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Brutal 2-year-old and 3-year-old kids join Mensa High IQ Society

  • Thread starter SlutLiberationFront
  • Start date


May 6, 2021

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3UNMdZLXj6Y

Seriously, why are some people with such amazing brains while I had to lose the genetic lottery to have the IQ of a fucking snail?
The IQ tests i took places me at "normal", between 105 and 115 IQ, but I HIGHLY doubt these results. Why? Because I had no fucking idea what I was doing or looking at. I was completely lost at every IQ test I took, it was a psychological torture. These results are completely dubious and pose a serious question to my intelligence, which I have no doubt is very low, I just ask HOW LOW it actually is. There is no way someone with a normal IQ between 105 and 115 would be the type of person I turned out to be. Someone with the slightest intelligence and emotional intelligence would have completely turned the tables and be someone normal by now with a proper life.

Meanwhile, these 2/3-year-olds are born with extraordinary brains capable of the most amazing intelligence feats. I imagine what they will be doing in the future. They will be doing some important research in a subject, invent something that will change a whole field of study, something that will change the world. And here I am, with super low intelligence and emotional intelligence as well. I just... I didn't ask for this, you know? I would have their brains if I could, at least I would be doing something useful. I would certainly be doing something productive that would lead me somewhere nice in life. Where did I end up? Locked in my room for countless years, rotting, lost to mental illness and the incoherencies that came with them.

Why? Just why? Why did I have to be born with such a defective brain, undesirable body, personality and everything else while people like them will get to enjoy a life of deep understanding about subjects and with the right tool, their intelligence, to do something good for their lives or the world?
Why couldn't I be one of the intelligent people of the planet?
i struggle to understand the simplest subjects, was always lost at school, I find it extremely difficult to read and understand what people really mean with something. Meanwhile, these kids will be doing crazy complex math at age 5 or so.

I feel like dying right now. They were born genius, and I was born completely defective, with things I completely didn't ask for and have no control over.
This is not fair.

But I will be honest, I hope more kids like them are born and discovered, and get their intelligence stimuled, who knows what they can achieve with the right tools and guidance?
If kids are the future of the planet, may they have the right intelligence, because I certainly do not have it nor do I have anything to ever offer to this world apart from being a fucking joke. The only thing I was good for was serving as a laughing stock for as long as I have lived.
I just... would like to be "someone". I imagine if I had my name engraved somewhere in the history of some subject, for a research, a discovery, I don't know. Be remembered for something good, important. And I know I will end up being remembered as the failure of the family, the weird fucking joke that was never meant to be anything more than a loser.

If I was not so impaired by mental illness, at least I could be living an almost-normal life with a job at least. I guess that's not gonna happen. I can't even get into and understand the simplest fields of study. I was a born inept.
You are just average intelligence bro, it could be worse.

If you got 105-115 in multiple tests (supposing they are trustable), the chance of you having this IQ is very high
No toddler has this high IQ it’s pure retardfuel
You are just average intelligence bro, it could be worse.

If you got 105-115 in multiple tests (supposing they are trustable), the chance of you having this IQ is very high
I don't know man, I did not even know what I was even looking at when taking the IQ tests. My head would literally hurt from trying to think and make sense out of the patterns. I knew what mentally LOST means when I was taking these multiple tests.
its a foid so she'll end up being cum dumpster
This. Its kinda funny how you can easily tell what path a foid is going to go down,

She's going to fuck her first boyfriend by 14. She'll have fucked more than ten dudes by 20. And its a pigskin foid too, so i can already guarantee thats how its going to go down
At least your'e not like me, I had multiple tests that stated that my I.Q is in the 75 - 80 range. I even started out in Special Ed.
No toddler has this high IQ it’s pure retardfuel
Nope it's not. Some people are born geniuses. Look at Terence Tao, the dude is the smartest person alive. His brain is simply extraordinary. He was speaking at just a few months old, and speaking multiple languages at age 2. Needless to say his math skills are out of this universe. He mastered SEVERAL fields of study and published countless peer-reviewed papers on the subjects. He has the brain of a god on a mortal plane of existence.
they actually mixed up our tests, i'm the 160+ iq one
No toddler has this high IQ it’s pure retardfuel
She has this high IQ compared to other toddlers, which indicates that, if he she receives proper education, she will remain with the same IQ throughout her life.

