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16 year old Stacy beaten to death

Outstanding personality. The result of letting these whores have rights:

Laughing XD

Would dance on her grave/10
"justice for hailey" when she did the equivalent of putting your head in a crocodile's jaws

in 2050 foids are going to make some giant alien lizards fuck them (don't worry, with protection) and when they die ripped apart by their dicks people will feel sorry for them and wave 'justice for stacey' signs around
His BBC blocked the signals emitting from her personality radar.
I don't know how to feel about this. It basically means that BBC theory is correct, looks/age don't matter, or that incels should be "pedos". Ignore the red herring, the death is not important.

How did he get that roastie???
His BBC blocked the signals emitting from her personality radar.
The frequency was jammed
I don't know how to feel about this. It basically means that BBC theory is correct, looks/age don't matter, or that incels should be "pedos". Ignore the red herring, the death is not important.

How did he get that roastie???
Thug maxed which means very neurotypical.... plus he could have been tall and muscular with a good frame. So basically physical masculinity in which case it still would come back around to looks.

Plus, in the 30s, depending on the person, they're still young enough to be considered physically attractive. Meeks was 30 years old in his mugshot and he actually looked better than he did at 17. Now if he was 70 and just as attractive then that may count against the age pill. But it's still plausible that a 30-40 year old man could have enough looks to appeal to high school and college aged girls
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I bet that he was always abusive, yet she didn't mind it because of his looks.
Teenage white girls look away from me in disgust, but this 34 year old nigga got him some white teen booty. Though tbf, she does look white trash.
Teenage white girls look away from me in disgust, but this 34 year old nigga got him some white teen booty. Though tbf, she does look white trash.
Teenage white girls look away from me in disgust, but this 34 year old nigga got him some white teen booty. Though tbf, she does look white trash.
Enough to make you an atheist, isn't it?
This is great.

*note to self -- become a drug dealer*
the personality detector meme is brilliant. inceltears is seriously shook up over it
I'm indifferent to this. So whatever.
This is how my body reacted to from reading the title

This is great.

*note to self -- become a drug dealer*
You can't tell me that if they dated for any length of time that she didn't know he was a drug dealer.
Is there something wrong with me if I feel literally nothing about this?

I mean, even when people are like "ohh, ahh, a train crashed and 200 people died". I'm like - mmmk.
Then something is wrong with both of us because Iam the same way
I wonder how they met with him being 18 years older than her. If an ugly 34 year old approaches her then he's just a "creepy old man" but when 34 year old thug maxed Tyrone approaches her the panties drop.
Foid logic:feelsree:
Her friends prob warned her to stay away from creepy virgins
That was too quick. Should have tortured her extensively for her crimes against humanity
StupId cunt SDU deserved this fully 100%
Personaily detector machine broke
Her friends prob warned her to stay away from creepy virgins

Imagine this 34 year old approaching a 16 year old Stacy "Like.... this creepy old guy tried to flirt with me... I was like ewww go talk to someone your own age"
Nothing like some lifefuel right before bed, I’ll be able to get a goodnight sleep knowing some dumb roastie paid her toll. :ha..feels:

Btw I’m early 30’s so does that mean I still have a shot at getting a virgin teen to bond with? Looks like it’s not over yet boyos!

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