Dispoable , Cannonfooder on the Battlefield with the Lie of getting Prestige and Fame JFL ( oh look its the 5 5 military dude And his Gf cheated on him . She even made a Video about it .
) Military is a scam to get rid of good and Ugly Man .
Beyond Military , and being a Working Cockroach your supposed to compete Lookswise " with the shitty Hand your dealt with on top of all of that Shit ??? , meanwhile 35 Years old random Becky gets Sex on Delivery.
without Effort .
Honestly trying Hard when your an Ugly Random Guy is just Sabotaging and Scamming yourself . So don't do that .
@Friezacel @Mecoja @VersoffenerAssi @The Abyss @Rotter @Skoga @Swagpilled @OutcompetedByRoomba @Der tote Engel ohne @Gott _mit _uns94 @Stupid Clown @GeckoBus @Emba @erenyeager @Liu KANG @Neucher @Hoppipolla @Fat Link @Dregster @IncelKing