I don't know man, I did not even know what I was even looking at when taking the IQ tests. My head would literally hurt from trying to think and make sense out of the patterns. I knew what mentally LOST means when I was taking these multiple tests.
My head used to hurt a lot in the final questions, which are usually the hardest ones, but I got an IQ range between 115-120 in all tests I did, even though I get fucked up by my lack of motivation. I would trade some IQ points for more motivation, ngl.

So yeah, its normal have that feeling, not an indicator of low intelligence
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At least your'e not like me, I had multiple tests that stated that my I.Q is in the 75 - 80 range. I even started out in Special Ed.
God fuck dammit man. I feel for you. That is very tragic.
I don't know dude, IQ is not really everything. Many people had low IQ but somehow had some unreal talent at something.
if you had a high iq what would you do? solve problems for society? lmao

,,I'm not top 1% I'm so defective, I should kill myself" lol at this thinking
I would be making a life out of a job, research.
Probably getting to enjoy a super high salary as data scientist or computer scientist in some instituition. They earn a fuckton of money and lead several fields of computational studies, which are very important in today's age where everything is basically revolving around electronics.
God fuck dammit man. I feel for you. That is very tragic.
I don't know dude, IQ is not really everything. Many people had low IQ but somehow had some unreal talent at something.
I didn't learn multipication and division until 8th grade, it was that over for me.
Einsteins PHD thesis was average/below average and he couldn't find any teaching positions at universities in Germany.
After a few years of failing to get a position, he got swiss sitizenship and worked at a patent office
Don't post their pictures or videos, @Diocel will get a boner. :feelswhat:
At least your'e not like me, I had multiple tests that stated that my I.Q is in the 75 - 80 range. I even started out in Special Ed.

that's low even for incels with autism

IQ is a fucking cope. A reason for us to look down upon the normies and pretend that we're better somehow. But reality is, if we're not using our intelligence for something meaningful, what's the purpose of it anyway? It just makes us feel worse for understanding reality and not being able to change it.
They aren't high iq for living. It's so high iq to just kill yourself. Because it's really nothing in the end
"Kashe Quest may be a 2-year-old but her skills include naming all of the elements on the periodic table, identifying all 50 states by shape and location, learning Spanish and deciphering patterns, according to her parents."

SuicideFuel if the parents aren't lying.
So many easily impressionable smoothbrains here.

The girl may just have a good memory for all we know. Literally none of these high IQ people ever achieve anything interesting, or where is the high IQ president of the US or new Tesla/Newton?

They all end up drug addicted and miserable. IQ is a huge meme. It doesn't say they will make good life choices.
They all end up drug addicted and miserable. IQ is a huge meme. It doesn't say they will make good life choices.
But it does raise the possibility. Remember the billionaire mathematician? The dude is a plain genius and he made billions of dollars because he used his genius brain to crack the entire financial market in his favor.
Others just end up in physics or math research, quantum computing or other fields of science, mostly in research for advancements.
I will never amount to anything as well. I'm only around 90 IQ so i dont believe its enough to ever accomplish something. Couple that with the fact that I'm depressed and have no energy/motivation and I will just be another average statistic in the world. I wish I was higher IQ / better genetic quality so I could be a philosopher or something like that. Maybe someone like Jordan Peterson. I love his lectures and find it all so interesting but I just dont have the mental power or energy to be like him. Its sad as fuck.
I will never amount to anything as well. I'm only around 90 IQ so i dont believe its enough to ever accomplish something. Couple that with the fact that I'm depressed and have no energy/motivation and I will just be another average statistic in the world. I wish I was higher IQ / better genetic quality so I could be a philosopher or something like that. Maybe someone like Jordan Peterson. I love his lectures and find it all so interesting but I just dont have the mental power or energy to be like him. Its sad as fuck.
Feels fucking bad.
This. Its kinda funny how you can easily tell what path a foid is going to go down,

