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JFL 21 year old bluepilled simp normie male drowned while trying to save a teenage girl‘s live, an hour aftER being baptised at the vERy same beach



Chaos is a laddER
Jan 7, 2019

View: https://youtu.be/r7ZoBu57BmI

ThERe’s just so many things I find funny about this.

1. Imagine not knowing how to swim, one of the most simple and basic skills which (I assume) majority of people have.

2. Imagine believing in an “all-loving all-powerful” god who had the power (as an “ALL-powerful” being) to prevent the existence of pain/suffering to begin with, yet he intentionally created a world with pain/suffering DESPITE having the power to create a world WITHOUT it (which shows that god is EVIL).

And if God DIDN’T have the power to create a world WITHOUT pain/suffering, then he ISN’T “ALL-powERful” and (because god, by definition, MUST be “ALL-powERful”) thERefore he ISN’T god (God ISN’T real).

Logically thERe are only 2 possible conclusions with regards to this mattER: eithER god DOESN’T exist or god DOES exist but god is evil (thERe is no logical explanation for there being any possibility of a “loving god”)

This dude pERformed a religious cERemony to show his devotion and faith to his god (via his religion, and god didn’t even protect him EVEN THOUGH he was in the process of pERforming the “righteous” action of trying to save a pERson’s life, meanwhile god NEVER FAILS to protect the most powERful and influential people in society (the elites) from any dangER DESPITE the fact that majority of the elites ONLY became elites in the first place and are ONLY able to REMAIN in the position of being elite, MOSTLY as a result of taking the IMMORAL path in life, yet they are rewarded with safety, security, health, wealth, peace and prospERity, meanwhile good people are working like slaves and often dying early, and despite all this, low IQ people will continue to believe in an “ALL-loving God” who created a pERfect world of equality, fairness and justice.

3. This dude was not only low IQ for not knowing how to swim AND for being a religious cuck, he was ALSO low IQ for sacrificing his life for some worthless whore who (I can say with 99.99% confidence) WOULDN’T reward him with the chance to sniff hER feet LET alone fuck hER (if he had survived) despite him litERally saving hER life while putting his own at risk.

But He’s dead, forevER missing out on all that life had to offER, while that slut is probably already on hER knees as I type this post, gobbling chad’s cock and guzzling his cum, most likely already having forgotten the name of the bluepilled normie simp who died, and by the end of the week, will probably forget that he even tried to save hER (hER subconsciousness will automatically do whatevER it can to rid itself of the cringe-worthy memory of that low IQ subhuman losER dying for nothing, exemplifying “natural selection” at play in the process of his hilariously stupid and illogical death, hence hER memory will end up subconsciously being distorted to the point that according to hER “vERsion of event” based on hER new “recollection” of what took place, she saved hERself like the hERoic kween she is and that guy who saved hER life nevER died while trying to save hER, rathER his death was separate to hER own predicament of “almost drowning” and thERe was NO connection whatsoevER between his death and hER “near death expERience”, it’s just a “mattER of co-incidence” that he “just so happened” to die at the same time/place in which she hERself was in dangER of drowning).
Damn man you are still here? I saw you really liking BlkPillPres when I was lurking
But yeah that situation is super funny :feelskek:
This dude pERformed a religious cERemony to show his devotion and faith to his god (via his religion, and god didn’t even protect him EVEN THOUGH he was in the process of pERforming the “righteous” action of trying to save a pERson’s life, meanwhile god NEVER FAILS to protect the most powERful and influential people in society (the elites) from any dangER DESPITE the fact that majority of the elites ONLY became elites in the first place and are ONLY able to REMAIN in the position of being elite, MOSTLY as a result of taking the IMMORAL path in life, yet they are rewarded with safety, security, health, wealth, peace and prospERity, meanwhile good people are working like slaves and often dying early, and despite all this, low IQ people will continue to believe in an “ALL-loving God” who created a pERfect world of equality, fairness and justice.
hER subconsciousness will automatically do whatevER it can to rid itself of the cringe-worthy memory of that low IQ subhuman losER dying for nothing, exemplifying “natural selection” at play in the process of his hilariously stupid and illogical death, hence hER memory will end up subconsciously being distorted to the point that according to hER “vERsion of event” based on hER new “recollection” of what took place, she saved hERself like the hERoic kween she is and that guy who saved hER life nevER died while trying to save hER, rathER his death was separate to hER own predicament of “almost drowning” and thERe was NO connection whatsoevER between his death and hER “near death expERience”, it’s just a “mattER of co-incidence” that he “just so happened” to die at the same time/place in which she hERself was in dangER of drowning)
Jfl poetic mango
I'm not reading all that. god made the world imperfect on purpose, with that being said he died so she could keep getting her holes stuffed by strangers what an hero
Mods ban this guy

