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25yo, virgin....how to lookmax (pic)



Feb 1, 2018
This is me, 25yo kissless virgin...girls seem disgusted by me and always reject me and treat me badly no matter what I do
I want a girlfriend so bad but I can't even get female friends

lose glasses
grow beard if you can

how tall?
Virgin_Guy said:
This is me, 25yo kissless virgin...girls seem disgusted by me and always reject me and treat me badly no matter what I do
I want a girlfriend so bad but I can't even get female friends


If you want to lookmax you need to do a few things.  Start eating well, sleeping well and working out.  A good strong neck from working can make a world of difference.  Shave that crap off your uper lip.  You will need to eat more, and workout even more.  But if you have not seen your face with a strong neck you have seen what you could be.  Do not lose hope until then.
You look like a dweeb but there's nothing actually wrong with your face. You have hope but it will take effort.

You definitely need to lift and go on a high protein diet. You look small right now. Especially around you neck. But definitely workout the whole body. Maybe take HGH.

Definitely get more stylish glasses.
Cut the beard off or grow a full beard
Use contacts and not glasses (Or maybe more stylish glasses)
Lift (Go for a lean and muscular bosy
Skinmax (Most people look better with a beta carotene glow face)
Buy different clothes if you get bigger muscles
Maybe an eye plastic surgery but I can't judge that from one pic and don't know much about ps
Virgin_Guy said:
This is me, 25yo kissless virgin...girls seem disgusted by me and always reject me and treat me badly no matter what I do
I want a girlfriend so bad but I can't even get female friends


defenitely get rid of that mustache, or grow a beard to go along with it. also, what is that thing on your right wrist? I'd say get rid of that too, looks like something for kids. I don't know what kind of clothes you wear on normal occasions, but you might want to improve that as well. And of course gymcelling always is an advantage.
But anyways, I think we're the wrong people to ask here, ask some normies you know, preferably some with a good sense of fashion, they might be more competent when it comes to looksmaxing
Dude, if you're her you know there is no hope. Go over to lookism, they'll tell you all the shite about looksmaxing. You're either born with good looks or you are not. Ask some Redpillers as well, they'll give you some good advice about "game".
You need to build muscle. Specifically neck muscle. Also dress better and grow a beard and keep it neat and trimmed. There is definitely hope for you assuming you aren't retarded.
Step 1: Go to lookism.com and get insulted even more
Step 2: ???
Step 3: Cope or Rope
Don't waste your time looksmaxing it doesn't work just go to Asia if possible
You look fine. Not a single incel quality other than that skinny neck
You're a slayer tbh ..

That jaw.
If that is actually you, then you're pretty fucked tbh. Not going to blue pill you.

You'll have to go the provider route (get a good job) OR get extremely lucky and find a female who finds you attractive.

Just being honest.
CopingGymcel said:
If that is actually you, then you're pretty fucked tbh. Not going to blue pill you.
You'll have to go the provider route (get a good job) OR get extremely lucky and find a female who finds you attractive.
Just being honest.


You have a lazy eye, not even sure if it's possible to fix that. Probably the only thing you could do in your situation is gymcel and add size to your neck.

Even then, your lazy eye and ears will always failo you no matter what. I'm sorry, mate.
There's some things you can do to improve your looks, some people have already given you some good suggestions.
That being said, someone who's born near the bottom tier, is never going to make it anywhere near the top.
You have to play the hand you're dealt.
Someone born a 2 or 3 might be able to become a 4 or 5, but they probably aren't going to be a 6 or 7, and no way in hell are they going to be an 8 or 9, but they don't have to be.

Your best bet is to focus most of your energy on what you're good at and enjoy, focus on your strengths instead of your weaknesses, and it'll improve your confidence manifold.
Almost everyone has a few things they're good at, for some it might be sheer determination, tenacity, will.
Then find someone who's into your for you, not your looks, or someone who also has trouble in that department.
Don't be idealistic or pessimistic, be you, be realistic.
You can be born with a great hand and still play it foolishly, life is all about making do.

And relationships aren't the be all and end all of life, some people feel trapped in abusive or loveless marriages they wish they never gotten into, and feel they still can't get out of, for whatever reasons: familial, financial, religious, social status, Stockholm Syndrome.
Always keep your options open, there's so much to keep busy with in life, whether it's spirituality, traveling, art, writing, whatever interests you, pour yourself into your passions and it'll make you more attractive to everyone around you.
Life is rarely black/white, there's lots of people with issues out there, if it's not looks it's something else, mental and physical illness, substance abuse, loss of loved ones, poverty, everyone goes through hardships in life.
Whatever you do always be down to earth and be yourself, be real, trying to be something you're not, idealizing and idolizing people who have absolutely nothing in common with you will get you nowhere except more hurt.

That's not blue pill or red pill that's called being sober, rational, you shouldn't be popping pills anyway *laughs.
It's over.

