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LifeFuel 1/3 of zoomers oppose interracial marriage. Ethnics more opposed than whites.

r u anti race mixing?

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Maybe white women, but for most sand women that is definitely not the case. Just look at the recent fiasco with that cleopetra movie. Egyptians were fuming, including many egyptian tiktok girls. Or when Morocco was successful in the world cup, they tried distancing themselves from other Africans lol.
Sand women in the West do fuck blacks. Idk about the movie, maybe it was people from Egypt rather than fesikhs in the west.

Yeah, and they don't because most Sands are not interested in marrying blacks. Blacks are massive incdls anyways considering how often they resort to rape, no different than indians tbh
Not marrying, but sand women have sex with blacks though.

no, it's just supporting evidence. Actual evidence is simply understanding race realism, which I will explain in the next paragraph
Race realism applies mostly to whites. Ethnics are just subhuman in general, no matter what race.

Are you implying white men dont also do the same when they get with sand or asian women? JFL

also, arent you now also doing anecdotal coping?
Just saying your anecdotes aren’t any better lol. We all have anecdotes.

in any case, it's not that hard to understand. Asian women want caucasion features. Sands have caucasion features, and most are taller than rice men as well. Ergo, to an asian woman, the average MENA man will be more handsome than the average asian man and more genetically desirable to her because of that caucsion aspect

FFS, asian women are even attracted to Indian men because at least indian men are caucasion, yet you somehow want to delusionmaxx that sands, who look far better than indians, wouldn't do well with asian women because...... why exactly?
It was already a cope to think asian women en masse are getting with sand men, but it’s an even bigger cope to think they’re getting with curries jfl. They want white features, not just caucasian. They see themselves as superior to other races, except the race that conquered their countries (whites).

I dont deny that. But that doesnt mean that sand men arent sexualixed in the west either. Although I don't know why you are bringing up this point anyways since I was talking about marital and sexual success, not being sexualized
Being sexualized = women want to fuck you. Why? Because if they weren’t sexy to women, they couldn’t be sexualized. Do you think curries can ever be sexualized jfl?

Not at all true. They're more successful than Asians,indians, SEA, spics, and blacks. Where are you pulling these nonsensical statments from? Sands are only more incel than whites if anything.
You’re in Canada, when have you seen a non sandman get with a sand? It’s pretty rare, although it’s more common among the women if they are not religious. Iranian women especially go for black or white dudes. The first incel I ever met irl was an Iraniancel.

they're also fine in MENA, India, and Asia, although in the case if Asia, it's hard to really tell since there isn't much diaspora. But from what I have seen there is a decent amount of MENA men marrying Asian women
I’ve not seen a single such case jfl. Not much to argue here though, since it’s just anecdote vs anecdote

brootal. Abigail shapiro is so sexy
Jfl, dataset: n=1.
Most kike foids look like shit.

I didn't say arab women aren't fat. I said their big butts are not related to them being fat. And I already gave you a map showing this
You gave me their hip size, but that increases with bmi. Do you have any evidence that they are more busty even at the same bmi?

Who says those are women? Could be the men.
If a man has sex with 14 women, then what would be the bodycount of the women? It would be the same or close to it obviously. But if you are blackpilled, you would know women all share the same Chad so it would be a huge proportion of the women and a small proportion of the men having all this sex.

because sand genes are already partially white. Sands and euros share ANF admixture to a significant extent. And even when it comes to Aryan, Natufian, Zagrosian, and Iberomarusian mixture, which are often less shared between Euros and Menas, these ancient peoples are far more similar to each other than to negoes or mongols.
I think it’s backwards actually. Mayo genes are partially sand, due to anatolian farmer genetics. And aryan only really applies to Iranians, but even that is suspicious due to having J2 paternal ancestry. Even many northern curries have R1A Aryan paternal ancestry, so idk what to make of that.

That said, most sand-white mixes look jewish if anything at all. Or maybe vaguely italian/syrian when mixed

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Jfl, do Turks have curly hair like Arabs often?

true but one is clearly far far more shitskinny than the other

Genes for white skin

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like I said, this only applies if youre comparing Southern arabs with north Indians

Average NA faces

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Average near east faces

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Average southern arab faces

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Average north indian faces
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Average south indian faces
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Some of the southern arabs look like southern curries. Although it seems the northern curries look lighter skin on average. Their skin lightness looks similar to the near east one, which is pretty suspect. Idek northern curries were that light. That’s why I said, they all belong on the same shitskin spectrum. NA are looking closer to southern european looking.

How is that a bad thing? JFL you're saying suicidal as if it's a negative. Look at Elliot rodger and compare him to his half-arab brother. Why does his half arab brother mog ER? Why is a stud who ER was jealous of while ER is now worm food? Because he was blessed with being fully caucasion while ER was cursed with being half Mongoloid
It’s not negative, it’s good in this case.

Anyways, I already explained this. MENAs, and to an extinct, Indians, are closer in phenotype and genetics to europeans hence why their phenotypes blend far more easily into one another. Whereas asians and blacks often do not due to a far greater genetic distance.
True, but looks wise asian women do mog them. Even white women can’t compete against asian women. I will put sand males above asian men though, cause rice pill is brutal. But it’s rare to see asian women and sand male pairing ever actually happen.
Sand women in the West do fuck blacks.
i didnt say they dont, obviously im sure some do, but the numbers are far far lower than what you see with white women.
Idk about the movie, maybe it was people from Egypt rather than fesikhs in the west.
No it absolutely did get backlash from egyptians in the west, both on social media and on national TV. Egyptians of both genders have always loathed Blacks.
Not marrying, but sand women have sex with blacks though.
You keep saying that without any evidence JFL
Race realism applies mostly to whites. Ethnics are just subhuman in general, no matter what race.
This is absolute nonsense. You really wanna sit there and say an Algerian, afghan, kazakh, sir Lankan, Mexican, and Japanese are all the same just because they're muh ethnic? Low IQ take if I ever saw one.

Race realism applies to everyone and its why sands mog asians.
Just saying your anecdotes aren’t any better lol. We all have anecdotes.
My anecdote is to show if my Iranian and trans-caspian looking cousins can get hit on by rice women, so would most other caucasion men, because, unlike me, my 2 cousins don't even look white. Sure they look caucasion, but they don't look white.
It was already a cope to think asian women en masse are getting with sand men
Why are you putting words in my mouth? I in fact said thr exact opposite of this. I said because of Islam, most MENA men are not interested in getting with Asian women.
but it’s an even bigger cope to think they’re getting with curries jfl.
They are. In Singapore a fuckton of Indian men are with asian women, and IMCF is the biggest interracial marriage between India and China
They want white features, not just caucasian.
Absolutely not the case. Look at my tiktok megathread. I showed tons of black eyed black haired europeans woth asian women

Sure they want colored eyes, light hair, and fair skin, but that is only in terms of color. Bone shape is also a factor.

And what is bone shape? Big eyes and thin noses, for one, are traits they desire. They desire it immensely. You constantly see asians getting surgeries for bigger eyes and thinner noses something MENAs naturally have.

And of course, in terms of bone shape, MENAs also mog due to having better jaws, better shoulders, better muscle mass, and more angular robust features.

From the article:

“You need to fix her ugly nose, open up her eyes and give her a double fold of her eyelids,” the woman says.

