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2 years ago I was consuming this type of "red pill" content and taking it seriously (embarrassing)



Life passing by as I watch
Feb 20, 2020

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/9c8wf3/big_dick_energy_females_own_theory_that_confirms/

I couldn't believe it was 2 years ago when I saw the date, I could've sworn it was the kind of shit I saw in 2010 or something... this is just embarrassing. I remember reading this post and going 'Woah! this is SOO true!! just act like you are the shit and you don't care about others!" But the funny thing is this is exactly what I did for a good portion of my life. In fact, I only started to care in my early 20s after realizing I was a 20+ year old virgin... but before that, I had all the "big dick energy" in the universe, I just played games, had fun with my friends and didn't give a single shit about women. It still didn't get my any pussy though.

Acting with "big dick energy" is exactly what most wizards with 250 lbs and anime pillows are doing, so by their logic they should be getting a lot of pussy with their unbreakable "frame" since they don't give a shit about others' opinions. Redpillers/PUAs always talk about how you have to not care about female validation while at the same time dedicating all your time and energy to getting laid. "Game" is full of paradoxes because "game" is full of SHIT.
I remember enjoying the rooshv shit before finding mgtow. Mgtow makes so much more sense. Now I view redpills as cucks barely above blue. Black all the way, also the only time black is the superior color is in regard pills, so get racepilled too.
The MGTOW phase is the coping mechanism we have after we have to face the fact that "game" shit doesn't work but we are not ready to face the reality of the black pill.
I notice that last sentence about redpillers. They spend hours and hours each day trying to be better at meeting women and entertaining women. Talk about putting women on a pedestal.

Big dick energy won't get you laid unless you are Chad.. but at least you can just do what you want all the time.

Likewise little dick energy like redpillers have where their life is about getting womens approval won't get you laid unless you are Chad.
By the way, this was me in 2018, I took this from my diary. WARNING: serious cringe material

-Today we had a test, not much time to talk
-The (oneitis) came and say "Hi" to me and (Chad friend) then right after that both of them started to use their smartphones
-I told her a "sup" and she didn't took her face out of her phone, I asked her 'so you gonna ace this test'? she stopped playing with her phone and they talked a little about an email with the test's content that he sent her, the conversation didn't last long and the teacher arrived, greeting us and we went to the classroom, (oneitis) was walking by (Chad)'s side and I was there in the background, I don't know if that's important or not
-Theoretically, I was supposed to feel like a piece of shit again, but not this time
-If you having girl problems I feel bad for you son, I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one
-I did the test, left, had a lunch with my friends and came back home, I have better things to do than to let my mood be based in some girl who I barely know, as cute as she is
-Big Dick Energy TheRedPill/comments/9c8wf3

I can feel myself cringing just reading this. I can't believe I could be such a dumb coper. Damn
What they mean by not caring is don’t act all emotional touchy-feely when around women.

Also they mean when you actually manage to get into a relationship with one don’t act that way either or at least save it only for special occasions when she’s earned a bit of tenderness out of you because guys tend get lazy in relationships and want to relax and let their guard down and what that all translates into is acting like a simp 24/7 with the touchy freely huggy insecure codependent behavior.

Also OP did your friends group include any attractive women in it that you’d actually be interested in dating or was it always a pure sausage fest full of guys only?

If the latter then it’s no wonder acting like you don’t care and or projecting big dick energy did not work for you.

As after all if the intended recipients of said behavior are not around to experience it then obviously you’re only going to get what you started with ie nothing.
If the latter then it’s no wonder acting like you don’t care and or projecting big dick energy did not work for you.
Low IQ PUA post.
And by the way nothing that you said is even implied in the post
Low IQ PUA post.
And by the way nothing that you said is even implied in the post
I’m sorry that you’re butthurt but your post read how it read.
I’m sorry that you’re butthurt but your post read how it read.
Hey why don't you go use big dick energy to have sex instead of coming here? Jackass
Hey why don't you go use big dick energy to have sex instead of coming here? Jackass
LOL, what a sad, ungrateful, little butthurt douchebag you are and have always been.

Anytime anyone attempts to truly help you by reading through your woe is me drivel and giving you the advice that you need you lash out like a tumblrina being presented with brutal reality for the very first time in her life.

PUA red pill advice can and does work when applied properly you moron, but of course it’s not working for you because all your opening post told us is that you use it around guys ie your bros/friends group exclusively which would suggest you’re a faggot and not a heterosexual male after all, which means it’s you that shouldn’t be here and not I.

