Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

17,000 incel users in this forum were monitored for 18 months by CCDH to research patterns and behaviors

  • Thread starter blackpillednigga
  • Start date
What is like to have nothing better to do as a normfag :feelskek:

the "powerusers" :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile:
"Violence" "pedophilia" i barely see those things here and when i do it's some edgy posting
"5% of posts contain a racist slur"

And under the heading they list "curry" and "currycel" as such, even though people from the subcontinent often identiy as curries...
Says it all. This is pathetic.
"Violence" "pedophilia" i barely see those things here and when i do it's some edgy posting

Says it all. This is pathetic.
And the mods ban those users anyway if the posts incite actual violence and sexualize pre pubescent minors. Theyre desperately grasping at straws.
Also, this forum is "oh so dangerous", yet not a single mass shooter or any type of killer has came out of this forum in its 7 years (going on 8 at this point) of existence. Qurious...
Countless suicides, however. But they don't care about men.
Propaganda and fake info
"5% of posts contain a racist slur"

And under the heading they list "curry" and "currycel" as such, even though people from the subcontinent often identiy as curries...

5% is way too little, tbh, we gotta get those numbers up NIGGERS
Um, why are the terms "Queen", "Nancy", "Les" (Isn't that just a romance article?) and "Fairy" considered LGBT-related?

"Nancy" I found here with Nancy Pelosi, so it's just a name?!
I also don't see "queen" used as LGBT-related term, it's just used for an entitled woman
"Les" was, as expected, mainly used by francophones.
"Fairy" is most used for either Fairy tale or Fairy tail
Stupid bitch, cope and seethe :feelsjuice:
Why should we give a shit about their opinions, even if we do everything "right" & be decent we're shit on as all that matters is appearances, not having any obvious weaknesses (stutter, odd mannerisms, autustic behaviour as examples), don't hold independent opinions & meet a height threshold meanwhile those that meet the standards can be reprehensible pieces of shit & still get ahead in life ala Logan Paul.

In life everything is a ranking system, heirachy & competition becomes more fierce. For there to be winners they require those of us to shit on then they're shocked we don't want to accept that nor are happy with that arrangement.
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Why do they do this shit? What exactly are they trying to get out of it?
I guarantee this NGO was getting funding from one of the groups Trump is currently axing.
Watch them back. We can do studies on them.
Curry man forgot zoophilia was always forbidden on this forum
I hoped to be one of the powerusers but the dataset only went to mid-2022:feelsbadman::cryfeels:.

Intellau of all people, along with Emba and Copexodius being considered some super scary high-level terrorist incel masterminds by the weirdos behind this report is hilarious:lul::lul:.
They want to derank and ban incels from social media and google?

Didn’t these people ban right wingers from almost every social media platform, how well did that work out for them in the end?

Now Twitter is a far right platform, and during the underground years of the Alt Right they’ve convinced a huge amount of Men and Young Men to join the Right Wing.

That’s not even to mention the explosion of redpill content for normies.

Plus it’s ironic how these studies concentrate so hard on the symptoms but brush over the main problem affecting not only Incels, but a whopping 2/3rds of Men in the West if not the entire Globe.

You researchers/journalists suck at your jobs go kys.
"Analysis of thread titles..." wow, its as if their research only goes surface deep and doesn't mean shit.
They are approaching incels with an agenda, of course they will find whatever the expect to, since they are clearly cherry-picking and only looking at outliers like calls for mass violence, supporting sexual violence against women and pedophilia. Instead of this kind of bullshit study, why do they not realistically examine how true the Blackpill is. In other words, the discrimination and marginalization faced by unattractive men. Most of us are correct about how much looks matter but they don't like talking about that and how unfairly we are treated and I am not talking about being unable to get sex. I am talking about no friends, rude treatment, being stared at like a freak in public, rejection in job interviews and ostracism in the workplace due to looks. I am talking about being an outcast due to your looks and people gaslighting you that it's not your looks, while they treat you negatively like avoiding you, being rude to you and denying you opportunities socially and career wise.

That's something those people won't dare to touch with a ten-feet pole since it changes the narrative they are trying to spread about incels.
we really scare soyciety
misrepresenting us so blatantly is unironically the only reason people go down a “rabbit hole full of hate and misogyny”

what do you think happens when normies come here lurking and stumble upon truth nukes that impact their most powerful driving force in men, so deeply hidden from them.
IMG 1840

It is only logical that some (not all) will begin to feel strong resentment. This isn’t even mentioning how accepting they could become of edgelord behavior because they’re force to see it here while they take the blackpill.
All fake and gay
The incel forum at the heart of the network has millions of visits but just 4,000 active members
Researchers collected all posts from the most popular subforum of the incel forum, posted from January 1 2021 to July 7, 2022 creating a dataset of 1,183,812 posts
I said this before and I'll say it again, I hate that normfags can never see the truth in plain sight and see this place as a zoo.
So you mean to tell that during this entire segment, all the people that were glow posting were never reported by the researchers?

Major ragefuel for r/incelqueer cucks! :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
Just watched her video. Looks like a textbook Leftie soy libtard, not worth listening to
9 out of 10 users here is based.
not great not terrible

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