She's going to fuck her first boyfriend by 14. She'll have fucked more than ten dudes by 20. And its a pigskin foid too, so i can already guarantee thats how its going to go down
This. Its kinda funny how you can easily tell what path a foid is going to go down,

She's going to fuck her first boyfriend by 14. She'll have fucked more than ten dudes by 20. And its a pigskin foid too, so i can already guarantee thats how its going to go down
"ten dudes by 20"
You are being just too generous.
They generally start at 11-12 and by 15 they have alrady fucked at least 25 people.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3UNMdZLXj6Y

Meanwhile, these 2/3-year-olds are born with extraordinary brains capable of the most amazing intelligence feats. I imagine what they will be doing in the future. They will be doing some important research in a subject, invent something that will change a whole field of study, something that will change the world.

Yeah right. Marilyn vos Savant, supposedly the smartest woman on the planet, IQmogs this minifoid into oblivion. What does she do for a living? Writes a column for Parade magazine where she gets involved with drama. Useless whores, all of them.

Higher IQ women are muuuch worse than your average foid because they act a lot more pompous. They are even bigger whores due to them being even more hypergamous and better at using their sexual power ruthlessly and at shamelessly taking advantage of and manipulating well-meaning men. And they are just as shallow and arrogant as any foid, the only difference being that they're just better at memorizing things. Also, they tend to be 10 times crazier and more toxic, real nut jobs. High IQ or low IQ foids, same shit. A piece of inferior hardware made in 1999 compared with superior hardware made in 2019 is the same shit quality if you run 1985 defective software on both of them.

Research shows that high IQ women are just as likely to be against monogamy and sexual exclusivity as low IQ women are. They are also more likely to have abortions after unexpected pregnancies and still have the lowest fertility rate out of all groups.

The only useful purpose for girls like this is to serve as broodmares and fuckmaids for genius-tier men so that they can give birth to as many high IQ boys as possible over the course of their lifetimes. She should be married off as soon as possible to someone who is actually using his superior intelligence to better society, and she should get pregnant as soon as she hits puberty. Only then will she be able to say that she is having a positive influence on society.
Yeah right. Marilyn vos Savant, supposedly the smartest woman on the planet, IQmogs this minifoid into oblivion. What does she do for a living? Writes a column for Parade magazine where she gets involved with drama. Useless whores, all of them.

Higher IQ women are muuuch worse than your average foid because they act a lot more pompous. They are even bigger whores due to them being even more hypergamous and better at using their sexual power ruthlessly and at shamelessly taking advantage of and manipulating well-meaning men. And they are just as shallow and arrogant as any foid, the only difference being that they're just better at memorizing things. Also, they tend to be 10 times crazier and more toxic, real nut jobs. High IQ or low IQ foids, same shit. A piece of inferior hardware made in 1999 compared with superior hardware made in 2019 is the same shit quality if you run 1985 defective software on both of them.

Research shows that high IQ women are just as likely to be against monogamy and sexual exclusivity as low IQ women are. They are also more likely to have abortions after unexpected pregnancies and still have the lowest fertility rate out of all groups.

The only useful purpose for girls like this is to serve as broodmares and fuckmaids for genius-tier men so that they can give birth to as many high IQ boys as possible over the course of their lifetimes. She should be married off as soon as possible to someone who is actually using his superior intelligence to better society, and she should get pregnant as soon as she hits puberty. Only then will she be able to say that she is having a positive influence on society.
Infinitely based graycel.
My older cousin has a Sociology degree. His sister, meanwhile, is barely finished with her community college degree. While she spent time playing with other kids in her youth, I was able to read dictionaries and encyclopedias at the age of six.
these child proteges never amount to anything
in general Mensa is just a bunch of people jerking about their mythical intelligence that doesn't lead to anything specific

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