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JFL 15 year old girl who was left alone on a beach in India by hER mothER, ended up getting raped and murdERed



Chaos is a laddER
Jan 7, 2019

View: https://youtu.be/pWJzx69-T7o

I imagine the last words she heard, being something along the lines of:

“Bobs n vagene, yummy yummy, open cloths u whore bitch, I fuck u rite nao”

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why do foids do this shit JFL, no shit a bunch of truecel tier horrid dudes are going to rape you when you are alone.

another day, another 15 year old girl getting raped and murdered.
Any white foid who values her life would never travel to curryland
What kind of idiot would you have to be to go to India on vacation?
What kind of idiot would you have to be to go to India on vacation?

A special kind of idiot. A truly dumbfuck of a pERson

Nah but in all sERiousness, India is actually a good place to vacation as long you got money (because of the low cost of living, foreign currency especially Euros and Dollars will get you far in tERms of the quantity/quality of resources you will have the powER to purchase) and as long as you r smart in your actions (stay in uppER class areas with relatively low crime rates, DON’T flaunt your wealth around, DON’T involve yourself with the criminal undERworld, stay as un-noticed and as invisible as possible in genERal etc).
White woman leaves white child unprotected. A white man would propably never leave their kids in unsafe areas.

Holy shit how many stupid white women travels to india just to end up like this? Is it just me or is it happening alot?

I dont really care at all what happens to white women but I am just curious how they work.
A special kind of idiot. A truly dumbfuck of a pERson

Nah but in all sERiousness, India is actually a good place to vacation as long you got money (because of the low cost of living, foreign currency especially Euros and Dollars will get you far in tERms of the quantity/quality of resources you will have the powER to purchase) and as long as you r smart in your actions (stay in uppER class areas with relatively low crime rates, DON’T flaunt your wealth around, DON’T involve yourself with the criminal undERworld, stay as un-noticed and as invisible as possible in genERal etc).
Even a poor nation like the Russians prefer Egypt or Turkey as a vacation destination, but not India.

Even 26 is too old and washed out 99% of the time.

As a 26 year old truecel, I can confirm that the women of my age (on avERage) look like they are in their “forties” (in tERms of age) due to how physically washed up they’ve become as a result of their constant ride of the chad-cock carousel
As a 26 year old truecel, I can confirm that the women of my age (on avERage) look like they are in their “forties” (in tERms of age) due to how physically washed up they’ve become as a result of their constant ride of the chad-cock carousel
I'm not going to give my exact age since I'm too careful but I'm in my mid-30s or about 10 years older than you.
I love stories like these foids deserve it

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