And guess what? Chinks could have those traits without surgeries of they had sand DNA mixed into them. And hell, we already even see this with kazakhs and uzbeks, who are basically asians with iranian/anatolian mixture

They see themselves as superior to other races, except the race that conquered their countries (whites).
How do you know that's how they think? Didn't you say one of the reasons they make anime about europeans is because they worship them? They do similar with MENA
Being sexualized = women want to fuck you.
Why? Because if they weren’t sexy to women, they couldn’t be sexualized.
Do you think curries can ever be sexualized jfl?
You’re in Canada, when have you seen a non sandman get with a sand?
a few who converted to islam naturally married sand women
It’s pretty rare, although it’s more common among the women if they are not religious.
duh. Thats why we keep women in line
Iranian women especially go for black or white dudes. The first incel I ever met irl was an Iraniancel.
I’ve not seen a single such case jfl. Not much to argue here though, since it’s just anecdote vs anecdote
there are a few well known celebrities who have MENA fathers Japanese mom. I think this guy was like an Olympic athlete and his dad is egyptian.


Jfl, dataset: n=1.
Most kike foids look like shit
You gave me their hip size, but that increases with bmi. Do you have any evidence that they are more busty even at the same bmi?
idk. But i would assume so since black women have the biggest butts so it makes sense that arab women would also have intermediate butt size not as big as black women, but still bigger than white women.

Plus I stare at women's asses alot, including muslim women. So make of that what you will
If a man has sex with 14 women, then what would be the bodycount of the women? It would be the same or close to it obviously. But if you are blackpilled, you would know women all share the same Chad so it would be a huge proportion of the women and a small proportion of the men having all this sex.
True. Brutal as fuck for turkroaches. Why is it so high then? Not even in the west it is that bad? I wanna say this statistic is fake but that is probably cope. Where did this data come from?
I think it’s backwards actually. Mayo genes are partially sand, due to anatolian farmer genetics.
meh, same difference tbh. At the end of the day, ANF is a massive massive genetic component shared between euros and menas
And aryan only really applies to Iranians, but even that is suspicious due to having J2 paternal ancestry. Even many northern curries have R1A Aryan paternal ancestry, so idk what to make of that.
Haplogroups are a meme and are a very miniscule part of genetics.

And from what i have read, iranians are like 20% aryan on average, whereas kurds, assyrians, and syrians are like 10-15%
Jfl, do Turks have curly hair like Arabs often?
no, not often, but still possible. Even south europeans can have curly hair. Why do you ask?
Some of the southern arabs look like southern curries. Although it seems the northern curries look lighter skin on average. Their skin lightness looks similar to the near east one, which is pretty suspect. Idek northern curries were that light. That’s why I said, they all belong on the same shitskin spectrum. NA are looking closer to southern european looking.
Yes, alot of southern arabs definitely have comparable skin tone to North Indians, there's no denying that, but you definitely need to get your eyes checked if you think those arabs resemble southern Indians tbh. That said, there are also some phenotypes among south arabs that are clearly far lighter than North Indians




That said, obviously SMV is not just skin color. So even if southern arabs have a similar skin tone to northern indians, arabs still have thin noses whereas alot of Indians have more negro looking noses. Arabs likewise are taller, more robust, and angular than north Indians.
It’s not negative, it’s good in this case.
True, but looks wise asian women do mog them.
Well, i will agree to disagree, since i dont find AW good looking. However, i will say this. The women of a given race beinf beautiful is not a positive if the men of that race, in this case rice cucks, dont even get to taste the pussy of their supposed mogger asian women. Especially even moreso when they are getting cucked by every other race of men fucking asian women instead
Even white women can’t compete against asian women.
Thats mostly because white women have become such insane, vapid, whorish, entitled, narcissists that white men are going for asian women due to them being more submissive for white cock.

although i dont really buy this claim to begin with
I will put sand males above asian men though, cause rice pill is brutal.
But it’s rare to see asian women and sand male pairing ever actually happen.
Like I said before, it's mostly due to religious barrier. Most sand men still want religious obedient wives who wear hijab even when the sand man himself isn't religious


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i didnt say they dont, obviously im sure some do, but the numbers are far far lower than what you see with white women.
Yeah, it’s less common but I still see it often.

No it absolutely did get backlash from egyptians in the west, both on social media and on national TV. Egyptians of both genders have always loathed Blacks.
Didn’t know that. It seems like the darker skinned sands like blacks even less, and don’t want to be confused with them in any way. Almost all of the sand women I’ve seen with black dudes were light skinned or even white looking.

This is absolute nonsense. You really wanna sit there and say an Algerian, afghan, kazakh, sir Lankan, Mexican, and Japanese are all the same just because they're muh ethnic? Low IQ take if I ever saw one.
They are defeated loser races, dead ends of the human evolutionary tree. It’s like different homonids that survived, such homo erectus, that should be seen as the dead ends that we are. Although Asians do have a higher iq than whites, but luck is also important. They say neanderthals were smarter than humans as well, but look where they are now.

Race realism applies to everyone and its why sands mog asians.
Sand males do, but women are a different story. I do remember a long time ago someone did include sand nigresses in the dating app data, and they were actually more wanted than mayo women. But I think noodles were still getting more attention, but sand whores were number 2. Do you remember seeing the data with this?

My anecdote is to show if my Iranian and trans-caspian looking cousins can get hit on by rice women, so would most other caucasion men, because, unlike me, my 2 cousins don't even look white. Sure they look caucasion, but they don't look white.
Wow, seems everyone in your family is a Chad except you. How do you cope? Btw, I’m in a similar situation.

Why are you putting words in my mouth? I in fact said thr exact opposite of this. I said because of Islam, most MENA men are not interested in getting with Asian women.
I feel like the disinterest is mostly the other way around. Males don’t have much of a racial preference to reject women.

They are. In Singapore a fuckton of Indian men are with asian women, and IMCF is the biggest interracial marriage between India and China
Didn’t know. I guess just be curry is law.

Absolutely not the case. Look at my tiktok megathread. I showed tons of black eyed black haired europeans woth asian women

Sure they want colored eyes, light hair, and fair skin, but that is only in terms of color. Bone shape is also a factor.
Black eye+black hair = ethnic tier. I know a certain nigger on this forum that literally has green eyes, white skin, and is 6 feet tall. Yet he is rotting on this forum.

And what is bone shape? Big eyes and thin noses, for one, are traits they desire. They desire it immensely. You constantly see asians getting surgeries for bigger eyes and thinner noses something MENAs naturally have.
Asians actually don’t have small eyes, the problem they have is with something called a monolid. Chads have pretty small eyes yet they are called hunter eyes, so there’s a difference there.

And of course, in terms of bone shape, MENAs also mog due to having better jaws, better shoulders, better muscle mass, and more angular robust features.
those are good for males, not females. Sands mog rice males, that’s already known.

How do you know that's how they think? Didn't you say one of the reasons they make anime about europeans is because they worship them? They do similar with MENA
I was wrong about anime looking European. Other than hair and eye colour, I saw a video break down about how the idea is bunk because we associate non-racialized features with caucasians in art but exaggerated features with asians. I’ll find the video if you want, but I actually changed my mind on this.

idk. But i would assume so since black women have the biggest butts so it makes sense that arab women would also have intermediate butt size not as big as black women, but still bigger than white women.
I mean, other than black admixture why would you think sands would be closer to blacks in other ways? Sands and whites are closer to each other than they are to blacks, so it doesn’t make much sense to just assume that. And I’ve seen white chicks with much bigger butts these days as well, but I’m 99% sure that’s from increased bmi as well.

