There's some things you can do to improve your looks, some people have already given you some good suggestions.
That being said, someone who's born near the bottom tier, is never going to make it anywhere near the top.
You have to play the hand you're dealt.
Someone born a 2 or 3 might be able to become a 4 or 5, but they probably aren't going to be a 6 or 7, and no way in hell are they going to be an 8 or 9, but they don't have to be.
Your best bet is to focus most of your energy on what you're good at and enjoy, focus on your strengths instead of your weaknesses, and it'll improve your confidence manifold.
Almost everyone has a few things they're good at, for some it might be sheer determination, tenacity, will.
Then find someone who's into your for you, not your looks, or someone who also has trouble in that department.
Don't be idealistic or pessimistic, be you, be realistic.
You can be born with a great hand and still play it foolishly, life is all about making do.
And relationships aren't the be all and end all of life, some people feel trapped in abusive or loveless marriages they wish they never gotten into, and feel they still can't get out of, for whatever reasons: familial, financial, religious, social status, Stockholm Syndrome.
Always keep your options open, there's so much to keep busy with in life, whether it's spirituality, traveling, art, writing, whatever interests you, pour yourself into your passions and it'll make you more attractive to everyone around you.
Life is rarely black/white, there's lots of people with issues out there, if it's not looks it's something else, mental and physical illness, substance abuse, loss of loved ones, poverty, everyone goes through hardships in life.
Whatever you do always be down to earth and be yourself, be real, trying to be something you're not, idealizing and idolizing people who have absolutely nothing in common with you will get you nowhere except more hurt.
That's not blue pill or red pill that's called being sober, rational, you shouldn't be popping pills anyway *laughs.