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LifeFuel 3 Roastie mudslimes sentenced to 55 years for not wearing a hijab



Clown World Analyst
Apr 3, 2019

I've said it once and I'll say it again, Islam is the light.
Soon people will riot...tension will increase and oil prices will double ...and our jew friends will be very happy.
Soon people will riot...tension will increase and oil prices will double ...and our jew friends will be very happy.
I want to see action, my goddamn life is so boring.
Wear hijab next time thots
Based Khamenei
Islam is the light.

I don't get how any incel can remain Christian when faced with stories like this everyday, after a while I just couldn't lie to myself, Christianity is a useless religion, it no longer does what it used to before, its a virtue signally club, not a system of order and control like it used to be, you have to be coping to deny which is the superior religion, I will be completely converting at some point.
JFL “B-b-but Islam is degenerate!” Says the absolute copers.
keep them hoes in check. long live Allah and his angel st black ops cel, we will meet in incellalah.
I want iran to nuke the west and Israel
You're comparing fundamentalist Islam versus modern Christianity. Not all Christians are cucked. Westboro Baptist church for instance, and Brother Dean

JFL are you fucking kidding, what kind of false comparison is that, Westboro Baptist church doesn't even come close, in Islam women get honor killings, jail sentences, stonings, etc for being whores that threaten the stability of a society, in Christianity, the most "uncucked" version you can find for me, they just get slut shamed and ex-communicated............ man that sure is similar, you're right guess I'll remain Christian :feelskek:

Like I said you guys who want to keep holding onto christianity are coping, its indoctrination, you've been raised on the religion so you have attachments to it that prevent you from seeing how useless it is now, no woman actually fears Christianity or Christian punishments, every woman fears Islam and Islamic punishments, the two aren't even comparable, once cannot invoke control and order without fear, Christianity is a sinking ship, absolutely useless
I don't get how any incel can remain Christian when faced with stories like this everyday, after a while I just couldn't lie to myself, Christianity is a useless religion, it no longer does what it used to before, its a virtue signally club, not a system of order and control like it used to be, you have to be coping to deny which is the superior religion, I will be completely converting at some point.

Quran 41:53 :
We will show them Our signs in the horizons and within themselves until it becomes clear to them that it is the truth. But is it not sufficient concerning your Lord that He is, over all things, a Witness?
You're comparing fundamentalist Islam versus modern Christianity. Not all Christians are cucked. Westboro Baptist church for instance, and Brother Dean

Christians don't discipline their foids like Muslims do, which is why Christianity is failing.
Based Iran at it again.
I want an Iranian wife.
Christians have to adhere to the law of the land, Muslims countries Islam is the law.

You are kind of adding to the argument that its a better religion because it enforces itself like this, how the fuck is a religion going to claim its the best choice, and the law of its God isn't the law of the land, seems kinds of backwards when you really think about it now doesn't it, if man's law is allowed to so easily superceed God's law, then that religion isn't really fighting for its God

Islam also sucks for everyone that isn't a 85 IQ product of centuries of cousin marriage, not just sluts and whores.


Not all Christians are cucked.
:feelsugh: :feelskek:
Lol this sounds like shit.not only islam but iran too, too retarded. imagine putting someone for 55 years to jail(essentially killing him/wasting his life) cuz she didnt wear hajib cloth. its like killing someone at weekeend in mcdonald cause he wears skinnyfit jeans and u dont like it

Also, praising islam wont help. islamcels every islam male get NO SEX AT ALLLLLLLL they eventually get arranged marriages with fat hoe. even hard to get a hoe there
every islam male get NO SEX AT ALLLLLLLL they eventually get arranged marriages with fat hoe. even hard to get a hoe there

Kinda seems like you are strawmanning a bit there, I have muslims in my family, and I've known a few of them from my university, two of the girls I knew I'm pretty sure were virgins and the way they spoke about their fathers you could tell they feared them, and I don't even live in a strict islamic country, Islam is rare here, so imagine how it is in an Islamic state, what you are speaking about here sounds like an alternate universe to me, sorry I call BS
:feelskek: :feelshaha::feelsugh:
Hack your dick off before you convert I'm sure the Iranian government will find you a nice husband. :feelskek::feelzez::feelshmm::dab:


I'm still waiting for answer as to how "Islam also sucks for everyone that isn't a 85 IQ product of centuries of cousin marriage"
Look at how the West twists the story to try to make Iran look bad (in the eyes of Westerners) by saying they were simply sentenced for not wearing hijab. No they weren't you fucking Western morons, you even said that in your own article:

The three had been charged with "assembly and collusion to act against national security," "propaganda against the regime," as well as "encouraging and preparing the grounds for corruption and prostitution."