True. Brutal as fuck for turkroaches. Why is it so high then? Not even in the west it is that bad? I wanna say this statistic is fake but that is probably cope. Where did this data come from?
I gave you a link. Idk if there is an original source or many different sources for this information, but this is pretty reliable based on what I’ve heard from Turkish dudes. It’s pretty brutal in the sand nigger nations that are less Islamic, they become extremely cucked.

Haplogroups are a meme and are a very miniscule part of genetics.
They do show ancestry from paternal and maternal sides, and is very useful to see in populations that we want to track specifically from some foundation population. If Iran has barely any R1A but lots of J2, it shows they have more native near eastern ancestry rather than any actual aryan ancestry.

And from what i have read, iranians are like 20% aryan on average, whereas kurds, assyrians, and syrians are like 10-15%
R1A? How did assyrians and syrians become aryan? Was it scythians or something?

no, not often, but still possible. Even south europeans can have curly hair. Why do you ask?
Usually that’s a semitic trait when it comes to Asia. I’m just curious, cause I’ve never seen any turk with curly hair either.

Yes, alot of southern arabs definitely have comparable skin tone to North Indians, there's no denying that, but you definitely need to get your eyes checked if you think those arabs resemble southern Indians tbh. That said, there are also some phenotypes among south arabs that are clearly far lighter than North Indians

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That said, obviously SMV is not just skin color. So even if southern arabs have a similar skin tone to northern indians, arabs still have thin noses whereas alot of Indians have more negro looking noses. Arabs likewise are taller, more robust, and angular than north Indians.
Based on the original post comprison you gave, the southern arabs seemed closer to souther indians than northern ones. But yes, north curries have some of the worst face fat distribution on Earth. Dravidians unironically gigamog them in this respect.

Well, i will agree to disagree, since i dont find AW good looking. However, i will say this. The women of a given race beinf beautiful is not a positive if the men of that race, in this case rice cucks, dont even get to taste the pussy of their supposed mogger asian women. Especially even moreso when they are getting cucked by every other race of men fucking asian women instead

Thats mostly because white women have become such insane, vapid, whorish, entitled, narcissists that white men are going for asian women due to them being more submissive for white cock.
If that was the case, we would only see whites going for noodles more. But the data pretty much shows that they are the most popular by all races males.

Like I said before, it's mostly due to religious barrier. Most sand men still want religious obedient wives who wear hijab even when the sand man himself isn't religious
True, but I think many sand males here are waking up to their women being whores as well in the west. If you go on tiktok or twitter, you will often see sands, curries, and black whores ganging up to shit on their own men while the men brag about replacing them with white women, latinas, noodles, etc. It’s pretty funny whenever you come across that stuff.
Yeah, it’s less common but I still see it often.
Ok, that's my point.Overwhelming majority of Sand women dont do that. FFS, you even have asian women who will fuck black men, or white women who will fuck indian men, you can find ANY combo of ANY 2 races mixing with each other.
Didn’t know that. It seems like the darker skinned sands like blacks even less, and don’t want to be confused with them in any way.
It's the curse and blessing of being dark skinned but not negro. The dark-skinned Sands understand they are lower on the totem pole as compared to light-skinned sands, so they are more protective of NOT being darkened any further. It's like how SEAs are so careful to not go out in the sun because they dont want to be made any darker, whereas someone like me or you would not give a fuck because even if we got a tan, we'd still be lighter than most SEAs.

It's actually a similar phenomena to what you see with somalis hating bantus, or italians hating arabs. Both Somalis/Italians hate Bantus/Arabs because they know their genes have been mixed with a lower race, so the somali seeks to protect his Natufian admixture very aggresively from being negro-fied, just as the Italian seeks to not arab-ify his White genes any further, since most italians are one good tan away from look like a sand
Almost all of the sand women I’ve seen with black dudes were light skinned or even white looking.
Wouldn't surprise me if those dumb thots do that because they think it will make them "more white". I have heard asian women also have started taking an interest in black men merely as a means of copying what white women are doing.
They are defeated loser races, dead ends of the human evolutionary tree.
Which races are you talking about? Because this definitley does not apply to all ethnics on an equal level. I would argue the only people that truly need to be put out of their misery are pygmies and most south indians and some parts of SEA. Maybe the short Bantus as well.
It’s like different homonids that survived, such homo erectus, that should be seen as the dead ends that we are. Although Asians do have a higher iq than whites, but luck is also important. They say neanderthals were smarter than humans as well, but look where they are now.
So, what point are you even making here? IQ definitley is not the be all end all of what determines a genetically desirable human
Sand males do, but women are a different story.
those are good for males, not females. Sands mog rice males, that’s already known.
Women not mogging is a GOOD thing. Why would I want the women of my race to be too beautiful, so they can be whores? Look at white women, many consider them the cream of the crop and now they are all whores. No, women being a little ugly, but not too ugly, is a good thing. It prevents them from having too big of an ego. And when you look at Asian women, they are often race traitors unlike MENA women precisely because many men find them small and cute
I do remember a long time ago someone did include sand nigresses in the dating app data, and they were actually more wanted than mayo women. But I think noodles were still getting more attention, but sand whores were number 2. Do you remember seeing the data with this?
No, never seen such a statistic. Most statistics just clump MENAs with Euros. That said, it wouldn't surprise me if MENA women ended up in number 2 after Asian women due to the whole idea of MENA women being more feminine and submissive, a stereotype that is often also applied to Asian women. White woman's SMV may still be the same as it ever was, but their MMV has definitley gotten way worse, which is exactly why you see White men marrying black/asian women, and why many White men often convert to Islam to get a MENA woman.

That said, I think Kim Kardashian being made into a sex symbol in America that all the blonde teenage white girls want to copy definitley helped raise the SMV of MENA women as a whole by a significant amount, because Kim Kardashian, while she is Armenian, she still has a lot of sand-ethnic features when you look at her skin color, lip shape, eyebrows, cheek bones, and hair color/texture

Compare Kim Kardashian Vs other MENA women. They


Wow, seems everyone in your family is a Chad except you. How do you cope? Btw, I’m in a similar situation.
More or less, yeah. All my brothers/male cousins in the same city as me are 5'10-6'2, and most of them are more neurotypical, athletic than me. Even my shortest cousin who is still 2 inches taller than me beardmogs, nosemogs, tanmogs, and jobmogs me. He is married but is the same age as me, and in fact, the only reason he didn't get married earlier was cause he needed his wife to hit legal age before he could bring her here.

Likewise, I have 3 cousins all who got married around 20-22. And while my 25 y/o brother hasn't gotten married yet, he jobmogs, white-passingmogs, iqmogs, and heightmogs me. He is 6'2. So I have no doubt he will get married easily.

