская часть страны, 21 :dafuckfeels:
А ты?
ты угораешь... я с 1 класса английский учу, а где-то с 7 уже общаюсь с пендосами во всю

Среднеазиатская часть страны, 21 :dafuckfeels:
А ты?
А я в Казахстане живу, ты в Новосибирске? Nah, man, you aren't that good in english - although, people here aren't that good either.. we got some pretentious bastards, you can have an example from them

Жопный взлом. Местные корячатся так иногда, что боже упаси, а иногда такую брехню несут.. как и все мы. Ничего необычного, форум как форум, только тут еще можно говорить ниггер и все бабы шлюхи

Казахстан, Казахстан.. ничего особенного, живем как вы примерно, русские постепенно сваливают в РФ, есть некоторые националисты казахские - но где их нет? Всегда же будет тот, кто примет догматы идеологии за милую душу, и скажет - все, все остальное может катиться к бабушке на оладушки, а идеология - мое, святое

Что думаешь про войну? Дай угадаю - тебе похрен
Идеология, идеология.. барахло все это, если честно. Понапридумывали люди себе проблем, и теперь копаемся, воем, колемся, но кактус все равно едим

Заебался я с этими пендосами! Сидят, бля, каждый день одно и то же - баба не дает

Впрочем, что еще можно ожидать отсюда, не так ли.. мы не на математическом форуме, а моих мозгов на математический форум, как ни крути - не хватит.. наверное, я не пробовал

Хрен с ним, хрен с ним, давай базарить про то и про это и про рандомную фигню! Что еще делать остается нам?
Again socialism is an intermediate stage between capitalism and communism, india was never socialist, unless you believe government 'doing stuff' socialism,then by that metric every single government on the earth is socialist because all of them own public sectors and industries.
not all of them actively discouraged plebs from becoming Industrialists-Businessmen because a socialist leader considered "Profit is a dirty word!" and used the system against uplifting of its own people this way - only govt sanctioned (snatched first distributed later) gibs allowed

so yes Lundia was indeed socialist

Indra inserted word socialist into preamble to appease the USSR and to justify taking away privy purses from indian royals,

She actively took gibs and all from Soviets, but was dogshit against some royals who were getting generationally decreasing gibs from the govt ? real reason she pulled this was because Royals started contesting in elections and winning over masses again so she just shat in her panties and pulled this all in name of ;Remove Poverty; to harass them

Levying taxes on foodstuff is a policy implemented by the 'right wing' economically liberal BJP under GST.

They just reformulated and put it under direct taxes scheme before that there already existed VAT, Sales Tax and all other indirect taxes on food items, it wasn't only supposedly 'right wing' govt that started looting people on food itemts it was already happening just under surface

Profit means robing the working class of the surplus value they created, i hope government taxes these private companies out of existence.

hehe yeah well under govt run Hindustan Motors you used to get this since fucking '50s

and even this car was actually britshit Morris Oxford later edition reworked thing
then we had Italian Fiats and such second hand used imported cars

then there were hardcore realities like
- fucking scooters used to get delivered after good 15 YEARS of ordering,
- gas bottles used to get delivered after 1 to 1.5 YEARS of ordering,
- people used to wear footwear made of used rubber from tyres because quality footwear was expensive and most of the time only available in rich areas
- cement used to only be available in govt run supplies shop; that too after bribing them
- black marketing of every thing at 3x to 5x price
and what not
so all the best for cheering for govt run industries lol because they outright milk you and give you dogshit; but under socialism you are made to like dogshit so good for you
Вот, видишь, опять индийцы по какой то хуйне срутся, социализм, мать вашу, когда они не жили в совеццком союзе.. нет, они могут обсуждать, конечно, но все же - ну зачем сраться по хуйне, я не понимаю, зачем? Это ведь бесполезно