And please no more replies, I don’t need to see any more of your fag whine pop up in my notifications.

Watch the video I’ve included for you below as instructional footage if you still haven’t gotten the message.

View: https://youtu.be/h8Fyf4R-nzI
Redpill = unattractive males making a fool out of themselves by jestermaxxing.
Well you don't really have to be ashamed of it, usually it goes bluepill -> redpill -> blackpill.
Redpill = unattractive males making a fool out of themselves by jestermaxxing.
Even the most attractive natural born genetically gifted giga Chad that’s ever lived isn’t going to get any pussy if he hangs out exclusively with guys like Watcher here implied that he does in the opening post.

If you don’t place yourself in women’s vicinity you simply don’t exist to women.

This is a lesson that’s apparently been very hard for tard boy to figure out.
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LOL, what a sad, ungrateful, little butthurt douchebag you are and have always been.

Anytime anyone attempts to truly help you by reading through your woe is me drivel and giving you the advice that you need you lash out like a tumblrina being presented with brutal reality for the very first time in her life.

PUA red pill advice can and does work when applied properly you moron, but of course it’s not working for you because all your opening post told us is that you use it around guys ie your bros/friends group exclusively which would suggest you’re a faggot and not a heterosexual male after all, which means it’s you that shouldn’t be here and not I.

And please no more replies, I don’t need to see any more of your fag whine pop up in my notifications.

Watch the video I’ve included for you below as instructional footage if you still haven’t gotten the message.

View: https://youtu.be/h8Fyf4R-nzI

PUA advice is not "attempting to help", its either a scammer trying to get your money or an idiot being exploited by that scammer (your case). And I have no patience for this bullshit anymore, considering all the time I wasted with this garbage. Honestly, people who give PUA advice should just go fuck themselves, and shut the fuck up.
PUA red pill advice can and does work when applied properly
Imagine still believing this in 2020. Worm tier IQ.
Redpill = unattractive males making a fool out of themselves by jestermaxxing.
And Chads who never hit on a woman on their lives accusing the incels of not "trying hard enough" JFL
Even the most attractive natural born genetically gifted giga Chad that’s ever lived isn’t going to get any pussy if he hangs out exclusively with guys like Watcher here implied that he does in the opening post.

If you don’t place yourself in women’s vicinity you simply don’t exist to women.

This is a lesson that’s apparently been very hard for tard boy to figure out.
There is no such thing as "hanging out exclusively with guys" if you are a giga Chad, you dumbfuck. Holy shit your arguments are straight out of IncelTears
A giga Chad can simply isntall Tinder and get a date for next week.
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AHAHAHAHAHA Legit laughed out loud at this shit.

"The confidence that would come with having an enormous dick...like..they just wouldn't need to give a fuck what you think of them because their dick is so huge."
WHICH, as you well know, aligns perfectly with having control of your frame.
Holy FUCK redpillers are embarrassing. Please, please, please, please, please SOMEONE tell me how the FUCK does having control over "frame" have ANYTHING to do with having a gigantic dick? Redpillers are SO fucking stupid. Always trying to analyze the words of women JFL when in 2020 foids make the truth absurdly clear anyway (openly hating shortcels on twitter, making onlyfans pages and whoring themselves out without trying to hide it, rejecting 20000 out of 20001 men on Tinder and it's nothing) and these IDIOTS still believe foids are searching for some konfidunt PUA. LMAO.

I also used to browse the redpill, fucking ages ago (2013). I knew the guys on there were autistic and LARPing, but I still went there because it was one of the only places which discussed this redpill kind of shit that I knew of. The level of cringe at that fucking forum. All these supposed "field reports" (JFL) about being a 47 year old man picking up college chicks at parties, as if that'd EVER happen lmao. It's typical aspie redditor bullshit, like, anyone who isn't legitimately autistic would know that a middle aged man at a college party would get treated like a pedo (or asked "are you (party hoster)'s dad?") but nope, because it's a reddit echo chamber these spastics actually think this shit happens.

I realised a couple of years after I browsed TheRedPill that in all the time there, I had never seen a single picture, or screenshot of a chat, or ANY kind of evidence for any of the "theories" working JFL. These guys are absolute clowns.
I also used to browse the redpill, fucking ages ago (2013). I knew the guys on there were autistic and LARPing, but I still went there because it was one of the only places which discussed this redpill kind of shit that I knew of. The level of cringe at that fucking forum. All these supposed "field reports" (JFL) about being a 47 year old man picking up college chicks at parties, as if that'd EVER happen lmao. It's typical aspie redditor bullshit, like, anyone who isn't legitimately autistic would know that a middle aged man at a college party would get treated like a pedo (or asked "are you (party hoster)'s dad?") but nope, because it's a reddit echo chamber these spastics actually think this shit happens.
I remember posting a FaceAndLMS video on r/TheRedPill and getting the post AUTOMATICALLY DELETED.