I cope by posting here, listening to music, and deluding myself that it's not over for me yet.
I feel like the disinterest is mostly the other way around. Males don’t have much of a racial preference to reject women.
Perhaps. However, I have seen one too many iranian/pakistani men with asian women to say there isn't interest from Asian women for MENA men, if even curries are able to get with them, then MENAs would naturally be an upgrade, no? I think it's pretty clear the religious and cultural differences prevent MENA men/Asian women unions from happening more often. Plus, like I said, with most Asian women , they often can't fucking tell the difference between a light skinned MENA and a light skinned Euro.

Literally just google half iranian half japanese and youll find tons of tiktoks like these. Or even just random youtube videos/pics on google.

View: https://www.tiktok.com/@takashiifromjapan/video/7051563693221399809

View: https://www.tiktok.com/@gatoxchild/video/7183937617233284395

Even Arab father/Asian mother for these two. First one is korean/saudi, the second is arab/chinese.


Toooons more examples of these if you want me to spam them. the point is, with asian women, it's Just Be Caucasion. Sure, they prefer the cream of the crop Caucasion (blonde scandinavian), but they will settle for anything with caucasion traits. the other day I was watching a muslim livestream and a christian came on during the Q&A section. Dude was white but was bald, black eyed, and sand-looking, yet he had a Vietnamese wife.

I dont even know why you want to deny it so hard tbh. We all see how asians get SO but hurt when you pull your eyes back at them. It's so fucking clear their eye shape is one of the BIGGEST insecurities they have, so no fucking shit, they will thirst after any race that has that trait that they yearn for so badly. And that's not factoring in their other undesirable traits, like their flat faces, negro-looking noses, and weak jaws/bodies.
Didn’t know. I guess just be curry is law.
No, it's just be Caucasion is law for Asian women.
Black eye+black hair = ethnic tier.
Yet white men with those traits still ascend with asian women on a regular basis. all you're doing is proving my point tbh
I know a certain nigger on this forum that literally has green eyes, white skin, and is 6 feet tall. Yet he is rotting on this forum.
Okay, so?
Asians actually don’t have small eyes, the problem they have is with something called a monolid. Chads have pretty small eyes yet they are called hunter eyes, so there’s a difference there.
Meh, this is just semantics. Everyone knows what we wmean when we say asians have small eyes.

I was wrong about anime looking European. Other than hair and eye colour, I saw a video break down about how the idea is bunk because we associate non-racialized features with caucasians in art but exaggerated features with asians. I’ll find the video if you want, but I actually changed my mind on this.
Meh, that sounds like cope. The mere fact that anime characters have colored eyes, colored hair, big eyes, and pointy noses is more than enough to say anime characters look white.
I mean, other than black admixture why would you think sands would be closer to blacks in other ways? Sands and whites are closer to each other than they are to blacks, so it doesn’t make much sense to just assume that.
Yeah, I guess you're right. whatever, idc to argue this anymore. If snad women have big butts, they have big butts. If they dont, then they dont. I am just saying what I saw based on that map of hip-size of races. It clearly shows blacks, then arabs, then meds have the biggest butts, while asian and white women have smaller butts
And I’ve seen white chicks with much bigger butts these days as well, but I’m 99% sure that’s from increased bmi as well.
women of any race can have big butts, but we are obviously talking averages here.
I gave you a link. Idk if there is an original source or many different sources for this information, but this is pretty reliable based on what I’ve heard from Turkish dudes. It’s pretty brutal in the sand nigger nations that are less Islamic, they become extremely cucked.
over. thank fuck I dont live there, and my dad really had the genius idea of trying to make us go live there JFL
They do show ancestry from paternal and maternal sides, and is very useful to see in populations that we want to track specifically from some foundation population. If Iran has barely any R1A but lots of J2, it shows they have more native near eastern ancestry rather than any actual aryan ancestry.
It shows that their paternal line consisted of Near-Eastern males, not that they lack actual Aryan ancestory. Alot of Meds have J haplogrpuo too precisely because they carry more ANF dna, and thus have a paternal line leading back to that
R1A? How did assyrians and syrians become aryan? Was it scythians or something?
More or less, yeah. Maybe from the Hittites
Usually that’s a semitic trait when it comes to Asia. I’m just curious, cause I’ve never seen any turk with curly hair either.
I have curly hair, as does my brother, but then again, I am 17% Peninsular Arab. Though rest of my brothers/cousins have straight hair
Based on the original post comprison you gave, the southern arabs seemed closer to souther indians than northern ones. But yes, north curries have some of the worst face fat distribution on Earth. Dravidians unironically gigamog them in this respect.
If that was the case, we would only see whites going for noodles more. But the data pretty much shows that they are the most popular by all races males.
Maybe, but I just can't accept the fact that the woman on the left is better than the woman on the right.


Plus, you have this: a music video made by a hapa singer unironically whining about how she will never be as beautiful as a white woman, and all the comments are full of asian women seething with how relatable they find the song.




Also, there were tons of black and indian women also relating to the song and saying similar things in the comments, so yeah

I should also mention, you forgot to factor in these asian women being thirsted after doesn't mean they're getting married, probably just pumped and dumped is also a possibility
True, but I think many sand males here are waking up to their women being whores as well in the west. If you go on tiktok or twitter, you will often see sands, curries, and black whores ganging up to shit on their own men while the men brag about replacing them with white women, latinas, noodles, etc. It’s pretty funny whenever you come across that stuff.
Well, I will admit my life is pretty isolated from the greater muslim community, since I mostly just go to the mosque without interacting with muslim youth outside of that. and my family is significantly more religious than most muslims, as, like I said before, both my male and female cousins almost all got married by the time they were 19-22, and my sister even got married recently despite being 18 only. So I dont doubt there is a good possibility I am out of the loop


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white washing deathnic cope. syrian people are still ugly shitskins
Shhh, he doesn't Syrians are being kicked out from Nordic countries and are seen as the same as any other deathnic
Shhh, he doesn't Syrians are being kicked out from Nordic countries and are seen as the same as any other deathnic
he's one of the most pathetic users in this whole forum. just because he's not a brown nigger, he really thinks that he's a white guy.
even tho i do have green eyes and i am not brown, i don't say that low tier bullshit this deathnic is saying, it actually funny seeing him suffering internally due to his race inferiority complex that he needed to larp about white toilets complementing him when he was "young" to feel a little better about himself
well it's pointless to talk with this guy since he will change his opinion every 20 seconds.
just imagine talking with a guy who uses this logic:
>all deathnic men should be killed
so why did you say i have a cuckold fetish back then when i said that jbw is legit and that white men are cucking ethnics
>well i forgot to say my people are still worthy enough to survive and reproduce even tho syrians refugees are seen as animals in germany
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Mixed race people disproportionately consume anti-psychotic drugs.