I’m not an Olympic level swimmER to be able to win gold medals like Michael Phelps lol, but I can swim 50m at least before running out of breath and getting tired, aftER that I can at least stay afloat on my back

Not knowing how to swim, ride a bike etc. are GIGA-trucel traits
Fuck you. This guy only did what was best under his Christian morals. "Love each other as I have loved you." If we all followed this passage none of us would be here. The world would be a utopia.
Fuck you. This guy only did what was best under his Christian morals. "Love each other as I have loved you." If we all followed this passage none of us would be here. The world would be a utopia.
cope he only did it because he thought the foid would fuck him. if it was a sub5 drowning he wouldn't have done shit.
Fuck you. This guy only did what was best under his Christian morals. "Love each other as I have loved you." If we all followed this passage none of us would be here. The world would be a utopia.
I'm not reading all that. god made the world imperfect on purpose,

Yes yes, I’ve heard that argument many times from religious cucks, god created evil to “test us”. But that is a stupid and illogical argument for 2 reasons.

First of all. God is defined as ALL-powERful AND ALL-knowing. Why would God “test” us to see what choices we make and what actions we will pERform, considERing the fact that (as an “ALL-knowing being”) he ALREADY KNOWS “not only” evERy action pERformed/choice made by evERy pERson at evERy point in time/space but ALSO evERY EVENT along evERy point of the time/space-continuum.

So if god already knows what will happen in each and evERyone’s lives always evERywhere, yet he still creates a world of pain/suffERing for us to undERgo a meaningless test just for his “entERtainment,” then he is evil.

And if he DOESN’T know what choices we will make/actions we will pERform, and thERefore needs to “test” us to detERmine the answERs, then he ISN’T “ALL-knowing” (one of the 2 main critERia that needs to be met by God in ordER for God to be recognised as “God”), hence God doesn’t exist.

Secondly, in ordER for God’s “test” of evERy pERson always evERywhERe to have any “meaning”, humans would need to have “free will” (because it’s completely unfair and illogical to “test” what “choices” someone will make, if they nevER had a “choice” to begin with because all their actions are OUT OF THEIR “CONTROL”).

But we DON’T live in a reality in which free will exists, because evERything you do in life is detERmined by your GENETICS (IQ, physical strength, physical attractiveness, natural physical health, whethER you have any mental/physical disabilities etc.) and ENVIRONMENT (whethER you’re born/raised in a rich, middle-class or poor family, whethER you’re born in a first or third world country, how many siblings, cousins and family/relatives you have around you and how they treat you, whethER you grow up receiving primarily positive re-enforcement or negative re-enforcement from greatER society etc. which funnily enough is significantly influenced by your level of genetic strength or lack thereof, as being ugly, autistic and vERy low IQ will more than likely lead to the avERage pERson being outcasted, alienated, ostracised and just socially rejected in genERal),

so in the “world” we r living in, in which evERy EVENT (whethER directly caused or indirectly influenced by anybody’s actions or not) at evERy point in time/space has been pre-detERmined at the vERy moment of the univERse’s creation (“big bang”), Given the fact that we wERe always gonna do what we wERe gonna do (our lives wERe always gonna play out EXACTLY the way they’ve played out and the way they will continue to play out, thERe was/is NO possibility of ANYTHING in ANYBODY’S life at ANY point in time/space being ANY diffERent to the way it has been in the past or the way it will be in the present and future), a “test” of what “choices” we will make is completely nonsensical because we nevER had any choice to begin with (in anything) we only had the “ILLUSION” OF CHOICE given the pre-detERministic nature of the univERse
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Fuck you. This guy only did what was best under his Christian morals. "Love each other as I have loved you." If we all followed this passage none of us would be here. The world would be a utopia.
True. I know an attractive religious foid who spends her Saturdays helping out with a Church ministry. Obviously out of my league, but she's still sacrificing slutting around on Friday nights to do a selfless thing. Too bad she's like 1% of foids nowadays.
Damn man you are still here? I saw you really liking BlkPillPres when I was lurking
But yeah that situation is super funny :feelskek:
Yeah "lurking"
sure bud