These "redpilled" guys are so sure about their own bullshit theories (sarcasm) they have to automatically control links of videos of things that shatters their narrative. They are no different than the Big Tech which controls information by automating censorship because they can't refute the people saying the truth. This is how they used to maintain the incels in this hamster wheel, trying to get women and believing the process even if the process get them no results whatsoever.

I realised a couple of years after I browsed TheRedPill that in all the time there, I had never seen a single picture, or screenshot of a chat, or ANY kind of evidence for any of the "theories" working JFL. These guys are absolute clowns.
I feel bad for the incels who got into trouble (sexual harassment charges, ostracized or even lynched) because they believed the whole "kino escalation" bullshit. Chateau Heartiste straight up said "err on the side of too much boldness instead of too little". It's the kind of garbage that can get you hated, fired or even killed.
Redpillers/PUAs always talk about how you have to not care about female validation while at the same time dedicating all your time and energy to getting laid. "Game" is full of paradoxes because "game" is full of SHIT.
They talk about APPEARING as if you don't care about female validation. Because that's what foids find attractive. And even then it's not about not needing/caring about needing female validation, but that you can't look like you are failing to acquire that validation.
If you want to have sex but can't, you're "desperate", "thirsty".
If you want to have sex and can, you're seen as more attractive for it.
I hate foids so much god damn. They are an evolutionary and social bottleneck that people in the future will point to as proof that nature is absolutely shit at design.
They talk about APPEARING as if you don't care about female validation. Because that's what foids find attractive.
That is completely irrelevant when it comes to female attraction. In fact, women get turned on by fantasies of men (Chads) getting desperate, unable to control their desire and "raping" them.

Source: every single female porn book ever
That is completely irrelevant when it comes to female attraction. In fact, women get turned on by fantasies of men (Chads) getting desperate, unable to control their desire and "raping" them.

Source: every single female porn book ever
It's a fantasy women have about a man strong enough to be able to completely disregard social mores and rules. You're missing the forest for the trees. See: women sending love letters to serial killers and murderers. Hybristophilia.
We know women use social proof to gauge men.
It's a fantasy women have about a man strong enough to be able to completely disregard social mores and rules. You're missing the forest for the trees. See: women sending love letters to serial killers and murderers. Hybristophilia.
We know women use social proof to gauge men.
Go rape women, then, since not caring about social rules is such a turn on to them. Dumbass.
Go rape women, then, since not caring about social rules is such a turn on to them. Dumbass.
After a certain point looks don't matter and personality starts mattering.
After a certain point looks don't matter and personality starts mattering.
So you're saying that, all else being equal, women would prefer the 9.7 beta simp over the 9.69999... dominant Chad in 100% of cases?
That an absurd notion.
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So you're saying that, all else being equal, women would prefer the 9.7 beta simp over the 9.69999... dominant Chad in 100% of cases?
That an absurd notion.
Women always want the better looking, always. JFL at red pill bullshit advice.

I can show two pictures of Henry Cavill, one with a blue shirt, another with a red shirt, and ask women who they would rather fuck. Then if red shirt wins, for example, I can say "Look, shirt color MATTERS, after you keep other variables equal." That's still useless advice.

And yes a lot of women would rather date the 9.7 "beta" simp, even in this forum there are examples of bitches getting the heat over antifa feminist protesters who happen to be really tall and good looking. They are getting the best of both worlds: a man who looks good and turn her on and at the same time helps her with turning the world more gynocentric so she can dedicate her life solely to sucking Chad/Tyrone dick and hating on incels. The whole notion of women wanting "dominating" men is based on dominating LOOKS and not dominating behavior.

"Attractive behavior" is a scam created by PUAs who want to sell you lessons about how to be "more attractive by changing your behavior" something that does not exist, its a myth, a scam. Women rationalize Chad's behavior as attractive no matter what he does, and she rationalizes our behavior as "creepy" no matter what we do.