That alone is enough to be against race mixing
he's one of the most pathetic users in this whole forum. just because he's not a brown nigger, he really thinks that he's a white guy.
even tho i do have green eyes and i am not brown, i don't say that low tier bullshit this deathnic is saying, it actually funny seeing him suffering internally due to his race inferiority complex that he needed to larp about white toilets complementing him when he was "young" to feel a little better about himself
well it's pointless to talk with this guy since he will change his opinion every 20 seconds.
just imagine talking with a guy who uses this logic:
>all deathnic men should be killed
so why did you say i have a cuckold fetish back then when i said that jbw is legit and that white men are cucking ethnics
>well i forgot to say my people are still worthy enough to survive and reproduce even tho syrians refugees are seen as animals in germany
well to the ignore list this coping deathnic goes
It's funny seeing him act like sands are held to a higher standard because of how *close* they are to whiteness, he always copes with Iranians and Syrians as if they look any different from the average med in the European pov (or any pov to be honest), I can genuinely tell that he's just coping and he doesn't really believe this
Shhh, he doesn't Syrians are being kicked out from Nordic countries and are seen as the same as any other deathnic
What does that have to do with syrians being whiter than other ethnics? And no, this is a stormfrontcel cope, syrians aren't being kicked out in any meaningful capacity from nordic countries, especially not in sweden

he's one of the most pathetic users in this whole forum.
Says the guy who made an entire thread cuckposting
just because he's not a brown nigger, he really thinks that he's a white guy.
Well, white refers to a white caucasion, which is what I am.
even tho i do have green eyes and i am not brown, i don't say that low tier bullshit this deathnic is saying
That would make you white as well.
it actually funny seeing him suffering internally due to his race inferiority complex
There's no such thing as a race inferiority complex. you either are inferior or you are not. That is just objective fact, and for the most part Europeans are indeed superior to MENAs

And you yourself already admitted to me that you also consider blonde europeans to be the peak of humanity so why the uck are you teying to larp as if you dont view them as superior as well?
that he needed to larp about white toilets complementing him when he was "young" to feel a little better about himself
No larp. It actually happened, though it's funny how you feel the need to mention that as if it matters
well it's pointless to talk with this guy since he will change his opinion every 20 seconds.
I dont change my opinion on an inconsistent basis, stop making shit up
>all deathnic men should be killed
I didn't say that. You need to stop blaming your lack of reading comprehension on what I actually saying
so why did you say i have a cuckold fetish back then when i said that jbw is legit and that white men are cucking ethnics
JBW is legit, everyone fucking knows that, but you are indeed cuckposting when you spam videos and pics of Euro men with MENA women as if you also dont have tons of MENA men with Euro women
>well i forgot to say my people are still worthy enough to survive and reproduce
Yep. that's true. Not all ethnics are equal, again, I dont know why your brain can't comprehend that fact
even tho syrians refugees are seen as animals in germany
Source: trust me bro.

Meanwhile, in reality....

It's funny seeing him act like sands are held to a higher standard because of how *close* they are to whiteness
We are.
he always copes with Iranians and Syrians as if they look any different from the average med in the European pov (or any pov to be honest)
Ok. Aren't Med Europeans considered white all across the western world? yes they are. So you are just affirming what I am saying when you say Syrians/Iranians resemble Med Euros.
I can genuinely tell that he's just coping
We all cope one way or another. And coping doesn't correlate with something not being true. Zero relation
he doesn't really believe this
Believe what? that white-passing MENAs have a social/sexual advantage by resembling white people? Because you are genuinley delusional if you think that is NOT the case. There's a whole reason why the concept of "white passing privilege" is a thing people talk about. Because, shocking, I know, it benefits to resemble white people when you live in a white country

Here's a mix of Med Euros and MENAs. Have fun telling them apart.

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interracial relationships have happened since the beginning of time
That’s not really a good argument for why they should continue. Look at the most racially mixed ethnic groups today, they’re all subhuman
Ethnics need white genes to fix their flaws. Ergo, race mixing needs to happen
There aren’t nearly enough whites in the world to bleach every ethnic. Gene editing would be a better way to fix ethnics
Have they? I thought the yellow peril shit made them hate asians. I still don't understand white men liking asian women anyways they're genuinely to me unless you are talking about turkics. I think most white men go for Asian women only because asian women make it easy for white men. I don't think white men are genuinely attracted to asian women like you say

And sure, maybe some asian women look good. Like Japanese or Chinese, but Thai? Come on. That is low tier rice race
Asian women were seen as exotic by Europeans for centuries
There aren’t nearly enough whites in the world to bleach every ethnic. Gene editing would be a better way to fix ethnics
That's why white whores need sharia so they can start birthing 6 white babies per woman. And it can still work gradually if you leave white countries alone.

Plus, even among ethnics, there is a hierarchy
Asian women were seen as exotic by Europeans for centuries
So were arab, indian and black women. That doesn't really correlate with wanting to marry them
That's why white whores need sharia so they can start birthing 6 white babies per woman. And it can still work gradually if you leave white countries alone.

Plus, even among ethnics, there is a hierarchy
So were arab, indian and black women. That doesn't really correlate with wanting to marry them
I suppose I should’ve been more specific, Asian women have been perceived as very submissive by Westerners for a long time.

I would assume this is in part cause Asian cultures in general (save for turkic and mongolian culture) have historically been less masculine compared to white ones. The other reason is that they appear more neotenous and it’s just a case of judging by looks

What was this supposed to prove exactly? That black men thirst uncontrollably for anything that isn't black? We already knew this.

>muh comments

What about them? They're mostly just nigger males gassing each other up and the arabs are virtuw signaling no different than how whites do when they say they'd allow their daughters to marry a nigger

Screenshot 20230611 213421 TikTok

Enslaved in libya


detained in saudi

Abused in egypt


Expelled from tunisia



I suppose I should’ve been more specific, Asian women have been perceived as very submissive by Westerners for a long time.

I would assume this is in part cause Asian cultures in general (save for turkic and mongolian culture) have historically been less masculine compared to white ones. The other reason is that they appear more neotenous and it’s just a case of judging by looks
Yeah I guess so.
What was this supposed to prove exactly? That black men thirst uncontrollably for anything that isn't black? We already knew this.

>muh comments

What about them? They're mostly just nigger males gassing each other up and the arabs are virtuw signaling no different than how whites do when they say they'd allow their daughters to marry a nigger

View attachment 774219

Enslaved in libya

View attachment 774215

detained in saudi
View attachment 774216

Abused in egypt

View attachment 774217

Expelled from tunisia

View attachment 774218

Yeah I guess so.
Sorry bro but this proves JBB and Jewish influence has gone into arab foids minds.
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BFF54473 8C95 4830 A5F1 933706BF62BF


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What does that have to do with syrians being whiter than other ethnics? And no, this is a stormfrontcel cope, syrians aren't being kicked out in any meaningful capacity from nordic countries, especially not in sweden
I'm not talking about Sweden nigger, and you literally just admitted that they are being kicked out jfl, I'm from a nordic country and they are no different from other deathnics as far as we are concerned, put that on your head already
You guys are NOT, nigger, for christ's sake, everyone can see that you're a sandnigger, keep coping
Ok. Aren't Med Europeans considered white all across the western world? yes they are. So you are just affirming what I am saying when you say Syrians/Iranians resemble Med Euros.
Syrians/Iranians look like kiked Meds, I'll give that to you, but the average person from those lands doesn't look a lot like them unless you start nitpicking
We all cope one way or another. And coping doesn't correlate with something not being true. Zero relation
It correlates, and the shit that you say is not true, sandniggers and not viewed nicely, even before you started exploding yourselves
Believe what? that white-passing MENAs have a social/sexual advantage by resembling white people?
I never said that, you made that statement in your head
Because you are genuinley delusional if you think that is NOT the case. There's a whole reason why the concept of "white passing privilege" is a thing people talk about. Because, shocking, I know, it benefits to resemble white people when you live in a white country
Again you're making statements I didn't make, I'm telling you, the AVERAGE sandnigger in Iran or Syria doesn't look European, they look like kiked meds at best, and they're not held by a higher standard anywhere because they are rapefuges
You're still a deathnic inferior race, keep coping
I'm not talking about Sweden nigger
You said nordic countries. Is sweden not nordic?
and you literally just admitted that they are being kicked out jfl
they are all not being kicked out, which means it isnt because if their race per say
I'm from a nordic country and they are no different from other deathnics as far as we are concerned, put that on your head already
Who is we, dumbass?
You guys are NOT, nigger, for christ's sake
yes we are. That's why menas were classified as whites by the French or Germans in the past or even now.
everyone can see that you're a sandnigger, keep coping
Ok. How does that change what I said?
Syrians/Iranians look like kiked Meds, I'll give that to you
but the average person from those lands doesn't look a lot like them unless you start nitpicking
the average definitely does look like a med. There is oretty heavy overlap among people across the mediterranean and stretching into iran.