Images 45

Totally notsome disgraced user's alt who used to post on here
This is beautifully ironic. Reminder that you'll gain nothing from being selfless and devoting yourself to a religious moral code. This guy isn't in heaven right now. He isn't enjoying an eternal reward. He simply doesn't exist. He discarded his own existence just to save a foid who will forget him in a few months. Don't throw yourself away for those who wouldn't even glance at you if you were dying on the sidewalk
This guy looks SEA. His ancestors were seafarers. What a disappointment.
"Idk how to swim but I'll still try to swim"
True. I know an attractive religious foid who spends her Saturdays helping out with a Church ministry. Obviously out of my league, but she's still sacrificing slutting around on Friday nights to do a selfless thing. Too bad she's like 1% of foids nowadays.
Religious foids and whores are two sides of the same coin.
This is beautifully ironic. Reminder that you'll gain nothing from being selfless and devoting yourself to a religious moral code. This guy isn't in heaven right now. He isn't enjoying an eternal reward. He simply doesn't exist. He discarded his own existence just to save a foid who will forget him in a few months. Don't throw yourself away for those who wouldn't even glance at you if you were dying on the sidewalk
Fuck you. This guy only did what was best under his Christian morals. "Love each other as I have loved you." If we all followed this passage none of us would be here. The world would be a utopia.

Yeah I don’t disagree, the world would be a utopia if evERyone was full of love, but the vERy reason its FAR from being a utopia is because MAJORITY of people are closER to being heartless than they are to having any heart (metaphorically of course).

I don’t have any problem with showing love to living beings who themselves are “mostly” loving, I’m a logical pERson who knows when implementing the concept of “equality” achieves the best possible outcome and when it doesn’t.

For example, I DON’T believe society should promote “equality” between men and women because we clearly are biologically diffERent (not just in the most obvious mannER in the sense of men having a cock and women having a pussy, but according to scientific findings EVEN the “male brain” and “female brain” are wired vERy diffERently to one anothER and they each have their own unique traits). For 99.9% of CIVILIZED human history, (before this rubbish concept of feminism started to get pushed down society’s throats by the jews), men and women played clearly DIFFERENT roles in society.

Men would play an ACTIVE role in writing human history, CREATING the world (via our labour/utility, inventions, innovations) and DESTROYING the world (via warfare, invasions, conquests etc). while women played a PASSIVE role (birthing, rearing and raising children). These clear diffERences between each sex in tERms of what role they typically played in society, wERe NOT artificially enforced, but rathER the result of men and women, WITHOUT any ARTIFICIAL “man-made” intERvention, SUBCONSCIOUSLY and INSTINCTIVELY (as part of the collective “hivemind” NOT only of their respective sex, but the collective “hivemind” of the human SPECIES) following their nature (specific to their sex) by playing their sex’s UNIQUE biologically detERmined role.

So, COMPLETELY CONTRARY to the arguments made by feminists (and the avERage normscum who is a female shit-eatER) that feminist societal structures are “natural” (an argument primarily based on the SCIENTIFICALLY FALSE premise that men and women are “naturally equal” in MOST of the GENETIC attributes, amongst the collection of ALL the genetic attributes which have the MOST potential influence on our lives), and that patriarchy was just an “ARTIFICIAL social construct which was UN-NATURAL, when in ACTUALITY patriarchy was FACTUALLY the societal structure which was TRULY in accordance to NATURE because evERy INDIVIDUAL (BOTH men and women), played the role which would allow them to MAXIMISE the USE of their sex’s respective STRENGTHS and involved MINIMAL USE of their sex’s respective WEAKNESSES, based on each sex’s DISTINCTIVE BIOLOGICAL DUFFERENCES), creating a society in which people wERe able to fulfill much more of their true potential in whatevER attributes that they “naturally” had VALUE in based on which sex they wERe born into, creating a society which functioned with much greatER efficiency, productivity and SUCCESS.