JFL at Western media.
I don't get how any incel can remain Christian when faced with stories like this everyday, after a while I just couldn't lie to myself, Christianity is a useless religion, it no longer does what it used to before, its a virtue signally club, not a system of order and control like it used to be, you have to be coping to deny which is the superior religion, I will be completely converting at some point.
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JFL “B-b-but Islam is degenerate!” Says the absolute copers.
If you are looking for something least degenerate, Islam is the only thing out there in 2019.
You are a whoremonger/want to be whoremonger and you are asking this.

"The whore and the whoremonger. Scourge each of them with a hundred stripes, and do not let pity for them take hold of you in God's religion, if ye believe in God and the last day; and let a party of the believers witness their torment."

The Muslim countries that don't allow polygamy are actually the cucked ones. Unchecked islam the top males take multiple women for themselves, leaving the lesser males with nothing and ready to give themselves up in suicide bomb attacks for the promise of 72 virgins in the afterlife.

And just fucking laughing at a Turk @Cuyen saying no Christians are uncucked and bragging about Islam. You live in the most feminist Islamic country

Slut walks are a hop skip and a jump away from being a regular occurrence in your own country and islam did not save you.
kek "most feminist islamic country " no it is not like that chef

also why youre triggered i was fucking around. chill out lol
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Anyone legit wanting to convert or revert as we call it (i'll explain later). PM me
The Muslim countries that don't allow polygamy are actually the cucked ones. Unchecked islam the top males take multiple women for themselves

1. Not all muslim countries allow polygamy

2. The men who have multiple wives are those who can afford multiple wives, unlike in the west, where Chad can just pump and dump, if you want multiple women you have to own them and take responsibility for them, which makes the prospect less enticing and very expensive, so very few men can do it anyways, I don't care if a guy gets to have 5 young virgin wives if I can get at least one, we can't all own a lamboughini and mansion, if we apply your logic to wealth, any country where some people can be rich and others poor is cucked.

why youre triggered i was fucking around. chill out lol

Its the denial and rage of a Christian who can't accept reality, dude is acting like he's attached by the hip to his religion

@Uggo Mongo
Just... let.... go

Your religion has done nothing for you, nor will it ever do anything for you
The blue haired reaper cometh for ye

idk istanbul is a shithole like every fucking big city in all countries, not that i care lol

and still way less degenerate than the western cities
Lifefuel. I already fapped early, next fap for this lifefuel.
You want to convert to fundamentalism when you can't be very religious yourself if you are willing to convert. It's not a religion or culture for dabblers.

When I say convert, I don't mean genuinely believe in the religion, I mean to learn the religion, like its a subject, its not hard to pretend dude, especially if pretending gets me me a jail bait virgin, I don't drink anyways so alcohol isn't a loss, pork tastes great but I have no problem giving that up, a lot of the "sacrifices" required to become a muslim don't seem much like sacrifices to me, to begin with, its a fair trade off in my book

You seem to misunderstand my mindset, this should give you a better idea:
These are the 4 lowest IQ traits I've observed on this site, and ironically its typical of normies, which is why it stands out so much when expressed by an incel (#1 being the strongest indicator of low IQ thinking)
  1. Incels who think morality is objective
  2. Incels who are religious (follower) rather than "religionmaxxing" (tactician)
  3. Incels who value female validation more than sex (basically female worship)
  4. Incels who have racial allegiance

I could never be a "religious follower", genuinely believing is for low IQ people, I merely see religion as a tool to help me gain a stable and enjoyable life, and the only religion that can do that right now is Islam, I'm a "religionmaxxer" not a "religious person", so there will be no "dabbling", I'll commit to my "role" 100% and pretend to believe whatever I have to, learn whatever I have to, and do whatever I have to, to get what I want out of that religion

You are acting as if you are going to lose out on so much by pretending to believe in God, are you even really incel?, because if you are there's no way you can't see that your life would be better off and way more enjoyable if you made the switch despite the sacrifices
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Based Iran (= land of Aryans).
it will deteriorate as the intelligentsia fail to see the wisdom and usefulness of it.