Here is a pic of syrian classrooms

It correlates
and the shit that you say is not true
That alot of menas can lass as white? Thats not true? Lmao
sandniggers and not viewed nicely, even before you started exploding yourselves
What does this have to do with anything that was being discussed? Why do you feel the pathological need to divert to unrelated tangents?
I never said that, you made that statement in your head
Again you're making statements I didn't make,
Then learn to speak clearly
I'm telling you, the AVERAGE sandnigger in Iran or Syria doesn't look European
where did i ever say that was the case? I simply said alot of them can pass as Med Euros
they look like kiked meds at best
and they're not held by a higher standard anywhere because they are rapefuges
of course they are held tk a higher standard
You're still a deathnic inferior race, keep coping
Anatolians are among the top races JFL
You said nordic countries. Is sweden not nordic?
Are other countries not Nordic? I meant to say that I didn't mean Sweden specifically
they are all not being kicked out, which means it isnt because if their race per say
Nigger, they're not all being kicked because, you know a functional good country, can't do that out of nowhere and violate international agreements, and it is because of their race
Who is we, dumbass?
Other nordics nigger, I'm danish
yes we are. That's why menas were classified as whites by the French or Germans in the past or even now.
Even zoomalis were classified like that, there are several reasons for that happening, and none of them have to do with sandniggers being white, the Irish some of the whitest among whites weren't considered white, does that mean they aren't white?
Ok. How does that change what I said?
It means that you don't pass as white, if anyone can see that you're something else then you're not white, how don't you get it?
the average definitely does look like a med. There is oretty heavy overlap among people across the mediterranean and stretching into iran.

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Here is a pic of syrian classrooms
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Here's picks of random Syrian children very white


You don't see things cleary and nitpick anything that might prove your delusions
That alot of menas can lass as white? Thats not true? Lmao
I never said SOME of you don't look kind of white, I said the AVERAGE doesn't, you're gonna tell me that I'm lying? All of are a different ethnicity and that's clear to everyone except you apparently
What does this have to do with anything that was being discussed? Why do you feel the pathological need to divert to unrelated tangents?
Nigger, you said that you're held to a higher standard in comparison to other deathnics because of your alleged whiteness, I said that you're not and never were, how can you possibly not get it?
where did i ever say that was the case? I simply said alot of them can pass as Med Euros
And I said the average doesn't, and you know that's correct

of course they are held tk a higher standard
They are NOT, stop coping
Anatolians are among the top races JFL
Top races among shitskins means nothing
Are other countries not Nordic? I meant to say that I didn't mean Sweden specifically
Nigger, they're not all being kicked because, you know a functional good country, can't do that out of nowhere and violate international agreements, and it is because of their race
No, otherwise there wouldn't be asians and blacks in nordic countries too. This is because these syrians are classified as asylum seekers and don't have actual citizenship
Other nordics nigger, I'm danish
OK. Still not true. May nordics welcome non-nordics into the northern countries are racemix with them alot
Even zoomalis were classified like that
Somalis were classified as partially caucasion, not fully. There was always an acknowledgment that somalis were partially negro.

this is not the same as with MENAs.
there are several reasons for that happening,
such as?
and none of them have to do with sandniggers being white
So then why did so many europeans classify MENAs as white? Even know they do this.
the Irish some of the whitest among whites weren't considered white, does that mean they aren't white?
that just shows whitness label has poltiical kotives behind it from time to time
It means that you don't pass as white, if anyone can see that you're something else then you're not white, how don't you get it?
that doesn't apply to me though
Ok . I never said all syrians look white but many many do
You don't see things cleary and nitpick anything that might prove your delusions
what delusions?
I never said SOME of you don't look kind of white, I said the AVERAGE doesn't, you're gonna tell me that I'm lying? All of are a different ethnicity and that's clear to everyone except you apparently
okay. Now show me where I said the average MENA can pass as white? JfL at putting words in my mouth.

Also btw, passing as white does not constitute looking better in the case if MENAs, since there are several MENA phenotypes that clearly mog Euro phenotypes

Like the berberid phenotype mogging the litorid phenotype



Nigger, you said that you're held to a higherstandard in comparison to other deathnics because of your alleged whiteness, I said that you're not and never were, how can you possibly not get it?
Because you don't even explain what you mean by higher standard
And I said the average doesn't, and you know that's correct
Ok I agree
They are NOT, stop coping
How am I coping?
Top races among shitskins means nothing
Anatolians mog plenty of European ethnicities
No, otherwise there wouldn't be asians and blacks in nordic countries too. This is because these syrians are classified as asylum seekers and don't have actual citizenship
You're clearly don't understand anything about these policies, so I'll just ignore this
OK. Still not true. May nordics welcome non-nordics into the northern countries are racemix with them alot
When did I say otherwise nigger, and it's not many is some, I meant nordics don't see sandniggers, even med looking sandniggers as white, why are you putting words in my mouth?
Somalis were classified as partially caucasion, not fully. There was always an acknowledgment that somalis were partially negro.
this is not the same as with MENAs.
that doesn't apply to me though
Taking your posts into account, I'm sure it does
Ok . I never said all syrians look white but many many do
I never said some don't look white, your first post was you literally separating Syrians from other shitskins, I said they look the same per average, and why are you still arguing this?
what delusions?
That sandniggers aren't shitskins and are anywhere near whites
okay. Now show me where I said the average MENA can pass as white? JfL at putting words in my mouth.
Then why are you arguing me saying that they don't pass as white per average???
Also btw, passing as white does not constitute looking better in the case if MENAs, since there are several MENA phenotypes that clearly mog Euro phenotypes
Keep coping jfl
Like the berberid phenotype mogging the litorid phenotype