So it’s ACTUALLY FEMINISM which is an ARTIFICIAL “SOCIAL CONSTRUCT” while the patriarchy was not only a societal structure in accordance to NATURE, it was specifically in accordance to the particular aspects of nature which, IF FOLLOWED, UNIVERSALLY leads to an “ovERall” positive outcome for the species”.

Anyways, back to my point, that’s one of the cases in which I’m against equality.

But I follow the principle of equality when it comes to how I behave with othERs (meaning I treat othERs EQUALLY as they treat me). I’m not naturally good or bad to anyone to begin with, by default I treat evERyone with neutrality. If someone is good to me, I will be good to them. If someone is bad to me, I will be bad to them. That’s a completely rational and reasonable mindset to have, and it’s one of the examples of the situations in which implementation of equality is the most logical method of approach. ThERefore, to expect someone to keep showing the world love when the world showed them nothing but hate, is completely nonsensical and defies all logic.

This guy showed love to a world filled with mostly hate, and what did he get for it? He is dead while the girl he risked his life for in ordER to try and save hERs, has probably reached a tally of 100+ diffERent chad cocks she sexually enjoyed since his death. So if people follow this guy’s behaviour in tERms of showing love to a hate-filled world, they will end up expERiencing negative outcomes most of the time just like he did, and consequently a minority of these good people will die prematurely

Whereas, as for the rest of them (the good people who showed mostly goodness to a mostly bad world) who SOMEHOW manage to SURVIVE to a REASONABLE AGE, they will learn “the hard way” that this world DOESN’T reciprocate goodness in othERs by being good to those people BACK (this world DOESN’T reward goodness shown by others by ensuring that good people themselves r also recipients of goodness), INSTEAD (genERally) it sees a “good heart” as a sign of weakness/vulnERability and an opportunity to manipulate, lie, deceive etc. the good pERson, all for the selfish, greedy pERsonal gain of whoevER is doing the “exploiting” and in many fucked up cases, for no pERsonal gain whatsoevER (in tERms of physical, financial or matERial benefit/reward) but simply for the “mental satisfaction” for the cold-hearted and emotionless abusER to “gain” (NOT in REALITY, but only VIRTUALLY in their mind).

So sadly, often times people mistreat othERs just for the sake of gaining something which was nothing more than illusion (which they didn’t realise until they actually “acquired” it), they will hurt a good pERson just to “try to” gain something which nevER even existed, so a lot of good people suffERed for nothing! (NOT even any gain for the people who caused them the pain).

Anyways, as a result of these expERiences, guess what? That “once-upon a time” good pERson will gradually SUBCONSCIOUSLY become more and more evil.

Success/failure in life takes place in accordance to the principle of “survival of the fittest”, and considERing the fact that ONE of the MOST important aspects of “fitness” (in tERms of its level of influence in detERmining a pERson’s “statistically expected” quality/quantity of life), is a living being’s ABILITY to ADAPT to their ENVIRONMENT, the outcome of those “once-upon-a-time” good people gradually becoming more and more evil, is just the result of their subconsciousness adapting to their environment (an environment consisting of a mostly evil world) in ordER to increase their chances of survival, it’s all in accordance to NATURE

Not evERyone can be blamed for being evil from the beginning, many of us wERe good once upon a time, but the ovERwhelming “hatred” and “toxicity” of the environment we wERe raised in or spent a significant amount of time exposed to, resulted in us subconsciously ALSO becoming filled with “hatred and toxicity” not even for the sake of revenge (that comes latER) motivated by angER (of which, thERe is a lot within myself) but simply for the purpose of SURVIVAL, so don’t blame us for becoming more and more immoral/sinful (being less and less righteous) , blame the human species for being mostly putrid, which gave people like myself who wERe once-upon-a-time good people, NO OTHER CHOICE but to become putrid too in ordER to litERally SURVIVE.

In conclusion, As a result of most of the good people eithER dying prematurely or slowly become evil themselves, the proportion of evil people in the world will increase even furthER, And life for the few remaining good people cERtainly won’t be utopia, it will be a living hell.

Congrats, you just exposed yourself to be a bluepilled low IQ retarded clown.


Don’t worry though, thERe are many people like yourself in this circus of a world. I no longER cry because I no longER think of life as a tragedy. I just laugh, because I think of life as a comedy. It’s all one giant massive fucking cosmic joke.

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