Зато интересно. Лучше, чем вк.. лучше чем тот район вк, где я сидел раньше
Nah, man, you aren't that good in english
Что думаешь про войну? Дай угадаю - тебе похрен
Paypal поблокали, онлайн-бузинесом не позаниматься
Некоторые вещи которыми я пользовался пропали срынка их вообще теперь никак не купить
Вывод: путин хуйло
not all of them actively discouraged plebs from becoming Industrialists-Businessmen because a socialist leader considered "Profit is a dirty word!" and used the system against uplifting of its own people this way - only govt sanctioned (snatched first distributed later) gibs allowed

so yes Lundia was indeed socialist

She actively took gibs and all from Soviets, but was dogshit against some royals who were getting generationally decreasing gibs from the govt ? real reason she pulled this was because Royals started contesting in elections and winning over masses again so she just shat in her panties and pulled this all in name of ;Remove Poverty; to harass them

They just reformulated and put it under direct taxes scheme before that there already existed VAT, Sales Tax and all other indirect taxes on food items, it wasn't only supposedly 'right wing' govt that started looting people on food itemts it was already happening just under surface

hehe yeah well under govt run Hindustan Motors you used to get this since fucking '50s

and even this car was actually britshit Morris Oxford later edition reworked thing
then we had Italian Fiats and such second hand used imported cars

then there were hardcore realities like
- fucking scooters used to get delivered after good 15 YEARS of ordering,
- gas bottles used to get delivered after 1 to 1.5 YEARS of ordering,
- people used to wear footwear made of used rubber from tyres because quality footwear was expensive and most of the time only available in rich areas
- cement used to only be available in govt run supplies shop; that too after bribing them
- black marketing of every thing at 3x to 5x price
and what not
so all the best for cheering for govt run industries lol because they outright milk you and give you dogshit; but under socialism you are made to like dogshit so good for you
Ultimately, every government is corrupt, no matter the ideology

Top-tier officials in USSR lived better than average Joe, nothing really special

Same goes for capitalist society - big boy mr.Stein will live better than his workforce

Paypal поблокали, онлайн-бузинесом не позаниматься
Некоторые вещи которыми я пользовался пропали срынка их вообще теперь никак не купить
Вывод: путин хуйло
Путин, останови войну

Чем занимался раньше?
actively discouraged plebs from becoming Industrialists-Businessmen because a socialist leader considered "Profit is a dirty word!" and used the system against uplifting of its own people this way - only govt sanctioned (snatched first distributed later) gibs allowed
Plebs donot become the industrialists-businessmen out of working hard, plebs remain plebs and keep getting poorer.
Capitalism rewards the feudal overlords, the ones who become Industrialists-Businessmen were already rich and oppressors.
so yes Lundia was indeed socialist
Pick up a book thats what not socialism means. I'll say it again socialism is an intermediate stage between capitalism and communism.
She actively took gibs and all from Soviets, but was dogshit against some royals who were getting generationally decreasing gibs from the govt
I'm not defending 'indira' or the kruchechevist social imperialism. Its just that you donot understand what socialism is, and throw around that word without knowing it what entails.
Путин, останови войну

Чем занимался раньше?
Я музыкант у меня страница в ютубе бендкемпе и других стриминговых платформах

Они все от paypalа работают
Я музыкант у меня страница в ютубе бендкемпе и других стриминговых платформах

Они все от paypalа работают
Слава, что ты сделал
ТЫ слава мерлоу?
Нет, я Трэвис Скотт, нового альбома не будет (особенно в россии, над америкой еще подумаю)

Биты делаешь?
Нет, я Трэвис Скотт, нового альбома не будет (особенно в россии, над америкой еще подумаю)

Биты делаешь?
Да не просто всякую шизомузыку

У всех первая ассоциация это биты почему-то
Да не просто всякую шизомузыку

У всех первая ассоциация это биты почему-то
Сам видишь, сейчас рэперов куча - поэтому.. я хотел сказать - может, классическая музыка, но решил не выкаблучиваться

Скинь ссылку на канал, интересно теперь
Сам видишь, сейчас рэперов куча - поэтому.. я хотел сказать - может, классическая музыка, но решил не выкаблучиваться

Скинь ссылку на канал, интересно теперь
Сорян здесь не скину это точно )) я не хочу чтобы мой псевдоним на всю жизнь был осквернен этим форумом

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