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You have to be under insane levels of copium to believe that's true jfl
Because you don't even explain what you mean by higher standard
I meant, whites favoring sandniggers compared to other races, unless they're completely white passing (which doesn't happen by a very big average, and even if, that's still debatable) they don't
How am I coping?
You're a subhuman shitskin in an incel forum and you constantly talk about how superior you are to other shitskins
Anatolians mog plenty of European ethnicities
They do not, you're coping dude
Mixing only works when one group is overwhelmingly dominant and the other group is 5% or less of the population, then they can just be assimilated away. Otherwise, it just destroys cohesion of both groups. I'm very concerned that intermarriage could become popular in South Africa, it would destroy the local White population if it did. Dr. Verwoerd was right to ban interracial sex and marriage.
I love Dr. Verwoerd. I love Apartheid.
I love Dr. Verwoerd. I love Apartheid.
I love Dr. Verwoerd. I love Apartheid.
As a non sex haver i dont care much for either.
ethnics aren't marrying white women anyway so opposing interacial marriage will only make deathnic whores seethe
:yes: Still they would use them as cumbuckets.
You're clearly don't understand anything about these policies, so I'll just ignore this
No, that's you. You are painting it as if it's muh based racist tradcuck scandinavian countries wanting to expel le ebil shitskin sand niggers, when the fact is this is largely due to many of the syrians there not being citizens. Again, niggers and jungle gooks are welcomed with open arms into the tranny gay utopia of scandinavia, swedish men are mass-marrying Thai women FFS and gookifying their genepool. you're fucking delusional beyond cosmic proportions trying to act like your literal gay-ass loving country is doing that for racial preservation reasons. And I know this because I myself have relatives, at least a good 25, who are citizens in Denmark and they are under ZERO "threat of deportation".

When did I say otherwise nigger, and it's not many is some
No, all the nordic countries welcome non-Europeans into the country, and there is rampant racemixing especially with the MENA and African people coming into the country. Niggers are fucking Nordic women while Nordcels are fucking trees



I meant nordics don't see sandniggers, even med looking sandniggers as white
Yes, I dont deny that. Nords are the whitest of the white, no shit their standards for who is white is gonna be far more restrictive than what a British, French, Irish, Spanish, Italian, Greek, or Bulgarian would consider white.

Taking your posts into account, I'm sure it does
I have pontic features, which as you can see is very common in Eastern Europe



I never said some don't look white
your first post was you literally separating Syrians from other shitskins, I said they look the same per average, and why are you still arguing this?
Syrians absolutley do look different on average as compared to other MENAs.


That sandniggers aren't shitskins
Most are, but a decent amount are white/peach/pink/tan in skin complextion.
and are anywhere near whites
MENAs are indeed the nearest to Euros. That is a genetic and phenotypical fact.


Then why are you arguing me saying that they don't pass as white per average???
I was never saying ther average MENA passes as white, JFL. I said that many MENAs have light skin and/or can pass as Med Euro.

Keep coping jfl

You have to be under insane levels of copium to believe that's true jfl
Imagine being so blinded by your gay nordic rage you have to resort to blatant self-delusion. Anyone with eyes can see the Berber phenotype (almost exclusively North Afican) and the Euroafricanid phenotype (a mix of North African and South Euro) BOTH mog the fuck out of the soft-faced, soy-looking Litorid phenotype (almost exclusively South Euro).


There's a good reason why so many French women historically and currently have been getting fucked by North African men, even back during colonial times, they couldn't help themselves, let alon in modern times where the sheer speed at which North African men from Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia are impregnating the local French women is insane.

I meant, whites favoring sandniggers compared to other races, unless they're completely white passing (which doesn't happen by a very big average, and even if, that's still debatable) they don't
This is definitley not the case in places like Canada, America, Brazil, Argentina, or Australia. Most white-passing MENAs here suffer no sort of prejudice for not being European. If anything, it's our religion and refusal to accept the gay-boy love that you scandinavians are so obsessed with that lead to anything negative. Germans are now even resorting to kidnapping and stealing MENA muslim children because they dont want their Muslim parents telling them not to accepy faggots. Why is your kind like this?

I myself moved to Yellow Knife when I was a kid for like 3 years, and if you know anything about northern Canada, you'd know it's far far whiter than places like Vancouver or Ottawa. Needless to say, I not only never felt out of place there, none of the British/French Canadians viewed me as being "not white", which I noticed was not the case for the few Asians that also happened to be there.

So yeah, Euros definitley favor MENAs when compared to Blacks, Asians, Indians by a significant margin. The fact that religion is often the discriminating factor and not race is a good indication of that. Though I would argue Latinos are the only ones who are above MENAs in that regard, but then again, alot of Latinos have MENA dna anyways.

And let's be fucking for real, most Euros don't favor MENAs mostly due to either their love of gay buttsex, m-muh whamen opression for not being allowed to have abortions, or the zionist propoganda they get fed 24/7. Like this neanderthal-looking danish monkey-man who burned the Quran, only for it to be exposed the gaylord was grooming 13 year old boys on discord.

This is the face of anti-MENA/anti-Islam in Denmark. An apeish, boy lover. KEK! Is that you?


And I have seen many European Canadians embrace Islam over the years, so clearly they are welcoming to MENAs gradually. Ramadan was about 2 months ago I think, and during those 4 weeks alone, whenever I went to the Taraweeh night prayer, I saw MANY blonde people who were very obviously European converts attending the prayers, let alone the ones I didn't notice or pick up on. There was also like 14 different people who converted to Islam in front of the congregation, about 8 of which were European, with the others being Black.

Speaking of which, I have an uncle married to a north italian woman because he moved to live there. He has lived there since he was 19, even before the American invasion of Iraq happened, so he speaks very fluent with no accent, and yes, he tells me how no one can really tell he is Iraqi. It's a shame he married a christian though, since his 2 daughters are now very liberal and dont wear hijab.

While this isn't a pic of my cousin (duh), she does look very similar to this.


I also have an uncle in Australia who married a blue-eyed Iraqi Arab, and they have 3 kids. All of them were born with various shades of blonde hair (this is a pic of one of them when she was 3). Although now that they are older, only one of them has dark bhair anymore.


You're a subhuman shitskin in an incel forum and you constantly talk about how superior you are to other shitskins
ok. because not all incels are equal. duh.
They do not, you're coping dude
Must be why your ancestors were cucked into oblivion by Anatolian Neolithic Farmers.

Also, I dont think I need to mention this, but Ottomans ruled 1/3 of Europe, that alone shows that Anatolians mog at least Balkan Europeans if anything. Even now, Turkey is a better country than most of those slavic dumps, with tons of Russian and Ukranian women marrying Turkish men



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No, that's you. You are painting it as if it's muh based racist tradcuck scandinavian countries wanting to expel le ebil shitskin sand niggers, when the fact is this is largely due to many of the syrians there not being citizens. Again, niggers and jungle gooks are welcomed with open arms into the tranny gay utopia of scandinavia, swedish men are mass-marrying Thai women FFS and gookifying their genepool. you're fucking delusional beyond cosmic proportions trying to act like your literal gay-ass loving country is doing that for racial preservation reasons. And I know this because I myself have relatives, at least a good 25, who are citizens in Denmark and they are under ZERO "threat of deportation".

No, all the nordic countries welcome non-Europeans into the country, and there is rampant racemixing especially with the MENA and African people coming into the country. Niggers are fucking Nordic women while Nordcels are fucking trees

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View attachment 775180

Yes, I dont deny that. Nords are the whitest of the white, no shit their standards for who is white is gonna be far more restrictive than what a British, French, Irish, Spanish, Italian, Greek, or Bulgarian would consider white.

I have pontic features, which as you can see is very common in Eastern Europe

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Syrians absolutley do look different on average as compared to other MENAs.