The difference between good looking cute charismatic and ugly loser creep just be confident sh
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Then if red shirt wins, for example, I can say "Look, shirt color MATTERS, after you keep other variables equal." That's still useless advice.
Not unless you looked into WHY the women were preferring the red shirt and the data pointed to that it was entirely random.
Which, in this context, is even MORE foolish because now you're stating that women's sexual preferences are literally random when looks are roughly but not the same.
You're saying that personality is not a factor at all, and that women will sooner literally randomly choose than they would take personality into account. Just think for a second how crazy that is.
Women rationalize Chad's behavior as attractive no matter what he does
We're not comparing incels to chads, there's no debate there.
We're comparing two Chads.
Just as men take personality into account as long as the foid is attractive enough, foids take personality into account as long as the man is attractive enough. It's just that the threshold of attractiveness for foids leaves 80% of men out.

Attractiveness is heavily , heavily weighted, but not an absolute.
Not unless you looked into WHY the women were preferring the red shirt and the data pointed to that it was entirely random.
Which, in this context, is even MORE foolish because now you're stating that women's sexual preferences are literally random when looks are roughly but not the same.
You're saying that personality is not a factor at all, and that women will sooner literally randomly choose than they would take personality into account. Just think for a second how crazy that is.

We're not comparing incels to chads, there's no debate there.
We're comparing two Chads.
Just as men take personality into account as long as the foid is attractive enough, foids take personality into account as long as the man is attractive enough. It's just that the threshold of attractiveness for foids leaves 80% of men out.

Attractiveness is heavily , heavily weighted, but not an absolute.
You are low IQ as shit, no wonder you still believe in "game" in 2020.

When did I say women choose anything "randomly"? Quite the opposite, they are really methodical about who they are going to fuck, in fact they can use all sorts of dumb excuses to not fuck you, that does not change the fact that looks trumps ALL when it comes to attraction. A woman will rather fuck a 9/10 feminist simp who say that women are queens than a 8/10 ultra masculine "dominant" man. You are in complete denial.

Even you admit that looks is the most important factor, but you believe that a Chad acting a certain way is more attractive than a Chad acting a different way. You don't know shit about female nature, the simple fact you even take behavior into consideration (by Chads or not) does show you still have a lot to learn.
LOL, what a sad, ungrateful, little butthurt douchebag you are and have always been.

Anytime anyone attempts to truly help you by reading through your woe is me drivel and giving you the advice that you need you lash out like a tumblrina being presented with brutal reality for the very first time in her life.

PUA red pill advice can and does work when applied properly you moron, but of course it’s not working for you because all your opening post told us is that you use it around guys ie your bros/friends group exclusively which would suggest you’re a faggot and not a heterosexual male after all, which means it’s you that shouldn’t be here and not I.

And please no more replies, I don’t need to see any more of your fag whine pop up in my notifications.

Watch the video I’ve included for you below as instructional footage if you still haven’t gotten the message.

View: https://youtu.be/h8Fyf4R-nzI

Redpill advice only works for 6's and 7's. I guess chads too but they dont need advice they get women no matter what. If youre sub 5 low status man, it's over, none of that shit works. You'll just get ignored by women anyway.
Only good looking men with height and good face have idgaf big dick energy. Looks predetermines how you are perceived.
Redpill advice only works for 6's and 7's. I guess chads too but they dont need advice they get women no matter what. If youre sub 5 low status man, it's over, none of that shit works. You'll just get ignored by women anyway.
Only good looking men with height and good face have idgaf big dick energy. Looks predetermines how you are perceived.
Game advice will only make things awkward and stupid between the man and the woman, because he will keep on trying to "outgame" her with stupid shit like "negs", trying to "be the prize" and other nonsense. Even if the man is GL enough to attract her, game will only make things more difficult because you are constantly trying to behave like a moron instead of behaving normally
Game advice will only make things awkward and stupid between the man and the woman, because he will keep on trying to "outgame" her with stupid shit like "negs", trying to "be the prize" and other nonsense. Even if the man is GL enough to attract her, game will only make things more difficult because you are constantly trying to behave like a moron instead of behaving normally

You can definitely over do the whole game stuff and come across as a weirdo. But if you take super shy 6.5 who never goes out is super awkward with little social skills and put him through the whole pua stuff I could see some of those techniques and increasing social experience having efficacy in finally getting laid.

But again, if you're short and sub 5 face. You're done.
Holding frame
That is some of the most ridiculous shit I have heard of. Be happy they did not make money off you unlike some unfortunate incels.
That is some of the most ridiculous shit I have heard of. Be happy they did not make money off you unlike some unfortunate incels.
That's true, I never spent a single dime on PUA shit. But I admit in my PUA coping peak I would probably have spent money on their shit if I had a credit card back then

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