On a serious note, just follow what advice has been given to you to look like a normie.
You’re done for, guy. Too old and too beta-looking. Time to get into escorts and hobbies.
You are a truecel boyo, welcome to the community.
The ears can be fixed easily enough by pinning them back but you've got the bug eyes of death. Eye area is like 60-70% of facial attractiveness, so I'm afraid you're fucked. There's unfortunately no surgery that can fix a bad eye area really - at least not one that fucked up.

If this guy has hope, I'd like to see the pic of the white guy who doesn't.
Yall believe this troll nobody posts a picture like that. I will believe him if he has atleas 3 pivtures of him

Showed this picture to my mom she said he looks skinny, i said rate his face... she said why... i said people lauging at him... she said god created him like this they dont have the right to do it.

Aka you one ugly mofo
you are the second truecel i've seen on here, hello fellow truecel
Incel_Dikshit said:
Yall believe this troll nobody posts a picture like that. I will believe him if he has atleas 3 pivtures of him

Showed this picture to my mom she said he looks skinny, i said rate his face... she said why... i said people lauging at him... she said god created him like this they dont have the right to do it.

Aka you one ugly mofo
Literally this. He looks like a poster boy for a truecel.
Don't do anything about it OP. Just keep shitposting on here until you slowly lose your will to live, then become a NEET, move in with your parents, then LDAR.
whogivesafucc said:
You have a lazy eye, not even sure if it's possible to fix that. 
It's not. You can get special contacts to kind of mask it, but it's not curable.

Amblyopia is an underrated feature of hideous genetic shit. It destroys facial symmetry. Everyone notices it. It doesn't look like you're contacting others' eyes, even if you think you are. It's a clear sign of weakness and low worth.
well, I was thinking about a surgery for my ears and tanning for skin but don't know what else

I tried to approach girls but they look so disgusted, you can really tell from their faces, they're like creeped out.
I try to always dress good but it doesn't do anything, even getting female friends is difficult
Imgrlbtwxd said:
no it's called looksmaxing and it's working for some guys

Won't work for this guy. Seriously from a former lookism fag, this guy is beyond conventional methods
Twisted said:
This guy will need extreme surgery just to be a PSL 5

Just lol @ people bluepilling this guy
Virgin_Guy said:
well, I was thinking about a surgery for my ears and tanning for skin but don't know what else

I tried to approach girls but they look so disgusted, you can really tell from their faces, they're like creeped out.
I try to always dress good but it doesn't do anything, even getting female friends is difficult

This is why I hate the cucks over at inceltears who say 'you just have to be nice and confident'. If girls don't like the look of you it's game over.
You have to looksmax. 
Get a haircut
Train your neck
Get a tan
Consult with a surgeon aswell
Also don't bother running beta provider game, your relationships will be synthetic and baseless and you will be miserable. It's no better than being incel.

blackpill_incel said:
Won't work for this guy. Seriously from a former lookism fag, this guy is beyond conventional methods

There is no point in not trying
_incelinside said:
This is why I hate the cucks over at inceltears who say 'you just have to be nice and confident'. If girls don't like the look of you it's game over.
You have to looksmax. 
Get a haircut
Train your neck
Get a tan
Consult with a surgeon aswell
Also don't bother running beta provider game, your relationships will be synthetic and baseless and you will be miserable. It's no better than being incel.

There is no point in not trying

F A C E. He is already subhuman! There's no point in gymcelling at that level unless you truly desire to like I do
Just bee yourself girls love guys who are nice and also don't worry about being a 25yo virgin almost everyone loses their virginity around that time.how many showers do you currently take?
blackpill_incel said:
Won't work for this guy. Seriously from a former lookism fag, this guy is beyond conventional methods

This. Everyone giving the OP hope is being cruel - they'll have him waste his money on surgery and his time on gymcelling when neither will really help him. He's never getting to PSL 5. I'd be shocked if he made it to PSL 4.

Sure he could get lateral canthopexy, fillers for eyes to make them a BIT less bug eyed and cuckish, pin back his ears, start gymcelling etc but for what? To get to a 4/10 AT THE VERY BEST?

Just LDAR. Run escortcel game if you need sex.
just be yourself
So much cope in this thread. He can't improve much, but for getting rid of his retard, homosexual eyeglasses & getting a tan. & Even that would not help, given his low as fuck SMV.
serial killer game
itsOVER said:
This. Everyone giving the OP hope is being cruel - they'll have him waste his money on surgery and his time on gymcelling when neither will really help him. He's never getting to PSL 5. I'd be shocked if he made it to PSL 4.

Sure he could get lateral canthopexy, fillers for eyes to make them a BIT less bug eyed and cuckish, pin back his ears, start gymcelling etc but for what? To get to a 4/10 AT THE VERY BEST?

Just LDAR. Run escortcel game if you need sex.

100% true. Even I mog this guy holy shit
Imgrlbtwxd said:
lose glasses
grow beard if you can
how tall?
I agree. straight up though. picture wise, I would work on your angles. Angle your chin down more and look the camera straight on bc your face isn't weirdly proportioned and the angle in that pic makes your head look fucking small. (pictures only really important if you plan on trying online dating or some shit but whatever) best of luck to you, my man.

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