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Most are, but a decent amount are white/peach/pink/tan in skin complextion.

MENAs are indeed the nearest to Euros. That is a genetic and phenotypical fact.

View attachment 775133

I was never saying ther average MENA passes as white, JFL. I said that many MENAs have light skin and/or can pass as Med Euro.

Imagine being so blinded by your gay nordic rage you have to resort to blatant self-delusion. Anyone with eyes can see the Berber phenotype (almost exclusively North Afican) and the Euroafricanid phenotype (a mix of North African and South Euro) BOTH mog the fuck out of the soft-faced, soy-looking Litorid phenotype (almost exclusively South Euro).

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There's a good reason why so many French women historically and currently have been getting fucked by North African men, even back during colonial times, they couldn't help themselves, let alon in modern times where the sheer speed at which North African men from Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia are impregnating the local French women is insane.

This is definitley not the case in places like Canada, America, Brazil, Argentina, or Australia. Most white-passing MENAs here suffer no sort of prejudice for not being European. If anything, it's our religion and refusal to accept the gay-boy love that you scandinavians are so obsessed with that lead to anything negative. Germans are now even resorting to kidnapping and stealing MENA muslim children because they dont want their Muslim parents telling them not to accepy faggots. Why is your kind like this?

I myself moved to Yellow Knife when I was a kid for like 3 years, and if you know anything about northern Canada, you'd know it's far far whiter than places like Vancouver or Ottawa. Needless to say, I not only never felt out of place there, none of the British/French Canadians viewed me as being "not white", which I noticed was not the case for the few Asians that also happened to be there.

So yeah, Euros definitley favor MENAs when compared to Blacks, Asians, Indians by a significant margin. The fact that religion is often the discriminating factor and not race is a good indication of that. Though I would argue Latinos are the only ones who are above MENAs in that regard, but then again, alot of Latinos have MENA dna anyways.

And let's be fucking for real, most Euros don't favor MENAs mostly due to either their love of gay buttsex, m-muh whamen opression for not being allowed to have abortions, or the zionist propoganda they get fed 24/7. Like this neanderthal-looking danish monkey-man who burned the Quran, only for it to be exposed the gaylord was grooming 13 year old boys on discord.

This is the face of anti-MENA/anti-Islam in Denmark. An apeish, boy lover. KEK! Is that you?


And I have seen many European Canadians embrace Islam over the years, so clearly they are welcoming to MENAs gradually. Ramadan was about 2 months ago I think, and during those 4 weeks alone, whenever I went to the Taraweeh night prayer, I saw MANY blonde people who were very obviously European converts attending the prayers, let alone the ones I didn't notice or pick up on. There was also like 14 different people who converted to Islam in front of the congregation, about 8 of which were European, with the others being Black.

Speaking of which, I have an uncle married to a north italian woman because he moved to live there. He has lived there since he was 19, even before the American invasion of Iraq happened, so he speaks very fluent with no accent, and yes, he tells me how no one can really tell he is Iraqi. It's a shame he married a christian though, since his 2 daughters are now very liberal and dont wear hijab.

While this isn't a pic of my cousin (duh), she does look very similar to this.

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I also have an uncle in Australia who married a blue-eyed Iraqi Arab, and they have 3 kids. All of them were born with various shades of blonde hair (this is a pic of one of them when she was 3). Although now that they are older, only one of them has dark bhair anymore.

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ok. because not all incels are equal. duh.

Must be why your ancestors were cucked into oblivion by Anatolian Neolithic Farmers.

Also, I dont think I need to mention this, but Ottomans ruled 1/3 of Europe, that alone shows that Anatolians mog at least Balkan Europeans if anything. Even now, Turkey is a better country than most of those slavic dumps, with tons of Russian and Ukranian women marrying Turkish men

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Dnr, keep coping nigger, I don't give a fuck
The only reason I am pro-race mixing is because I want to touch a gook toilet.

but im a nigger so it's over
Yes there are women of all races that want to fuck niggers, I didn't say there aren't. But most of this is typical virtue signaling no different than what you see with european women
Turk cope.
Dnr, keep coping nigger, I don't give a fuck
You did read but realized how badly you got BTFO so now you want to pretend like you don't care
Turk cope.
Females virtue signal all the time regardless of race. Might as well believe a noodle whore when she says she finds short asian men attractive of you're gonna play this stupid
@Made in Heaven we can see in stats and common sense this isn’t the case for Asian females. Also btw they would never even virtue signal but if you think they’re virtue signaling you’re coping so hard. You deny the how susceptible women are to propaganda where black + any race relationship are pushed by Jews and how uncommon it is for blacks to be incel.

Also if you dare use the excuse about Blackcels on this forum we can clearly see they make up the majority of the fakecels on here. Most Blackcels are volcels unwilling to settle with their own women and you know this is true.
@Made in Heaven we can see in stats and common sense this isn’t the case for Asian females.
It doesn't change that they still virtue signal

And were are your stats and "common sense" that these turkish women want black men? Is porn your "common sense" JFL
Also btw they would never even virtue signal
They do it all the time wtf are you talking about
but if you think they’re virtue signaling you’re coping so hard.
They are. ALL women from ALL races virtue signal. It's part of female nature, it's not something exclusive to white women
You deny the how susceptible women are to propaganda
I dont.
where black + any race relationship are pushed by Jews
ok. what does this have to do with most MENA women not getting with Nigs?
how uncommon it is for blacks to be incel.
LMFAO nigger muslim guys are always crying about how no one wants to marry them. Maybe AAs are different, but among black muslims, I always see nigcels whining that no arab, egyptian, iranian etc woman wants to marry him, and of course the nigger cries "muh heckin racism, bilal wuz black" cope.
Also if you dare use the excuse about Blackcels on this forum we can clearly see they make up the majority of the fakecels on here. Most Blackcels are volcels unwilling to settle with their own women and you know this is true.
JFL I see so many subhuman niggers on a daily basis, who are short, with fucked up skills, baggy eyes, giant noses, and monkey faces.
It doesn't change that they still virtue signal

And were are your stats and "common sense" that these turkish women want black men? Is porn your "common sense" JFL
Mutt’s law. Also I’m not talking about something hyper specific like Turks
They do it all the time wtf are you talking about
Yes but regardless there’s sometimes where there’s truth to what they say. Virtue signaling
They are. ALL women from ALL races virtue signal. It's part of female nature, it's not something exclusive to white women

I dont.

ok. what does this have to do with most MENA women not getting with Nigs?
MENA women get with nigs more than the reverse way. Also I agree it’s not super common but it’s still happens and it’s most likely one of the higher interracial relationships than the others.
LMFAO nigger muslim guys are always crying about how no one wants to marry them. Maybe AAs are different, but among black muslims, I always see nigcels whining that no arab, egyptian, iranian etc woman wants to marry him, and of course the nigger cries "muh heckin racism, bilal wuz black" cope.

JFL I see so many subhuman niggers on a daily basis, who are short, with fucked up skills, baggy eyes, giant noses, and monkey faces.
Ok and if we’re bringing outliers I could say the same about never seeing a Blackcel no matter how short or ugly they were. I didn’t go to school or hang around placers inner city like I’m talking about suburban ones too. Also I never see Nigcels whining sand niggers don’t want them that literally never happens they’re usually whining about european Stacy.

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