Yes and that's where the difference between Islam and Christianity comes in, power through fear

Christians - "Obey these rules or maybe you might possibly go to hell"
Muslims - "Obey these rules or we'll cut your head off, THEN you' might possibly go to hell"

Christianity is a "half measure", which is why nobody really fears it anymore, and why nobody really adheres to the rules, people still have a reason to fear Islam outside of its doctrine, even if you don't believe in hell, physical death is still a reality, and Islam will impose it upon you if you break its rules

If I had kept going I'd probably have a decently cute Christian bride right now that was simple-minded and feared fiery damnation

Sure bud, completely believable, if that was true you could simply re-join that specific religious community and begin looking for a wife again
islam is based tbh

they know how to deal with roasties
Iran is fucking based.
At this point they'd try to match me up with a fat toastie

If she's a virgin, that would be pretty volcel, you can just make her lose weight, either way she's going to get baby fat after your first child, seems kind of ridiculous for an incel to be speaking of an alternative/loophole like its a sure thing but rejecting the option because its not "good enough" for him, this is the definition of volcel, if they were pairing you up with a used up whore I'd understand, but I'd take a fat virgin wife if I could keep her within a strict religious community.
I'd rather save my money and go fuck hookers.

Same, which is why I'm an escortcel, islamaxxing is more of my fall back plan

Your own logic can be applied to yourself, go dumpster diving at the welfare line and go shack up with a fat and retarded wildebeest there since you have no standards and any "standard" whatsoever makes you a volcel.

Strawman, never claimed "any standard" makes you volcel, nor did I state criteria as extreme as you did, but if you are unwilling to accept a virgin that is fat, then you are volcel, notice I didn't say OBESE, I don't know what you're imagining when I say fat, but I mean fat, not huge as hell. If you won't take a woman that is a little fat who is willing to be with you ON TOP OF being a virgin, you are volcel, you have ridiculous standards.
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Buh-buh strawman. That's exactly what you are implying, because I am a virgin I have to accept anything as long as it's a virgin otherwise

How the hell are you going to say I'm implying something and I'm literally telling you that's not what I mean

Are you ready to accept a downie goblin to be your virgin bride? If not you are a volcel because Chadlite is hitting that as we speak.

1. Chad lite is hitting it, but he won't marry it, so I don't get your point, wouldn't she no longer be a virgin if Chad lite hit it, its like you can't even keep your eye on the ball. Also if Chad lite is hitting it, who am I to refuse to hit it JFL

2. What you expressed here is another thing I notice about men who have been virgins past 20, I had the same mindset to until I fucked my first whore (only one I've fucked, it was cheap, how I lost my virginity)

We have this kind of mental block on, where were always trying to make up for what we lost, and because we missed out on so much, we set these standards of "I'm only accepting this, anything less and I sacrificed all those years for nothing", TBH I might fuck that bitch if its an easy fuck at the point I am in my life now, I'd never marry her but I'd fuck her. I totally get the mindset because I had it once, the longer you wait to have sex, the higher the standard you'll set on it, and on what you will accept

After you have sex for the first time, all that shit will go away, the reason why we all so often see Chads and Chad lites fuck down, is because sex is no big deal to them, its just like eating food, not everyday you can eat at a 5 star restaurant, some days you will just have a greasy burger or some pizza, they don't see it as a "loss" to fuck a woman below their league because fucking period is a win for them, BECAUSE THEY AREN'T TRYING TO MAKE UP FOR ANY LOST EXPERIENCES

Once you get out of that mindset of trying to make up for "quality sex lost" you'll have no problem fucking that downie, now you won't marry her, but you'd still fuck her
This needs to happen to western foids.
I don't get how any incel can remain Christian when faced with stories like this everyday, after a while I just couldn't lie to myself, Christianity is a useless religion, it no longer does what it used to before, its a virtue signally club, not a system of order and control like it used to be, you have to be coping to deny which is the superior religion, I will be completely converting at some point.

The issue is not Christianity, but westerners not practicing it right. Given that's the case, what makes you think switching to Islam is going to accomplish anything? They'll just ruin Islam same way they ruined Christianity.
The issue is not Christianity, but westerners not practicing it right. Given that's the case, what makes you think switching to Islam is going to accomplish anything? They'll just ruin Islam same way they ruined Christianity.

I don't merely plan on "switching to Islam" I plan on moving to a country in which it is properly enforced
You BACKTRACKED from that STATEMENT but 1) the post REMAINS and 2) it isn't HARD TO FERRET OUT THE INTENT.

All the rest you typed is BS because most Chads and Chadlites and normies DON'T fuck downies, no matter how many times they have had sex. But a large portion will because they have no conscience, and they would have done it before they ever had sex too, they'll fuck anything with a hole.

Go find your virgin downie bride VOLCEL.

JFL talk about sperging out, you can't be reasoned with

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